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1.—Do you feel disappointed about getting a small role in the school drama?

—_______ . It ’ s better than nothing.

A.Not really B.Absolutely

C.Don’ t mention it D.Of course

【答案】 A




不完全如此,有总比没有好。 A. Not really 并不完全是; B. Absolutely 绝对地,完全地; C.

Don' t mention i杯用客气(礼貌用语);D. Of course当然了。根据回答后半句"It ' s better

than nothing 可知回答着并不失落到了极点,而是有些失落但又处于自我宽慰的状态,只” 有Not really 符合题意,故选A。

2.---Hi, Bob! Thanks a lot for lending me the money!

--- __ ! Oh, by the way the interest rate is 10%.

A.With regards B.With pleasure C.No sweat D.No way

【答案】 C



考查交际用语。——嗨,鲍伯!——谢谢你借我钱!——没关系,哦,顺便提醒一下利率是10%。A. With regards 致以问候;B. With pleasure 好的;没问题; C. No sweat 没关系;D. No way 绝不。注意with pleasure 用以对还没做的事情的回答。故选 B 。

3..—Wow! You look funny in that sweater.

—My grandmother gave it to me for Christmas. You know, ____ .

A.each bird loves to hear himself sing B.beauty is in the eye of the beholder C.it is the thought that counts D.the outsider sees the most of the game 【答案】 C




道,礼轻情意重,更重要的是心意。 A. each bird loves to hear himself sing 孤芳自赏B.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder 情人眼里出西施 C. it is the thought that counts 礼轻情意

重,更重要的是心意 D. the outsider sees the most of the game 旁观者清。故选C。

4.- It really annoys me when a person's cell phone goes off during a movie ? 一Yeah, me too . It really.

A . costs me an arm and a leg C . beats my brains out

【答案】 B 【解析】

试题分析:考查交际用语和谚语。谚语: It really costs me an arm and a leg 。它真是太贵 了。 It really gets on my nerves 它让我心神不宁。 beats my

brains out 绞尽脑汁; pulls my legs 开玩笑,愚弄我;句意: —看电影时,有人手机响起来,真让我生气。 — 是的,我也一

样。它让我心神不宁。根据句意可知 B 项正确。


5. --- Aren ’ t you cold? --- . I ’ m boiling. A . Take it easy. B . That ’ s all hritg. C . Not a little.

D . Far from it.

【答案】 D 【解析】

考查交际用语。Take it easy 放松,别紧张;That' s all rig 厮用谢;Not a little 很,十分;

Far from it 远非如此,正相反。句意:难道你不冷吗?正相反,我很热。所以选 D 。

6. --Oh, this is so annoying. Where on earth did I put my keys? -- You never _____ . A . learn your lesson B . bite your tongue C . eat your words

D . cross your fingers

【答案】 A 【解析】 【详解】

考查习语。句意: —— 哎呀,烦死了。我到底把我的钥匙放哪儿了? —— 你从来不吸取教

训。 A. learn your lesson 从中吸取教训; B. bite your tongue 欲

言又止; C. eat your words 食

言; D. cross your fingers 祈祷好运。根据语境可知第一人经常找不到钥匙,所以第二人说 称总是不长记性(从来不吸取教训) ”,故A 项正确。

7. . --I went up to speak to him, but he turned away and left. --Why did he give you ____ ?You are good friends, aren't you? A . a wet blanket B . a cup of tea C . the cold shoulder

D . a tough nut

【答案】 C 【解析】 【详解】

考查习语。句意: —— 我走上前去和他说话,但是他转身就走了。

—— 为什么他对你态度

B . gets on my nerves

D . pulls my legs
