

This is Russo. Please leave a message.

He's not answering my calls.

It's over, and he must know it.

You don't think there's any way he can recover?

The Republicans will play that interview

on every radio and television station

from now until November 5th.

from now until November 5th.

I sympathize with the kid,

but this was my concern from the beginning.

And I should've listened to you, sir.

I thought he could handle the pressure.

Okay. So he withdraws.

We need to replace him.

You have any ideas?

With less than two months to go?

If the President hadn't shut me out of the early discussions, I could've come up with some good options,

but I don't know anyone

who's got the name recognition and donor base

to start a campaign from scratch just seven weeks out.

Let me think.

Everything hinges on the next few minutes...

all my months of planning, every move I've made.

- There is one person. - Who?

You, Mr. Vice President.

If you ran to reclaim your seat,

I think you'd win by a landslide.

Resign the vice presidency.

Only if you win.

Walker needs me for 2016.

Are you entirely certain he's gonna keep you on the ticket?

I mean, it's no secret the two of you don't exactly get along.

What has he said?

Oh, you're putting me in a very awkward position, Mr. Vice President. Has he been bad-mouthing me?

Well, the exact phrase he used was

"Pain in the ass."

That fucker.

He's got no idea how to lead,

no sense of respect.

- Oh, is this his idea? - No.

- His way of getting rid of me? - No. It struck me yesterday,

and I just thought it was worth suggesting.

But, no, I haven't discussed this with anyone.

And you shouldn't.

People don't leave the White House to become a governor.

May I ask you a personal question, sir?

Do you want to be the Vice President?

Peter said that when you were out on that campaign trail,

you had so much enthusiasm and energy

that he thought you maybe missed being the Governor.

I do miss it.

Then why not go back?

You could be the hero of this election

and secure Pennsylvania for the Democrats in 2016. Garrett would never go along with something like this, even if he hates my guts.

It would make him look weak,

like he's lost control of the administration.

Not if it was a mutual decision.

Look, let me talk to Garrett.

I won't mention that we've spoken.

I suppose there's no harm in finding out what he thinks. Thank you, Mr. Vice President.

- Slogans for 400. - "1976. He's making us proud again." - D.J. - Who is Carter.

- No. John. - Who is Ford.


Slogans for 600.

Peter, are you here?

"1888. Grandfather's hat fits Ben."

- Claudia. - Who is Benjamin Harrison.

- Yes. - Presidential slogans for 800.

"1900. The full dinner pail "

On the train ride down,

I almost called the police to have them break in

and make sure you hadn't hurt yourself.

I'm not gonna even ask you what happened.

It doesn't matter right now.

It doesn't matter right now.

What matters right now...

- What matters... - Who is Goldwater.

- Claudia - Who is Goldwater.

Barry Goldwater. Yes.

Oh, come on. Hey, I'm watching that.

What matters is the 50 reporters in front of your building and the 150 campaign staffers

who don't know if they still have a job.

It's over.

I know.

So, tell them to go away.

What, are you just gonna hole yourself up in here

and hope it all goes away?

Yeah, that's pretty much the plan.

Well, I won't let you.

Hey, put that down. Hey.

- Hey, put that down! - Peter...

We need to put out a statement.

Call me when you're prepared to do that.

I'll be at the headquarters in Philly.

I was scared that I was starting to feel too much for you.

I think that's why I ended it.

And you have no room for fear?

No. Being afraid doesn't accomplish anything. That's not true. When I'm overseas,

rational fear... disease or violence...

that sort of fear keeps you alive.

Back here, God,

I find myself afraid of things

that I can't name or point to.

It's like, uh, how little am I seeing?

Or have I wasted this day or this moment? Yeah, I think that sometimes...

whether my life will add up.

Francis would roll his eyes

if he heard me talking like this.

Does he know where you are?

No, he doesn't.

If he's looking for you, that's where you are.

Over there.

Before you met Frank.



Absorbing everything.

You have no idea what I was like when I was a girl. Did he ever know that side of you?

He wasn't interested in that girl.

And neither was I.

What were you interested in?

Being more than an observer.

You wanted to be seen.

Not just seen.

I wanted to be significant.

There's no historical precedent.

Aaron Burr ran for Governor,

Calhoun for the Senate.

200 years ago.

One shot a man in a duel, the other believed in slavery.


Is that really the sort of company we wanna share, Frank? Mr. President, we stand losing

control of an important swing state,

our majority in the house,

and quite possibly your second term in office. Preventing all of that may require unconventional measures. It would look like I'm pushing him out.

Or worse... that he's abandoning the administration.

You make a joint statement.

You say he won't resign unless he wins.

If he loses, he stays on as Vice President.

No one could accuse either of you of disloyalty to the other. Did Jim come to you with this?

No. It's entirely my idea.

I wouldn't dream of speaking to

the Vice President without passing it by you first.

I think he'd take it as an affront,

like I'm trying to get rid of him.

Honestly, sir, I think

he might be more interested than you imagine.

- Why is that? - Well, I hesitate to bring this up, but when he was campaigning for Russo,

he spoke quite freely about you, sir.

Tell me.

Of course, I'm getting this secondhand from Peter, but the gist of it is that...

that you lack entirely in leadership,

and that you have no sense of respect.

And he wants more responsibility.

And how do I give him that when he shows absolutely no discretion, no discipline?

Well, that is entirely my point. Now, look,

I take full responsibility for backing Russo,

but there could be a silver lining in all this.

You could accomplish two goals:

Secure Pennsylvania for the Democrats

and find an honorable way to replace Matthews. What do you think?

I think it is a very big decision,

and we do not want to make it impulsively.

I agree. I'd like to put some more thought into it. Well, that is very prudent, sir. Just bear in mind,

seven weeks out, that every day counts.

- Hi, sir. - How much is it?

Oh, I got your receipt right here.

No, no, no. It was... it was just $40.

Yeah. Don't tell anyone, all right?

No. I... I never say anything about our tenants.

- The press still outside? - Yeah.

I told them you weren't here, like you said.

Most of them left. There's still, you know, a few, though.

If I wanted to leave,

is there a place I could do it without being seen?

Yeah. The freight elevator down to the garage.

I could call you a cab or...

All right. Thanks. I'll let you know.

Mr. Russo, uh...

sir, it's none of my business,but, uh,

my uncle... he fell off the wagon a few times.

When he did, the best thing for him was just not to be alone. I'll give you this money back, I'll take that bag off your hands, come in here, keep you company...

I appreciate it. I'll let you know if I change my mind.

I appreciate it. I'll let you know if I change my mind.

Sit down.

Where's Claire?

Not here.

So what is this, tying up loose ends?

I wouldn't presume.

People like you can't be neatly tied up.

But I thought perhaps we could start...

It's very tasteful.

This is the dress she wore to the gala.

I believe so.

It is.

I recognize it.

Go back into the bedroom.

I'm amazed how well you got her in focus.

What should we call her?

Why does she need a name?

I never photograph anyone without knowing their name. You didn't take the photograph. I did.

I think we should call her Claire.

She doesn't even look like me.

Not even a younger version. Why do you keep saying that? Not her features, her expression.

Hey, we should mount it. You can hang her in your house. Would Francis object?

Can we please not discuss Francis?

You brought him up in the park.

I know I did, and I shouldn't have.

So we have to pretend he doesn't exist?

I thought we could talk about anything.

He is a presence here. You must admit that.

When you walked through the door yesterday,

he walked right in with you.

It's just me, nobody else.

You keep telling yourself that, it might come true.

How do you think she'd feel if she knew I was wearing this?

I don't know.

You don't think she'd be upset?

She'd probably say you look very beautiful in it.

It's like steel.

You should put it back.

I think I'll keep it.

I'll buy you one of your own, if you'd like.

No. I want this one.

She came into my bedroom.

She should know I came into hers.

Is your bed always so perfectly made?

It's a habit I formed at military school.

What side of the bed does she sleep on?

That side.

She can keep it.

Fits her better anyway.

Listen, Zoe...

Whatever just happened upstairs,

whatever these past six months have been,

can we agree that it is time to simplify?

What does simple look like?

We maintain our professional arrangement, as you suggested, which I will honor.

You still trust me?

What choice do I have?

You didn't hurt me or discard me like you said you would.

I'm glad I didn't have to.

Yes, we'll agree to simplify.


Sorry I'm a few minutes late, Frank.

Please, have a seat.

I have a pretty good idea why you asked for this meeting.

- Have you and the President had a chance to speak? - We have. - Is he leaning one way or another? - He's torn.

- And what about you? - I'm a little less torn.

My instincts tell me it's a mistake.

You wanna convince me otherwise?

Well, look, if your instincts tell you

this is not the way to go, I'm not about to...

Frank, I'm gonna ask you two very direct questions,

and I would appreciate direct answers.

When you got my son into college,

were you anticipating a moment like this?

I don't follow.

Honestly, Frank?

Was I antici...

I would be happy to answer you directly

if I knew what you were asking.

All right. I will ask you my second question.

Do you want the Vice Presidency for yourself?

I would serve at the pleasure of the President. That was his... You proposed this idea so that you can take Matthews' place. - I did not say that. - But it is what you want.

- What I want is in the... - The President makes you V.P.,

he keeps you on the ticket in 2016,

and you use that as a springboard to run in 2020.

Tell me that trajectory has never entered your mind.

Well, Linda, I make a habit of

considering all trajectories in any given situation.

But that's a practical exercise, not a personal one.

So you refuse to admit it.

Admit it's what I want? That's irrelevant.

You're the one who asked for this meeting, not me.

This meeting's about trying to solve a problem,

not fulfill some personal ambition.

But if both could be achieved, you wouldn't object.

I think this is a sound course of action

regardless of who the President taps to replace Matthews.

I must gamble everything I have right now.

If I'm honest, she may use it against me.

If I'm not, she won't lift a finger.

I've used the same tactic myself.

Once someone is exposed,

they're at your mercy.

She wants to hear me say the words.


I want to be the Vice President.

And, yes, I helped your son get into college

in the hopes that you would return the favor.

But I can't force you to do so, Linda.

But I also think that we would make a formidable team.

Look what we've been able to accomplish

even when we've been at odds with each other.

Now put your mind to what we could accomplish if we weren't. Thank you for taking the time, Linda.

I'll call you back. How'd it go?

She's holding her cards very close to the chest.

- Any word from Peter? - Nothing.

Christina said he wouldn't leave the apartment.

But I called the doorman, and he said that Peter was gone.

- Where? - He doesn't know.

He needs to officially withdraw to put pressure on Walker.

I'm trying to track him down.

Why'd you let him out of your sight in the first place?

I thought he was showering.

He disappeared when I was on the phone with you.

There was a plan here, Doug.

He explodes, he withdraws,

we put him back together, and he quietly goes away.

Russo has made no public appearances

since allegations that he was inebriated

during a radio interview on WZPZ Pittsburgh yesterday morning. Sources among the Democratic leadership have suggested

that the party is currently considering options to replace Russo. Meanwhile, Republican candidate Jack Swofford's lead

has jumped to a 24-point margin,

according to an overnight CNN poll of registered voters.

The Swofford campaign

is also reporting a sharp spike in contributions...

nearly half a million dollars in the last 20...

nearly half a million dollars in the last 20...

I saw that this morning.

Francis got Peter to run.

Do you know him well?

We weren't close.

Do you need to make calls?

- 'Cause I can head into the other room. - I don't think so. Thanks.

Where are you going?

To the lab. I should've gone in today.


- Adam... - Just go. Go. Leave.

How long do you think this can possibly go on for?

We have never spent more than 48 hours together.

Maybe there's a reason for that.

A part of me still loves you.

Which part?

I can't be just a pit stop, Claire,

- or some sort of escape... - Oh, come on.

- You're more than that. - ... or a top-up on

- whatever Francis can't provide. - Oh, fuck off!

He's my husband, Adam.

We've gone through more than you could ever imagine.

I envy your free spirit, and I'm attracted to it,

but not all of us have that luxury.

Which is what I find so frustrating about you, Claire. You... you had a choice.

You chose not to be free.

No. What I chose was a man I could love for more than a week.

I shouldn't have said that. I...

At least you're being honest.

I can't live moment to moment like you, Adam.

I have a history with Francis, I have a future with him,

and it's bigger than a moment.

Then you should kill it...

whatever part of you still loves me.

If you can't,

I will.

- Adam... - No.

- Hello? - Hey. Hey, sweetie.

How's it going? I'm... are you with your mom?

She's downstairs. You want me to go get her?

No. No. I just wanted to call and say,

you know, hey to your... uh, your brother and you.

Is he... is he there?

He's in his room, I think.

Okay. You wanna go get him?

Hold on.

He says he doesn't want to talk to you.


Why not?

We've seen the news, dad.

There were all sorts of TV cameras at our school yesterday. Mom's making us stay home this week.

I want you to do something. I want you to go to, uh,

your bedroom window and look out.

You see that black car?

- Yeah. - That's me.

You shouldn't be here, dad. Mom would be really angry. Well, we don't need to tell her. Right?

It'll just be... it'll just be, uh...

it'll just be our little secret.

Your voice sounds weird,

like it did on the radio.

You... you heard that?

I have a computer.

I'm sorry.

I...sometimes your dad makes mistakes.

- I better go. - No.

I don't like to hear your voice when it's like this. It makes me sad. Bye, dad.

Sarah, please...

Sarah, please...



Where are you?

I'm, uh...

I'm not... I'm not... I'm not doing so well. Where are you, Peter?

- I'm in my car. - Are you driving?


Tell me where you are.

I'm outside my kids' house.

- You mean Madeleine's? - Yeah.

I need you to stay right there.

Okay, Peter?

You'll stay there?


Peter, are you still there?




I'd like to turn myself in.

For what?

A few months ago,

I was pulled over for drunk driving.

They let me go. I should've been convicted. Well, if you were let go, sir,

we can't arrest you for it now.

Well, I drunk drove here. Arrest me for that. We can put you in a detox tank...

I wanna be formally arrested.

My name is Congressman Peter Russo.

I was arrested in January on Michigan Avenue. Please have a seat, Congressman.

I gotta make a few phone calls.

Have you found him?

I'm in front of his ex-wife's house.

Christina said he called from there.

- He's not there? - No.

But his phone is. I found it by the curb.

So we have no way to contact him?

Not unless he reaches out to us.

This isn't good.

Want me to alert the authorities?

Let's give him a little longer.

- How long did it last? - About six months.

- He was older. - A lot?


Was he a journalist, or did he work on The Hill?

I'd rather not say.

All right.

He was someone I looked up to... for a while.

Why did it end?

He has a wife.

We both knew it was gonna end eventually.

I mean, it was really...

it was fucked up.

The first night we spent together,

he told me he was gonna hurt me and then discard me. And when it ended, I told him that he'd done neither. But...

it does hurt.

I won't hurt you.

Yeah, you can't promise me that.

Yes, I can.

- Has anyone else seen him? - No.

He's in an interrogation room by himself.

I never should've got mixed up with this fucking mess. We're way behind regret time, Barney.

Just have your guys keep him out of sight.

I'll need a back exit.

- I got him. Thanks. - Yeah.

Come on.

Hey, Peter.

Where's your car?

It's down the street.

I'll drive you home.

You go back to mine, have Meechum let you in.

- This way? - Yeah.

What were you thinking, Peter?

I need to take responsibility for my actions.

By getting yourself thrown in jail?

Real responsibility.

Like... like they talk about in the meetings,

not the lies we told for the campaign.

What you just did was extremely reckless.

I don't care.

I'm making a statement tomorrow, Frank.

About pulling out of the race?

That's not enough. I...

I need to stop hiding.

Well, let's work together on the language.

I have to do it on my own. It's gotta be my own words. Look, Peter, this isn't just about you anymore, all right? - Let me help you. - I don't want your help.

I didn't never ask your help when you... I got arrested. When did your help ever help me?

You can live your life the way you want to.

I'm done being told how to live mine.

Well, there has to be a way to take responsibility without


美剧《纸牌屋》第一季经典台词语录 美国电视剧《纸牌屋》根据同名小说改编的一部政治剧。主要描述一个冷血无情的美国国会议员及与他同样野心勃勃的妻子在华盛顿白宫中运作权力的故事。主人公弗莱西斯是美国国会众议院多数党党鞭(多数党督导),是一个老谋深算的职业政客,他坚信新当选的美国总统及其幕僚背叛了他,于是发誓要将这一任总统赶下台,他不择手段展开一系列部署。 1、There are twokinds of pain.The sort of pain that makes you strong…or useless pain…The sort of pain that’s onlysuffering.I have no patience for useless things.I have no patience for useless things.Moments like this require someone who will act…or do the unpleasant thing,or the necessary thing.There…No more pain. 痛苦分两种,一种让你变得更强,另一种毫无价值,只徒添折磨。我对没有价值的东西没有耐心,这种时刻,需要有人采取行动…或做一些不好的事…也是必要的事。好了,痛苦结束了。(主人公Frank看到一只被车撞过后躺在地上奄奄一息的狗,他走上前结束了它的痛苦) 2、Give and take.Welcome to Washington. 付出与索取,这就是华盛顿。(社会很现实,官场更现实) 3、I love that woman.I love hermore than sharks love blood. 我爱那个女人,胜过鲨鱼爱鲜血。 4、A person’s character isn’t determined by how he or she enjoys victory but rather how he or she endures defeat. Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith. 一个人的品性不取决于他如何享受胜利,而在于这个人如何忍受失败。没有什么比信念更能支撑我们度过艰难时光了。 5、Forward! That is the battle cry.Leave ideologies for the Armchair General,does me no good. 勇往直前这是我的作战口号,纸上谈兵那一套于我无益。 6、Power’s a lot like real estate.It’s all about location,location, location.The closer you are to the source,the higher your property value. 权力正如地产,位置是重中之重,你离中心越近,你的财产就越值钱。


纸牌屋第一季第一集 -你干什么Hey- what are you doing? -天哪Jesus! -你看清肇事的车了吗\Did you get a good look? -只看到是辆蓝色丰田佳美lue Toyota Camry- it's all I saw- -是沃顿家的狗It's the Wharton's dog- 天哪-他撑不了多久了 Oh- man- - He's not gonna make it- -去看看他们在不在家\Go see if they're at home- 没事了It's ok- 痛苦分两种There are two kinds of pain- 一种让你变得更强--The sort of pain that makes you strong--- 另一种毫无价值or useless pain--- 只是徒添折磨The sort of pain that's only suffering- 我对没价值的东西也没耐心\I have no patience for useless things- 这种时刻需要有人采取行动Moments like this require someone who will act--- -或做一些不好的事\or do the unpleasant thing- 但也是必要的事or the necessary thing- 好了There--- 痛苦结束了No more pain- 肇事逃逸我很遗憾It was a hit and run- I'm awfully sorry- 他肯定又自己跳出了庭院He must have jumped over the fence again- 史蒂夫会就肇事车信息报案}Look- Steve's gonna file a report on the car- 他会派下属去处理he'll put his people on it- 我们会找到那个司机的We'll track him down- 你真是光彩照人You're stunning- 我们走吧Shall we? 三---二---一---\Three two---one--- 新年快乐Happy New Year! -当选总统加勒特·沃克-Oh- President elected Garrett Walker- -我喜欢他吗不-Do I like him? No- 我信任他吗这不是重点-Do I believe in him? That's beside the point- 任何一个能获得七千万选票的政客Any politician that gets -- million votes -他所象征的含义早已超过了自身-has tapped into something larger than himself- -当然也超过了我尽管我不愿意承认-larger than even me as much as I hate to admit it- -看那胜者的笑脸那些信任的眼神-Look at that winning smile- those trusting eyes- -我一早便抓住了他并扮演了重要角色-I clung to him early on- and made myself vital- -在国会待了--年-After -- years in congress -我能嗅到风头的走向-I can smell which way the wind is going- -吉姆·马修斯尊敬的副总统阁下-Jim Matthews- his right honorably Vice-President- -前宾夕法尼亚州州长-Former Governor of Pennsylvania-


纸牌屋前三季剧情回顾+第四季看点 通过美剧学英语,已不再是什么稀罕事。风靡全球的热播剧《纸牌屋》第四季已开播,朗播为您整理了前三季剧情回顾和第四季看点,剧情跌宕起伏,不妨来读一遍。 《纸牌屋》第四季在北京时间周六终于放出了全部13集!这个周末你是否第一时间在家留守,通过看美剧学习英语呢?依照木下(Underwood)总统的指示好好追剧了?已阅毕第四季13集的小编来带你梳理一下前三季的各路剧情线,顺便展望一下第四季的精彩看点(无具体剧透,可放心食用哦): “宫斗”线 《纸牌屋》作为一部木下总统的励志复仇奋斗史,最重要的主线当然是木下夫妇(Frank& Claire Underwood)的奋斗历程。 第一季“说好的国务卿呢?” 作为一名失意的党鞭,不甘心只当垫脚石的木下君遂开始步步为营,利用作为党鞭时收集到的其他人的黑历史先后搞垮了新人国务卿、副总统,在第一季的结尾顺利地成为了白宫第二把交椅。 第二季“我行,我上了” 木下君的春风得意在这一季体现得淋漓尽致。经过了第一季之后,观众的胃口显然已被木下君的野心喂大了,在万众期待下,木下君手段频出,扶植新党鞭,离间总统身边人,并最终成功地摘掉了头衔前面的“副”字,成为了一个名副其实的总统先生。 第三季“领导难当,队伍难带” 相对于前两季的高潮频出,这一季曾被一些观众诟病为平淡且憋屈的剧情——作为由副转正、未曾真正经过大选的总统,不同于前两季的放肆侵略,木下在这一季始终处于守势,内要摆平党内的唱衰,外要应付难缠的俄罗斯,而一路互相扶持走来的老婆Claire最后居然抛出了一句“I’m leaving you”! 第四季“国王衰落,王后登场”? 由于正值美国大选年份,许多人猜测第四季剧情或许会与现实中前第一夫人希拉里竞选总统相呼应,不过小编表示这个脑洞虽有根据,但却大了点哦,准确地说,这一季,是王与后“相爱相杀”的一季,而这对天生的权力夫妇,相信即便是有所分歧,也不会幼稚到互相毁灭的地步。


This is Russo. Please leave a message. He's not answering my calls. It's over, and he must know it. You don't think there's any way he can recover? The Republicans will play that interview on every radio and television station from now until November 5th. from now until November 5th. I sympathize with the kid, but this was my concern from the beginning. And I should've listened to you, sir. I thought he could handle the pressure. Okay. So he withdraws. We need to replace him. You have any ideas? With less than two months to go? If the President hadn't shut me out of the early discussions, I could've come up with some good options, but I don't know anyone who's got the name recognition and donor base to start a campaign from scratch just seven weeks out. Let me think. Everything hinges on the next few minutes... all my months of planning, every move I've made. - There is one person. - Who? You, Mr. Vice President.


痛苦分两种,一种让你变得更强,另一种毫无价值,只徒添折磨。我对没有价值的东西没有耐心,这种时刻,需要有人采取行动...或做一些不好的事...也是必要的事。好了,痛苦结束了。 There are twokinds of pain.The sort of pain that makes you strong...or useless pain...The sort of pain that's onlysuffering.I have no patience for useless things.I have no patience for useless things.Moments like this require someone who will act...or do the unpleasant thing,or the necessary thing.There...No more pain. 付出与索取,这就是华盛顿(其实换个意思这就是现实) Give and take.Welcome to Washington. 我爱那个女人,胜过鲨鱼爱鲜血 I love that woman.I love hermore than sharks love blood. 一个人的character(这个词意思好多,意会,意会)不取决于他如何享受胜利,而在于这个人如何忍受失败。没有什么比信念更能支撑我们度过艰难时光了 A person's character isn't determined by how he or she enjoys vitory but rather howhe or she endures defeat.Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith. 勇往直前这是我的作战口号,纸上谈兵那一套于我无益(美国人的精神实在值得学习) Forward! That is the battle cry.Leave ideologies for the Armchair General,does me no good. 权力正如地产,位置是重中之重,你离中心越近,你的财产就越值钱 Power's a lot like real estate.It's all about location,location, location.The closer you are to the source,the higher your property value. 真是浪费啊,为了钱而放弃权利,这个城市里几乎人人都犯了这个错。金钱是萨拉索塔的巨无霸豪宅,保质期就只有十年,权力是古老的石砌建筑,能屹立数百年(政治视野吧友们涨姿势) Such a waste of talent.He chose money over power.In this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes.Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart afterten years.Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries. 烈士最渴求的就是壮烈牺牲,所以你磨好兵刃,调整好角度,默数三二一.......(霸气侧漏人性的弱点


House Of Cards 2013 S01E01 Jesus! Did you get a good look?- I only saw a blue Camry. It's Wharton's dog. Oh, man.- He's not gonna make it. Go see if they're home. It's ok. There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong... or useless pain... The sort of pain that's only suffering. I have no patience for useless things. Moments like this require someone who will act...or do the unpleasant thing, or the necessary thing. There... -No more pain. It was a hit and run, I'm awfully sorry. He must have jumped over the fence again. Steve's gonna file a report on the car, he’ll put his people on it. We'll track them down. You're stunning. Shall we? Oh, President elect Gareth Walker. Do I like him? No. Do I believe in him? That's beside the point. Any politician that gets 70 million votes has tapped into something larger than himself, larger than even me as much as I hate to admit it. Look at that winning smile, those trusting eyes. I just know them early on, and made myself vital. After 22 years in congress I can smell which way the wind is blowing. Oh, Jim Matthews, his right, honorable Vice President. Former Governor in Pennsylvania. He did his duty in delivering the Keystone State. Bless his heart.


1.Shake with your right hand but hold a rock in your left. 用右手握手,但左手要握着石头。 2.Even Achilles was only as strong as his heel. 再强大的人,能力也要由他的短板来决定。 3.For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain there can be no mercy. There is but one ruble: hunt or be hunted. 对于爬到食物链顶端的我们而言,绝不能心慈手软。我们的世界只有一条规则:弱肉强食。 4. A great man once said, everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power. 一位伟人曾经说过,生活的一切都和性有关,除了性本身,性关乎权力。 5.Any pugilist worth his salt knows that when someone’s on the ropes that’s when you throw a combination to the gut and a left-hook to the jaw. 称职的拳击手都能看出来对手什么时候不行了,这时候就该果断连续出拳,左勾拳直击下颚。 6.Generosity is its own form of power. 别低估了慷慨的力量。 7.Never make such big decisions so long after sunset and so far from dawn. 日落之后,日出之前,不要做重大决定。 8.Friends make the worst enemies. 反目的朋友是最可怕的敌人。 9.The nature of promises is that they remain immune to changing circumstances. 所谓承诺,就是无论环境如何变化也不受影响。 10.The road to power is paved with hypocrisy, and casualties-never regret. 通往权力的道路由伪善和亡兵铺就。 11.When the tit’s that big, everybody gets in line. 当利润如此丰厚,谁都想分杯羹。 12.Success is a mixture of preparation and luck. 想成功的话,准备和运气都缺一不可。 13.The heart can chock the mind when all the blood flows back onto itself. 用情太深,就容易被冲昏头脑。 14.There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain. The sort of pain that’s only suffering. I have no patience for useless things. 痛苦分两种,一种让你变得更强,另一种毫无价值,只徒添折磨。我对没有价值的东西没有耐心。


What was that? 什么声音 The faucet. 水龙头 It wouldn't shut up. 滴个不停 - Did you sleep last night? - No. -你昨晚睡着了吗 -没有 I'll call Nancy and tell her to call a plumber. 我会让南茜叫个水管工来 Absolute discretion. Can I count on that? 你能保证绝对谨慎吗 - Always. - Raymond Tusk. -当然 -雷蒙德·塔斯克 The President wants to tap him as the new V.P. 总统想让他接任副总统 - You and I cannot let that happen. - Why not? -你我必须阻止他 -为什么 Because a third of his fortune is tied up in nuclear energy. 因为他三分之一的资产投在核能上Sancorp does not want a pro-nuclear businessman in the White House. 支持核能的商人进入白宫对桑科不利 The market is shifting toward natural gas anyway. 反正市场正在转向天然气 But Tusk wants to stall that shift or reverse it. 但塔斯克想拖住甚至扭转这个倾向 Vice President doesn't have that kind of influence. 副总统没这么大的影响 This one would. He and Walker are very close. 他有他和沃克关系很近 And it's in neither of our best interests 桑科的市场地位下降 to seep Sancorp's position in the marketplace diminished. 对我们都不是什么好事 What's the ask? 你要我做什么 Tusk won't accept the nomination 如果塔斯克觉得自己的资产 if he thinks his holdings are at risk. 有危险就不会接受任命 Sancorp needs to initiate a hostile takeover. 桑科需要发起一次恶意收购 He's worth three times what Sancorp is. 他的资产顶三个桑科 I'm talking about the subsidiaries. 我是说那些子公司 We go after the companies that refine and ship the uranium, 搞那些提炼运输铀的公司就行- the support system that... - Come on, Frank. -辅助系统 -得了弗兰克 There's stockholders to take into account, 要考虑到股东


经典电影台词中英文 导读:本文是关于经典电影台词中英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、如果当时你没走,后来的我们会不会不一样。——《后来的我们》 If you hadn't gone, would we be different then? 2、毕业时我们在一起,希望未来我们还能再相遇!——《谁的青春不迷茫》 When we graduate, we hope that we can meet again in the future. 3、我们人类更关心的是拥有,而不是存在。——《超体》 We humans are more concerned with possession rather than being. 4、钱不是问题,是你不在我心里了。——《北京遇上西雅图》 Money is not a problem. You are not in my heart. 5、你妈妈也去过不少地方耶!还有这种嗜好!只拍床这么变态!——《前度》 Your mother has been to many places. And this hobby! Only filming the bed so abnormal! 6、可以负责任的告诉你,黎叔很生气,后果很严重!——《天下无贼》 I can tell you responsibly that Uncle Li is very angry and

the consequences are very serious.

7、男人钱多钱少不重要,找一个知冷知热疼你的。——《北京遇上西雅图》 It doesn't matter if a man has more money or less money. 8、如果我多一张船票,你会不会跟我一起走?——《花样年华》 If I have another ticket, will you go with me? 9、解散,重组,没有区别,本质相同。——《超体》 There is no difference between dissolution and reorganization. 10、基础决定高度。心态决定状态。——《少年班》 The foundation determines height. State of mind determines state. 11、孤独不是永远的,在一起才是永远的。——《观音山》 Solitude is not eternal, and together is forever. 12、我一看有人提着包离开这个城市,别管他去哪,我都很羡慕。——《立春》 As soon as I saw someone leaving the city with a bag, no matter where he went, I was very envious. 13、这不在于我爱你多少,而是我能忍多少。——《二次曝光》 It's not how much I love you, but how much I can bear.

纸牌屋剧本 第一季 第一集

你干什么Hey, what are you doing? 天哪Jesus! 你看清肇事的车了吗Did you get a good look? 只看到是辆蓝色丰田佳美Blue Toyota Camry, it's all I saw. 是沃顿家的狗It's the Wharton's dog. -天哪-他撑不了多久了- Oh, man. - He's not gonna make it. 去看看他们在不在家Go see if they're at home. 没事了It's ok. 痛苦分两种There are two kinds of pain. 一种让你变得更强...The sort of pain that makes you strong... 另一种毫无价值or useless pain... 只是徒添折磨The sort of pain that's only suffering. 我对没价值的东西也没耐心I have no patience for useless things. 这种时刻需要有人采取行动Moments like this require someone who will act... 或做一些不好的事or do the unpleasant thing, 但也是必要的事or the necessary thing. 好了...There... 痛苦结束了No more pain. 肇事逃逸我很遗憾It was a hit and run, I'm awfully sorry. 他肯定又自己跳出了庭院He must have jumped over the fence again. 史蒂夫会就肇事车信息报案Look, Steve's gonna file a report on the car, 他会派下属去处理he'll put his people on it. 我们会找到那个司机的We'll track him down. 你真是光彩照人You're stunning. 我们走吧Shall we? 三...二...一...Three two...one... 新年快乐Happy New Year! 当选总统加勒特·沃克Oh, President elected Garrett Walker. 我喜欢他吗不Do I like him? No. 我信任他吗这不是重点Do I believe in him? That's beside the point. 任何一个能获得七千万选票的政客Any politician that gets 70 million votes 他所象征的含义早已超过了自身has tapped into something larger than himself, 当然也超过了我尽管我不愿意承认larger than even me as much as I hate to admit it. 看那胜者的笑脸那些信任的眼神Look at that winning smile, those trusting eyes. 我一早便抓住了他并扮演了重要角色I clung to him early on, and made myself vital. 在国会待了22年After 22 years in congress 我能嗅到风头的走向I can smell which way the wind is going. 吉姆·马修斯尊敬的副总统阁下Jim Matthews, his right honorably Vice-President. 前宾夕法尼亚州州长Former Governor of Pennsylvania. 他帮总统拿下了宾州He did his duty in delivering the Keystone State. 上帝保佑他Bless his heart. 现在他们要把他晾在一边了And now they're about to put him out to pasture. 但他看上去挺开心的不是吗But he looks happy, now doesn't he? 在有些人看来就是椅子大点罢了For some, it's simply the size of the chair.


热播剧《纸牌屋》里的16句经典台词 2014年02月19日14:10 权力就像房地产,位置是所有的一切,你离中心越近,你的财产就越值钱。 风靡全球的热播剧《纸牌屋》第二季上周已开播,这里为您整理了16句里面的精彩台词。字字玑珠,不妨再读一遍。 1.The re are two kinds of pain.The sort of pain that makes you strong or useless pain...The sort of pain that…s only suffering. 痛苦分两种,一种让你变得更强,另一种毫无价值,只是徒添折磨。 2. And a person?s character isn…t determined by how he or she enjoys vitory,but rather how he or she endures defeat. 一个人的品行,不取决于这人如何享受胜利,而在于这人如何忍受失败。 3. Power?s a lot like real estate.It…s all about location, location, location.The closer you are to the source,the higher your property value.

权力就像房地产,位置是所有的一切,你离中心越近,你的财产就越值钱. 4.He chose money over power--In this town,a mistake nearly everyone makes. Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after ten years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries. 为了钱而放弃权力,这个城市里几乎人人都犯了这个错。金钱是萨拉索塔的巨无霸豪宅,保质期就只有十年,权力是古老的石砌建筑,能屹立数百年。 5. Don?t play dumb with me. 别跟我装傻. 6. What are we supposed to do in the face of so much senseless pain And he said to me,"What else can we do but take what seems meaningless and try to make something meaningful from it" 在这些无意义痛苦面前,我们该怎么做?他告诉我:“除了从无意义的事中,尽力挖掘出一些有意义的东西,我们还能做什么呢?” 7. Of course we should enjoy our success and be grateful for it. But never let your gratitude sour into pride. 我们当然应该享受成功并心怀感激,但千万不要让感激变为骄傲。 8. Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith. 没什么比信仰更能支撑我们度过艰难时光了。 9. What is faith If it doesn…t endure when we are tested the most 信仰是什么不就是在考验最严峻时依旧能坚持到底吗


纸牌屋观后感 本来对美剧并不感兴趣,《纸牌屋》可以说是我完整看完的第一部美剧吧,但长长的两季二十六集几天就看完了,确实是好看,流畅的情节、精彩的演绎、巧妙的伏笔、迎合大众对政治好奇心理的剧情,无疑是制作精良、叫座又叫好的一部美剧。同时,该剧网络公司制作电视剧、大数据、美国政治阴谋、神奇的爱情等等元素引爆了无数的话题。看完这部剧我最大的感受是,这是一个试验,这是一个对美国政治民主制度的试验!它把一群道德败坏、权欲熏心的人放在真实模拟的制度之下,去试验美国这套民主制度在最坏的情况下是否能够正常运行,发挥约束权力、保护公民和国家权益的功能。以弗兰克为首的一群政客则是这套制度的挑战者,弗兰克们用尽一切手段去冲击那些伟大先贤建立起来的制度。 这场试验设置在华盛顿特区,更细一点就是白宫、国会和弗兰克的家,这三个地方构成了故事的舞台。在这个舞台上利益各方相互斗争制衡,你方唱罢我登场,在这里你要不就是狩猎的人,要不就成为猎物。那些表面西装革履的政客似乎是在为民请命实质是为了实现自己的权力梦想。弗兰克为了使总统受到弹劾不惜暗中搞砸与中国的关系,不顾国家、政府和人民的利益;佐伊为了“上位”不惜出卖自己的肉体与弗兰克狼狈为奸;克莱尔为了她的防性侵法案不惜牺牲梅根,让她在社会舆论在压力下精神崩溃。这里没有道德的约束只有无尽的欲望,这就给我们制度的设计者出了一个难题,当道德无法发挥约束作用时怎样运用制度规则来限制人类的欲望。 先看看我们的挑战者弗兰克,弗兰克担任民主党众议院党鞭一职,党鞭在党内地位非常高,仅在党魁下,负责监督和劝说党内议员在投票时投下符合党利益的一票。弗兰克第一季用了十三集的时间当上了副总统,在第二季又用了十三集当上了总统,你不得不佩服他的手段和能力。他利用佐伊、利用罗素、利用道格、甚至利用他的妻子,无所不用其极,只为满足他对权力的渴望,在他眼中没有永远的朋友,只有永远的利益。他可以在为了让法案通过而用强制力量把反对党议员抬进议会投票,为掩饰自己的丑行亲手把佐伊推进地铁,让国务卿下台,让副总统辞职。他虚伪、冷血、无情、卑鄙,不断和别人进行利益的交换,一次又一次地冲击美国的民主制度。副总统本来毫无实权,但在他任上却玩得风生水起。在接受司法部的调查时巧妙地躲开并把总统拉下水。弗兰克在政坛上把人性的阴暗面充分地放大表现出来,把手段玩到极致,可是他真的就无法无天、为所欲为了吗? 当然不是,就算弗兰克再怎样折腾他仍然无法挣脱权力的囚笼。首先,我们在纸牌屋中可以看到弗兰克一直在白宫和议会折腾却从没有涉及最高法院。最高法院是三权分立中的一极,他的大法官是终身制,一旦上任就不需要看别人的脸色行事,包括总统。在剧中就算弗兰克在议会中通过教育法案,但是最高法院一旦判其违宪也就失效。在这种权利相互制衡的情况下没有人能够只手遮天。可能我们总是指责这种制度会出现互相扯皮的现象,降低行政效率,可是稳打稳扎总比盲目冒进好,毕竟一个国家那么大,哪怕走错一小步造成的损失也是不可估量的。在美国这种制度下,就算出现弗兰克这种人,但对整过美国来说并没有造成无法挽回的损失,没有给人民带来可怕的灾难,也没有影响国家机器的正常运行。其次,我们在剧中可以看到就算弗兰克的权力多大,但是他所用的每一分钱都需要通过国会的批准。作为一个世界第一强国的最高层他家里不算豪华,只是普通的美国小别墅,配一个保镖一辆车,家里居然没有保姆,平时也会到“苍蝇饭馆”吃吃牛肋。克莱尔为了几十万美元的净水设备居然要绞尽脑汁,可见在制度的约

美剧中那些震撼人心的经典台词 !【美剧知识】

美剧中那些震撼人心的经典台词!【美剧知识】 【纸牌屋】 1. There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong... or useless pain...The sort of pain that's only suffering.痛苦分两种。一种让你变得更强......另一种毫无价值,只是徒添折磨。 2. And a person's character isn't determined by how he or she enjoys victory, but rather how he or she endures defeat.一个人的品行,不取决于这人如何享受胜利,而在于这人如何忍受失败。【绯闻女孩】 3. Three words. Eight Letters. Say it and I'm yours.三个字。八个字母。说出来,我就是你的了。 4. Sometimes you have to let things go,so there's room for better things to come into your life.有些事情我们必须放弃,才有精力去迎接更美好的生活。【吸血鬼日记】 5. If you are willing, I will always love you. Would you like, I will never miss.你要是愿意,我就永远爱你,你要不愿意,我就永远相思。 6. Life is too cruel. If we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live?生活太残酷了,如果我们不相信爱,还能为什么而活呢?【生活大爆炸】 7. They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff that you did.别人都说,人到了


《暴君第一季》观后感 前一阵子,诺贝尔和平奖颁给了一个勤于社会活动,提倡女童教育的巴基斯坦小姑娘,当时正我边听新闻边做菜。小姑娘得奖这件事,在本国掀出不少波澜,不少人(尤其是支持政府的人)感到“异常愤怒”。主持人请来一个愤怒的巴基斯坦知名博主,那博主也是浑,讲不清为啥生气,一急,就说出“She is just a nrmal,useless girl”这样的蠢话,那边BBC的主持人一听就乐了,你正中我下怀,何乐不为,立即反问:“D yu assume that every girl is useless?”博主先生一傻,忙忙地说是自己的英语表达不好,措辞凌乱,又没了底气,实在可怜。然而,他说不出的话,我来帮他说:在姑娘搞社会运动前,巴基斯坦有无数老实人踏踏实实干活,修订法律,写书教课,努力的用自己的行动让所有孩子,男孩和女孩接受教育。所有做实事的人都明白妥协,像当地的历史,宗教,和政治妥协,当然这些人不会获奖,不会被历史记住,那也并不是他们所要求的,也便罢了。可是小姑娘获奖被当地人看成一种“侮辱”,不仅在于做实事的人没有得到嘉奖的酸葡萄心理,更在于,这样的获奖,以“提倡女童教育”为名,正是否定了所有人的工作,满足了西方对于他们偏执的野蛮的“不给女孩正当权利”的想象。好似这个国家已经糟糕到,只能要靠十几岁的姑娘挽救,那些生长在巴基斯坦,努力获得教育,努力推行教育的人,他们辛勤工作的意义和尊严被后殖民的想象剥夺,这才是那个老博主不断重复的“insult”,想来也是辛酸。

言归正传,我引用诺贝尔奖的例子,并不想说明此剧是西方后殖民文化的想象,也不是要指责巴萨姆以民主为名所做的一切。看完此剧,喜欢贾马尔(哥哥)的人着实不少,他粗粝但有真情,有血肉,信任弟弟,最重要的是他本质里如此脆弱,杀人和频繁的暴力不过是麻醉和逃避的另一种表现,和躲在车里不出来没什么两样。把在西方视野下一个脸谱化暴戾人物写到这样,编剧一定是意识到并且努力摆脱后殖民幻想的。当然民主和人道好,但是我最喜欢此剧的一点就是,它用情节搭建了一体的世界,在某种情景之下,一些人类心灵的暗角,或是邪恶本身能够得到赦免和宽恕。这个剧简直是用故事反复述说人们各自的苦处,告诉人们,哪怕最黑暗的事,也有一个原因,而我们永远有不知道的事,我们永远只能看到部分的故事,所以不要妄下决断。人类学家永远强调的宽容,不是人对低于自己的事物的怜悯,而是真正的,因为你有你的原因和你的故事,我永远不可能完全懂得你,不理解是正常的,但你一定是一个有别于我的,独立的,有尊严的个体。诺贝尔和平奖,是颁给莫利(巴萨姆的老婆)这样的人看的,他们不想知道另一半的故事,不想知道黑暗自有存在的理由。 莫利这个人,真是无知的让人恨。巴萨姆一开始一直不想来的,他似乎预感到一切,他也知道,当你凝望深渊时,深渊也凝望你。巴萨姆说,魔鬼真正可怕的地方,是把你变成魔鬼。莫利不懂,所以她太干净,太无辜,所以她自以为有理由指责别人。 其实看这个剧,我真正一直等待的是,巴萨姆变成暴君的一刻,被世界唾骂众叛亲离的一刻,人的力量和智慧,彗星被黑暗吞噬,理
