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1. anguish, torment, torture, grief, misery, distress, suffering, agony, sorrow,affliction Anguish:指精神方面令人难以忍受的极度痛苦;用于身体时,多指局部或暂时的痛苦。

Being a happy person does not prevent anguish and heartbreak when your dog dies,

or you lose your job, or when you have problems with a partner.

Torment: 指“折磨,极大的身体上的痛苦或精神上的烦恼”(强调烦恼或痛苦的长期性)He suffered torments from his aching teeth.

Torture: 指“拷打,酷刑,作为惩罚或压制手段而施用的肉体上的刑罚”(语气比torment强)The criminal is undergoing torture. 犯人在受严刑拷打。


She rallied from the grief of her mother's death.

Misery: 指“在身体、精神或感情方面长期的极大痛苦或不幸”,或“造成这种不幸的原因”,含“无希望解脱”之意。(着重痛苦的可悲状态,多含不幸、可怜、悲哀的意味)

She died in misery in a convent. 她悲惨地在修道院死去。



In those days I felt not the slightest sympathy with the distress of disturbed studiousness

Famine caused widespread distress.

Suffering: 指“身体或精神上的痛苦”,着重“对痛苦的感觉和忍受”,一般用于人。

I participate your suffering and joy. 我和你同甘共苦。

A poet's work may be potentiated by his experience of war and of suffering. 诗人


Agony: 指“肉体上或精神上的巨大痛苦”。

During that year of agony and the following year of my grieving, everything stopped

for me. 在那一年的痛苦和接下来整整一年的悲恸中,我生活中的一切都停止了。Sorrow:语气比grief弱,指因不幸、损失或失望等所产生的悲伤。

She cloaked her sorrow with laughter.


Mankind is still afflicted with famine and war. 人类至今仍然遭受饥荒和战争之苦。

2. bulge, protrude, stick out

Bulge: 是指由内部原因或填充物引起的膨胀,如鼓鼓的肚子、鼓鼓的口袋等等Fish had come into the family fold in a plastic Baggie of water, bulging dangerously,

knotted at the top. 鱼是被装在一个塑料袋里带回家的。塑料袋里装满了水,鼓鼓的,顶端打了个结。

Protrude: 是一个整体平面上有突出的部分,带有一种畸形的暗示如凸出的额头等。

Nails protruded from the board and had to be removed for safety.


Stick out: 是A物体伸出B物体之外,如把手伸出河面,钉子伸出椅子等。

Don’t stick your arm out of the car window. 不要把胳膊伸出窗外。

3. confer、bestow、endow、award

confer “授予”、“颁予”,指上级领导或机构授予下级或个人的东西,如头衔、学位奖章等,常用结构是:confer sth. on sb. 。有时也可表示“给予”、“提供”的意思。

1) The university conferred its highest title of honor on Professor Jackson, who has made greatest contribution to the university. 大学授予杰克逊教授最高荣誉称号,因为他为大学作出了最大的贡献。

2)This Agreement is not intended to confer upon any person other than the parties hereto any right. 本协议无意授予本协议双方以外的任何人任何权利。

3)We plant and care for the trees in return for many benefits they concer upon us.


endow 正式用词,含有“赐予”“赋予”之意,常用结构是:endow sb. with sth.

1) It is generally agreed that humans are endowed with a special inborn capacity for language. (人们普遍认为,人类被赋予了一种特殊的天生语言能力。)

2)Mathematics seems to endow one with something like a new sense.


bestow正式用词,用法与endow相似,也、表示“赐予”、“赠给”的意思,常用结构是:bestow sth. on / upon sb.

1) I shall never forget the favors which you have bestowed on me.


2)The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker.


award “奖予”,指对成绩卓著或竞赛优胜者给予奖励,接双宾语。

1) The best students in academic performances are awarded special scholarship every year.


2) She has been awarded the first price for four years in succession.


4. contemplate, consider, ponder, mediate on , deliberate, speculate,brood over, think,reflect on


The young surgeons contemplated the difficult operation of kidney transplant.



You have to consider what to do next right now. 你得立即想象下一步怎么办Ponder:侧重仔细、深入、连续地考虑问题,以做出认真的估计和正确的抉择。(在脑中彻底而小心地权衡、考虑、沉思)

He pondered his words thoroughly. 他说的每句话都仔细掂量过。

Mediate on:暗指严肃的思考,比如对于采取一项行动或执行一项计划所作的考虑;这个词还可表示陷入深深的思考。

He sat there meditating on his misfortunes. 他坐在那儿思索着自己不幸的事。

Deliberate: 是集中注意力地且通常是缓慢地思考,如对于将要作出的一项选择或决定的思考。

The jury deliberated for two days before returning a verdict.

