unit2 The_Fine_Art_of_Putting_Things_Off中英对照

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Unit 2

1. Cool one’s heels ,be forced to wait

2.attest to,testify to

3. apocalyptic, predicting the end of the world

4. not at all or in any respect

5.ponconsul(prō-kŏn′səl), A high administrator in one of the modern colonial empires.

6.ruminate(roo′mə-nāt′), turn a matter over and over in the mind.,go over---

7.nattering, chatter.ing,noisy,talk idly

8.fortify, encourage:, make strong

9.academe(ăk′ə-dēm′), a. The academic environment;;b. Academic life.


11.subliminal /ˌsʌbˈlɪm.ɪ.nəl/,

not recognized by the conscious mind

12.truism /truː.ɪ.zəm/,obvious truth,a statement that is so obviously true that it

is almost not worth saying:


1.worthy,having worth or merit or value

2.plead, appeal or request earnestly;

3.procrastinatio n,[proʊˌkræstɪ'neɪʃn]

,putting off or delaying an action to a later time

The Fine Art of Putting Things Off


Michael Demarest


1"Never put off till tomorrow," exhorted Lord Chesterfield in 1749, "what you can do today." That the elegant earl never got around to marrying his son's mother and had a bad habit of keeping worthies like Dr. Johnson cooling their heels for hours in an anteroom attests(证明) to the fact that even the most well-intentioned men have been postponers ever. Quintus Fabius Maximus, one of the great Roman generals, was dubbed "Cunctator”(Delayer拖延者) for putting off battle until the

last possible vinum ['vaɪnəm]break(休息). Moses pleaded a speech defect(语言表达缺陷) to rationalize(找理由) his reluctance to deliver Jehovah's edicts (法令)to Pharaoh. Hamlet, of course, raised procrastination(拖延) to an art form.



2"The world is probably about evenly divided between delayers and do-it-nowers. There are those who prepare their income taxes in February, prepay mortgages and serve precisely planned dinners at an ungodly(难以忍受的) 6:30 p.m. The other half dine happily on leftovers at 9 or 10, misplace bills and file for an extension of the income tax pay credit-card bills until the apocalyptic

(警告性的)voice of Diners threatens doom from Denver(丹佛总部). They


3Yet for all the trouble procrastination may incur, delay can often inspire and revive a creative soul. Jean Kerr, author of many successful novels and plays, says that she reads every soup-can and jamjar label in her kitchen before settling down to her typewriter.Many a writer focuses on almost anything but his task—for example, on the Coast and Geodetic(土地的) Survey of Maine's Frenchman Bay and Bar Harbor, stimulating his imagination with names like Googins Ledge, Blunts Pond, Hio Hill and Burnt Porcupine, Long Porcupine, Sheep Porcupine and Bald Porcupine islands.


4From Cunctator's day until this century, the art of postponement had been virtually a monopoly of the military ("Hurry up and wait"), diplomacy and the law. In former times, a British proconsul (总督)faced with a native uprising could comfortably ruminate['ruːmɪneɪt](思考) about the situation with Singapore Sling
