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PartⅠ: words and phrases(词汇题)


accordingly 相应地 probability 可能性

armored 装甲车 ratio 比率

definitive 确定的 riskiness 风险性

denominator 分母 risky 冒险的

exposure 暴露 roughly 大概

fraction 分数,小数 symptom 症状

hypochondria(c)疑病症(者) versus 与...相比

inconvenience 不便all manner of 各种各样的

inflate 膨胀 end up 最终处于...

miner 矿工 feed on sth. 由...助长,以...为食物neurotic 神经症患者 in question 正被讨论的

numerator 分子 on the strength of 基于...,由于...的影响partial 部分的 reduce...to 使...陷入更坏的状态,缩短physician (内科)医生


adequate 适当的,足够的slipshod 马虎的commencement毕业典礼,开始supposedly 据认为crucial 至关重要的tolerant 宽容的erase 擦掉triple 三倍的,三人间faculty 全体教员unchallenging 毫无挑战的fantasy 想象unimaginative 毫无想象力的forgiving 宽容的unlearn 抛掉(想法,知识)formulate 确切地表达,构想act out 表现garrulous 喋喋不休的by no means 绝不mediocre 中等的,平庸的get away with sth. 逃脱midterm 期中考试get down to 开始做某事painless 容易的look back on 回顾parlous 恶劣的pop into one’s mind 突然想到preparatory 准备阶段的take a close look (at sth.)仔细考虑presentation 预备学校the easy way out 省事的做法pretense 假装

quitter 轻易放弃的人


adaptable 能适应的geometrically 按几何级数地assimilate 理解,吸收,融入icebox 冰箱atomics 原子的innovation 新发明,革新batch 一批objectivity 客观性blacksmith 铁匠obsolete 过时的bloom 开花prosperity 繁荣

contradict 同...矛盾revolutionize 是彻底变革convert 转化scholar 学者disastrous 灾难性的segment 部分,片emotionally 情绪上地catch one’s breath 稍事休息ethic 道德标准have sb./sth. in min心中想着... evolution 进化out of the ordinary 不寻常的experimentation 实验to be exact 确切的说PartⅡ:translation(翻译题)


1. He was finally offered the job on the strength of his good memory(凭借他的记忆力好) and the many exams he had passed.

2. She favors a bit of adventure as well as a certain degree of self-government when her children’s education is concerned(当涉及到她孩子的教育时).

3. Most people who are sick with AIDS want to stay at home rather than spent time unnecessarily in hospital(而不愿意毫无必要地呆在医院里).

4. What if l choose to give small amounts of money regularly over a period of time(在一定时间内定期给少量的钱) instead of donating a large sum once for all.

5. I am afraid, Mr. Peterson, the answer is that (答案是这样的) we have to be more efficient than our European competitors.

6. The museum does not intent to focus on a particular aspect of modern art(并不打算只关注现代艺术的某个具体方面), but prefers to offer material for the pubic to study and compare.

7. She has decided not to go for a drive on such a windy day even supposing a car was available(即便能搞到一辆车).

8. I am well aware of the fact that you have cut yourself off from your past and have started a totally new life(你已经同过去一刀两断,并已经开始全新的生活这一事实).


1.Drops executed in the first two weeks of the course will leave no record on the

students’transcript(在学生成绩单上不会留下记录),but a drop executed during the third through eighth week will result in a grade of W.

2.We often heard of stories about some people who could still think calmly and
