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抓取信息,脱离原语言外壳(deverbalize) 短时记忆的技巧(口译成功的前提) 笔记的技巧(交传中适用) 适当的应对策略 表达的技巧 数字口译技巧 公众演讲技巧

1.广博的知识面(百科全书式的知识an encyclopedic knowledge, a jack of all trades, but master of none. 2.良好的身体和心理素质 3.口齿要清楚,伶俐 4.快速学习知识和运用知识的能力 5.跨文化交际的意识(吃了吗?菜做的不好, 请多多包涵?Your bride is very beautiful?新 娘子很漂亮?哪里?哪里?

社区口译(community interpreting) 西方很发达(电话公司) 会谈口译(negotiation interpreting) 导游口译(guide interpreting) 幻灯片同传 根据信息传递媒介 电话口译(telephone interpreting) 电视口译 网络口译

专职译员 公务员译员(各级政府部门,如外交部) 公司译员 兼职译员(大学教师,某些双语环境下成 长起来的人(在欧美国家常见)) 自由人译员(freelance interpreter)


(上海世博会招聘社区志愿者,要求有中 级口译资格证)
The characteristics of interpretation

Professor Mei Deming, a famous expert of interpreting in China, has summarized the features of interpreting into the following five aspects, namely, extemporaneousness(即席性), stressfulness(现场气氛压力), independence (个体性操作), comprehensiveness(综合 性的语言操作活动))and miscellaneousness (内容包罗万象). (2006:7-10)
Challeng Interpreting:
A Coursebook of Interpreting Skills
Lecturer: Niu Huaxu(牛化旭)
The definition of interpreting

课本定义 梅德明:Interpreting is a kind of communicative action transmitting one language to another language accurately and quickly through the oral form in order to exchange information,which is a kind of communicative tool on which man depends in the course of cross-cultural activities among all kinds of nationals (Mei Deming, 2000:6)

国家人事部口笔译考试(一级,二级,三 级,一级最高,翻译资格证书考试---高翻证)

掌握笔译的技巧(基础) 良好的听力(一天6-8个小时的训练量) 掌握中国英语(Chinese English,China’s English)建立自己的英汉对应词汇
改革开放,体制改革,计划生育,和谐社 会,等等
Interpreting as a profession

口译的历史 口译早于笔译产生(interpretation must have antedated translation ) 《礼记· 王制》中记载:“五方之民,言语不通, 嗜欲不同。达其志,通其欲,东方曰寄,南方曰 像,西方曰狄鞮,北方曰译。” Two international conferences: Paris peace conference( consecutive, French and English) the Nuremberg trials of the Nazi war criminal(simultaneous, English,French, Russian, German

Since then, interpretation has become an internationally recognized profession. well-paid, admirable profession, gold-collar You can get a payment of 5000yuan for one day of service. However,you must have been totally qualified before you take your first task. Even you only fail once, you may lose the opportunity to become an interpreter. As an interpreter, you should try to establish your own reputation.

掌握一些套语和常见表达的翻译: 您一定是我们期盼已久的客人史密斯博士。 You must be our long-expected guset,… 对不起,还没请教您的尊姓大名呢。 Excuse me, but I haven’t had the honour of knwoing you. 很高兴与您结识。 I’m delighted/pleased to make your acquaintance.

久违,久违! I haven’t seen you for ages./for a long time./It’s been such a long time since we met last. 我们上车吧。 Let’s proceed to the car. 您先请。After you. 您慢走。/多保重。Take care. 中国菜讲究色、香 、味。 Chinese dishes are famous for their color,flavor and taste. 中国菜习惯/喜欢吗?/ Do you like Chinese food? 尝尝北京烤鸭。 Help yourself to/ Try some roast Peking duck. 请别客气。/Make yourself at home. 菜不好,请多多包涵。 Hope you have enjoyed yourself / the dinner.


tuition assistance 助学金 vocational education 职业教育 pre-marital medical check-up 婚前医学检查;婚检 doctor-patient relationship 医患关系 substandard food and medicine 不合标准的食品和药品 food and drug safety 食品医药安全 tax on agricultural specialty products 农业特产税 community hospitals 社区医院 community healthcare system 社区医疗保健制度 stay-at-home children 留守儿童 rural migrant workers 农民工 ice-melting/ice-thawing trip “融冰”之旅 diversification of foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备多元化 vulnerable group/disadvantaged group 弱势群体

口译应该属于传播学(communication studies)的范畴,译员是交际双方的桥梁,其 目的是使双方的交际顺利进行。

策略:意译(free translation)vs直译(literal translation) 工作环境:口译,现场性,时限性 工作方法:口译,独自完成 反馈形式:口译,双向,Paralinguistic information笔译,单向,无法获得反馈 质量标准:口译”准,顺,快“ 笔译”信, 达,雅“
根据信息传送形式: 交替传译(交传consecutive interpreting)[视频]胡锦涛和奥巴马共同会 见记者-CCTV视频点播.mp4 同声传译(同传simultaneous interpreting)陈冠希道歉.flv 美国总统奥 巴马发表演讲全程.mp4 视阅口译(视译sight interpreting) 耳语口译(whispering interpreting) 接力口译(relay interpreting) 根据传译方向 单向口译(one- way) 双向口译(two-way) 根据场合或操作内容: 会议口译(conference interpreting) 法庭口译(court interpreting)

欢迎您来中国/北京/周口。 欢迎,欢迎,您一路辛苦了。 Welcome to ….Did you have a nice trip?/How was the journey? 坐了这么长时间的飞机,您累吗? How are you after such a long flight? 谢谢您亲自专程来接我。 Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me. 不用谢,这是我们应该做的。 Please don’t mention it. It is my pleasure. 久仰,久仰! I have long been looking forward to meeting you./I have long desired to meet you.

harmonious socialist society 社会主义和谐社会 sound and fast development 又快又好的发展 people's well-being “民生” to safeguard social fairness and justice 维护社会公平和正义 new socialist countryside 社会主义新农村 basic living /subsistence allowance system for rural residents 农村最低生活 保障制度 minimum living/subsistence allowance 最低生活补助 new type of rural cooperative medical care system新型农村合作医疗制度 methane 沼气 corporate/enterprise income tax 企业所得税 property law 物权法 overheated property sector 房地产市场过热 low-rent housing 廉租房 county-level cities 县级市 to save energy, lower energy consumption and reduce pollutants discharge 节 能降耗减排 school-age children 适龄儿童