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1. depth n. 深, 深度, deeply adv.深深地deep adj.& adv. 深的;深入地,

2. conserve v. 保存, 保藏 conservation v. 保存, 保持

3.vivid adj. 生动的, 鲜明的, 活泼的 vividly adv. 生动地, 鲜明地

4. awesome adj. 引起敬畏的, 可怕的awe n. 敬畏awe vt.敬畏

5.tasty adj. 好吃的, 可口的taste v.品尝;

n味道, 味觉tasteless adj. 没味道的, 无鉴赏力的


1) The lake is over 20 meters in _____ so we were all moved ______ by the man who dived _______ into the lake to save the little boy. (deep)

2) I ____ remember the girl dressed in ______ color he drew in the exhibition.(vivid)

3) Anyone who launches a war is ______ and is _______ by people who love peace all around the world. (awe)

4) The _______ of energy will help us research the way to save and _______ the energy. (conserve)

5) Though the soup is _______, I’ve lost my sense of ______ and it ____just like ______water.(taste)

keys:1) depth; deeply; deep 2) vividly; vivid 3) awesome; awed 4) conservation; conserve 5) tasty; taste; tastes; tasteless


1). shore/seaside/beach/coast/bank n.海边,海岸


shore 指海岸,湖岸,也指近海的一带。






1) Last summer we spent all our holiday at the _______.

2) I enjoy lying on the _______ with sunglasses in the sun.

3) It’s dangerous for children to play on the _______ of the river.

4) We often see many ships on the sea about several miles off the ______.

5) The land is barren on the east ______.

Keys: 1) seaside 2) beach 3) bank 4) shore 5) coast

2). flee/escape v.逃避, 逃跑, 逃走


flee 只说明动作,不强调结果。



1) The enemy ______ in disorder.

2) Citizens were forced to ______ the besieged city.

3) He narrowly _________ death.

Keys: 1) fled 2) flee 3) escaped

3) deep/deeply adv.深深地;


deep 表示深地,深处(常用于具体的方面)



1) The police found out the lost child _______ in the woods at last.

2) All of us were _______ shocked at the bad news.

Keys: 1) deep 2)deeply


1. annual adj. 每年的;按年度计算的/ n. 年刊;年鉴


annually adv. 年年地, 每年地


1) an annual income. 年收入

2) an annual report年度报告

3) Premier Wen Jiabao noted that the two most important problems would be previous to anything else in the government annual report.温家宝总理在政府年度报告中指出要优先解决这两大问题。[练习] 汉译英

1) 为加深理解,我们愿意与国外友人交换学校年鉴。

2) 工人们的年收入增加了250元。

Keys: 1) To have a better understanding, we would like to exchange the school annual with the foreign friends. 2) The wage of workers makes an annual increase of 250 yuan this year.

2. witness n. 目击者;证人;证据vt. 当场见到;目击


1) He is the witness to the accident. 事故的目击者
