新编汉英翻译教程(第二版)期末考试 比较a与b题型归纳

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以下是课本几乎所有有a,b 的都收集起来了,已经超过老师所说的20多条的.....自行挑着看,重点看第四章!!!其他爱看不看啦...


a.Jingui Lake, which lies in the south part of Wuhan, called the Back Garden—the Nanchuan reservoir.

b. Jingui Lake is located in the Southern back garden of Wuhan—the reservoir of Xian an district of Xianning.

C. Jingui Lake lies in the area of Nanchuan Reservoir, Xian'an District, Xianning, which is reputed as the Back Garden to the south of Wuhan



a. It is a necessary book to study Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang, since it collects materials of their life and works as well as relevant comment writings,and compiles contents and index of the research materials.

b.It includes materials of their life experiences, literary creation and related commentary essays.

A bibliographic index is also presented here, which all the more entitles the book to a must for the research on the two.



a. It's the winter of 1917. The wind was blowing hard, but I had to walk in the street to make a living.

b. It happened during the winter of 1917. A bitter north wind was blowing but, to make a living, I had to be up and out early.


a. The world's affairs, well understood, are all scholarship.

Human relationships, maturely experienced, are already literature.

b. True learning implies a clear insight into human activities.

Genuine culture involves the skilful manipulation of human relationships.


a. Having stood there for several hundred years, the statue had now come to detest it as a kind of forced drudgery.

b. Having stood there for several hundred years, the statue felt that it was hard labor.


(徐光兴《枪口》) 66页

a. The joy of hunters was enhanced by the west wind, the autumn stream and the wild geese mingled with the distant mountains that held the sinking sun.

b.An autumn stream ruffled by the west wind, and the lines of wild geese set against the background of distant mountains embracing the sinking sun, har-moniously merged to enhance

the joy of hunters.(琥珀译)


面回旋,吐不出口外去。(鲁迅《故乡》) 67页

a.There were so many things then to talk about that I wanted to spew them out like a string of beads .. But something seemed to hold me back. Everything just swirled around in my head and I couldn' t get the words out.(杨宪益、戴乃迭1956年译文)

b. After this there were so many things I wanted to talk about, they should have poured out like a string of beads.. But I was tongue-tied, unable to put all I was thinking into words.(杨宪益、戴乃迭1980年译文)




a. He had a scratch yesterday and now has gone to change medicine in the hospital.

b. He had a scratch yesterday and now has gone to change dressings in the hospital.


a. The life of a tenant farmer's family was of course hard, but we somehow managed to scrape along because mother was a clever and able woman.

b. The life of a tenant farmer's family was of course hard, but it was somehow comfortable because mother was a clever and able woman.


a. You will be enchanted by the unique European amorous feelings of Fuhua furniture.

b. You will be enchanted by the unique European style of Fuhua furniture.


a. We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the open policy. This is a key process we must go through.

b.We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the open policy. This is a barrier we must stride across.



a. It is imperative to carry on the fine tradition of hard work, encourage and uphold industry and thrift to prevent and check high consumption that outgrows economic development.

b. It is imperative to carr y on the fine tradition of hard work, encourage frugality, and prevent and check high consumption that outgrows economic development


a. Wild flowers and old pines on the precipice, with birds singing among them form a beautiful
