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Teaching Design for

Tips for bettering Practical Writing

1.Analysis of the students

The students of Senior Three have gone through several key tests and finished several practical writing ,so they need the importance for improving their writing.

2. Teaching aims:

1,To know what is a good essay in Practical Writing.

2,To know the agreed standard of the best Practical Writing.

3,To command some skills of Practical Writing.

3.Teaching important and Difficult points:

1,How to raise their awareness of the importance English Handwriting.

2, How to correct their mistakes and purser the accuracy in their writing

4.Teaching methods:

1.Task-Based Language Teaching.

2.Guidance and Practice combined.

5. Teaching aids:

Blackboard, Multi-media., Computer, Power point etc.

6..Teaching Procedures:

Step 1-Leading in

Discuss the question “What makes a good essay ?” and lead the students to know the highest rank of Practical Writing.

Step 2- Presentation

1 How to be correct ? Have them understand four skills to make the practical writing correct(handwriting/layout/mood/language)

2,Handwriting problems: unclear/messy/crowded/inconsistent/

3,Tips for Handwriting:

4,Problems on layout and tips on how to outline the passage

5, How to use proper mood::When inquiring/requesting or inviting a senior , we should be more polite. Using the sentence structure :I would appreciate it if/ I wonder if it is convenient for you to.../I feel honored to ../No words can express my gratitude ...

6, Share students the importance of accurate language and help students clarify their doubts in using the specific vocabulary.

7,Give tips on how to be more accurate in English Writing.

Step 3--Summary

Encourage students to learn that we should revise and rewrite the practical writing with a determined heart, we can make greater progress.

Step 4--Homework for consolidation.


2017 .4 公开课导学案

姓名:__________ 班级:_______ 印刷份数:120


(2017 .4 高三三模)假如你是校英语俱乐部负责人章文,你们学校下周三下午两点到四点将在B幢艺术厅举行英语演讲比赛。请写一封邮件邀请外教Andrew 来当评委。内容包括:1,告知活动的时间地点2,邀请其担任评委3,问询是否有空。

Heading: _________________

Body:___________________,director of the School English Club. _________________________________to act as one of the judges in our school English contest to be held next _________ afternoon in the Art _____ of B________ B.

Ending: _________________________________reply.



(2016,10 浙江高考)假定你是李华。下学期你将作为交换生(exchange student)去加拿大一所高中学习,住在Lynn家里。请给Lynn写一封邮件,内容包括:1.介绍自己:2.告知到达时间:3.询问应做何准备.


正文:____________, an exchange student from China.__________

_______________that I’ll be staying with your family ...

(结束语)_______________________________!Best wishes!






1,Hope you come to Wenzhou quickly and played happy.(二模)


2,I am writting to invite you to be a judge.(三模)

3,Wenzhou is famous for its delicious snakes .(二模)

