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—Thank you!

—It’s a pleasure./My pleasure./Don’t mention it./That’s all right./You are welcome. 2.回答对方道歉(Apologies)


—Never mind./It doesn’t matter./It’s all right./Forget it./That’s all right.


—Can I.../Could I.../Would you mind if I...

—1)Yes, please./Sure./Certainly./Of course./Please do./Of course, you can./Go ahead, please.

—2)I am sorry; it’s not allowed./I’m afraid not./You’d better not./I’d rather you didn’t.


—Would you like me to help...

—1)Yes, please./That’s very kind of you./Thank you. That would be nice./Thank you for your help.

—2)No, thanks./Thank you all the same./It’s very kind of you, but I can manage it myself.


—1)Sure./certainly./Exactly./Absolutely./That’s correct./Of course./

All right.(好的)/I agree./I can’t agree more./That’s a good idea./Yes, I think so./ That’s exactly what I was thinking./That’s just how I see it.

—2)No way./Of course not./I’m afraid I don’t agree./I don’t think so./Well, it depends./Well, I am not sure about it.


1.So do I. “So+助动词+主语”表述前面一种表肯定意义的情况也适合后面的


2.So I do. “So+主语+助动词”表示认可,意为“... 的确如此”

3.What if? 译为“万一...怎么办/如果...怎么样?”

4.So what?=What of it? 译为“那又怎样?”

5.What for? 译为“为什么?”

6.Why borther? 译为“何必麻烦?”

7.It’s up to you. 译为“由你决定”

8.It’s a deal. 译为“就这么定了,一言为定,成交!”

9.It all depends. 译为“视情况而定吧。看情况。”

10.I could’t agree more. 译为“我再同意不过了。我非常同意。”

11.What’s up? 译为“怎么了?”

12.How come? 译为“怎么会?”

13.Go ahead. 译为“去吧,继续吧,做吧,走吧,开始吧”

14.No wonder. 译为“难怪”

15.No doubt. 译为“毫无疑问”

16.Why not? 译为“好呀”(表示赞成对方的提议)

17.It doesn’t matter. 译为“没关系”

18. It’s none of your business. 译为“不关你的事”


1.I’m _______to hear that Bob has asked Mary to marry him. I’ve always thought they were made for each other.

A.green with envy B.white as a sheet C.black and blue D.tickled pink 【答案】D



考查情景交际。句意:听说鲍勃向玛丽求婚,我高兴极了。我一直认为他们是为彼此而生的。A. green with envy非常嫉妒;B. white as a sheet苍白如纸;C. black and blue遍体鳞伤;D. tickled pink非常高兴。此处表示非常高兴,故选D.

2. -----Will you please help me to take care of my cat when I go out?

----- ________.

A.My pleasure. B.It's a pleasure. C.With pleasure. D.At my pleasure. 【答案】C




3.–Guess what! Alice has failed in the exam.

– ____? She is second to none in English in our class.

A.How is it B.How come C.What D.What is it




试题分析:考查答案意思,How come意思“怎么会…”,How is it意思“如此情况”,What意思“什么”,What is it意思“它是什么”,由后面的句子She is second to none in English in our class意思,可以知道选B



4.---Johnson said tha t he had a headache and wouldn’t come to the discussion.

---____________. He always uses that excuse.

A.You are kidding.

B.I won’t buy his story.

C.You have my word.

D.I can’t agree more.




试题分析:考查情景对话。句意:---Johnson说因为头疼,他不来参加讨论了。----我才不相信他的话呢,他总是用那样的借口。A.You are kidding你在开玩笑吧;B.buy one’s word相信某人的话;C.You have my word我保证;D.I can’t agree more我非常赞同。根据句意,选B项。

考点 : 考查情景对话

5.—So kind of you to give a ride to the station.


A.It doesn’t matter B.Never mind

C.Don’t mention it D.My pleasure




考查情景交际中的日常用语。It doesn’t matter.没关系;Never mind.不要紧;Don’t mention it.别客气;My pleasure我的荣幸。根据上文“捎我去车站,你真
