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班级:___________ 姓名:_____________ 学号:____________

Thesis Proposal

Proposal Title: ______________________________________________________ 1.Research Questions (General & Specific)

1)Within this area, what would you like to investigate? Please include at least one possible

research question here; and

2)What are your reasons for choosing this proposed research project? (These might be

theoretical, professional or both.)

Give a short summary on the research topic that you have identified - not more than one page. Focus on the new, current and relevant aspects of your topic. Remember, the most important aspect of a research proposal is clarity on the research topic.

2.Literature Review

Give a short and precise overview about the current state of research that is immediately connected with your own research project. Name the most important contributions of other academics. The proposal should contain a clear and logical discussion of the theoretical scope or of the framework of ideas that will be used to back the research. The proposal needs to show that you are fully conversant with the ideas you are dealing with and that you grasp their methodological implications.

3.Research Methodology/Design

You should give detailed information about your intended research procedure during the given time. Anyone who reads your proposal will want to know

1)the theoretical framework of your research,

2)the scope of research subjects (e.g., students, linguistic features, pragmatic strategies,

social issues),

3)the sources and quality of evidence you will consult (incl. cross-sectional or

longitudinal, quantitative or qualitative, interpretative or empirical, methods of data collection), and

4)the analytical technique you will employ (e.g., statistical, interpretive; )

Note: This is the central part of your research outline. It may well fill half of the space of your proposal. Depending on the topic, suitable research strategies should be defined to ensure that enough and adequate empirical data will be gathered for a successful research project. You will describe the intended methods of data gathering, the controls you will introduce, the statistical methods to be used, the type of literature or documentary analysis to be followed and so on. (鉴于文科论文可能研究方法简单,这一部分可以写你的论文提纲和结构还有如何展开).

4.Possible Challenges

If possible, state your expected results and output of the study. That will help you clarify your research design. Consider possible challenges or difficulties you are likely to encounter at the present and/or future stage of your thesis writing. E.g., low accessibility to certain references or research data.

5.Proposed Timelines

Give information about your estimated time table (if possible in table form), indicating the sequence of research phases and the time that you will probably n eed fo r each phase. Take int o account that at this stage, it can only be estimated, but make clear that you have an idea about the time span that will be needed for each step.

6.Key References(>5)

Here you list those academic works which you have mentioned in your research outline as well as a number of other important works to which you will refer during your research.


1. 按照以上格式要求,同学们根据自己的二学位论文(英语专业)兴趣与方向,写一个开题报告(proposal);

2. 英语完成,打印A4纸,小四号字,Times New Roman字体,单倍行距,1000-1500字左右,左上角订书针装订;

3. 文件中的阴影部分是说明, 大家打印时去掉即可;

4. 2015年12月8日以前交给……同学(……),并于12月8日下午20:00点以前给我,过时不候;

5. 在外地的同学,可以将电子版发给在校的同学帮忙打印,并在规定时间以前交给……同学;

6. 写作请参考我们群共享里的文件;

7. 题目选择可以参考豆丁或者道客巴巴等,搜索关键词“英语专业本科学位论文(题目)”,确定题目后,文献综述和参考文献(literature review, references)可以在中国知网输入你题目关键词,选择合适文献,并进行参考。)
