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()1 A. change B. machine C. cheap D. each

()2. A. must B. put C. hungry D. number

( ) 3. A. use B. student C.uncle D.graduate

()4. A. enugh B. eight C. light D. high

()5. A. hospital B. hour C. head D. hurt


1.All the ______ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th,because it was their own holiday.

A.man B. men C. woman D. women

2.W e all love Miss Y ang.She always makes her history class very _______ .

A.interest B.interests C.interesting D. interested

3.He's lived here 1980.

A. after

B. in

C. from

D. since

4.Remember to______ the lights when you leave your classroom.

A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D. turn down

5.This English newspaper is very easy for the students because there are _____ new words in it.

A.little B.a little C.few D. a few

6.My aunt isn’t here.She _______ Shanghai on business.She will be back in three days.

A.went B.has gone to C.has been to D.will go to

7.Now telephones are very popular and they are much ______ than before.

A. cheap

B. cheaper

C. cheapest

D. the cheapest

8.Liu Ying told me ______ for her at home.

A. waits

B. wait

C. to wait

D. waiting

9.I like fish ,______my brother doesn't like it.

A. so

B. or

C. for

D. but

10.Y our bag is heavy. Let you.

A. me help

B. I help

C. him helping

D. their to help

11.Many Americans like traveling during the holiday, .

A so do we Chinese B. Also do Chinese C. Chinese like also D. so Chinese do

12_______.her parents she went to the park last Sunday. They all stayed at home.

A. Either, or

B. Both, and

C. Neither, nor

D. Not, but

13.The final exam will come soon. All the students are busy it.

A get ready for B. getting ready with C. getting ready for D. get ready with

14.Please write down the answers these questions a piece of paper.

A. to, on

B. of, on

C. for, in

D. about, in

15.He wasn’t with the knife. He cut himself.

A careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully

16.He had an apple in one hand and an orange in . A. other B. another C. the other D. others

17..Don’t forget to bring your exercise books to school,?

A. can’t you

B. don’t you

C. will you

D. can you

18.---I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long.

---Never mind. I ____ here for only a few minutes.

A. have been

B. have come

C. have arrived

D. waited

19After five __________ walk, she got lost.

A. minute

B. minutes

C. minute's

D. minutes'

20.W e should keep__________ in the library .


B. quietly

C. quite

D. quickly

21.W e have done ________ of the work. W e’ll finish it tomorrow.


B. two-third

C. two-thirds

D. second-three

22.The children ______ not to play with the fire .

A. are often told

B. tell

C. are telling

D. told


—You must what I have done for you before you leave.

—W ell, how much does it ? Is 100 dollars enough ?

pay for, cost B. pay, spend C. spend, pay for D. pay, cost

24.Ms Liu has lived in Shijiazhuang__________ two years.

A. as

B. since

C. for

D. after

25.She asked me if I knew .

A. whose pen is it

B. whose pen it was

C. whose pen it is

D. whose pen was it



Mr. Brown was good at singing and dancing. So he found work in a 31 There he taught students 32 .At first he worked very hard and he was liked by everyone. But he liked drinking and 33 much money on it. Sometimes he couldn't go to school on time. The 34 told him to be careful of it,but soon he forgot it.

Once Mr. Brown drapk too much and 35 in the street. A policeman carried him to school. It surprised the school. 36 the end he was sent away.

Now he couldn’t find any work. One morning he was very 37 and wanted to find some food. He found a gate open and went in. Suddenly he saw a man and a girl come in. He had to hide under a seat. The girl began to sing. She sang 38 but it lasted two hours. And after that another woman came in and played the piano( 弹钢琴).She played even 39 and Mr. Brown couldn’t stay there any longer. He came out and said, "Send me to the 40 ,please!”

()1. A. hospital B. shop C. school D. hotel

()2. A. music B. maths C. Chinese D. English

()3. A. took B. spent C. had D. paid

()4. A. policeman B. conductor C. headmaster D. driver

()5. A. lay B. stood C. walked D. ran

()6. A. At B. On C. fn D. Of

()7. A. tired B. dirty C. thirsty D. hungry

()8. A. well B. aloud C. bad D. badly

()9. A. worse B. better C. enough D. more

()10. A. school B. police station C. hotel D. hospital

四.阅读理解题.(共两篇文章,满分10 分).阅读下面的文章,。按要求答题。

(A )

Mr. and Mrs. Jones don’t often go out in the evening. But last Saturday, Mrs. Jones said to her husband, “There is a good film at the cinema tonight. Can we go to see it?" Mr. Jones was quite happy about it, so they went, and both of them enjoyed
