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1. 潜规则:Unspoken rules;Back-door deals(有猫腻);Pull the strings from behind the scenes(幕后操控)

2. 路痴:No sense of direction;(Know )every nook and cranny (of a place)

3. 人脉:Connection;Well-connected;Networking skills

4. 分手:Break up;Cheat on someone(劈腿);Cut their ties (一刀两断)

5. 月光族:Live from paycheck to paycheck;Break the bank;Max out my credit card (刷爆信用卡)

6. Politics and Law Committee:政法委

7. Infighting:内讧

8. detained and interrogated:拘留调查

9. a man of the party: 开心果

10. 僵尸粉:zombie fans;

11. 推手:fake followers

12. 水军;网络推手:network pushing hands

13. 公务员:stable job seekers

14. 橡皮人;得过且过:plasticine men

15. 工作狂:office dwellers

16. 向日葵族,乐观的人:sunflower clan

17. 榴莲族,难以相处的人:durian clan

18. 草莓族,80 90后独生子:strawberry generation

19. 政府年终采购,采购:year-end-crash expenditure

20. 未长大的孩子:mama’s boy

21. 实名制:real name registration system

22. Consumer durable goods:耐用消费品

23. 国际消费者权益日:International Day for Protecting Consumers' Rights;World Consumer Rights Day

24. 直觉:intuition;Instinct ;Hunch ;gut feeling

25. 软柿子:push-over;cowardly lion

26. 连环撞: Pileup

27. 看热闹的人:Rubberneck;on looker

28. 八卦: Gossip; tabloid(小报)

29. 狗子队: paparazzi

30. Wiretap

31. Intercept

32. Eavesdrop

33. bug

34. Intrigue

35. Machination

36. 啃老:NEETS

37. Boomerang genneration

38. 坑嗲:Reverse of one’s expectation

39. 雷人:In shock

40. 宅男、御宅族(日文:おたく、音otaku):homebody,geek

41. 娃娃亲:Baby dating

42. 神马都是浮云:It’s all fleeting cloud

43. 吐槽:Disclose secretes

44. 拼爹:Daddy-is-the-key,Family privilege competition 45. 卖萌:Act cute

46. 打酱油:just pass by;just a window shopper ;don’t-bother-me response to

47. electronic passport e-passport、biometric passport, 或digital passport

48. naked resignation 裸辞

49. boutique hotel

50. child safety lock

51. Huangyan Island impasse

52. 脱贫致富:shake off poverty and become;prosperous /better off

53.一国两制:one country, two systems/one nation, 54.nuclear family/ individualism/

55. Wikidiot:维基傻瓜

56. Du Kang gene:杜康基因

57. People oriented:以人为本

58. mooncake tax:月饼税

59. word of mouse:网络口碑

60. last chance undies:应急内衣

61. choice anxiety:选择焦虑症

62. flexitarian:弹性素食者

63. 懂得:with knowledge of

64. 民族意识:nationalistic sense

65. 爱国情操:patriotism

66. 激发:can be aroused

67. 公民教育:civic education

68. 忠(loyalty) ,孝(filial piety) ,仁(humanity) ,爱(love) ,信(honesty) ,义(justice),和(harmony) ,平(peace) ;礼(propriety) ,义(righteousness) ,廉(incorruptibility) ,耻(honor) 。

69. 内涵:the import

70. 传统文化:traditional culture

71. 传统智慧:此句应译为『我们祖先创造发明之智慧』( our forefathers’inventive intelligence) 。

72. 认真搞好经济建设:Do a good job in economic construction.

73. 中国传统健身术:traditional Chinese health-building techniques/ traditional Chinese skills for health promotion 74. 发行量很大的带插图的杂志:a high-circulation illustrated magazine/an illustrated magazine with high circulation

75. 中央政府实施的宏观调空政策:macro-control policies adopted by the central government

76. 任意选出的一段:a randomly selected passage

77. 大幅度削减的预算:a drastically reduced budget

78. 保存完好的文物:well-preserved cultural relics

79. 清明节:Pure Bright Festival;Clear Brightness Festival;Tomb Sweeping Festival;Qingming Festival

80. 法定假日:Statutory public holiday

81. 窜红:Instant hit;Catapult to fame
