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With economic development, people's living standards improve mobile users continue to increase, coupled with the construction of the buildings have become increasingly demanding. These buildings are in large scale, good quality, to the mobile phone signal has the very strong shielding effect. In large buildings in the lower layer, such as underground parking environment of mobile communication, mobile phone signal is weak, cannot use normally, formation of mobile communication blind area and in the shadows, in intermediate floor, because around the different base station signal overlap, from the formation of the ping-pong effect, frequent switching of mobile phone, and even drop, seriously affecting the mobile phone shop the normal use; at the top, due to base station antenna height restriction, can not cover, but also the blind area of mobile communication. In addition, in some buildings, while the mobile phone to the normal call, but the user density, base station channels congestion, difficulty of mobile phone line, network coverage system is under this kind of background generation. A high proportion of the total traffic in accordance with the relevant statistics indoor traffic in some areas. Therefore, strengthening indoor coverage of mobile communication for improving the quality of great significance.

Keywords: mobile communications; indoor distribution coverage; system capacity


摘要..................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................. II 引言 (1)

第1章室内分布系统的概述及发展 (2)

1.1室内分布系统的组成 (2)

1.2 室内分布系统的类型及特点 (2)

1.3室内分布系统的发展趋势 (4)

第2章室内分布系统信源的接入方式 (5)

2.1 直放站作信源接入 (5)

2.2 微蜂窝作信源接入 (5)

2.3宏蜂窝作信源接入 (5)

第3章移动通信室内分布系统工程设计 (6)

3.1 工程概况 (6)

3.2 覆盖要求 (6)

3.3 器件选用 (7)

3.4 室内覆盖场强验证 (8)

第4章施工规范及要求 (10)

4.1 天线的安装 (10)

4.2 馈线的布放 (10)

4.3 馈线与器件的安装 (10)

总结 (13)

参考文献 (14)

致谢 (15)
