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(1)he seated himself at the back of the classroom.(反身代词只作宾语、同位语和表语)

(2)Please help yourself to some fish.

(3)Sometimes he doesn’t believe in himself.-

(4)Who is knocking at the door?It’s me.

(5)The poor boy was himself.

(6)This book is mine,not his.

(7)He’s an old friend of mine,not hers.

(8)You,he and i have worked together for ten years.(注意人称代词的顺序)(9)Nice to see you here. me,too.(这里不能用I:我也如此。)

(10)All of us should learn from them all.




We meet him in the street yesterday.

---Who is it? --- It’s me.

注:在but, except, than , as 之后,可用主格或宾格,句义不变。

I’m as tall as she(her).

2)she 可以代表“国家,船只,大地,月亮”。he 指“太阳”。

China has risen. She in no longer what she used to be.

3) 排列顺序(单数人称:二三一;复数人称:一二三)

You, he and I should do that.

We, you and they must help each other in our studies.

注:在承担责任、错误时,顺序为一二三。I and my sister are to blame.



—Does any of you know where Tom lives? —Me.

What! Me (to)play him at chess? No!

2)it 的用法及习惯搭配。


代词中第一个“小个性”就是物主代词。像my和mine这两个小冤家总是让人分不清谁是谁。但你只要记住它们最重要的区别—my的后面一定要接名词,不可以单独出现,只能做定语,如:my father;而mine则是名词性,只能单独出现,在句中做主语和表语。如:Mine is green. It's mine. 记住这两个句子,凡是名词性物主代词(yours, hers, his, its, ours, theirs)就都可以放在mine的位置上了。这样,通过它们出现的位置不同,我们就可以把它们区别开了。

1. 基本用法


My hometown, his school, their future….

2) 名词性物主代词等于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,可以作主语、宾语、表


You love your country and we love ours.

---Whose bag is this? --- It’s hers.

2. 考点

1)one’s own…=...of one’s own句式的转换。

I want to have a car of my own.= I want to have my own car.

2)“介词+ the + 身体部位”此处不能用形容词性物主代词代替the。

The robber knocked her on the back.




One should not praise oneself. She often speaks to herself.

She is not quite herself. The table itself has only three legs.


1) 谓语动词的宾语为主语本身,该宾语用反身代词。

She found herself in a different world.

2) 带有反身代词的惯用语。

enjoy oneself, feel oneself, make oneself at home, make oneself understood,

help yourself to…,seat oneself, dress oneself, call oneself,

teach oneself, by oneself, to oneself, of oneself,

for oneself, talk to oneself in oneself

(四)相互代词(each other, one another)

相互代词无人称、数和格的区别,在句中作宾语。其所有格分别为each other’s 、one another’s ,作定语。一般来说,each other指两者之间,one another指三者或三者以上之间,但现在区分已不明显。

We should learn from each other / one another. (作宾语)

Do you often write to each other / one another? (作宾语)

We often borrow each other's / one another's books. (作定语)

The students corrected each other's / one another's mistakes in their homew ork.(作定语)

(五)指示代词(this, that , these, those, such, same)


1. 指示代词this/ these和that/ those的区别。

①this (these)一般指时间或空间上较近的人或物。that(those) 常指时间或空间


This is my desk and that is yours. In those days they could not go to school.



I want to tell you this: the English party will be held on Saturday afternoon.

He hurt his leg yesterday. That’s why he didn’t come.


The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Nanjing.

The ears of a rabbit are longer than those of a fox.

2. such和same的用法。

