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Lesson 17
3.Why does the prospect of working from home cut to the very heart of what family life is all about?
Because the trend toward home offices is bringing work and home closer together under one roof, while under the traditional system of employment, jobs and family are separated.
Edwards believes that people who spend six to nine months preparing are likely to be twice as successful as those who start without preparation.
Lesson 17
Lesson 17
1. nursing home (Line 4, Para. 3) ----养老院;私人产科医院
2. trade-off (Line 4, Para. 13): balancing of various factors in order to achieve the best combination (为获得最佳组合, 对各种因素的)权衡, 协调
Lesson 17
I. (1) The trend toward working at home in USA More telecommuters appearing in business
II. (2-3) Factors of the trend 1. A combination of factors 2. Examples
Lesson 17
As is implied by the name, telecommuting is a work arrangement, which enables employees to enjoy flexible working location and hours. In other words, daily commuters are free from going to the workplace thanks to telecommunication links. Many work at home, while others, occasionally also referred to as nomad workers or web commuters, utilize mobile telecommunications technology to work from coffee shops or other locations.
Lesson 17
Telecommuting presents benefits and challenges for both the telecommuters and their employers. The employees may be able to increase their productivity, reduce their commuting costs and stress and find a better balance between work and family life. The challenges they may face include increased isolation from work, reduced visibility from managers, reduced access to support, reduced home living space, and increased at-home costs. The employers may benefit from telecommuting by increased staff productivity and morale, a reduction in absenteeism and lower overhead or space needs.
2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting according to Mark Boylan?
The advantages of telecommuting are the freedom, flexibility and that you don’t need to travel to work everyday and can wear whatever you like. The disadvantage is that you are isolated from a team and cannot get the day-to-day interaction with your colleagues.
Lesson 17
4. Why does Paul Edwards consider the trend as a revolution?
Because he thinks it is a national transition that is as significant as the one from farms to factories. This national transition is actually a big challenge to the tradition. It will have a great impact on various aspects of the society especially on people’s way of life.
However, a telecommuting arrangement may require changes in procedures and management style. There may be increased operating costs, legal concerns and needs for data security, as well as increased potential for distrust.
Lesson 17
Lesson 17
1. According to the author, the trend towards working at home is due to____.
A. corporation reorganization and downsizing B. economic depression C. an explosion in technology D. A and C
Some experts indicated that the above statistics had underestimated the actual number of telecommuters. Statistics by an institute of market survey shows that the number of telecommuters in America in 1999 reached 18 million, increased to 26 million in 2000 and 28 million in 2001 respectively.
By Harriet Webster
Lesson 17
According to statistics released by the Auditing Administration of America, there were less than 3 million telecommuters 10 years ago, but the number expanded to 5 million by the year 2000. Silicon Valley took the lead in the field of telecommuting, with one of five being telecommuters.
Lesson 17
I. (1) II.(2~3) III. (4~18) IV. (19~21)
The trend toward working at home in USA Factors of the trend
Suggestions given to telecommuters The prospect of working at home
A. one out of four C. two out of three
B. one out of two D. three out of five
Lesson 17
1.According to Edwards, what kind of telecommuters are more likely to be successful than others?
Background Information Additional Notes Photos & Diagrams Key to Questions
Structure Analysis
Lesson 17
Lesson 17
Would You Like to Work at Home?
special purpose)
5. This is nothing short of a revolution. (Line 1, Para. 22)----百度文库这简直是一场革命 (nothing short of : used when you are saying sth is almost true, or is equal to sth)
Lesson 17
2. According to the article, one of the biggest benefits of working at home is____.
A. absence of a commute B. absence of dress code C. that there is no time clock to punch D. that you can take care of the children
3. get my e-mail out of the way (Line 2, Para. 16)----处理电子邮件 (get…out of the way: get settled ----解决)
4. set aside time with his wife( Line 4, Para. 16)---- 留出时间来陪陪妻子 (set aside: to keep something, especially money, time, or a particular area, for a
Lesson 17
4. According to Paul and Sarah Edwards, ____ Americans would be a part of the new job force of “open-collar workers” by the end of the century.
Lesson 17
3 Paul Edwards suggested that those intending to build their own businesses should____.
A. get a loan from a bank B. get the friends’ help C. get proper education D. start out part time