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“just -right”wife

When a man and a woman get married,it is one of the biggest decisions they will make in life……

1.the word ”define” (para.1) means give the meaning of.

2.what qualities of a woman are mentioned in this passage when a man describes his ideal

wife? Both a and b

3.which of the following will an “outdoors man” love to do according to the passage?

He will be more than happy if you invite him to go hunting with you.

4.which statement is mot true according to the passage? The rich man and the poor man

have differenr poinions on whan an ideal wife should be like.

5.what is the main idea of this passage? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Children at work

Child labor----the employment of children in industry, often against their will---has been a problem for many years……

1.which of the following statements is true according to the first paragraph?

Charles dickens described in his novels the poor working conditions for child labor.

2.the conditions under which young children work are similar to those a hundred years


3.girls’ work is harmful to the health though it is lighr.

4.young children go to work because they are forced to

5. to solve the problem of child labor, the writer suggests improbing laws of protecting

children’s interesrs,looking over factories more closely, and punishing laebreakers with

severer fines.

Bill gates

One diy in 1965,when I was a library worker at school, a teacher came to me……

1.why did the teacher go to the library to find a job for bill gates?

Becatse bill gates finished his study quickly and had more free time than the other.

2.what do you know from the passage? Bill gates didi his job without any difficulty.

3.the sentence’’he picked up the idea immediately’’means that he learned that system


4.what is bill gates expected to do in the library? Finding books with wrong cards

5.how did bill gates feel when his family would move to another school area? worried.

High cost of renting apartments

In most American cities, the rent for a one-bedroom aoartment was $250 or more per month in recent years……

1.according to the first paragraph, which of the following s tatements is not true?

In most American cities the rent for a one-bedroom aparment is at most $700.

2.the purpose of the law mentioned in paragraph 2 is to prevent people with a low income

from the difficuly of renting apartments.

3What is the main idea in paragraph 3?

Builders and landlords blame rent-control laws for the high rents

4. which of the following is not the reason of high rents for apartment buildings according

to builders and landlords?.

Rent-control laws should be responsible for the high rents.

5.what is the writer’s attitude(态度) toward the rent-control law in the last paragraph?

The law is not responsible for the high rents.


1.I must apologize to you for the delay. That’s all right.

2.excuse me. Is there a drugstore here? Sorry, I don’t know.

3.thank you very much. Don’t mention it.

4.when you can’t follow your teacher, what will you say? I will say,” pardon? ”

5.oh, sorry to bother you. That’s okay

6.how is everthing? Just so-so

7.are the Williams here yet? Y es, they are.

8.does that tea have enough sugar in it? Y es, it does. Thank you

9.when are you going to the show? This evening.

10.we need some toothpaste. Let’s get some..

11.whom does the teacher explain the word to? The students.

12.mary answered the questions correctly. Her answers were correct.

13.sorry I’m late. Forget it.

14.I’m really grateful to you. My pleasure.

15.good-bye for now. so long.
