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DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1006-6535.2017.02.001







摘要:苏里格气田盒8下亚段(H 8x )辫状河储层砂体连续性和连通性差,非均质性强,为了更高效地进行气田开发,应用储层构型理论,以试验区苏ˑˑ井为例,开展地下辫状河辫状水道、心滩识别及内部结构精细解剖,




Dissection of Structural Units of Braided River Reservoirs and Distribution of Effective Sandstone Formations

Zhang Ji 1,2,Ma Zhixin 1,2,Wang Wensheng 1,2,Sun Yanhui 1,2,Fu Bin 1,2(1.PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company ,Xi ’an ,Shanxi 710018,China ;

2.Low -permeability Oil &Gas Exploration and Development of National Engineering Laboratory ,Xi ’an ,Shanxi 710018,China )

Abstract :Sandstone formations in braided river reservoir of H 8x in the Sulige Gasfield are characterized by poor continuity and connectivity ,and high heterogeneity.To enhance efficiency of gasfield development ,reservoir archi-tecture theories have been used in the Well Su ˑˑwithin the study area to identify underground braided channel and diara ,and to determine their internal structures accurately.Eventually ,patterns for distribution of effective sand-stone formations can be determined.Research results show diaras have gas -bearing properties significantly better than those of braided channels.On the other hand ,internal structures ,regional lithologic features and different physical properties of braided channel and diara may jointly control distribution of effective sandstone formations ;Effective sandstone formations in braided channels distributed predominantly in rough -sized sediments in lower parts ;Except interlayers ,

surfaces toward flows in diara conatin effective sandstone formation.Core sections of diara are dominated by effective sandstone formations ,with non -effective sandstone formation distributed regionally.Sur-faces opposite to flow in the diara have poor gas -bearing properties in general with effective sandstone formations distributed in middle and lower parts with rough particles.Generally speaking ,

surface against flows ,cores and low-er parts of braided channel in the diara shall be considered as major target sandstone formations for fine development in the Sulige Gasfield in future.Relevant researches may provide reliable geologic foundations for horizontal well op-timization design and for high -efficiency development of the Sulige Gasfield.

Key words :reservoir architecture ;effective sandstone formation ;underground braided river reservoir ;H 8x ;Sulige Gasfield
