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FAIL(故障):变送器CPU 主板和传感器模块不兼容。如果遇到此条信息并需要帮助,请拨打800-999-9307 与罗斯蒙特客户中心联系。

Fail Module(故障模块):传感器模块断开或出现故障。检验传感器模块带状电缆是否连接到电子线路板的后端。如果带状电缆连接正确,表明传感器模块内部有故障。故障的可能来源包括:传感器模块接收不到压力或温度更新。模块中影响变送器运行的非易失内存故障被内存检验程序检测.

Fail Elect(故障电子线路板):由于内部故障,变送器电子线路板出现故障。有些故障电子线路板错误用户可以修理。任何以“FACTORY(工厂)”结尾的错误信息表明该错误不可修理。

Fail Config(故障组态):在某个位置检测到影响变送器运行的内存故障,并且该故障用户可以修理。


Press Limit(压力极限值):变送器读出的过程变量不在变送器量程之内。Temp Limit(温度极限值):由变送器读出的第二变量温度不在变送器量程之内。Curr Fixed(电流固定值):变送器处于多站式模块。模拟输出不能跟踪压力变化。Curr Saturd(电流饱和值):由模块读出的压力不在指定量程之内并且模拟输出被强制改动到饱和电平。

Loop Test(回路测试):回路测试正在进行。在回路测试或4-20 mA 微调过程中,模拟输出被设置成固定值。表头显示器将在选定的以毫安为单位的电流值与“LOOP TEST(回路测试)”之间进行交替显示。

Xmtr Info(变送器信息):在变送器内存中,由内存检验程序检测到非易失内存故障。


Zero Pass(零点通过):用本机零点调整按钮设置的零点值被变送器验收并且输出应变成4 mA。

Zero Fail(零点故障):用本机零点调整按钮设置的零点值超出特定量程的最大量程比或者由变送器经受的压力超过传感器的极限值。

Span Pass(量程通过):用本机量程调整按钮设置的量程值被变送器验收并且输出应改变为20 mA。

Span Fail(量程故障):用本机量程调整按钮设置的量程值超过特定量程的最大量程比或者由变送器经受的压力超过传感器的极限值。

LOCAL DSBLD(本机禁用):在用一体化零点与量程按钮进行重置量程时会出现该条信息,表明变送器本机零点与量程调整功能被禁用。本机调整功能可能被变送器电路板上的变送器安全跳线禁用或者通过275 型通讯装置命令禁用。有关


Write Protect(写保护):在安全跳线处于ON(开)位置时,如果您试图改变变送器的组态数据,该条信息就会出现。更多有关安装跳线信息。Diagnostic Messages

In addition to the output, the LCD meter displays abbreviated operation, error, and warning messages for troubleshooting the transmitter. Messages appear according to their priority, with normal operating messages appearing last. To determine the cause of a message, use a Model 275 HART Communicator to further interrogate the transmitter. A description of each LCD diagnostic

message follows.


Error messages appear on the LCD meter display to inform you of serious problems effecting the operation of the transmitter. The meter displays an error message until the error condition is corrected, and the analog output is driven to the specified alarm level. No other transmitter information is displayed during an alarm condition.


The transmitter CPU board and the sensor module are incompatible. If you encounter this message, contact Rosemount Customer Central at

800-999-9307 if you need assistance.

2、Fail Module

The sensor module is disconnected or is malfunctioning. Verify that the

sensor module ribbon cable is connected to the back of the electronics board. If the ribbon cable is properly connected, there is a problem within the sensor module. Possible sources of problems include:

• Pressure or temperature updates are not being received in the sensor module.

• A non-volatile memory fault that will effect transmitter

operation has been detected in the module by the memory verification


Some non-volatile memory faults are user-repairable. Use a Model 275

HART Communicator to diagnose the error and determine if it is

repairable. Any error message that ends in “FACTORY” is not repairable.

In cases of non user-repairable errors, you must replace the sensor
