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Unit 2 What are you going to do ?



fifth, trip, field, trip, fish, fishing, go fishing, east , boating, go boating, maybe, mountain, hike, hiking, go hiking, agree, picnic, the day after tomorrow, top, problem, quick, quickly, start, trip, trip over, tire, hurry, hurry up, tie, die, more, city, take, eighth, salesgirl, far, beautiful


Let’s discuss it.

Are we all going?

I like go fishing.

Let’s go boating on the river.

That’s going to be fun.

I agree.


be going to 句型

“be going to+动词原形”表示将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做某事。常与表示将来的时间连用。如:tomorrow, tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening, this evening, next week/month/year等。be是助动词,随着主语的人称和数的变化而变化。否定句在be后加not, 一般疑问句将be放句首大写。例如:

I am going to have a swim tomorrow. 我打算明天去游泳。

They aren’t going go have any lessons next week. 他们下星期不上课。

Is Li Lei going to play basketball after school ? 李雷打算放学后去打蓝球吗?

—Where are you going to meet ? 你们打算在哪儿见面?

—On the road outside the school gate. 在校门口的马路上。


1.Next Friday we’re going on our first field trip. 下周五我们将进行首次野地旅行。

go on 进行(活动)。例如:

They are going on a visit to the big farm tomorrow. 他们明天将去参观那个大农场。

We are going on a trip to Europe next year. 我们打算明年去欧洲旅行。

The children are going on a picnic next Sunday. 孩子们打算下周日进行野餐。

2.Where are you going ? 你打算到哪里去?


Where is Jim ? 吉姆在哪里?

He is in the classroom. 在教室里。

Where are they reading ? 他们在哪里读书?

In the school library. 在校图书馆里。

(2) come, go, fly, see, leave, start 等动词的现在进行时态,可用来表示将来的动作,例如:

Are you coming with us tomorrow ? 你明天要我们一起来吗?

She is going shopping with her mother. 她要和妈妈一起去商店买东西。

3.I like going fishing. 我喜欢钓鱼。

Like 在这里是动词,意思是“喜欢”。其后经常接动词的-ing形式,表示习惯和爱好。例如:

Li Lei likes playing football. 李磊喜欢踢足球。

I like drinking. 我喜欢喝茶。

like doing sth./like to do sth.

like doing sth. 表示某人的爱好或经常性的动作,具有抽象的概念;like to do sth. 则表示某种临时性的动作,强调具体的某一次行为,指想干某事。例如:

My father likes swimming, but he doesn’t like to swim now. 我父亲喜欢游泳,但他现在不愿意游。

Do you like to have a cup of tea or coffee? 你想喝杯茶还是咖啡?

4.Why don’t we go fishing at East Lake ? 我们为什么不去东湖钓鱼呢?

(1)Why don’t you(we)…?用来提建议,可译为“为什么不……”

Why don’t you come a little earlier ? 你为什么不早点来?

Why don’t you go home ? 你为什么不回家?

这种结构的简略式为:Why not+动词原形

(2) go fishing 去钓鱼,类似的ggo shopping 去买东西

5.Let’s discuss how we’re going go get there. 让我们讨论我们将如何到达那儿。

get to意为“到达”,后接副词,“to”常省略。例如:get home 意为“到家”,在初中阶段表示“到达”的还有:


He reaches school at 7:00 every morning. 他每天早上7点钟到达学校。

(2)arrive at, arrive in

arrive at指到达小的位置,例如:

He arrived at the village yesterday. 昨天他到达了那个小村庄。

arrive in 指到达大的地方,例如:

He arrived in Shanghai on time. 他准时地到达了上海。

6.They are going to hike to the top of a mountain .他们打算徒步旅行到一座大山的顶端。

(1)mountain n. 大山,如:Mountain Tai 泰山hill n. 指小山。

(2)on the top of the mountain 在山的顶端。初中阶段类似的词at the foot in the middle in the fronat the back of 在……的后面

He lives at the foot of the mountain. 他住在山脚

The teacher is standing at the back of the classroom . 老师站在教室的后面。

Hubei Province is in the middle of China. 湖北省位于中国的中部。

7.Kate wants to hike quickly. 凯特想走得快点儿。

quickly是由形容词quick 加后缀-ly构成的副词。英语中很多形容词可通过加后缀-ly变成副词,如:strong strongly, bright brightly heavy heavily, careful carefully, happy happily, slow slowly等。形容词用于系动词后作表语,名词前作定语。副词用来修饰行为动词。例如:

The snow was very heavy last night.

It snowed heavily last night.


She is a careful girl.

She listens to the teacher carefully.
