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• 循序渐进 gradual progress
• 人员交往 people-to-people exchange
• 战略选择 strategic choice
• 高瞻远瞩 stand high and see far; take a broad and long-term view; show great foresight
• 良辰佳时 wonderful time
• 日新月异 ever-changing
• 宏观管理 macro-management
• 分工协作 collaboration and division
• 丰硕成果 abundant results
• 词汇翻译 (四字格短语)
• 广泛领域 in a wide range of areas
• 3. 我相信这次论坛对于推动我国社区服务事业的蓬勃开展,促进我国 经济发展和社会稳定,具有积极的作用和意义。同时我也相信,在各 位朋友的共同努力下,我们的论坛能够取得丰硕的成果。
• I believe that this Forum will be an active and significant in promoting the rigorous development of China’s community service work and enhancing the economic development and social stability. Meanwhile, I believe that our Forum will surely obtain the abundant achievements with common efforts of every fiend present here.
• 4. 我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,要求我们改革和完善社 会福利保障体制,从而对社区服务提出了更高的要求。
• The establishment and development of China’s socialist market economy system requires us to reform and improve the social welfare security program and therefore set higher requirements to the community service work .
• 2. 日新月异的信息技术给我们带来了知识结构与内容的更新与革命, 而全球化的浪潮更是波及人类生活的每一个层面,改变着我们局限于 种族、地区与国家的传统的思维方式。
• The ever-changing IT brings us the renovation and revolution of knowledge structure and content. While the globalization tide further influences the every facet of human’s life and changes our traditional way of thinking constrained by ethnicity, region and country.
第六单元 礼仪性口译(2)
• 词汇翻译:
• 远道而来 come all the way from
• 尽情品尝 taste joyfully
• 美酒佳肴 delicious food and unique wine
• 无所拘束 in a more informal way
• 万事如意 all the best
• 展望未来 Look into the future 相互尊重
mutual respect • 平等互利
equality and mutual benefits • 求同存异
seek common ground while put aside differences • 后续活动
follow-up activity • 大力倡导
• 6. 10年来,亚欧双方在相互尊重,平等对话、循序渐进、协商一致的基础上, 开展了广泛多样的合作,政治对话不断深化,经济联系日益密切,社会领域 合作迅速拓展,文化和人员交往更加频繁。
• Over the past decade, the two parties of Asian and European conducted broad and diversified cooperation on the basis of the principle of equal dialogue, step-by-step working and consensus consultation. Our political dialogue deepens gradually, the economic links intensifies closer and closer, the cooperation of social areas expands quickly and the exchanges of culture and people widens up.
• 5. 我们欧亚国家的领导人再次在此聚会,在平等友好的基础上,就广 泛领域里的合作以及建立新型的亚欧伙伴关系,交换我们的意见。
• We, the leaders of Asia-Europe countries, meet with each other here and exchange the views on building up new Asia Europe partnership and cooperating in a wide range of areas on the basis of equality and in a friendly manner.
actively promote • 光辉远景
splendid future
• 1. 我们希望通过这次国际论坛,可以加深不同社会与文化之间的相互 了解,促进亚太地区学术界的交流,促进本地区文化与社会的变革与 发展。
• Through this Forum, we hope we can increase the mutual understanding among different societies and cultures, promote the academic exchanges in the Asia-Europe region and further improve the reform and development of local culture and society.