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班级 ______姓名________


1. 打扰了____________________

2. 穿着红衣服___________________

3. 长着大眼睛________________

4. 我姐姐_______________________

5. 一名英语老师______________

6. 一名新学生___________________

7. 她的朋友__________________

8. 那个男孩_____________________

9. 穿着黄毛衣________________ 10. 你妈妈的短裙________________ 11.在那边_____________ 12. 大耳朵_____________

13、他的奶奶____________ 14. 她的哥哥______________

16、迈克的爷爷_____________ 17. 迟到

17、穿着白色短裙____________ 18、那个老太太____________

19、下来_________________ 20. 我的学生 ____________

21. 这位医生 ____________ 22. 两位男生 ____________

23. 一位新护士 ____________ 24.长着小眼睛的男人___________ 二.选择填空

( ) 1. Who’s the girl ________ small ears? A . with B. in C. with a ( ) 2. The man ________white is my father.A . with B. in C. for ( ) 3.We’re late ________ the party. A . with B. in C. fo ( ) 4.Welcome ________ our school. A . to B. for C. in ( )5. ________your mother a nurse ? Yes. A. Are B. Is C. Who’s 三.连词成句:

1. there, woman, that, who's, over


2. me, is, he, doctor, a , excuse


3. here, you, are, a, nurse


4. your, is, sister, girl, that


5. with, the, eyes, boy, who's, big


6. red, one, the, skirt, in


四.判断出每句的错误,将其序号填在题前的括号内,并在横线上改正( ) 1. Who’s a boy over there?

( ) 2. Are your a nurse?

( ) 3. The one in a red.

( ) 4. She’s my brother, Nancy.

( ) 5. We’re late to party.

( ) 6. Are you teacher? Yes, I am.

( ).7Who's the boy with big eye?

( ).8 My grandfather is my father father.

( ).9 Where's your sister? He's in the study.

( ).10 Who's the girl in long hair?

( ) 11Let's go to the school.


1. ________ ________ the girl? She’s my sister, Helen.

2. ________ ________ ________ that puppet? No, I don’t.

3. ________ ________ in English? It’s a kite.

4. ________ ________ a student? No, I’m not.

5. ________ ________ ________? I’m hot.

6. ________ ________ ________ a panda in the zoo? Yes, I can.

7. ________ this girl your sister? Yes, she is.


( ) 1. Who is the girl in red? A. The one in the car.

( ) 2. What’s that on the desk? B. No, it isn’t.

( ) 3. Let’s go and say “Hello”! C. It’s my father’s.

( ) 4. Is that boy your brother? D. She’s my sister.

( ) 5. Whose jacket is this? E. No, I’m not.

( ) 6. Which one? F. It’s a water bottle.

( ) 7. Are you a teacher? G. All right.

( ) 8. Is this your purse? H. No, he isn’t.
