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Lesson Two Cotton Properties and Uses

A relatively high level of moisture absorption and good wicking properties help make cotton one of the more comfortable fibers. Because of the hydroxyl groups in the cellulose, cotton has a high attraction for water. As water enters the fiber, cotton swells and its cross section becomes more rounded. The high affinity for moisture and the ability to swell when wet allow cotton to absorb about one-fourth of its weight in water. This means that in hot weather perspiration from the body will be absorbed in cotton fabrics, transported along the yarns to the outer surface of the cloth and evaporated into the air. Thus, the body will be aided in maintaining its temperature.相对较好的吸湿性和良好的芯吸性使棉纤维成为最舒适的纤维之一。因为纤维素的羟基基团,使得棉花对水有很强的吸引力。当水进入纤维棉,棉开始膨胀,其截面变得更圆。这种高度的亲水性和潮湿时溶胀的性能使棉花可吸水达到其重量的1/4左右。这意味着,在炎热的天气里,身体的汗液会被棉织物吸收,沿着纱线输送到衣物外表面并蒸发到空气中。因此,这对维持体温有帮助。

Unfortunately, the hydrophilic nature of cotton makes it susceptible to water-borne stains. Water-soluble colorants such as those in coffee or grape juice will penetrate the fiber along with the water; when the water evaporates, the colorant is trapped in the fiber. Perhaps the major disadvantage to cotton goods is their tendency to wrinkle and the difficulty of removing wrinkles. The rigidity of cotton fiber reduces the ability of yarns to resist wrinkling. When the fibers are bent to a new configuration, the hydrogen bonds which hold the cellulose chains together are ruptured and the molecules slide in order to minimize the stress within the fiber. The hydrogen bonds reform in the new positions, so that when the crushing force is removed the fibers stay in the new positions. It is the rupture and reformation of the hydrogen bonds that helps to maintain wrinkles, so that cotton goods must be ironed.遗憾的是,棉纤维的亲水性使得它容易受到水渍。如咖啡或葡萄汁的水溶性色素会随着水分渗入纤维;当水分蒸发后,着色剂会停留在纤维上。也许棉产品主要的缺点就是其会起皱以及难以抗皱。棉纤维的刚性使得纱线抗皱性能降低。当纤维弯曲成新的结构时,将纤维素链连结起来的氢键断裂,同时分子滑移以减少纤维中的应力。氢键在新的位置重键,因而挤压的外力去除,纤维停留在新的位置。正是氢键的断裂与重键使得织物保持褶皱,所以棉织物需要熨烫。

Cotton is a moderately strong fiber with good abrasion resistance and good dimensional stability. It is resistant to the acids, alkalies, and organic solvents normally available to consumers. But since it is a natural material, it is subject to attack by insects, molds and fungus. Most prominent is the tendency for cotton to mildew if allowed to remain damp.棉纤维是具有良好的耐磨性和尺寸稳定性,强度适中的纤维。它耐酸,耐碱以及有机溶剂,消费者普遍接纳。但由于它是一种天然物质,它受昆虫,霉菌和真菌攻击。最突出的是棉一旦放在持续潮湿的环境下会发霉。

Cotton resists sunlight and heat well, although direct exposure to constant strong sunlight will cause yellowing and eventual degradation of the fiber. Yellowing may also occur when cotton goods are dried in gas dryers. The color change is the result of a chemical reaction between cellulose and oxygen or nitrogen oxides in the hot air in the dryer. Cottons will retain their whiteness longer when line-dried or dried in the electric dryer.棉纤维耐光,耐热,尽管直接暴晒在持续的强光下会引起发黄,并最终引起纤维的降解。变黄也可能出现在棉产品被气体干燥剂干燥时。颜色的变化是纤维素和氧或二氧化氮在热空气中干燥的化学反应的结果。棉花自然挂干或烘干机烘干会长时间保持其白度。

Of major interest is the fact that cotton yarn is stronger when wet than when dry. This property is a consequence of the macro-and micro-structural features of the fiber. As water is absorbed, the fiber swells and its cross section becomes more rounded. Usually the absorption of such a large amount of foreign material would cause a high degree of internal stress and lead to weakening of the fiber. In cotton, however, the absorption of water causes a decrease in the internal stresses. Thus, with less internal stresses to overcome, the swollen fiber becomes stronger. At the same time, the swollen fibers within the yarns press upon each other more strongly. The internal friction strengthens the yarns. In addition, the absorbed water acts as an internal lubricant which imparts a higher level of flexibility to the fibers. This accounts for the fact that cotton garments are more easily ironed when damp. Cotton fabrics are
