高中英语 Unit1 学案(学生版)

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高中英语 Unit1 学案(学生版)

Unit1 学案(学生版)


1、Improve the Ss’ ability of reading comprehension、

2、 To know more information about Australia、


1、Skimming and scanning

2、 Reading individually and discussing in groups


对下列短语你能过关吗?试一试,你行的!Step1Detailed reading and fill in the form、Get the students to read Paragraph3- Paragraph8 of the magazine article Is Australia really a sporting nation? quickly and try to answer this question: What sports are popular in Australia?SportExamplesWhy popularWater sportswimming; surfing; sailingBall gamestennis; cricket; rugby; soccer; footyOthershorse racingProcedures:Step

1、Have a free talk with the students about countries with some famous aspects of its culture、“ Do you think sport is a distinctive cultural feature of

Australia?”“What do you suppose people think about when France, Britain, India or Australia is

mentioned ?”France_________________________________Brita in__________________________________India________________ ____________________Australia____________________________ _____Step2 Language points

1、L5-6 …--- the conversation quickly turns to sport、理解turn to在下列各句的意思:1)

He told me that if we needed financial help, we could turn to him、2)

Now let us turn to another aspect of the problem、3) Let’s turn to Page102、用turn over turn down turn up turn in turn out 填空

1、We politely _________ the invitation、

2、 The criminal ______herself____、

3、 The person I spoke to ________ to be an Italian、

4、 The work ____________ to the secretary、

5、Several old friends ________at the reunion、2、 The Australians’ devotion to sport, however, does not mean that most of them actually do much sport、devotion n、热衷,投入,常和“to”连用、把过多的时间用于体育运动就使用

于学习的时间太少了。The devotion of too much time to

sports leaves too little time for studying、devote v、(与to连用)献身;专心于…

3、 L16-17 Many people owe their love of sport to the perfect weather conditions for it、owe v、 (1)

欠钱 (2)感激 (3)

应该把…归功于(与to连用)拓展:1)、 owing to 由于, 因、、、之缘故=because of; on account of:I couldn‘t attend, __________illness、2)、owe it to…that 全靠, He owed it to his teacher that he was admitted into a university、4、 L23-24 Since most tennis court are equipped with lighting facilities,…、equip (equipped, equipped)装备;配备 be equipped with 装备有The room was ________with the simplest essentials, a bed, a chair, and a table、5、 L52-54 Among the most impressive athletes were the swimmers, but all of the athletes were worthy of praise、1)

Among the most impressive athletes were the swimmers 是倒装句,介词短语位于句首,句子全部倒状、2)值得干……的表达: be worth doing, be worthy to be done, be worthy of being done,It is worthwhile to do /doing, It is worth the while to do sth、这篇文章值得一读:
