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Daniel Defoe:The shortest way with the Dissenters,Hymn to the Pillory,Robinson Crusoe,Captain,Singleton,Moll,Flanders,Colo nel Jacque.Robert Burns:Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect,A man’s a Man for A.A red,red Rose.Bruce at Bannockbum.The Tree of Liberty.A Revolutionary Lyric.My Heart’s in the Highlands.Auld Lang Syne.William Wordsworth:LyricalBallads.Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey.I wandered Lonely as a Cloud.The Solitary Reaper.John Keats:OdetoAutumn.Ode on Melancholy.Ode on a Grecian Urn.Ode to a Nightingale.Jane Austen:Semseandsensibility.PrideandPrejudic e.NorthangergAbbey.MansfieldPark.Emma.Pe rsuation.CharlesDickens:SketchesbyBoz.Pick wickpapers.OliverTwist.NicholasNickleby.Bar naby Rudge.The old Curiosity Shop.Of all my books.Ilikethis the best.Charlotte Bronte:The Professor.Shirley.Villette.Virginia Woolf:Mrs The Waves.Nathaniel Hawthorne.Twice-told Tales.Mosses from an old Manse.The Marble Faun.Y oung Goodman Brown.The Minister’s BlackV eil.Dr.Rappacini.WaltWhitman:Leave s of Grass.I Hear America Singing.I Sit and Lookout.Ocaptain,myCaptain.EmilyDickinso n:Because I could Not Stop for Death.I Died For beauty-but was scarce.Robert Frost:A Boy’s will.North of Boston.Mountain Interval. NewHampshine.West-RunningBrook.AFurthe r Range.A witness Tree.Steeple Bush.A Masque of Mercy.Collected Poems,Complete Poems.In the Clearing.Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.Mending Wall.The Road Not Taken.How do you understand the character:Through His characterization of Hamlet,Shakespeare creates a great image of the Renaissance humanist who is ambitious to reform the society that is”out of joint”,and his ambitionFinds fine expression in his personal revenge for his father.Hamlet is a man of genius,a scholar,highly accomplished and educated,a man of profound perception and sparking wit.He is also a soldier and statesman.General Theme and Style of Jane Austen:Theme-1.Jane Austen’s novel deal with country landed gentry,and have a very narrow range of topics.2.Her subject matter is always centered on a young girl who is either about to be married or ready foe it.world events do not appear in her novels.though in some cases they might not be taken as themes,still they are accepted as issues of vital Importance in the society of that time.4.on the whole,rank,money,marriage matter greatly in the novels.They Preserve the fabric of society.Style-1.Clarity,economy,skillful use of dialogue and tight plotting are the main feasures of Jane Austen’s style.2There is always a neat,rounded and rather satisfying completeness to her plots,and in an undemonstrative way she is an extremely competent story-teller.she is always able to find the precise expression that accurately fits the characters and the occasions.3.she is posses of a neat humour and a satirical touch. Jane Eyre’s general feature and comments: 1.the author drew a great deal from her own life-experience.2.one of the central themes of the book is the criticism of the system of education at that time.The author’s description of horrors in Lowood charity school serves as the embodiment of the terrible education system in the 19th centuryEngland.3.Another problem raised in this novel has drawn the feminists’attentionin the 20th century.Marriage Happiness,sufferings,and the nature of duty. Symbolic meaningsof“A”on Hester’s breast: The scarlet letter is meant to be a symbol of shame, but instead it becomes a powerful symbolofidentity to Hester.Theletters meaning shiftsas time passes. This change is significant. Itshowsgrowthinthecharacters,andthecommuni tyinwhichtheylive.Originally intended to mark Hester as an adulterer, the letter "A" begins as a symbol of sin. It then becomes a symbol of alone and alienation, and finally it becomes a symbol of able, angel and admirable.
