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-朗阁名师Alice 5.9的雅思大作文终于考到环境类话题,考过试的烤鸭又要窃喜啦。话题不难但是需要注意的是对相应观点的思考,此题并未单纯考查环境问题,而是局限在了由于科技发展而引起的环境问题。

The d evel opment of technol ogy causes environmental problems. Some peopl e think peopl e should choose a simpl er way of life whil e others think we shoul d use technol ogy to solve the problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinions. 通过审题,我们不难发现,题目的背景信息已经告诉我们科技的发展确实引起了一些环境问题,所以有人认为人应该生活得更简单(通过减少对科技的使用来减少环境问题),另一个观点则认为科技可以用来解决这些问题。



There is no d oubt that science and technol ogy has been contributing to social progress, along with adverse effects generated on environment. Hence, it is suggested by some that peopl e shoul d live simply with l ess use of technol ogy. Others, however, believe it is the technol ogy that can be utilized to tackl e environmental issues.

Admittedly, due to peopl e’s requirement of better and more convenient life, more technol ogies are invented and ad opted, l eading to some environmental issues. Therefore, it is reasonabl e to ask individuals to live a simpl er life to reduce these problems. For exampl e, before the Industrial Revolution, peopl e travell ed by carriages, riding horse or on feet. These simpl e travelling methods produced zero emissions and pollution generated after the invention of trains and automobil es with the use of fossil fuels. Consequently, if peopl e drive l ess and rid e more, fewer fumes are emitted and air quality is likely to be better. In this case, individuals’changes on lifestyl e seem more crucial.

On the other hand, advanced technol ogy coul d effectively remedy environmental issues. For one thing, progressive technol ogy can be used to reduce pollutions. In

terms of paper manufacturers, to reduce the industrial wastewater, some treatment equipment is install ed to filter poisonous elements before draining into rivers. For another thing, we can create more environmental and recyclabl e products with the help of technol ogy. Solar energy powered cars are typical exampl es, which enabl e peopl e to transform sunlight into power, supplying energy for peopl e’s daily life and production with l ess emissions of carbon dioxid es.

From my perspective, changing lifestyl e and innovating technol ogy to d eal with environmental issues are both necessary. Although some environmental problems are triggered und er the introduction of technology, peopl e cannot compl etely aband on current lifestyl e. Making some changes such as riding instead of driving is easier, but we cannot refuse the use of cars need ed for l ong distance travel. Therefore, innovating technol ogy to facilitate peopl e to make changes and reduce some corresponding problems seems more practical and reasonabl e.
