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(一)将下列中医用语翻译成英语Translate the following traditional Chinese medical expressions into English

1.中国医药学traditional Chinese medicine; TCM

2.中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine

3.临床经验clinical experience

4.辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation

5.本草materia medica

16.医疗实践medical practice

17.治疗原则therapeutic principles

18.寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature

19.滋阴降火nourishing yin to reduce fire

20.瘀血致病diseases caused by blood stagnation

(二)将下列句子翻译成英语Translate the following sentences into English


TCM, a medical system with a history of thousands of years is the summary of the experience of the Chinese people accumulating in their struggle against disease.


Under the guidance of classic materialism and dialectics, TCM has eventually evolved into a unique medical system through long term medical practice.


TCM is a science focusing on the study of physiology and pathology as well as diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases.


Huangdi Neijing (Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine) has summed up the medical achievements and clinical experiences since the spring-autumn period and warring states, establishing the unique theoretical system of TCM and laying the foundation for the development of TCM.

5.《难经》内容十分丰富,补充了《黄帝内经》的不足,成为后世指导临床实践的理论基础。Nan Jing is rich in content, supplementing what Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine lacks and serving as the theoretical basis for the clinical practice of the latter generations.


(一)将下列中医用语翻译成英语Translate the following traditional Chinese medical expressions into English

1.先天之精innate essence

2.气的运动变化motion and variation of Qi

3.形与神俱inseparation of the body and spirit

4.神明the spirit /mental activity

5.脏腑zang-organs and fu-organs

6.功能活动functional activities

7.形神统一the unity of physic and spirit

8.阴阳失调imbalance of yin and yang

9.正邪相争combat between healthy qi and pathogenic actors

10.治未病prevention of disease

11.调养cultivation/health care

12.正气healthy qi /vital qi

13.病邪pathogenic factors

14.疾病的防治prevention and treatment of diseases

15.整体观念the conception of organic wholeness

16.疾病的本质与现象the nature and manifestation of disease

17.阴阳的相对平衡the relative balance of yin and yang

18.疾病的发生与发展the occurrence and development of disease

19.同病异治treating the same disease with different therapies

20.异病同治treating different diseases with the same therapy

(二)将下列句子翻译成英语Translate the following sentences into English


In the long course of its development and practice, traditional Chinese medicine has been under the influence of classical Chinese materialism and dialectics.


TCM holds that the world in which we live is material and is the result of the interaction between yin and yang.


The existence of human beings depends on the interaction between the celestial qi and terrestrial qi.


According to TCM, jingqi is the essential substance for life which exists prior to the formation of the body and is hereditary.


The combination of the parental essence is the primary substance for the formation of fetus.


(一)将下列中医用语翻译成英语Translate the following traditional Chinese medical expressions into English

1.五脏five zang-organs

2.六腑six fu-organs

3.经络系统the system of meridian and collateralls

4.形神统一the system of body and spirit

5.有机整体organic wholeness

6.表里关系interior and exterior relation

7.开窍opening into

8.生长化收藏generate/sprout; growth; transformation; reapness/ripeness; storage
