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hand stitching 挑撞

a.incorrect hand stitch count 挑错针数

b.rib collar of v-point not match v 领尖不对支

c.poor trimming 拆纱不良导至抽筋

d.loose on collar stitch out of trimming 拆纱线没拉眼

e.absence trimming 收漏线头

f.uneven linking at neckline 领边缝线松紧不均匀

mending 查补

a.wrong material 用错原料

b.poor done of mending 驳口不良

c.wrong color to mend 用错色纱

collar 领

a.collar too loose 领贴过松

b.collar too tight 领贴过紧

c.un-center 不正中

d.uneven collar point 领尖不对称

e.poor bowing 卷边不好

pockets/flaps 袋

a.high-low 高低

b.missing/misplaced 位置不对

c.poor shape 形状不好

d.mismatched stripes 不对间色

e.mismatched color 不配色

f.poor pocket placket 袋贴不好

print 印花

a.poor print recistation 印花不好

b.set marks 两节色

c.poor recovery of bottom/ cuff 有额外印花印在衫脚上/ 袖咀

color 颜色

a.uneven dye color marks 染色不均/ 有染色印

b.mismatch of trimming 物料不配色

c.color shade 色差

zipper 拉链

a.defective 次品

b.mismatch 不配色

c.too long or too short 太长/ 短

d.pullness/twisted/ puckering 凸出/ 吊起/ 起蛇

e.zipper show out 拉链牙外露

f.misaligned at fly 高低脚/ 位

g.hidden zipper 拉链不露牙

h.two way zipper 双头拉链

button 钮扣

a.poor matching color 不配色

b.unsecured 钉不紧

c.missing /misplaced 漏/ 错位

d.defective 次

e.thread not match 打钮线不配钮色

placket 胸贴

a.crooked 胸贴边不直(即谷筒边)

b.unclose under placker 露底贴

c.puckered 起蛇

d.stripes/flails misaligned 间色/ 格子不对称

e.misaligned conspicuous 严重长短脚

f.uneven woven patch at placket 贴底布不均匀

washing 洗水

a.hand-feel not smoothly 手感不够滑

b.poor hand-feel too harsh 手感太硬

c.bleeding 渗色

d.poor hand-feel too soft 手感太软

fabric 布片

a.v-inset too small 前中布太小

b.uneven v-inset 前中布不平均

c.v-inset not center 前中布不正中

d.underarm gusset too small 袖底配色布太少

e.underarm gusset uneven 袖底配色布太不平均

f.wrong fabric 错布

embroidery 车花

a.embroidery position too high 车花位太高

b.embroidery position too low 车花位置太低

c.embroidery unclean thread end 车花缝线不凈

d.embroidery upside down 车倒花

e.misplaced 车错花位

f.density not as specified 车花线疏密不符要求

g.clean inside workmanship from embroidery 去掉车花稿纸

h. crystal modification 烫石

elastic 丈根

a.missing elastic 漏丈根

b.elastic too loose / too tight 太松/ 太紧

c.elastic not match 丈根不配色

d.missing nylon 漏尼龙

e.nylon not match 尼龙不配色

pressing 烫衫

a.sheen/glass 起镜

b.poor pressing 烫工不好

c.twisted side-seam 侧骨扭骨

d.twisted underarm 袖底骨扭骨

e.twisted shoulder 膊位扭骨

f.shoulder head not smooth 膊头啄起

g.uneven collar 领形不顺不对称

hang-tag 挂牌

a.wrong placement 牌挂错位置

b.missing hang-tags 漏挂牌

c.wrong hang-tags 挂错牌

labeling 车唛

a.unsecured 没车牢固

b.defective 唛头车/钉工不靖

c.missing /upside down 唛头车漏/ 车倒

d.wrong size/content 错码/ 错成份唛

e.un-center 不正中

f.missing edge stitch 漏边针

g.missing(care/ c.o)label 漏车洗水唛/ 产地唛

h.missing main label 漏车主唛

cover-locking 嵌骨

a.uneven cover-locking 嵌骨不均匀

b.puckering at a/h& cuff / hem 夹位/袖咀位/衫脚位嵌骨起蛇

c.cover-locking thread not match 嵌骨线不配色

d.cover-locking not straight 嵌骨线不直

e.loose stitch tension 嵌骨线太松

packing 包装

a.poor folding 折不好

b.wrong size scale 错码搭配

c.carton too loose/ tight 纸箱太松/ 太紧

d.pre-pack 比例

e.assortment 颜色, 尺码/ 分配
