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Unit 2 Friendship

I. Key words & phrases

available correspondence

estimate tough

urge postpone

reference destination

uneasy stuff

soak despair

drag extent

peer supply

lifetime leap

rescue highlight

be lost in / lose oneself in lose tough

might / may (just) as well come up

every no and then right away

keep up keep in touch (with)

let down get rid of

in bad / good shape draw on

Additional Vocabulary

show biz 指娱乐界, 娱乐业,show business 的简称room and board 食宿费用

turn a deaf ear to sth. 对……充耳不闻

put all cards on the table 打开天窗说亮话

an easy-going man 随和的人

online transaction 网上交易

the president elected 当选总统

jerry-built project 豆腐渣工程

do a thankless job 吃力不讨好

rouse sb. into full play 调动积极性

chain debts 三角债

memorial service 追悼仪式

sustainable development 可持续发展

look before you leap 三思而后行

track and field sports 田径运动

make witty remarks 说俏皮话

money laundering 洗钱

cross-strait relations 海峡两岸关系

Associated Press (AP) 美联社

show oneself up 现丑

competitive products 拳头产品

self-employed households / people 个体户

produce and market fake and shoddy commodities 制造销售假冒伪劣商品

abolish the welfare-oriented distribution (allocation) of public housing 取消福利分房become self-employed or work in the private sectors of the economy 从事个体和私人经济

Ⅱ. Vocabulary & Structure

1. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total_______ for living expenses.

A. acceptable

B. advisable

C. available

D. applicable

2. At a rough ________, we' ll spend another four weeks finishing this plan.

A. estimate

B. value

C. evaluation

D. account

3. Be sure to _________ the good habit of reading aloud every morning.

A. keep on

B. keep up

C. keep in

D. keep away

4. I _________the old man to be careful because the road was very slippery.

A. suggested

B. supposed

C. suspected

D. urged

5. He is quite sure that it's_______ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.

A. roughly

B. exclusively

C. fully

D. absolutely

6. Since the situation has changed, we have to_________ making a decision.

A. cancel

B. postpone

C. delay

D. announce

7. Beyond the mountain, lying in waves of green and brown, was my ________.

A. goal

B. aim

C. destination

D. object

8. All our attempts to ________the child from drowning were in vain.

A. regain

B. recover

C. reserve

D. rescue

9. When he couldn't get facts, Mr Smith would ________his imagination for his new articles.

A. draw up

B. draw out

C. draw on

D. draw down

10. He gave up his study in college in _________because of his ill-ness.

A. ash

B. despair

C. disable

D. display

11. It is useful to be able to predict the extent __________which a price change will affect supply and demand.

A. from

B. with

C. to

D. for

12. There is no ________ to the house from the main road.

A. destination

B. avenue

C. exposure

D. access

13. I noticed she avoids making any reference __________her first husband in her latest book.

A. to

B. about
