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[答案]was similar to

2._____________________,10 students in our class failed in this English test.

[答案]In total

3.________________________you can't help me,I have to turn to others.

[答案]Now that

4.—There are really ghosts in the world.

—________________________!I can't believe what you said.

[答案]Come on

5.I can't_____________what I'm doing while the noise outside is still going on.

[答案]concentrate on


1.(2013届滨城一中高三质检二)—So you missed the meeting.

—__________.I got there five minutes before it finished.

A.Not at all B.Not exactly

C.Not especially D.Not really


[答案] B

2.—Guess what?I've got the job offer!


A.Contributions B.Celebrations

C.Congratulations D.Conclusions



[答案] C

3.(2012年高考山东卷)A number of high buildings have arisen__________there was nothing a year ago but ruins.

A.when B.where

C.before D.until

[解析]四个选项均为连词,由此断定空格后是一个状语从句。由题干中的关键信息there was nothing a year ago but ruins“曾经只有一片废墟”和buildings have arisen“建筑物已拔地而起”可推断,建筑物应建在曾有一片废墟的地方,故用where引导地点状语从句。when“当……时”,引导时间状语从句;before“在……之前,没来得及……就……;……之后才……”,引导时间状语从句;until“直到……”,引导时间状语从句。

[答案] B

4.(2012年山西高三二模)The first group of 150 Chinese tourists arrived at the Heixiazi Island Wednesday morning,__________the SinoRussian border island is opening as a new tourist spot.

A.even if B.except that

C.so that D.now that

[解析]even if意为“即使”;except that意为“除了”;so that意为“目的是为了;结果”;now that意为“既然;由于”。根据前后句的逻辑关系判断应选D项。

[答案] D

5.China is larger than__________in Asia.

A.any country B.any other country

C.all the countries D.another country


[答案] B

6.(2012年临沂五校联考)Reaching this agreement so quickly was a great __________ for the meeting.

A.appointment B.access

C.achievement D.approach


[答案] C

7.(2013届甘肃省兰州一中高三12月月考)They broke up ten years ago.It was 2 years__________they met again.

A.when B.since

C.before D.that

[解析]考查固定句型,It is long before...,其中before引导时间状语从句。句意:“十年前他们分开,过了两年他们又相遇了”。

[答案] C

8.(2012年抚顺模拟)Please__________your minds__________the following problems.

A.pay;to B.concentrate;on

C.focus;at D.center;in


[答案] B

9.(2013届河北高三质量监测)Children in that kindergarten are sometimes asked to sit on their hands__________listening to the teacher.

A.while B.though

C.after D.during

[解析]句意:“在那个幼儿园,孩子们有时被要求坐在手上听课”,此处考查省略句,完整句子应为“while they are listening to the teacher”。during为介词“在……期间”跟时间段。

[答案] A

10.(2012年海口一模)The__________the Chinese have made in space are surprising and pleasing.

A.influences B.efforts

C.achievements D.progresses

