

1、 Suppose that the production function is Cobb-Douglas ,n denotes the population growth

rate , denotes the depreciation rate ,g denotes the rate of technological progress. And

capital and labor are paid their marginal products. In addition, suppose that all capital income is saved and all labor income is consumed. Thus


F K AL K K K δ=??- a) Show that this economy converges to a balanced growth path.

b) Find expressions for and as function of the parameters of the model.

c) Show that k on the balanced growth path equal to the golden rule level of k.

d) Find the elasticity of output per unit of effective labor on the balanced growth path with

respect to the rate of population growth, n.

2、 Consider a RCK economy that is on its balanced growth path. Suppose the government switches to a policy of taxing investment income at rate . Thus the real interest rate that households face is now given by r(t)=(1-). Assume that the government returns the revenue it collects from this tax through lump-sum transfers.

a) Assume that at time 0, the government announces it will tax investment income after time 0. How does the tax affect the

locus? What are

the dynamics after time 0?

b) Assume that at time 0, the government also announces that after time 1, investment

income will again be untaxed. What are the dynamics after time 0?

c) Assume that at time 0, the government announces it will tax investment income from time

1 to time 2. Before time 1 and after time 2, investment income will not be taxed. What are the dynamics after time 0?

3、 Consider the following model:


a)Show that the economy converge to a balanced growth path

b)What are the growth rates of H, K and Y on the balanced growth path? And show that the

growth rates of K and Y are greater than that of H.

4、Consider an economy consisting of a constant population of infinitely lived individuals. The

representative individual maximizes the expected value of

the instantaneous utility function is

, Assume that C is always in the range where is positive.

Output is linear in capital, plus an additive disturbance: , there is no depreciation; thus , and the interest rate is A. Assume A=. Finally, the disturbance follows a first-order autoregressive process:

, where and `s are mean-zero, i.i.d. shocks.

a)Find the F.O.C. relating and expectations of .

b)Guess that consumption takes the form . Given this guess, what is

as a function of ?

c)What values must the parameters have for the first-order condition in part(a) to

be satisfied for all values of K and e.

d)What are the effects of a one-time shock to on the paths of Y, K and C?

5、Using IS-MP model describe how the rise of foreign interest rates affects the economy under

the following conditions:

a)Under floating exchange rates, perfect capital mobility, and static real-exchange-rate


b)Under floating exchange rates, imperfect capital mobility, static real-exchange-rate

expectations and the assumption that net exports are the only component of planned

expenditures affected by the exchange rate.

c)Based on part(b),but under fixed exchange rates.

6、Consider an economy consisting of some firms with flexible prices and some with rigid prices.

Let denote the price set by a representative flexible-price firm and the price set by a

representative rigid-price firm. Flexible-price firms set their price after m is known; rigid-price firms set their prices before m is known. Thus flexible-price firms set

, and rigid-price firms set , where E denotes

the expectation of a variable as of when the rigid-price firms set their prices.

Assume that fraction q of firms have rigid prices, so that p=q+(1-q).

a)Find , in terms of m, Em and the parameters of the model.

b)Find y in terms of m, Em and the parameters of the model. Can it be a support for “Lucas

Critique”? Why or why not?

c)Can Taylor Model be a support for “Lucas Critique”? Compare your answer in part(b)

with the Taylor Model. What are the differences on the conclusion?

d)Compare your answer in part(b) with the Phillips Curve which as followed:

. What are the differences on the

conclusion? What`s the reason?

e)Compare your answer in part(b) with the Fisher Model. What are the differences on the

conclusion? What’s the reason?


高级宏观经济学考试复习资料 (红色字体为个人观点或逻辑不明白之处,且此版本尚不完整,望集思广益、予加修改与补充。写完发现唯一可看的好像就是第三题,如果前两题看不下去,请直接跳过) 一、新古典增长理论与内生增长理论 答:索洛模型假设生产函数为规模报酬不变的柯布道格拉斯函数,资本的边际报酬递减(规模报酬不变这一假设对西方古典经济理论十分重要,规模报酬不变意味着对于()L K F Y =有)(Y L K F λλλ= 再根据欧拉定理,即对于k 次齐次函数((),,),,,2121n k n x x x f t tx tx tx f ???=??? (()())111111n n n n n k tx tx f x tx tx f x x x f kt ???+???+???=???- 可知L W K R L MPL K MPK Y ?+?=?+?=(规模报酬不变即k 取1,再取t 等于1,即可得出结果),当市场是完全竞争时,各生产要素的价格等于其边际产出,按这一价格总收入刚好被完全分配,分配公平且有效。另外我们可以得知,任何将技术进步内生而导致规模经济递增的理论,都是对这一分配学说的冲击,毫不夸张地说是动摇了整个西方经济的基础)。市场在有效人均资本积累等于零时达到均衡,有效人均资本又等于有效人均投资减去持平投资,即折旧、有效劳动增加所耗损的资本,整个用公式表达为:()k g n k sf k )(++-=?δ;s 、δ、n 、g 分别是储蓄率、折旧率、人口增长率、劳动效率 进步率,均衡意味着()0)(=++-**k g n k sf δ。可知在均衡处,*k 不变,A k * =k 将以g 的速度增加,收入也以同样的速度增加。而且可以看出不同的s 值对应不同的有效人均均 衡资本水平,因此对应不同的y 与c (sy -y c =),存在黄金储蓄水平*s 使得消费取最大值, 对应的资本水平为黄金资本水平。 我们可以看出索洛模型主要有两大缺点:一、用假设增长来解释增长,因为最后得到人均收入的增长率为g ,但g 是外生改定的;二、索洛模型没有微观基础,也就是没考虑经济个体的效用最大化。(虽然索洛模型具有这些缺点,但我觉得它还是能说明些问题的,不管对不对,起码它提出了“趋同”这一理念,两种增长理论是否都具有趋同这一性质估计也要提一下)。 拉姆塞模型对索洛模型的第二个缺点做了改进,即引入了微观基础,增加了家庭的最优化行为。在此模型中,家庭具有无限生命,他会在预算约束(()()()()()()()dt H t L t W e H K dt H t L t C e t t R t t R ??∞=-∞ =-+≤000)下选择其消费路径以最大化其终生效


小学数学第一册期中试卷 一、 填空题(3+4+6+6+4+2+2+2+2共 31分) 数一数,小黑猫前边有( ) 只小猫,后边有( ) 只小猫,在第8只小猫上打“ √”.? 2. ( )+4=8 9?( )=7 8+( )=10 ( )?3=3 ( )比( )多( ) ( )比( )少( ) ( )比( )少( ) ( )比( )多 ( )? 4. 在○里填“<”、“>”或“=”. 5○5 4?3○4 5+0○5 6○7 3+6○5 9?4○9 5. 按数的顺序填空. 6.比 轻重:轻 5 4 3. ⑵ 1

的画√,重的画○。 7.最长的画√,最短的画○。 8找规律,填一填。 2、4、____、____、10 9. 接着画下去: 二、看谁算得又对又快。(12+12=24分) 1. 8+1= 5+2= 7-4= 5+5= 5-3= 7+2= 2+8= 0+5= 6-6= 4+5= 6-2= 9-0= 2. 8+2?1= 8?4?4= 5+0+2= 6+4?3= 7?2+5= 10?3?4= 三、动手动脑,认真仔细(5+6+4+2+4=21分) 1. 小明给小刚( ) 个苹果,小明和小刚苹果的个数就同样多 2. 看算式,先在圈里画图,再计算. 3+5=( ) ( )+( )=9? 7 8

= 3. 在最上面,的下面是 , 在 的下面, 的上面是 。 把它们画在相应的格内。 4..把合起来是10的数用线连起来。 四.走进生活,应用数学(6+6+3+4+5= 24分) 1. 看图列式计算. 2. 看图列式计算. 4. 看图列式计算: 5. 看图填空 9 3.


1、 Suppose that the production function is Cobb-Douglas ,n denotes the population growth rate , denotes the depreciation rate ,g denotes the rate of technological progress. And capital and labor are paid their marginal products. In addition, suppose that all capital income is saved and all labor income is consumed. Thus [](,)/K F K AL K K K δ=??- a) Show that this economy converges to a balanced growth path. b) Find expressions for and as function of the parameters of the model. c) Show that k on the balanced growth path equal to the golden rule level of k. d) Find the elasticity of output per unit of effective labor on the balanced growth path with respect to the rate of population growth, n. 2、 Consider a RCK economy that is on its balanced growth path. Suppose the government switches to a policy of taxing investment income at rate . Thus the real interest rate that households face is now given by r(t)=(1-). Assume that the government returns the revenue it collects from this tax through lump-sum transfers. a) Assume that at time 0, the government announces it will tax investment income after time 0. How does the tax affect the locus? What are the dynamics after time 0? b) Assume that at time 0, the government also announces that after time 1, investment income will again be untaxed. What are the dynamics after time 0? c) Assume that at time 0, the government announces it will tax investment income from time 1 to time 2. Before time 1 and after time 2, investment income will not be taxed. What are the dynamics after time 0? 3、 Consider the following model: Assume


2020年青岛版一年级下册数学期中测试题 一年级数学试题 一、看谁算的最准确.(12分) 70+2= 25-9= 2+64= 71-3= 6+57= 39+60= 80-20= 16+8= 13-6= 42+8= 56-6= 19-8= 二、填一填.(32分) 1、46里有()个十和()个一. 2、20里面有()个十.10个10 是(). 3、30比()大1,比()小1. 4、(如右图)在个位上加1个珠子后,表示的数是(). 5、和79相邻的两个数是()和(). 6、最大的两位数是(),最小的两位数是().它们的差是(). 7、个位是1,十位是9,这个数是(). 8、从2、8、5三个数字组成的两位数中,最大的数是( ),最小的数是( ). 9、把下面各数按从小到大的顺序排列起来. 56 48 34 72 90 87 65 ()<()<()<()<()<()<() 10、爸爸今年29岁,小红今年3岁,小红比爸爸小()岁.再过30年,爸爸比小红大()岁. 11、35+745 91+9100 62-753 69-877 62-4024 67+2080+7 914-5 4+6268 三、看图写一写.(29分) 1、写出下面钟面上的时刻.(8分) 2、下面的小棒组合中,能拼出长方形的是().(2分) ①②③④ 3、数一数,填一填.(8分)

4、接力赛.(9分 ) 5、在合适的答案下面画“○”.(2分) 故事书可能有多少本? 四、看图列算式.(6分) 五、解决问题.(21分) 1. 2、还有多少页没看? 3. (1)哥哥比弟弟多摘了多少个松塔? (2)哥哥和弟弟一共摘了多少个松塔? 4、(先把合适的问题圈起来,再列算式)(5分) 有13头牛和16只羊,其中白羊有4只. ①黑羊有多少只? ②黑牛有多少头?

2013-2014学年高一数学上学期期末考试试题及答案(新人教A版 第89套)

宜昌市部分示范高中教学协作体2013年秋季期末考试 高 一 数 学 试 题 考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的相关信息填写在规定的位置,并检查所持试卷是否有破损和印刷等问题。若试卷有问题请立即向监考教师请求更换。 2.答题答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,答在试题卷、草稿纸上的无效。 3.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将答题卡上交。 一、选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.) 1.已知集合A={} x y x lg =,B={} 022 ≤-+x x x ,则=B A ( ) A .)0,1[- B .]1,0( C .]1,0[ D .]1,2[- 2.已知集合}01|{2=-=x x A ,则下列式子表示正确的有( ) ①A ∈1 ②A ∈-}1{ ③A ?φ ④A ?-}1,1{ A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 3、设2 :f x x →是集合M 到集合N 的映射, 若N={1,2}, 则M 不可能是 ( ) A 、{-1} B 、{ C 、{- D 、 4、已知函数x x f 1 )(= ,则1)1(+-=x f y 的单调递减区间为( ) A 、[0,1) B 、(-∞,0) C 、}1|{≠x x D 、(-∞,1)和(1,+∞) 5、偶函数()f x 与奇函数()g x 的定义域均为[4,4]-,()f x 在[4,0]-,()g x 在[0,4]上的图象如图,则不等式()()0f x g x ?<的解集为( ) A 、[2,4] B 、(4,2)(2,4)-- C 、(2,0) (2,4)- D 、(2,0)(0,2)- 6.已知函数)(1)6 2sin(2)(R x x x f ∈-+ =π 则)(x f 在区间[0, 2 π ]上的最大值与最小值分


小学数学一年级下期中测试卷 考试时间:60分钟 满分:100分 考场号: 座位号: 温馨提示:同学们,这个学期快过一半了,前面已学的知识是遗忘了还是记牢了?赶快拿起手中的笔试试自己的身手吧! 一、我是计算小能手。(20分) 12 - 7 = 14 - 5 = 4 + 9 = 19- 9+3= 15 - 5 = 18 - 9 = 59 - 9 = 39-9+8= 9 +8= 50 + 8 = 10 + 40 = 15-8+2= 45-5 = 30 + 5 = 75-70 = 11-7+20= 20 + 5 = 73-3 = 64 -60= 57-50-5= 二、填一填。(33分) 1. 写作:( );读作( ) 写作:( );读作( ) 2.找规律填数。 3. 43是由( )个十和( )个一组成的;100里面有( )个十。 4. 5个十和6个一组成的数是( ),再添上1个十是( )。 5. 与90相邻的两个数是( )和( )。 6. 一个数,从右边数起,第一位是( )位,第二位是( )位,第三位是( )位。 7. 最大的两位数是( );最大的一位数是( ); 这两个数相差( )。 8. 36块饼干,10块装一袋,可以装满( )袋,还剩( )块。 9. 根据百数表,在空白方框里添上合适的数。 10. 按顺序排一排:76、25、36、55、100、9 11. < < < < < 三、请你数一数,填一填:(8分) 三角形有 个,长方形有 个, 65

圆有 个, 正方形有 个。 四、在正确答案下面画“√”(4分) (1) ( 2 五、解决问题(21分) 1、这些人乘坐一辆大巴车,能全部坐下吗? 2、我们班一共有32人,每人一个蛋糕,还差2个。 问:有多少个蛋糕? □○□=□( ) 3、一本故事书小明看了20页,还剩8页。这本故事书一共有多少页? □○□=□( ) 4、美术小组一共有18人,他们画了5幅画,现在只到了6人。这个小组还有几人没到? □○□=□( ) 5、舞蹈班有女生17人,男生9人,男生比女生少几人? □○□=□( ) 六、分类整理下面的餐具。(14分) 1、照样子涂一涂。(3分) 2、根据上图填写下表。(4分) 3、根据上面统计结果回答问题。(7分) ①图中( )个数最多,( )个数最少。 ②碗比盘子多( )个。 我们班一共有30名同学 我们班有3名老师 限乘35人


第一学期小学期中调研测试 一年级语文试卷 (考试时间:50分钟满分:100分) wǒ jiào yùn mǔ qǐng bǎ wǒ zhǎo chū lái xiě zài sì xiàn gé一、我叫韵母,请把我找出来写在四线格里。(8分) bóqún tuǒběn piāo chuān fēi jiù qǐng bǎ mí lù de pīn yīn bǎo bao sòng huí jiā 二、请把迷路的拼音宝宝送回家。(8分) zh si b wu r yu j zi zhi z yi d ch ri ɡ y zhào yàng zi ,xiě yì xiěxiě 三、照样子,写一写。(10分) b - à→bàj- i -ā→ j - üé→ n - ǚ→j -ü-àn→ ch-u-ō→ chuān→—— qún→—

kàn tú xuǎn yīn jié,zài xiě zài sì xiàn gé lǐ 四、看图选音节,再写在四线格里。(12分) bái cài méi huā shù yè mǎ yǐ jiǎn dāo hú dié kàn pīn yīn xiě hàn zì 五、看拼音,写汉字。(12分) kǒu shí yún tóu 人天白两 huǒ shān hé tián sān rén ér zi zhào yàng zi xiě zì bìng tián kōng 六、照样子写字,并填空。(12分) 例:“下”下第一画是(一) “禾”第三画是()“里”)

“火)第一画是() “耳”)第五画是()zhào yàng zi ,jiā yì jiā,biàn yí biàn 七、照样子,加一加,变一变。(8分) 例:一(十) 了()日()人()木() zhào yàng zi lián yì lián 八、照样子,连一连。(10分) 日草雪爸语词 地月爸花文语 dúér gē wán chéng liàn xí 九、读儿歌,完成练习。(9分) xiāng jiāo shù mā ma 香蕉树妈妈, gè zi gāo yòu dà 个子高又大, shēng xià pàng wá wa 生下胖娃娃, zhǎng de xiàng yuè yá


长沙市第二十一中学2013年上学期高一期末考试试卷 语文 时量:120分钟满分:150分命题人:王满意 一、基础知识部分(27分,每小题3分) 1. 下列词语中加点的字,读音有误 ..的一组是 A.脑髓.(suǐ)亢.(kàng)旱乞骸.骨(hái)遥岑.远目(cén) B.纨袴.(kuā)离间.(jiān)酹.江月(lèi)前合后偃.(yǎn) C.孱.头(càn)惩.罚(chéng)故弄玄.虚(xuán)羽扇纶.巾(g uān) D.专横.(hèng)樯.(qiáng)橹杳.(yǎo)无音信盗跖.(zhí) 2.下列各组词语中,字形全都正确 ..的一项是 A.国粹瑕疵冠冕堂黄急功进利 B.垂暮端祥肝脑涂地残羹冷灸 C.帷幄惋惜礼尚往来休戚相关 D.演译隐匿被水一战一愁莫展 3.下面的表述,不恰当 ...的一项是 A.《窦娥冤》全剧矛盾冲突的高潮,是写窦娥被押赴刑场,揭露了元代吏治的腐败和残酷,歌颂了窦娥的善良心灵和反抗精神。 B.词是盛行于宋代的诗体,又叫“长短句”。词牌是词的曲调名,如“沁园春”等,题目要依据词的内容而定,如《赤壁怀古》等。 C.曹禺,现、当代剧作家,原名万家宝,1933年创作了处女作四幕剧《雷雨》,另创作有《日出》《原野》等剧本,创作有小说《北京人》。 D.《史记》是一部贯穿古今的通史,它在中国散文发展史上起着承前启后的作用,既开创了中国纪传体史学,又开创了中国的传记文学。 4.诗歌中常用典故,对下列词句中用典所涉及的历史人物,判断正确 ..的一项是 ①羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。②出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。 ③斜阳草树,寻常巷陌,人道寄奴曾住。④可堪回首,佛狸祠下,一片神鸦鸦社鼓 A.①周瑜②诸葛亮③刘裕④拓跋焘 B.①诸葛亮②刘备③刘义隆④拓跋宏 C.①诸葛亮②孙权③刘义隆④拓跋焘 D.①周瑜②诸葛亮③刘裕④拓跋宏 5.下列各句中加点的成语使用不正确 ...的一句是 A.大家怀着极大的兴趣,提出《雷雨》研究中一直争论不休 ....的一个问题,这就是周朴园对鲁侍萍的怀念到底是真实的还是虚伪的。 B.以我们学过医学的人看来,就是用心地要去吹毛求疵 ....,也找不出什么破绽。 C.那是因为周大少爷时来运转 ....,现在也是社会上的好人物。


七年级(下)信息技术测试题 七年( ) 班姓名( ) 座位号( ) 一、选择题(30分) ()1>通常一个汉字占字节。 (A)1个(B)2个(C)3个(D)4个 ()2>目前在中小学中广泛使用的计算机是 (A)大型计算机(B)微型计算机(C)小型计算机(D)中型计算机()3>下列设备中属于输入设备的是 (A)显示器(B)扫描仪(C)打印机(D)绘图仪 ()4>鼠标属于计算机的 (A)输出设备(B)存储器(C)输入设备(D)内存 ()5>与普通邮件相比,电子邮件的特点是 (A)发送速度慢、费用高(B)发送速度慢、费用低 (C)发送速度快费用高(D)发送速度快、费用低 ()6>要发一个E-mail,必须知道对方的 (A)邮编(B)网站(C)网页(D)E-mail地址 ()7>网页浏览器Internet Explorer属于 (A)杀毒软件(B)游戏软件(C)应用软件(D)系统软件 ()8>设置纸张的大小时,应使用的命令是 (A)"文件" 菜单中的"页面设置"命令(B)"文件" 菜单中的"工具栏"命令 (C)"视图"菜单中的"工具栏"命令(D)"视图"菜单中的"页面设置"命令()9>在微型计算机中,Modem的中文名称是 (A)网卡(B)内存(C)显卡(D)调制解调器 ()10>计算机硬件系统中最核心的部件是 (A)主板(B)CPU (C)内存储器(D)I/O设备 ()11>计算机网络最突出的优点是 (A)可以互相通信、数据共享(B)运算效率高(C)处理速度快(D)存储容量大()12>在Windows中,默认的切换中英文输入的方法是 (A)CTRL+空格(B)CTRL+SHIFT (C)SHIFT+ALT+CTRL (D)ALT+空格()13>计算机病毒是指 (A)一种可传染的细菌(B)一种人为制造的破坏计算机系统的程序 (C)一种由操作者传染给计算机的病毒(D)一种由计算机本身产生的破坏程序 ()14>下列四项内容中,不属于Internet基本功能的是 (A)电子邮件(B)文件传输(C)远程登录(D)邮寄包裹 ()15>不属于多媒体处理软件的是 (A)Photoshop (B)Flash (C)PowerPoint (D)Word2000


2013-2014学年高一地理期末考试(地理) 一、单项选择题(共30题,每题1.5分,共45分,请将答案写在答题卡内。) 1.在下列天体系统中不包括月球的是() A.总星系 B.银河系 C.河外星系 D.太阳系 2. 太阳活动最强烈的显示是() A、太阳黑子 B、耀斑爆发 C、太阳辐射 D、核聚变反应 读下图回答3--4题: 3.属于巨行星的是() A、② B、④ C、⑤ D、⑥ 4.类地行星中离太阳最近的行星是() A.金星 B.土星 C.水星 D.天王星 5.下列河岸中,冲刷严重的是(箭头表示水流方向,数字表示沿岸) ( ② ③ ① 南半球北半球北半球南半球 A、① B、② C、③ D、④ 6.地球上经度相同的地方,则:() A.季节相同 B. 正午太阳高度相同 C. 昼夜长短相同 D.地方时相同

①② ③ ④ ⑤ 伦敦奥运会于当地时间2012年7月27日晚20点12分开幕,跟北京奥运会一样,伦敦没有选择整点开幕,而是顺应年份让时间当中暗含“2012”,以纪念这个不同寻常的时刻。据此回答7~8题。 7.我国观众收看开幕式打开电视机的时间应在() A.27日20点12分 B.28日20点12分 C.27日4点12分 D.28日4点12分 8.开幕式开始的时刻,27日占全球的范围() A.等于一半 B.大于一半 C.小于一半 D.全部 万人瞩目的十八大在2012年 11月8日在北京隆重开幕,下图为 “太阳直射点周年运动变化示意 图”,回答9~12题。 9.十八大开幕当日,太阳直射点() A.位于①-②之间,并向北移动 B.位于②-③之间,并向南移动 C.位于③-④之间,并向南移动 D.位于④-⑤之间,并向北移动 10、北半球各地昼短夜长,且昼长逐日递增的区段是() A.①→② B.②→③C.③→④ D.④→⑤ 11、当太阳直射点由③向④移动时,关于地球公转速速度叙述正确的是() A.越来越快 B.越来越慢C.慢-快-慢D.快-慢-快12、当太阳直射点由①向②移动时,昌乐及第中学正午太阳高度变化为() A.低-高-低B.高-低-高 C.低-高D.高-低 13.下图中,昼夜温差最小的是:()


Advanced Macroeconomics I Instructor:Luo Daqing Assignment2 Note:You may use either English or Chinese to answer the questions. Question1(5points) Suppose there is a large number of identical agents with preferences represented by E0 ∞ t=0 βt ln c t where c t is consumption in period t.Agents can trade one-period real bonds.The gross return on a bond purchased in period t,denoted R t,is known at the time of purchase (i.e.the bonds are risk-free).Therefore,the price of a bond is R?1t. The constraints faced by a representative agent are c t+L t R?1 t =A t,A t+1=L t,A0given where A t is wealth at the beginning of period t and L t is the holding of one-period bonds.Assume that R t is identically and independently distributed and is such that E R t<1/β. (a)(1pts)Using L t as the control variable,write down Bellman equation corresponding to the representative agent’s optimization problem. (b)(2pts)Use dynamic programming to derive the Euler equation corresponding to the representative agent’s problem.Interpret this Euler equation. (c)(2pts)Use the guess L t=γR t A t to solve for the policy function for bond holdings L t(and consumption).


哈密市七中2015-2016学年第二学期期中考试试题 八年级英语 (时间100分钟,满分100分) 听 力 部 分 (共15分, 每小题1分) 一、看图,听对话,选择与对话一致的图片。(共5分) A B C D E 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 二、听句子,选择恰当的答语。(共5分) 6 A Yes, I will. B Yes, there will. C Yes, they will. 7 A Not at all. B No, I couldn’t. C sorry, I can’t. 8 A My mother will be mad at me. B I will get good grades. C I will watch TV . 9 A Nothing much. Why? B I am a doctor. C I like English. 10 A It’s sunny. B It will be well. C It will be good. 三、听短文,判断正误,正确的选T ;错误的选F 。(共5分) ( ) 11. Jack did well in his lessons. ( ) 12. Jack’s parents work in a hospital. ( ) 13. Jack’s parents want him to be a cleaner. ( ) 14. Cleaners work only one day a week. ( ) 15. Jack is lazy and not clever. 笔试部分(共85分) 一、单项选择题 (共10分,每小题1分) ( ) 16. --Will there be fewer trees? --_______________. A. Yes, there will. B. Yes, they will. C. No, there aren’t. D. No, they won’t. ( ) 17. Some scientists think that it may take _________years to make robots look like people, and do the same things as us. A. hundreds of B. two hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundred of ( ) 18. He doesn’t have any money, _______ do I. A. too B. also C. either D. neither ( ) 19. I think you should _______ some money _______ your friends. A. borrow; for B. borrow; from C. lend; from D. borrow; to ( ) 20. If you bring snacks to the party, the teachers will ___________. A. take it away B. take them away C. take away it D. take away them ( ) 21. It is foggy(多雾的) today. The plane can't_______ . A. land B. landed C. take off D. taking off ( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/1917611923.html,st year I was often ill, but now I am_______ good health. A. at B. of C. in D. under ( ) 23. Does her friend_______ math? A. does well in B. do good at C. do well in D. do well at ( ) 24.We’ll stay at home if i t _______ tomorrow. A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. raining ( ) 25._______ the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed. A. While B. After C .Before D. until 二、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) When I had something difficult to do ,I used to ask my mother for help. But she always said ,“Do it yourself ,dear.” I was not 26 at all. I thought she was the 27 mother in the world! For example ,one day ,I decided to 28 some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order. Books were everywhere. And I didn’t make the bed. I asked my 29 to help me clean it , 30 she still said ,“Do it yourself ,girl.” Because of my “lazy mother”,I have to 31 my clothes and clean my room. I have to help my parents 32 . I even have to go to the dentist by myself. It is really hard for me to do everything well , but I have learned 33 . As time goes by ,I understand my mother. She makes me clever and diligent (勤奋的). 34 a great mother! A 35 mother is worth (等值于)one hundred teachers! Don’t you think so? 26. A. old B. glad C. thin 27. A. tallest B. most foolish C. laziest 28. A. leave B. invite C. visit


彭高宏 (广州工程技术职业学院,广东广州 510075) 收稿日期:2014-02-25 作者简介:彭高宏(1963-),男,湖南岳阳人,副教授,硕士,主要研究方向:汽车电控技术,液压与气动技术在汽车上的应用。 摘 要:采用文献综述方法,结合汽车空调设计、使用和维修实情,从密封种类、密封原理等方面,介绍了O 形密封圈密封技术在汽车空 调中的应用现状,对制冷压缩机和管道接头O 形密封圈密封技术进行了简要分析,并提出了一些改进的建议。关键词:汽车空调;O 形密封圈;密封技术;应用中图分类号:TB42;U463.82 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-0813(2014)05-0041-05 Application of O-ring Seal Technology in Automobile Air Conditioning PENG Gao-hong (Guang Zhou Vocational College of Engineering and Technology ,Guangzhou 510075,China ) Abstract:In combination with the truth of design ,use and maintenance of automobile air conditioning ,from in terms of sealing type ,sealing mechanism ,etc ,the application status of o-ring seal technology is introduced by adopting the method of literature review.O-ring technology in refrigeration compressor and pipe joints sealing is briefly analyzed and some improvement suggestions is put forward.Key words:automobile A/C ;O-ring ;seal technology ;application 引言 汽车空调(Automobile Air Condition System ,简称 A/C )是汽车舒适/娱乐系统中的一个重要的舒适子系 统,由制冷系统、暖气系统、送风系统、净化系统和电控系统等组成。其中制冷系统实际上是一个管道系统,由压缩机、冷凝器、储液过滤干燥器(或集液干燥器)、膨胀阀(或孔管)、蒸发器、高低压管等组成。制冷系统以 R134a 等制冷剂为工作介质,采用蒸发制冷,工作时高压侧的压力可达到3400kPa 左右,温度可达到80℃左 右。制冷管道的密封是制冷系统正常工作的基础。 1O 形密封圈概述 按工作原理的不同,成形填料密封可分为挤压型(或压缩型)密封圈类和唇型密封圈类。O 形密封圈属于挤压型密封圈。密封圈具有“双向密封”功用,即在设备工作时能防止介质(液体、气体等)泄漏,又能防止杂质(尘埃、空气或水等)侵入。密封圈设计、材料、制造等质量的优劣,对设备的正常工作、工作效率和性能、使用寿命,以及节能、减排、降耗、环保等都有很大的影响。因此,在O 形密封圈的设计、制造、使用和维修中应予以高度重视。 一般来说,常用的O 形密封圈的截面为圆形、采用合成橡胶制造,其外形和结构如图1、图2所示,图中d 1为O 形密封圈自由状态下内径(mm ),d 2为O 形密封圈自由状态下截面直径(mm )。而一些特殊的O 形密封圈则设计成方形、X 形、H 形等异形截面或采用金属或采用其他非橡胶材料制造。O 形密封圈主要安装在常用的矩形沟槽和端面倒角槽中使用,但也有安装在燕尾槽、偏矩形槽等异形沟槽中使用。橡胶O 形圈既可单独使用(例如汽车空调制冷管接头密封),也可与其他非橡胶密封件组合使用(例如汽车空调制冷压缩机旋转轴的机械密封和唇形密封)。下面以常用的O 形密封圈为例,分析O 形密封圈在汽车空调制冷系统中的应用。 图1O 形密封圈外形 图2O 形密封圈结构 [1] O 形密封圈密封技术在汽车空调中的应用 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0813.2014.05.013 41

Mid-term_ANS期中考试简答题的答案 《高级宏观经济学Ι》

Mid-term Exam(Version A) Advanced Macroeconomics Answer Key (a)Why the accumulation of physical capital cannot account for either growth di¤erence or cross-country income di¤erence? If returns of capital are a rough guide to its contributions to output,then variations in the accumulation of physical capital do not account for a signi…cant part of either di¤erences.For example,to account for a a factor of10in output per worker,we need a factor of1000in capital per worker.There is no evidence of such di¤erences in capital stocks.Or Required di¤erence in capital imply enormous di¤erence in the rate of return on capital,for example,a factor of 100. (b)Why in the Ramsey model,the adjustment to shock is more rapid than in the Solow model? Besides the kind of adjustment happen in the Solow model,that is,the di¤erence of marginal product and break-even investment,the change of saving rate also help the adjustment process.Here the saving rate is greater than s when k is less than k and less than s when k is greater than k .This is because interest rate is high when k is less than k and it is low when k is greater than k . (c)Explain why in the Diamond(OLG)Mode,there is possibility of dynamic ine¢ciency.Or how a planner is able to improve e¢ciency in some case. Answer1 If the marginal product of capital is less than n,or k GRf(k GR) nk GR,so more resource for consumption, In each subsequent period,f(k GR) nk GR>f(k ) nk ,we also have more consumption,which make every generation better o¤. (d)Why we cannot use technology to explain cross-country income di¤er-ences? Why poor countries do not have access to the same technology?The lags in the di¤usion of knowledge from rich to poor countries that are needed to account for observed di¤erences in incomes are extremely long–on the order of a century or more.Second,technology is nonrival.If the relevant knowledge is publicly available,poor countries can become rich by having their workers or managers read the appropriate literature.If the relevant knowledge is private, 1
