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Zhang Hua is a very good football p 1 . He is thirty-one y 2 old. He was born on 12th September. Now he l 3 with parents in Shanghai. He is 1. 76 metres t 4 and he is very s 5 .

Now he is a m 6 of our school football team. Zhang Hua likes p 7 computer games and l 8 to pop music. Many students in our school like h 9 . He wants to play w 10 in every match.


There is(有)a Lost and Found box in our school. There are(有) some things i 1 it. This is a schoolbag. W 2 color is it? It’s brown. That is a 3 eraser. Whose(谁的)is it? Is it y 4 ? And what’s that? I 5 is a watch. Oh, I find my t 6 keys. One is to my classroom, and the other (另一个) is to my house. I find them on the playground(操场). T 7 phone is Mingming’s. This baseball is h 8 , too. Three books, two dictionaries and some nice pens a 9 also in the box. Whose are they? I don’t k 10 .


Tom is a boy of eight y 1 old. He and Jim are in the same c 2 . Jim is good a 3 maths. But Tom is not a good student. He doesn’t like to go to s 4 . He can only count(数) f 5 1 to 10.

One day his teacher had a talk w 6 him, “All the boys and girls in our class work hard. What d o you do every day? Don’t you want to be a good boy?” his teacher says. “I w 7 TV in the evening every day. I know a lot a 8 sports. I am going to be a referee(裁判员),” Tom says. “What referee are you g 9 to be?” the teacher asks. “A boxing (拳击)referee,” Tom answers. “Why?” the teacher asks. “A boxing referee only c 10 from 1 to 10,” Tom says.


Do you know the word “brunch”? In the West, many people like to have brunch—late (1)b______or early lunch. People often have brunch (2) b_____ 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. on Sunday because they prefer to get up (3) l_____ after a week’s hard work or want to enjoy brunch

with their parents, or friends. That is a relaxing and interesting (4)w______ of eating for most families.

Today, brunch has become (5) p______ in big hotels. One can (6) e_____ ask for or cook it himself. To make it (7) l______ like both breakfast and lunch, people choose to have lots of dishes. You may often see the following (8) f______ on the table, meat, eggs, fruit, (9) v_______, orange juice, tea and bacon. Do you have brunch at (10) w_______? If not, why not try?


题一: 1. player 2. years 3. lives 4. tall 5. strong 6. member 7. playing 8. listening 9. him 10. well

解析:1. 张华是一个非常好的足球运动员。此处需要填入人物的身份,以p开头,与football有


2. 他是31岁,岁数超过了1,year要用复数的形式。

3. 通过后面知道应该指的是他和父母居住在上海。居住要用live,因为在一般现在时中,主语是


4. 1. 76米高,表示高度要用tall。

5. 以s开头,描述一个人特征,用strong。

6. 现在他是我们学校足球队的成员。表示“会员和成员”,用单词member。

7. 玩电脑:play computer games,like表示经常喜欢做某事时,后面的动词要用ing的形式,所


8. 听流行音乐:listen to pop music,like表示经常喜欢做某事时,后面的动词要用ing的形式,


9. 此处的意思是:我们学校的很多学生都喜欢他。“喜欢”是动词,后面如果跟代词,要用代词宾


10. 此处的意思是:他想要把每场比赛都打得好。需要一个副词“好地”去修饰动词“play”,所以


题二: 1. in 2. What 3. an 4. yours

5. It

6. two

7. That

8. his

9. are

10. know

解析:1. 由后面的it可知,是放在box里面,所以应该用介词in。

2. What color is it?是固定句型,指的是“它是什么颜色呢?”。

3. eraser是以元音音素开头的单词,它的前面若加不定冠词,应该用an。

4. 此处应该填入的是一个名词性物主代词。yours相当于your eraser。

5. 对于what’s that? 的提问,回答时指代的是同类同物,要用代词it。

6. 根据后面“One is to my classroom, and the other(另一个)is to my house. ”可知此处应


7. 根据后面的This baseball,可以推测前面应该想要描述的是“That phone is Mingming’s. ”。
