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1,电子商务electronic commerce

视频会议video conference

不断增长ever –increasing


内部运营internal operation






2,电子邮件营销email marketing

市场调研market research

提高整体营销信息enhance overall marketing message 拓展网络exploit the web

网络能力capabilities of the web

离线营销活动offline marketing activities

传统营销traditional marketing

品牌的忠诚度brand loyalty

传统促销方法traditional promotional methods

营销策略marketing strategy

3,电子银行electronic bank

家庭银行home bank

支付账单pay bills

私人网络private network

金融机构financial institutions

银行服务banking services

在线申请apply online

4,电子支付electronic payment

电子支票electronic checks

电子货币electronic money

经常账户checking accounts

数据加密data encryption

客户认证client authentication

智能卡smart cards

计算机硬盘computer hard disks

银行部门banking sector

小额支付small value payment

5.网上购物流程the flow of shopping/purchasing online 迅速发展rapid growth/development

虚拟商店virtual stores/shops


电子银行cyber bank

购物中心shopping center

在线付款payment online

确认订单confirmation of the order

总金额total amount

批号date code

6,最终产品finished goods

相关信息related information

产地the point of origin

运输与配送transport &services

国际供应链管理international supply chain management

预售服务pre-retailing services

军事策略military strategy

战时物资生产wartime material production

集中于centering on

战略物资补给strategic commodities supply

7,file transfer 文件传输

digital cash 电子现金

geographical location 地理位置

on a global scale 在全球范围

EDI 电子数据交换

competition 竞争

definition 定义

manufacturer 生产商

advertising 广告

interaction 互动

8 ,internet marketing 网络营销

electronic mediu电子媒介

affiliate marketing 会员营销


distribute products 配送产品

community activities 社区活动

marketing objectives 营销目的

loyalty program 贵宾会员计划

provide comprehensive information 提供综合信息commercialization 商业化

9, virtual bank 虚拟银行

online bank 在线银行

physical bank 有形银行

banking activities 银行业务

credit unions 信用合作社

credit card products 信用卡产品

open a checking or savings account 开立支票或储蓄账户10, paper checks 纸质支票

banking settlement system 银行结算系统

payment data 支付数据

secure communication protocols 安全通信协议

secure payment protocols 安全支付协议

server authentication 服务器认证

prepaid cards 预付费卡

electronic purses 电子钱包

digital cash 数字现金

access product 可存取的产品

11, shopping online 在线购物

business directories 企业名单

purchasing process 采购流程

authentication centre 认证中心

surfing the internet 网上冲浪

names of commodities 商品名称

lead time 交货日期

terms of payment 付款方式

payment authentication 付款认证

release the goods 发货

12, the efficient and cost-efficient flow 有效而合算流动

raw materials 原材料

in-process inventory 半成品

For the purpose of conforming to in motion and rest 为满足消费者需要the management of inventory in motion and rest 动态与静态的库存管理IT solutions 信息技术解决方案

added-value 增值

in military science 在军事科学方面

the most crucial element 最关键的要素

a network of transportation 运输网络

