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第三课地区经济一体化REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION The past decades witnessed growing importance of regional economic integration. To better enjoy the benefit of tree flow of goods, services, capital, labour and other resources, countries have signed various agreements to liberalize trade among themselves while possibly putting up barriers to economic activities with non-members.


Regional economic integration falls under four types given below in the order from least to most integrative:按照一体化程度的高低,地区经济一体化有以下四种形式

The first and loosest form is the free trade area. Members of a free trade area removes barriers to the flow of goods and services among themselves while each member still adopts its own policy as regards to trade with outsiders (non-members). In other words different members may have different tariff rates or quota restrictions. Consequently, non-member countries may take advantage of this situation and try to enter the market of the area from the member country with the lowest barrier before selling the goods to a member with a higher barrier. The most notable free trade area is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the largest free market formed by the United States, Canada and Mexico in 1991 with over 360 million consumers and a total GDP of more than 6 trillion US dollars.



The second form is the Customs Union that goes a step further by adopting the same trade policy for all the members toward countries outside their organization in addition to abolishing (removing) trade barriers among themselves. Since imports from other countries are subject to the same tariff no matter which member they export to, it is impossible for non-members to get into the market of the customs union in a detour as they possibly do in the case of trade with a free trade area. Such an example is Mercosur formed by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay in 1991.


The common market is further up the scale of regional economic integration. Besides free movement of goods and services and adoption of common external trade policy, factors of production such as labour, capital and technology are free to move among members so that they can be utilized in a more efficient and productive way. The overall benefit enjoyed by all the members as a whole is quite obvious, but it is hard to say individual members will always benefit, still less to expect them to enjoy the advantage of factor mobility (movement; flow)
