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《》1; A; beside B; between C; behind D; find

《》2; A; family B; Friends C; parents D; presents

《》3; A; looks B; like C; let’s D; let

《》4; A; always B; usually C; often D; sometimes

《》5; A; lots of B; a lot C; in front of D; a lot of

《》6; A; pretty things B; pudding C; turkey D; finally

《》7; A; Australia B; Western holidays C; Canada D; Western countries

《》8; A; after school B; at weekends C; on Sundays D; after class 二;听录音;选出相对应的应答句《听两遍》《6分》

( )1; A; He is a cook; B; She’s Miss Li; C; She’s a factory worker; D; She likes reading;

( )2; A; Yes, she does; B; No, they don’t;

C; No, they usually visit their grandparents; D; No, she doesn’t;

( )3; A; I like parrots; B; He likes English;

C; He likes polar bears; D; She likes robots;

( )4; A; They visit their teachers; B; They eat turkeys;

C; They have a picnic; D; They go to the park;

( )5; A; She likes flying a kite; B; She likes swimming;

C; She likes going to the cinema; D; She chats on the Internet;

( )6; A; Yes, I can; B; No, it doesn’t; C; Yes, he can; D; Yes, it can;

三;听录音;用阿拉伯数字给下列图片编号 (听两遍)(6分)



四;听录音;根据所听到的对话和问题选择正确的答案 (听两遍) 《5分》

《》1; A; A cook;B; She helps people;C; She’s a writer;

《》2; A; Yes, she does;B; No, she doesn’t;C; Yes, she can;

《》3; A; She plays the piano; B; She goes to the park; C; She goes to the cinema;《》4; A;It’s a rabbit;B; It’s a parrot;C; It’s a fish;


《》5; A; On the first floor; B; On the second floor; C; On the third floor;


Angel is my _________ ; She’s nine years old; She’s from the UK, but she _______ in China now; Her father is a _______ ; He teaches Maths; Her mother is a _______ ; She makes sweets; Angle is a student;She _______ _______ and drawing; She ________ _________ to the library; She ________ visits her grandparents at weekends ; They _________ picnics in the park;



《》1;A; visit B; sing C; rose D; always

《》2;A; who B; warm C; work D; sweater

《》3;A; fly B; yellow C; try D; why

《》4;A; usually uter C; music D; umbrella

《》5;A; cake B; cinema C; juice D; dance

《》6;A; jump B; jacket C; green D; subject


1;在教室前面 in ___________ of the _____________

2;没有腿和手臂 have no ____________ _________ __________

3;发电子邮件 send ____________ 4;他的朋友们的名字his

5;擅长 __ __ 6; have a good time _____________________

7; chat on the Internet 8; Don’t worry;

9; talk about their hobbies 10;a stocking on the bed


2; Let ___________(she ) go and have a picnic with us;

5; Can your friend ____________ ( speak ) English ____________ ( good) ?

6; Our classroom is on the_____________ ( two ) floor;

7; He’s a ______________ ; He ______________ a bus at school; ( drive )

8; I like ____________ ( skate ) in winter ;But my sister __ (not ) ;

九;从A;B;C;D四个选项中;选出一个可以填入空白处的正确选项 (10分)

《》1; There ________ some soup and some apples on the table;

A; isn’t B; are C; is D; aren’t

《》2; How many ________ ________ there on the ground floor? Only one;

《》3; I have two balls; ________ is red and _________ is blue;

A; one , the other B; One, the other C; First , second D;One , other

《》4; You can see bald eagles in ___________ ;

A; China B; the US C; Canada D; Australia

《》5; _______ Mike good at Chinese? Yes; He can ________ Chinese well;

A; Does, speak B; Is , speaks C; Is, speak D; Does, say

《》6; Mike often __________________ in the park at weekends;

A; fly a kite B; fly kites C; flies kite D; flies a kite

《》7; _______ does your e-friend live ? Shanghai;

A; What B; Where C; Whose D; How

《》8; My aunt helps sick people in a hospital(医院); What does she do ? She’s ______;
