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一般将来时的定义:一般将来时表示在将来时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,与表示将来的时间连用。tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, the day after tomorrow(后天)等。

(一)一般将来时有两种构成形式:be going to+动词原形=will +动词原形



2. 主语+ be (am,is ,are)going to + 动词原形+其它

I’m going to clean my bedroom tomorrow.


主语+be (am,is,are)not going to +动词原形+其它

主语+shall/will not +动词原形+其它will not= won’t

Jim is not going to play football.

Jim will not play football.

三、一般疑问句:be (am / is / are)/will+主语+going to+动词原形+其它



Is Jim going to play football? Yes, he will/ No, he won’t

Will Jim going to play football?

四、疑问句:疑问词+be (am / is / are)动词+主语+going to+(动作)+( 其它)?

They are going to ride a bike.

What are they going to do?

What is he going to do?

He is going to ski.



二. will 常简略为 'll,并与主语连写在一起,如:I'll,he'll,it'll,we'll,you'll,they'll。

No one will do heavy work.

Roberts will do everything for us.

三. 一般疑问句如用will you…?其简略答语须是Yes,I will或 No,I won't;

2.主语+ be going to + do这种结构常用来表达自己打算做某事、计划做某事或者有意做某事。

注意:be 动词要与主语的人称和数一致

如: I am going to do some reading tomorrow.

He is going to have a piano lesson next week.

We are going to have a party this Friday.

四.通常情况下will 和 be going to能互换,但是be going to 与will 用法的也是有点区别的, be going to表示事先考虑好的意图,表示明显将发生的事。Will表示未经事先考虑好的意图

1. 只用will不用be going to的情况:

①表示对未来时间与年龄的推测时,如: Tomorrow will be Monday. She will be thirteen next year.

②表示必然发生时,如: Fish will die without water. People will die if all green plants die.

2.只用be going to而不用will的情况:

如果表示已有迹象表明在不久的将来要发生的事情时,如: Look at those black clouds, It’s going to rain.


They are leaving for Shanghaitomorrow. My brother is coming here soon.



I (shall) write to him next week. 下周我将给他写信

2.否定句:主语 + will /shall+ not + 动词原形 +其它(will not 可缩写成won,t)

They won’t watch TV this evening。今天晚上他们不看电视。

3.一般疑问句:will/shall+主语 +动词原形+其它

Will you stay at home with us tomorrow ?明天你和我们呆在家里好吗?

4.特殊疑问句:疑问词+ shall/will+主语+do

When will your father be back? 你爸爸什么时侯回来?

注意:be或will提到句首,some改为any, and改为or,第一二人称互换(四)There be 句型的一般将来时

肯定句:There will be+名词+其他成份


There will be only one country.

否定句:There will not be+名词+其他成份

There won’t be only one country.

一般疑问句;will+ there be+名词+其他成份?

Will there be only one country?

Yes,there wil. /No, there won’t.



What +be+人+going to do+将来的时间?

主语+be+going to +动词(原形)

What are you going to do tonight?

I am going to read books.


Where+be+人+going to do+将来的时间?

主语+be+going to +the+地点(其中go to school与go home 是例外的) Where are you going tomorrow?

I am going to Canada tomorrow.

Where are you going tomorrow?

We are going to the cinema


How ++be+人+going/与going有关的短语?


How is Coco going?

Coco is going on foot.

How is Coco going to school?

Coco is going to school on foot.




或When+be+人+going to +动词(原形)?

人+going to +动词(原形)+将来的时间

When is she going?

She is going next Sunday.

When is she going to Beijing?

She is going next holiday.

When is he going to play football?

He is going go play football two days later.
