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一 计算机、通讯类

1 计算机

commit computer crimes 进行电脑犯罪活动

Most computer crimes can be traced back to hackers. 大多数计算机犯罪都是电脑黑客干的。

access the Internet 进入互联网

accomplish the operation simply with a click of the keys 敲击键盘即可完成操作 administrator 管理员

auto search 自动搜索

bandwidth 宽带

be multilingual 可以使用多种语言

be networked with … 与…联网

be no longer imaginary 不再是幻想

blogger 写博客的人

chat on-line in Internet 网上聊天

distance learning 远程教育

on shopping on-line 进行网上购物

facilitate the growth of the cyber-economy 推动网络经济的发展

Internet café 网吧

Internet fans 网迷

Internet geek/netter 网虫

Internet video chat 网上视频聊天

It is difficult to know whether the information on the Internet is reliable or not. 很难确定互联网上的信息是否可靠。

Millions of computers are connected to one another in a worldwide network called Internet. 不计其数台电脑在世界范围内互相联系在一起称作互联网

Printed sources continue to remain an important method for researching materials. 使用印制资料仍然是获得研究资源的重要方法。

provide on-line employment services to job seekers 为求职者提供网上择业服务 There is an advantage to being multilingual. 懂得多种语言很有益处。

with the gradual popularization of the Internet 随着互联网的不断普及

put out your message through E-mail 使用电子邮件发出讯息

net-addiction 网瘾

provide entertainment in the form of computerized games 提供电子游戏形式的娱乐
