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1.That piece of music sounds quite familiar. Who ________ the piano upstairs?

A.has played B.played

C.plays D.is playing



考查时态。句意:这段音乐听起来很熟悉。谁在楼上弹钢琴?可知下文描述的是正在发生的动作,故用现在进行时态,选D 。

2.Since the band announced the release of their new album, the phone hasn't stopped ringing. Many fans ________ to ask about the exact time.

A.were calling B.had called

C.are calling D.call



C 考察动词时态。句意:自从那支乐队宣布了要发行新的专辑的消息,电话铃声就不停地响。很多粉丝一直都打电话询问具体的发行时间。根据句中的hasn’t stopped ringing可知询问具体的时间内这件事情现阶段正在发生,应该使用现在进行时。故C正确。

3.—I some courses at university,so I can’t work full time at the moment.

A.take B.am taking C.took D.have taken



试题分析:考查动词的时态。句意:因为我正在上学,所以不能在这时候做全职的工作。根据下方提到so I can’t work full time at the moment 可知我正在上学,故选B 项。

考点 : 考查动词的时态

4.—Have you seen recently? —No, but I _______ dinner with him on Friday.

A.had B.have had C.am having D.was having



试题分析:句意:---你最近见过Sean吗? ---不,但是我周五要和他一起吃饭。A.had一般过去时;B.have had现在完成时;C.am having是现在进行时表将来;D.was having 过去将来时。根据No 和on Friday推测,应该是将来要做的事,故选C。

考点: 考查动词时态的用法。

5.Tom, our manager, ________ for America in two days and he has asked me to find out when the earliest plane ________ next Sunday.

A.is to leave; is going to take off

B.will leave; is taking off

C.is leaving; takes off

D.leaves; will take off



试题分析:考查时态。句意:我们的经理汤姆两天后将要去美国,他让我查一查下个周日最早的班机。in+一段时间,与将来时连用,根据“in two days”可知,第一空用将来时,排除D;find out后是一个宾语从句,其中包含一个when引导的时间状语从句,when从句用一般现在时代替将来时,排除A、B,故选C。


6.— Excuse me, can you show me the way to the nearest bus stop?

—Sorry. I’m a stranger here. I ______ here until my guide arrives.

A.stand B.have stood

C.am standing D.will stand





7.As they couldn’t satisfy my ____, I’m ____now.

A.needing; hunger B.need; starved C.needed; starvation D.needs; starving 【答案】D


试题分析:句意“由于他们不能满足我的需要,我快要饿死了”。这里的“satisfy one’s needs”“满足某人的需求”, starve动词,“挨饿”,hunger名词“饥饿”,。starvation名词“饥饿”,选D。


8.The College Entrance Examination________near, so you should be prepared for it.

A.is drawing B.draws C.drew D.has drawn



draw near 表示“临近,接近”,draw是趋向性动词,常用现在进行时表示一般将来时。

9.The aging population _____ each day .There must be some kind of interesting activity for the old.

A.has grown B.grew C.will grow D.is growing





10.–Are you available at 3 tomorrow afternoon?

--Sorry, I ________ a meeting at that time.

A.am having B.will be having C.will have D.have



试题分析:考查时态。根据时间状语at 3 tomorrow afternoon可知用将来进行时,表示将来时间点正在发生的动作。句意:——明天下午3点钟你在吗?——对不起,那时候我将正在开会。故B正确。


11.—Something smells really good in here!

—You ______ my Easter cookies.Have one!


B.are smelling

C.were smelling





12.Jane is crazy about painting these days. She in her studio all day long.

A.was staying B.stayed C.is staying D.will stay



考查动词的时态。句意:这些天她沉迷于画画,成天呆在画室里。根据Jane is crazy about painting these days和all day long.可知选C项。

13.--The concert won’t start till seven. Why____ so early?

--You know I don' t want to be at the traffic there. It’s terrible during the rush hour.
