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摘要 ..................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................. II 第一章绪论........................................................ - 4 -

1.1 工程背景...................................................... - 4 -

1.2 该课题设计的主要容............................................ - 4 - 第二章三相异步电动机................................................ - 6 -

2.1 三相异步电动机结构............................................ - 6 -

2.1.1 异步电动机的定子结构..................................... - 7 -

2.1.2 异步电动机的转子结构..................................... - 7 -

2.1.3 三相异步电动机接线图..................................... - 8 -

2.2 三相异步电动机工作原理........................................ - 9 -

2.3 三相异步电动机的机械特性和工作特性........................... - 12 - 第三章三相异步电机电磁设计......................................... - 14 -

3.1 主要尺寸和空气隙的确定....................................... - 14 -

3.2 定子绕组与铁芯设计........................................... - 14 -

3.2.1 定子绕组型式和节距的选择................................ - 15 -

3.2.2 定子冲片的设计.......................................... - 16 -

3.3 额定数据及主要尺寸........................................... - 17 -

3.4 磁路计算..................................................... - 19 -

3.5 性能计算..................................................... - 22 -

3.5.1 工作性能计算............................................ - 22 -

3.5.2 起动性能计算............................................ - 26 - 第四章电机转动轴的工艺分析......................................... - 28 -

4.1 转动轴的加工工艺分析......................................... - 28 -

4.2 选择设备和加工工序........................................... - 30 -

4.3 成品的最后工序............................................... - 31 - 小结与致谢........................................................... - 32 - 参考文献............................................................. - 33 -

附录............................................................... - 34 - 附录A:电动机电磁设计源程序...................................... - 34 - 附录B:定转子冲片图.............................................. - 44 -

Y2-160M1-2 三相异步电动机电磁设计




This article mainly about electromagnetic design and calculation of motor. First it determined the main dimensions related to the electromagnetic properties of the Y2-160M1-2 motor based on the parameters of dsign task and technical conditions. Then it selected the number of slots of stator and rotor and right slots.

I not only used to draw size chart of stator, rotor and coil but also draw distribution of groove and winding. I calculated some basic amount such as the number of conductors in series per phase and slot fill factor. Then I selected the related materials. I have completed the electromagnetic calculations of this motor . Then I adjusted the parameters repeatedly. I did a lot of work to make its technical indicators meet the requirements of the mission statement. In the last I designed the motor that meet the requirements of the mission statement.

Key Words: Y2-160M1-2, stator and rotor, winding distribution, electromagnetic
