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The topic is Plectrum Technology Analysis and fixture design,.Many functionally identical nature and structure of different parts, their processing methods and the cost of manufacturing is very different, we should carefully examine parts of the structure, positioning baseline options, the processing method of choice. According to the major surface parts to the technical requirements, product type, material properties, components, the structure, shape and size, the rough size, Blank, production plans and the current contrast, we found that the best processing program.

The design, based on tolerance Plectrum size, shape and position tolerances, surface roughness, technical requirements, workpiece material, rough type, heat treatment and surface protection requirements of the design process. According to the output size to determine the process. According to the unit's first production conditions, and give full play to the scene technical means and technologies for the potential of the design process. Its object processing process analysis of the technology components of the structure analysis to determine the type of production and forms of organization. Blank design process to determine line, positioning benchmark choice. The fixture design, including programming from the general assembly to the design of the entire process. Including the identification of the workpiece positioning, choice or design positioning components, calculated positioning error; Tool to determine the right guidance and knives, Color selection or guidance components or traces of knife components; determine the workpiece clamping, choice or design or clamping devices, Clamping calculation; identify specific folder and other devices, and other types of structures.

Through rational design, quality assurance parts processing premise, improve production efficiency and reduce consumption, in order to obtain a better economic and social benefits.

Keyworks: Fixture,Flange, Rotary-Pisition.


摘要 .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

A BSTRACT................................................................ II 第一章绪论 (1)

第二章机床夹具设计概述 (2)

2.1夹具设计概念 (2)

2.2机床夹具设计说明 (2)

2.2.1机床夹具设计的基本要求和步骤 (2)

2.2.2机床夹具的分类和组成 (3)

2.2.3工件安装与获得加工精度的方法 (3)

2.2.4工件在夹具中的定位原理 (3)

2.2.5常见定位方式及定位元件 (4)

2.2.6工件在夹具中的加紧原理 (4)

2.2.7确定刀具位置及钻套的选择 (5)

2.2.8夹具总图的绘制及标注 (7)

2.2.9机床夹具总图上尺寸的标注 (8)

2.2.10机床夹具总图上技术条件的标注 (9)

2.2.11机床夹具调刀尺寸的标注 (9)

2.2.12夹具定位误差分析与计算 (10)

第三章机床的夹具设计 (12)

3.1研究原始资料,确定夹具的设计方案 (12)

3.11夹具设计前所需的资料 (12)

3.12分析工件并确定定位方案 (12)

3.2确定夹具总装配图的设计 (13)

3.2.1钻模的分类与选择 (13)

3.2.2钻模板的分类与选择 (13)

3.2.3钻套的选择与设计 (14)

3.2.4夹具体定位元件的确定 (15)

3.2.5工件定位元件的确定 (16)

3.2.6回转分度装置及定位误差的计算 (20)

3.2.7对定分度装置机构 (22)

3.2.8定位器原理 (23)

3.2.9其它零部件 (23)

3.2.10夹具体 (27)
