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Part 1 Short dialogs and blank filling


Directions: Listen to the following recording, then fill in the blanks with the missing words. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers.

Questions 1 to 9 are based on the following passage or dialog.

W: Guess what? My elder brother is getting married. (1)

H e's engaged


M: He is? I didn't (2)even

know he had a


W: He met her last month. He (3)f el l i n l ove w i t h

her the

first time he saw her.

M: Really? She (4)sw ept hi m of f hi


W: Yeah. So he (5)popped t he que

. Now they're tying

the knot.

M: Wow! They're (6)get t i ng m ar r i ed

so quickly! Aren't

you worried?

W: Why would I be worried? He used to be unhappy and (7) l onel y

; but now he's happy!

M: But so many couples nowadays get (8)di vor ced


W: Oh, come on. My brother is (9)di f f er ent


Questions 10 to 16 are based on the following passage or dialog.

W: So, Mr. Smith, you want to increase ridership on the buses.

M: (10)W e do

, and we hope you can help us.

W: Certainly we can. First, we must (11) change t he i m ag

of bus travel.

M: How would you do that?

W: Well, we'll (12)do som e sur vey

to see what people

really think about taking the bus. We'll investigate (13) di f f er ent age gr o

and so on.

M: Will that work?

W: It works (14)al l t he t i m e

. Once we get a profile

of (15)your user s

, we can see who we can (16)

t ar get


Part 1 Short dialogs and blank filling(每小题: 1.5 分; 满分:24 分) 小题得分对错我的答案客观

1. 0 He's engaged He's engaged

2. 1.5 even even

3. 1.5 fell in love with fell in love with

4. 1.5 swept him off his feet swept him off his feet

5. 1.5 popped the question popped the question

6. 1.5 getting married getting married

7. 1.5 lonely lonely

8. 1.5 divorced divorced

9. 1.5 different different

10. 1.5 We do We do

11. 1.5 change the image change the image

12. 1.5 do some surveys do some surveys

13. 1.5 different age groups different age groups

14. 1.5 all the time all the time

15. 1.5 your users your users

16. 0 target target at

Subtotal: 21 老师评语:

Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!


Part 2 Short passages/dialogs and blank



Directions: Listen to the following recording, then answer the

questions by filling in the blanks. You will hear the recording

twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write

the missing words. Use the second playing to check your


1.What is Laura's key advice on dating?

The key is to .

3.Why does Laura advise John to take the girl to Dance Land


Because the music there is that they

won't .

5.Why does Laura believe that it is good for the Disco to

be all the way across town?

Because so John won't have for an

expensive dinner, and will .
