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从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.As________birthplace of Huaxia civilization,Xi' an is________city with a long history and abundant cultural relics.

A. the;a

B. a;a C./;a D. the;/

2.H7N9 control and prevention is a________to China as well as the whole world. A.surprise B.challenge C.reaction D.threat

3.My boss made________clear that one in three of us will have to leave next month. A.it B.us C.that D.this

4.—Have you seen John lately?

—Yes, he comes to visit me________.

A. the other day

B. now and then

C. at the moment

D. sooner or later

5.T he plane departs at 8∶00,so we may as well be at the airport________7∶00 at the latest.

A.by B.after C.till D.in

6.Why do so many birds fly to south every winter?

—They are trying to get a________shelter from the cold weather in winter.

A. magic

B. reliable

C. permanent

D. temporary

7.China's laws regarding the protection of personal information online remain relatively undeveloped and weak.________,necessary management measures lack a legal basis.

A. Thus

B. However

C. Otherwise

D. Moreover

8.Getting students________in outclass activities can develop their characters.

A. trapped

B. devoted

C. stuck

D. involved

9.________that the Youth Olympic Games might be delayed due to severe air pollution, our government has made a promise to Jacques Rogge that they will spare no effort to settle the problem.

A. Warned

B. Having warned

C. Warning

D. Being warned

10.One of the fathers of the Internet________no doubt agree that the UN need to form a special agency to fight against cybercrime.

A. would

B. must

C. can

D. may

11.If you have trouble working out the math problem,why not try calling Jenny? —She________be home by now.

A. shall

B. should

C. will

D. would

12.Since the band announced the release of their new album, the phone hasn’t stopped ringing. Many fans________to ask about the exact time.

A. were calling

B. had called

C. are calling

D. call

13.One’s life has value________one brings value to the life of others.

A. so that

B. no matter how

C. as long as

D. except that

14.It is difficult to tell exactly________the saying began, but it is probable that it was in the theater or movie industry.

A. where

B. when

C. why

D. that

15.—Daddy, do you like it if I buy a wallet for my mom’s birthday?


A. Don’t bother

B. That all depends

C. It couldn’t be better

D. It’s a good deal



My grandmother was always encouraging me to set goals and work hard to achieve them. She would tell me not to be a follower and not to set__16__on what I could achieve. She__17__believed that there were no limits that you could__18__whatever you wanted.

I would never forget the following story that she once told me:

A farmer won first__19__at the country fair for his huge radish (小萝卜)that was
