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21. I’d like to talk on _____ telephone, but I don’t prefer writing ______ letters.

A. a; the

B. the; 不填

C. the; the

D. a; 不填

22. Every Friday we have a discussion together, _____ the difficulties we meet in study.

A. solving

B. to be solving

C. solved

D. solve

23. ——Do you believe a person will be alive forever?

——_____. It’s just a fantasy.

A. Not really

B. Of course

C. Not especially

D. My pleasure

24. The popular film The Da Vinci Code ____ the Louver of Paris.

A. set in

B. is set in

C. sets in

D. is set on

25.——Look! What’s on that door?

——It’s a card saying “____”.

A. No bothering

B. No annoying

C. No disturbing

D. No troubling

26. ——Why was the boy beaten by his father?

——He _____ to his father about his absence from school.

A. lain

B. laid

C. lied

D. lay

27. I often mistake him for his brother, because he _____ his brother so much.

A. is similar

B. resembles

C. looks as

D. is alike

28. Tom successfully ____ a role in the play was admitted into a famous university.

A. who has created

B. had created

C. having created

D. having been created

29. Her voice _____ she has a cold.

A. looks as if

B. hears as though

C. is sounded as if

D. sounds as if

30. ——The man is really rich!

——Y es. He made his _____ by doing business.

A. fortunes

B. rich

C. wealths

D. luck

31. —— Do you know? The girl with her long hair ____ behind is a world champion.

——Really? I didn’t realize it.

A. to be tied

B. tied

C. tying

D. being tied

32. I’m not in the ____ for disagreeing with him.

A. mood

B. spirit

C. feeling

D. emotion

33. He was forced to leave his hometown at the age of fifteen, _____ not to come back any more.

A. determines

B. determining

C. determined

D. being determined

34. I’ll always remember those days _____ I spent with him sailing on the sea.

A. on that

B. on which

C. when

D. which

35. He didn’t make himself ____ though he ____ English for five years.

A. understood; have learned

B. understand; learned

C. understanding; learns

D. understood; had learned

36.It was back home after the experiment.

A.not until midnight did the scientist go

B.until midnight that the scientist didn't go
