



tourist visa 旅游签证special report 专题报道

circus performance 马戏lyric poem 抒情诗

internal combustion engine 内燃机Parataxis 意合

Joseph Needham 李约瑟fundamental issue 基本问题

theatrical mask 戏剧脸谱The Waterloo Bridge 魂断蓝桥

village head 村长diplomatic passport 外交护照

senior nurse 主任护士network transaction 网络交易

area of news coverage 现场采访chain reaction 连锁反应

data highway 信息高速公路 a stick-and –carrot policy 大棒加胡萝卜政策老乡fellow-townsman 公务员civil service

头条新闻top/headline news 事倍功半half result with double efforts

勿靠近车门keep clear of door 入境签证entry visa

阶梯教室lecture theatre 免税商店duty-free shop

安全检查security check 情人节the Valent ine’s Day

元宵节the Lantern Festival 沉默是金Silence is golden

杂技表演acrobatic performance 执行主席executive chairman

科技英语English for science and technology

经济舱Economy Class 商务舱Business Class

功臣the great contributor 武术martial art

出发点starting point 室温room temperature

蜀南竹海the Bamboo Forest in Southern Sichuan

澳门Macao 归化adaptation

红糖brown sugar


1.When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom

think of it. The days stretch out in endless vista. So we go about our petty

tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.


2.If you give him an inch, he will take a mile.


3.The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of

Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.


4.At a news conference, (U.S. Undersecretary of Defense) Perry declared that

the credibility of the international community (NATO) was at stake.


5.Here great disturbances at the heart of the earth caused mountains and

volcanoes to rise above the water.


6.All your moods are created by your thoughts, or ―cognitions‖. You feel the

way you do right now because of the thoughts you have at this moment.


7.Standing above the gale-swelled torrent, horizontal wind-driven rain

drenching my overcoat, I gaze up and down the road.


8.With these countries demanding generous aid and other concessions, military

sources said the administration was having second thoughts about the provisional agreements already initialed for access to the facilities.


9.It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change.


10.Most insurance commissioners’ offices are chronically understaffed, however,

and simply can’t cope with the wash of appeals.


11.In theory, then, everyone should have an equal interest in keeping an orderly



12.Making a practice of checking in with the insurance company in advance, no

matter what care you are receiving, could avoid a lot of heartache later on.


13.My house is a picturesque and not too spacious dwelling, with low and long

windows, a trellised and leaf-veiled porch over the front door, just now, on this summer evening, looking like an arch of roses and ivy.


14.He experienced life and work as a jungle where it was eat or be eaten.


15.Male administrators tend to judge women more favorably for managerial

positions when the women display less ―feminine‖ grooming (打扮) – shorter hair, moderate use of make-up, and plain tailored clothing.


16.It has been proved that induced voltage causes a current to flow in opposition

to the force producing it.

已经证明,感应电压使电流的方向与产生电流的磁场力方向相反。17.Today we have higher buildings and wider highways, but shorter

temperaments and narrower points of view.


18.When you are thanked for passing or handing something to someone or for

some small favor, it is not necessary to say anything; a smile and a slight inclination of the head are sufficient.


19.When I’d finished telling her about old Mr. Wigden her eyes were wet, and

she stepped off the stool and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.


20.To stay afloat in a sea of mounting losses, British companies have been

forced to borrow more, not less, despite the high cost of money, which further depresses their profits.


21.But finally, these issues will not be decided in Beijing by what is in the U.S.

interest but by what is in the Chinese interest.


22.As the clock crept toward 11:15 p.m. last Thursday, the 500 scientists and

engineers packed into the control room and an adjacent auditorium at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (离子体物理实验室) kept their eyes riveted on a bank of computer monitors. .



23.We have to grow in our understanding of one another. This does not mean

that we have to grow more alike. It does mean that we have to appreciate why we are different.


24.Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the

world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place.


25.His first impulse is to jump back and warn the others, but he knows the

commotion would frighten the cobra into striking.


26.Outside, pouring rains are threatening to sweep my little house off the

mountain slope on which it teeters, so far north in Kyoto that city buses lurch (蹒跚而行) past only three times a day.

外面,大雨如注,像是要把我那在山坡上摇晃着的小屋冲掉。这里位于京都北面很远的地方,城市公共汽车一天只有三趟在这儿蹒跚而过。27.In his heyday he took with him to his post his wife, his butler, his son or his

nephew as an attaché and a few footmen and secretaries to round it off.


28.We estimate that three quarters of new export opportunities over the next

twenty years—that’s an incredible $1.9 trillion in potential exports—will come in the emerging markets of Asia and Latin America.



29.If the people and the newspaper seem mad, perverse, and wicked, remind

yourself that you seem so to them.


30.Knowledge has become divided and sub-divided into countless,

narrowly-defined compartments.


31.In fact the US preference for financing government through Treasury bonds

rather than taxes may be holding the economy back.


32.We have launched our ceasefire initiative with no preconceived notions as to

Soviet goodwill. On the other hand, it was important that the initiative be made so that it is on the record.

在提出停火建议时,我们对于苏联是否怀有善意并不存在先入之见。另一方面,我们却必须提出停火建议,以便记录在案,以后有据可查。33.The overseas visitor must not be disappointed by this apparent lack of

interest and involvement.


34.I believe my father is a talented man. He is decisive and efficient in doing

things. By his own talents and efforts, he has secured for the family a good social position and a comparatively rich life.


35.Although people are born to win, they are also born helpless and totally

dependent on their environment. Winners successfully make the transition

from total helplessness to independence, and then to interdependence. Losers do not.



36.We are in the position of the farmer. If we plant good clean seed, we reap a

good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weed, we reap a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.



37.Between these two tiny particles, the proton and the electron, there is a

powerful attraction that is always present between negative and positive electric charges.


38.The past is gone and static. Nothing we do can change it. The future is before

us and dynamic. Everything we do will affect it.


39.They both have almost limitless drive and self-absorption and a willingness

to push the rules to the edge --- or past it --- to get what they want.


40.The design aims at automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance

and high productivity.


41.I think that in our family we don’t need bombs and g uns to destroy, to bring

peace ― just get together, love one another, bring that peace, that joy, that strength of presence of each other in the home.



43.You will excuse my speaking frankly because this is not a time to mince



44.The odds are against such hopes being realized.


45.A young man throws open the door, gesturing for me to get in.


46.Among the more curious questions that can be asked about love is this: when

one feels romantic love, does he feel it in breaks, with interruptions or changes, or does he feel it continuously, without interruption or change?


47.Many Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have

seen an emigration of workers to the developed nations.


48.Certainly the FBI denied any knowledge of them.


49.Chirac’s task now is to heal the wounds of a bruising campaign, res tore

public confidence and spark a job-creating burst of economic growth.


50.In light of these developments doubts spread over whether the Carter

Doctrine would produce more than a symbolic American military presence in the potentially explosive Persian Gulf.



51.The use of atomic weapons is a clear violation of international law—in

particular of the Geneva Convention.


52.The water spread out for miles in places in Kenya and Somalia, cutting off

villages and forcing herders to crowd with their livestock onto a few patches of dry land.


53.There are bacteria that help plants grow, others that get rid of dead animals

and plants by making them decay, and some that live in soil and make it better for growing crops.


54.Relations between the countries hit a high after World War Ⅱ, when they

coalesced to lead the world communist movement. But they split in the 1960s over ideological differences.


55.American public opinion was jolted at the thought of the Soviets in control of

outer space, but Eisenhower and most of his advisers were not so disturbed.


56.There is very little the BBC does not hear.


57.Times Books recently announced that it will publish a book of

socially-conscious poetry by former President Jimmy Carter.


58.Observers are not surprised that business is flourishing despite the ominous

political situation.


59.Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband

accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money, and running the home, according to the abilities and interests of each of them.


60.But experts say satellite broadcasting cannot rival the economic advantages

of terrestrial broadcasting that allows local programming and local advertising.


61.It was so exciting to finally see him saying my words written on my

typewriter with my hands.

终于看到他亲口说出我亲手在打字机上打出的话,这真叫人兴奋。62.He believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating

advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.


63.Coleman concludes that excellent job performance is so common these days

that while doing your work well may win you pay increases, it won’t secure you the big promotion.


64.If individuals are awakened each time they begin a dream phrase of sleep,

they are likely to become irritable even though their total amount of sleep has been sufficient.


65.Shanghai men are said to be the best of husbands. They know how to win the

favor of their wives and avoid conflicts so that happiness pervades their families. Shanghai men can be regarded as the symbol of social security and harmony.


66.Copyright, body of legal rights that protect creative works from being

reproduced, performed, displayed, or disseminated by others without permission.


67.It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it

was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of the Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of Hope, it was the winter of Despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.

这是最美好的时期,这是最坏的时期;这是智慧的年代,这是愚蠢的年代;这是充满信仰的时代,这是顾虑重重的时代;这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节;这是富有希望的春天,这是充满绝望的冬天;我们拥有一切,我们一无所有;我们正笔直走上天堂,我们正笔直走下地狱。68.Many of them are equipped with fine educations and are understandably

impatient to succeed as quickly as possible.


69.The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the

fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will not be unwelcome.


70.Most artists take their shapes and colors from the world of nature and from

human bodies in motion and at rest; their choices indicate that these aspects of the world are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful sights.



71.Currently, the situation is that a laboratory animal can be revived without ill

effects after an hour’s cold storage, by which time 50 percent of water in the body has turned to ice.


72.Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.


73.From earliest times, people have always been fascinated by movement, but

not until this century have we managed to capture movement, to record it, and in the case of animation, to reinterpret it and recreate it. To do all this, we use a movie camera and a projector.



74.My selection of particular people for inclusion in this series is purely

subjective on my part and the people you will be reading about are not the only people who have contributed to the growth and development of Western civilization.


75.After the Australian Taxation Office made its taxation forms simpler, it

actually received praise from taxpayers who could finally understand it.


76.Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States.


77.The operation could not be launched before January, after my departure, and

my own conclusions on the matter were not decisive.


78.For Westerners, the mastery of the method and skills for using chopsticks

may be quite challenging at the beginning. But as long as you have patience and concentrate on practice, you will soon be able to use chopsticks skillfully enough to enjoy a Chinese meal.


79.The saga of the White Star Liner Titanic, which struck an iceberg and sank

on its maiden voyage in 1912, carrying more than 1,500 passengers to their death, has been celebrated in print and on film, in poetry and song.



80.15. The Contract is made out in two originals, each copy written in Chinese

and English languages, both texts being equality valid. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.



81.While in Europe, the tourists enjoyed to their heart’s content the weather, the

food and the theatre.


82.It really is incredible that in this day and age we should still allow hunting or

bull-fighting, that we should be prepared to sit back and watch two men batter each other to pulp in a boxing ring, that we should be relatively unmoved by the sight of one or a number of racing cars crashing and bursting into flames.


83.After the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitor, he went home



84.The action of air on an airplane in flight at low altitude is greater than that at

high altitude.


85.The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more

than 100 years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.



86.I had experienced oxygen and / or engine trouble.


87.Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man.


88.The approach to the management of foreign exchange reserves by central

bankers varies across the globe, ranging from a policy of benign neglect to detailed and highly mathematical calculations of alternative moves to reduce risk and increase profitability.


89.Heat is constantly produced by the body as a result of muscular and cellular



https://www.360docs.net/doc/4c16125630.html,puterized fitness programs with audio, visual, and cyber personal

trainers are ready to turn your home and treadmill into your own personal health club.


91.Every life has its roses and thorns.


92.The old method suffers by comparison.


93.When his door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height

with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful.


94.In reality, the lines of division between sciences are becoming blurred, and

science again approaching the ―unity‖that it had two countries ago –although the accumulated knowledge is enormously greater now; and no one person can hope to comprehend more than a fraction of it.


95.The first plane hit the World Trade Center’s north tower at 8:45, ripping

through the building’s skin and setting its upper floors ablaze. People thought it was a construction accident, or freak lightning on a lovely fall day.


96.If people are willing to devote themselves single-mindedly to a field, and if

they demonstrate convincing evidence of their talent, they can often secure a job.


97.Living molecules are also damaged by X-rays, and many of them by

ultra-violet rays, so they are not likely to exist on a planet close to the Sun or any other star where there is no atmosphere to keep off these radiations.


98.My Sixth-Form friend for his part was almost as much troubled by the

English essays he had to write for the Headmaster as I was by these Latin cross-word puzzles.

不过,这位六年级学友也因必须完成校长布置的英文文章习作作业而感到烦愁,几乎跟我为这些拉丁文纵横字谜游戏弄得头痛没有两样。99.Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so as to behave

elastically in the environmental conditions.



Our hopes and plan are scattered to the four winds.


If you have never tasted the bitterness of gall,how can you know the sweetness of honey?


I have chosen accounting as my major, not that I like the subject, but that it

will help me to find a job more easily in the future.


Science fiction can teach us a lot about progress. It tells us about how science may change our lives. It helps us to think about how we can improve our lives in the future.


Small numbers of Chinese people found their way overseas many hundreds of years ago. Sometimes they were escaping war; sometimes they were escaping natural disasters, such as floods, droughts or famines.

105.New York has the poorest millionaires, the little great men, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, the doleful pleasures of any town I ever saw.


106.Machinery has made the products of manufactories very much cheaper than formerly.

因为机械的缘故,工厂里出的产品比起以前来,价格便宜多了。107.But since a digital signal is made up of a string of simple pulses, noise stands

out and is easily removed.

但由于数字信号是由一组简单脉冲组成的,杂音不介入,因而容易排除。108.That was done without my knowledge and without my consent.



Our focus is now on how best we can use space flight. And that’s what the shuttle program and the International Space Station are all about.


Today, most of 50 million Overseas Chinese, scattered all over the world, are in Asia. There are large Chinese communities in many Asian countries, including Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.


Foreign languages are not popular as a main area of study among American college students. However, students at many colleges must study a language other than English before they can graduate. The most popular foreign language is Spanish, followed by French and German.


Death cancels everything but truth, and strips a man of everything but genius and virtue.


My major is computer. I went in for the development of software after graduation. But now I’m asked to work in the marketing department in your company.


The first year college students are called freshmen and the rest are sophomores, juniors and seniors in that order.


You may make good grades by studying only before examination, but you will succeed in long run only by studying hard every day.


Somebody tapped me on the shoulder and I looked up from the exercise books which I was correcting, into the lined, kind and smiling face of a little old woman.


Visitors are requested to show their tickets.


Care should be taken to see that the letter is properly addressed.


In their language, there are words associated with time: time can be budgeted, saved, wasted, stolen, killed, and cut.


Some experts point out that too many praises help contribute to the habit of listening to what is pleasing to the ear, and consequently, the praise loses the intended value of its own.


After all, he survived the press conference.


She speaks Chinese so fluently that everybody believes that she was brought up in China.


Matters should be handled according to priority.


Their troops advanced by both land and water, and arrived at the front in time.


Use our heads while learning and learn those things which suit our conditions, that is, to absorb whatever experience is useful to us. That is the attitude we should adopt.


The president and his party visited Beijing and viewed cultural, industrial and agricultural sites, and they also toured Hangzhou and Shanghai where, continuing discussions with Chinese leader, they viewed similar places of interest.


He is going to speak on the economy and the international situation.


Take the whole into consideration, but do the job bit by bit.


It is already dark, and the chorus of insects and frogs is in full swing.


Many people are very interested in outer space. They think that it is very important that we should explore the universe. However, not everyone thinks that we should be spending money on space research.


Technology and robotics experts say the next five decades will see almost all


2015年成人学位英语考试英汉互译精选练习 汉译英部分: 1.每个人都知道,学习对一个人的成长是至关重要的。 2.我们的新产品非常受欢迎,对此我们感到十分自豪。 3.您能说话大声点好让每个人都听得见吗? 4.除了英语,你最好再学一门外语。 5.在教育孩子方面,表扬要比批评有效得多。 6.今年他们建造的房子跟去年一样多。 7.对不起,我忘了把你要的书带来了。 8.这项工作太难了,你干不了。 9.无论多么困难,我也不会失去信心。 10.物体离我们越远,看起来就越小。 11.他们试图想出一个解决这个问题的办法。 12.你离开教室时,别忘了关灯。 13.他喜欢一边做作业,一边听音乐。 14.我已了解清楚,他的结论是以事实为依据的。 15.对于年轻人来说,独立思考问题的能力很重要。 1.【答案】Everyone knows that learning is vital(very important)to one's development(growth). 2.【答案】Our new products are so popular that we are all proud of it. 或our new products are very popular, of which we are very proud. 3.【答案】Could you speak a little louder so that everyone can hear you? 4.【答案】Besides English, you'd better learn another foreign language. 5.【答案】In educating children, praise is much(far)more effective than criticism.. 6.【答案】They have built as many houses this year as they did last year. 7.【答案】I am sorry.I forget to bring the book you want. 8.【答案】The work is too difficult for you to do.


黄山学院初等教育学院2008-2009学年度第二学期06级英语班《英语翻译》期末考试卷 班级序号姓名成绩 一、选择题。(请将答案写在序号前面)20% 1. Success in many fields depends on getting the latest information. A. 许多领域的成功都取决于能否得到最新消息。 B. 田里的收成在很多方面依靠获得最新的消息。 C. 从很多方面讲,成功主要依靠在最后的时刻还能得到信息。 D. 在众多领域里,成功是获得最晚信息的保障。 2. At least three persons died in the fire and 23 others were injured. A. 至少3人因这次火灾和另外23次火灾造成死亡。 B. 起码有3个人在大火中丧命,23个以外的人受伤。 C. 火灾造成至少3人死亡,23人受伤。 D. 至少有3人死于火海,23人被火海包围。 3. Not only has he a first-class brain, but he is also a tremendously hard worker. A. 在一班,他不仅是头领,而且,也是一个非常严肃的工作者。 B. 他有一流的头脑,是个非常难对付的家伙。 C. 他不仅头脑好用,而且,还喜欢做极端困难的工作。 D. 他不仅头脑非常聪明,而且,工作上也非常勤奋。 4. It is reported that some areas of Australia have had no rain for more than four years. A. 有报道说,澳大利亚地区已经4年多没下雨了。 B. 据报道,澳大利亚的部分地区有4年多没下雨了。 C. 澳大利亚的个别地方被报道说没下雨的时间已经超过了4年。 D. 报纸报道,某些澳大利亚地区已经有4年多没下雨的时间。 5. The village was named after the high mountain standing in front of it. A. 这个村庄是以矗立在它面前的那座高山命名的。 B. 这个村庄的名字是来自于它面前的那座高山。 C. 这个村庄的名字是在前面的那座高山之后起的。 D. 这个村庄的名字是以站立在它面前的那座高山起的。 6. It was officially announced that the birth rate dropped greatly in the past three years. A. 据官方宣布,出生率在过去的三年中有了大幅下降。 B. 正式宣布,过去三年的出生率大幅下降。 C. 正式宣布,出生率大幅下降在过去三年。 D. 据正式声明,过去三年的出生率大幅下降。 7. The introduction of the new technique reduced the cost of the product three times. A. 对新技术的介绍,使产品的成本减少到三分之一。 B. 新技术的引进使产品的成本减少了三倍。 C. 对新技术的介绍使产品的成本减少到原来的三分之二。 D. 新技术的引进使产品成本减少了三分之二。 8. If you are buying a car, you may pay for it out of savings. A. 假使你正在买一辆汽车,你也许会透支购买。 B. 如果你要买一辆汽车,你可以用自己的储蓄存款支付。 C. 假定你打算买一辆汽车,你得花掉你得全部存款。 D. 加入你买一辆汽车,你需要用你的积蓄交此款。 9. Full-service banks can offer services unavailable at smaller financial institutions. A. 全面服务的银行能提供在小财政机构所不能获得的服务。 B. 提供全方位服务的银行能提供较小的金融机构所不能提供的服务。 C. 充满了服务的银行可能提供给较小的财政机构某些无法获得的服务 D. 全面服务的银行可能提供服务,这种服务是较小的金融机构所不能提供的。 10. The following qualifications are required from the candidates for the above position. A. 我们要求应聘高职位的求职者需具备以下资历。 B. 应聘以上职位,需具备下列资格。 C. 候选人为了高职位要求自己具备以下资历。 D. 以下资历是对应聘此职位的候选人的要求。 二、用正反表达法翻译下列句子。20% 1. The teacher found some of the pupils absent. 2. I wonder if he is coming. 3. Your request is beyond my power. 4. You will fail unless you work harder. 5. That lazy boy went to class before he had prepared his lesson. 6. Be sure to lock the door when you leave. 7. Students, with no exception, are to hand in their papers this afternoon. 8. The doubt still unsolved after his repeated explanation. 9. Such flight couldn’t long escape notice. 10. All the articles are untouchable in the museum. 三、用重复法翻译下列句子。20% 1. We should learn how to analyze and solve problems. 2. It's our duty to rebuild and defend our home-land. 3. People forget your face first, then your name. 4. Each had his own business to handle. 5. Big families had their own difficulties.


21. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are. 只有当我们看东西不清楚时,我们才意识到我们的眼晴是多么地重要。 22. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. 这些远视的人们能看清远处的东西,但是他们读书却很困难,除非他们把书举到一臂远的距离处去看。 23. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. 同样的理论代代相传,而且总是正确。 24. Events that the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history. 老一代记忆犹新的重大历史事件对年轻人来说不过是过眼烟云而已。 25. What they reject more than anything is conformity. 他们所厌恶的莫过于循规蹈矩。 26. These are not questions the old generations can shrug off lightly. 对于这些问题,老一代人确实不予附合。 27. Most customers who go to a supermarket buy from a shopping list. 大多数去超市的顾客都要按程序购物。 28. The comfort and convenience of shopping centers is another factor which makes them popular with customers. 购物中心舒适而且方便,这是超市受人的另外一个原因。 29. Most of the ill health we suffer could be prevented if people made more effort to change their life styles. 如果人们努力去改变生活方式,就能远离大多数的疾病。 30. Similarly all advertising of alcohol should be banned and compensation paid to families of alcoholics who die of the liver disease. 同样所有的酒类广告都应当被禁止,对于那些因喝酒导致生病,最终死亡的人应当赔偿。

成人本科学位英语 英汉互译练习及解析

1.我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。 We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. 2. 在建立个人网站前,先问问自己,为什么想要一网站,想要达到的目标是什么。 Before you build a personal site, ask yourself why you want one, and what you want to accomplish. 3. 在造访一个提供网站空间服务的网站时,你会看到种类繁多的方案可供选择,哪一种价位可以给你多少网络空间及多大的传输流量。 When you visit the site of a Web host,you’ll see a wide variety of plans-so much space and so much network traffic for so much money. 4. 典型的网站包括图像、文字及图片,比较精心制作的网站还有动画、影像、声音和其他额外的内容。 Web site typically contain graphics, texts and pictures, while more elaborate ones include animation,video, audio and other extras. 5. 关于网站设计,有许多是很吸引人的,也有许多则令人泄气。 There are many things about Web sites that are appealing and many that are just plain frustrating. 6. Pizza came to the U. S. with Italian immigrants; the first U. S. pizzeria opened in 1905, and pizza became one of the nation’s favourite foods after World War Ⅱ。 It is now popular worldwide. (英译汉)比萨随着意大利移民引进美国;1905年第一家美国比萨店开业了,第二次世界大战后比萨成为全美国最喜爱的食物之一。现在比萨畅销全世界。 1.这架班机正点起飞吧? Is the plane on schedule? 2.准备好机票与登机牌。 Let’s get our tickets and boarding pass ready. 3.如果有退票的,请通知我。 Please notify me if there is any cancellation. 4.请于起飞前一小进到达机场。 Please be at the airport at least one hour before departure? You’ll be late if you don’t arrive in one hour before leaving. 5.我需要提前多少天付款订票? How long in advance of the flight must I pay to confirm the booking? 6. Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover。(英译汉) 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽地盘旋然后不见。 1.只要走一下就到了吗? Is it within walking distance? 2.我儿子骑在我肩上看游行。 My son rode pickaback on me to watch the parade. 3.其实我一点都不喜欢我现在的工作。 The fact of the matter is I’m not enjoying my new job at all. 4.他有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯。 He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals. 5.如果我今早没忘了把油箱加满,我们不会没油的。 If I hadn’t forgotten to fill up the tank this morning,we wouldn’t be out of gas. there any charter flights?(英译汉) 有包机航班吗? 1、A:有什么我可以为您效劳的吗?


2019年成人英语三级考试口语英汉互译指导4 31. Given the nature of government and private employers, it seems most likely that discrimination by private employers would be greater. 32. The release of the carbon in these compounds for recycling depends almost entirely on the action of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and certain types of fungi. 33. A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who says that women have outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a mouse era and a major who says that they haven‘t. 34. They are trying to find out whether there is something about the way we teach language to children which in fact prevents children from learning sooner. 35. Mathematicians who have tried to use the computers to copy the way the brain works have found that even using the latest electronic equipment they would have to build a computer which weighed over 10,000 kilos. 36. Since different people like to do so many different things in their spare time, we could make a long list of hobbies, taking in everything from collecting matchboxes and raising rare fish, to learning about the stars and making model ships. 37. They know that a seal swimming under the ice will keep a breathing hole open by its warm breath, so they will wait beside the hole and kill it.


Unit1 A new study shows that dogs can detect if someone has cancer just by sniffing the person’s breath. Ordinary household dogs with only a few weeks of basic training learn to accurately distinguish between breath samples of lung- and breast-cancer patients and healthy subjects.One expert, who led the research, said, “Our study provides compelling evidence that cancers hidden beneath the skin can be detected simply by (dogs’) examining the odors of a person’s breath.” Early detection of cancers greatly improves a patient’s survival chances, and researchers hope that man’s best friend, the dog, can become an important tool in early screening. Unit 2 A research team recently replicated a bacterium’s genetic structure entirely from l aboratory chemicals, moving one step closer to creating the world’s first artificial organism. The researchers said, “It’s the second step of a three-step process to create a synthetic organism. But the final step could prove far more difficult.” Nonetheless, the research is pushing forward at a rapid pace. Last June, the team revealed details of an experiment in which researchers inserted the DNA of one species of bacterium into the cells of another. That process almost magically booted up the inserted genome. The research team hopes to use a similar trick to boot up the artificially created genome, so as to create a man-made living organism. Unit 3 In recent years, the psychologists from many countries banded together to do a research which indicated that continued income growth could make people apply themselves to an ongoing consumption race rather than promote overall happiness. Everyone has to spend more and more money in order to maintain a constant level of happiness. This is because our vanity and jealousy are functioning . The way to sort out them out is to cultivate the noble sentiment of being considerate and serving the society. People shouldn’t pin all their hopes on money. Instead , friends, family and work are also playing a very improtant role . Therefore, hapiness is not an inborn trait, but a talent which everyone can learn. Unit 4 I used to feel excited at teaching my students the elegant economic theories that could supposedly cure societal problems of all types. But what is the good of all my complex theories when people were dying of starvation on the sidewalks and porches across from my lecture hall? My lessons were like the American movies where the good guys always win. But when I emerged from the comfort of the classroom, I was faced with the reality of the city streets. Here good guys were mercilessly beaten and trampled. Daily life ws getting worse, and the poor were growing even poorer. Unit 5 No one thought that shy little Einstein would grow up to a prominent scientist. He was slow in learning to speak, and he often paused to consider what he would say during a conversation.In school, Albert Einstein was singled out by his teachers as a troublesome child because he liked to ask difficult strange questions. He did not like to memorize facts and rules, but was interested in what lay below the surface of things. When he was four or five years old, for instance, his father gave him a compass. Little Einstein was curious about the mysterious force that could keep a compass needle always pointing north, which prompted him to read widely in science. His real studies were mostly done at home by reading books on mathematics, physics, and philosophy. Unit 6 Most Americans have great vigor and enthusiasm. They prefer to discipline themselves rather than be disciplined by others. They pride themselves on their independence, their right to make their own minds. They tend to take the initiatives, even when there is a risk in doing so. They have courage and do not give in easily. They are considered sentimental. When they see a flag on ceremonial occasions, or attend parades celebrating Ame rica’s glorious past, tears may come to their eyes. They tend to be emotional at the reunions with family and friends, too. Sometimes, they can laugh at themselves and their country, while they will always remain intensely patriotic.


成人英语三级英汉互译模拟试题 成人英语三级英汉互译模拟试题: 1. 我认为年轻人应该能够有自己作决定的自由和空间。 I think young people should have the freedom and the space to make their own decisions. 2. 由于奥运会规模越来越大,为了大多数的城市将没有能力举办。 The Olympic Games are growing so big that most cities may not be able to host them in future. 3. 当奥运会结束后,所有累积的专业经验就消失,使下一届主办城市必须一切从零开始。 Currently,once the Games are finished,all the gathered expertise vanishes and the next city has to begin from scratch. 4. 除了一般大学程度的课程之外,卢浮学院也提供大众免费的夜间艺术史课程。 The Ecole du Louvre,in addition to its regular university-level curricula,offers free public evening classes in art history. 5. 你会相信咖啡有助于保护你的脑部免收一种危险的退化性疾病的侵袭吗? Would you believe coffee and help protect your brain from a dangerous degenerative disease? 6. The two of us sit on chairs and stare upward and around until


中考英语翻译-英汉互译(含解析) (后附详细答案) (绝对精品试题,提高实战能力,值得下载打印背诵) 一、翻译 1.翻译下列句子 (1)Daniel needs to________ (改变他的生活方式)now. (2)Do they need to buy ________ (两千克胡萝卜)? (3)The hair clip________ (和我的粉色外套搭配). I'll take it. (4)I want to buy some presents________ (和Amy的不同). (5)She always walks a long way to school, so she________ (最需要一双鞋). (6)They visit houses and ________ (和里面的人玩游戏). (7)________ (欣赏满月)is not much fun for children. (8)The jeans look quite nice. May I________ (试穿一下)? (9)Some dogs just don’t know ________(怎样取乐). (10)Apple juice ________ (尝起来好). 2.我明白了,你是—名老师。 ________ ________ .You are a teacher. 3.根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。 (1)昨天哈利上学迟到了。 Harry ________ school yesterday. (be) (2)王先生因病住院了,他的女儿正在照顾他。 Mr. Wang is ill in hospital and now his daughter ________ him. (take) (3)很多废弃物能变成像纸一样的材料。 Many waste things ________ a paper-like material. (turn)


题型四英汉互译 学生学习与生活类 Passage 1 1. 现如今许多学生对上网十分感兴趣。 But it has the good sides and the Bad ones. Generally, we can see the following good sides. First it’s quick for kids to get lots of information they need. 2. They can also open their eyes by making use of the Internet. Besides, they can make a lot of friends on the Internet. But the bad sides are also clear. 3. It is easy for kids to fall in love with computer games and it’s hard for them to stop. That is a waste of time and money, 4. 并且这对他们的学习也有害。To make matters worse, a lot of kids get cheated on the Internet. However , I believe that the good sides are over the bad ones, so I would not give up the Internet. But I will never spend more than one hour on the Internet. 5. In this way, it will not have a bad influence on my life and study. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇议论文。讲述了学生上网的两面性:有利的是可以更快地获取知识、提高学习成绩与结交很多朋友;不利的是很容易沉迷于网络游戏、影响学习及上当受骗。 many students are very interested in surfing the Internet.【解析】对……感兴趣be interested in...;上网surf the Internet。 2.他们也可以通过使用网络来开拓他们的视野。【解析】open eyes开拓视野;

英语专业期末翻译考试试题(1) 汉译英

2011--2012学年翻译理论与实践期末考试题 班级___姓名___学号___Ⅰ、Translate the following phases into English(2point*5=10point) 1.覆水难收 ___________________________________________________________ 2.指鹿为马 ___________________________________________________________ 3. 爱屋及乌 ___________________________________________________________ 4条条道路通罗马 ___________________________________________________________ 5有钱能使鬼推磨 ___________________________________________________________ ⅡTranslate the following sentences into English(5point*6=30point) 1.我年轻的日子已经一去不返。 ___________________________________________________________ 2.你别狗咬吕洞宾——不识好人心。 ___________________________________________________________ 3.世界上只有海水取之不尽,用之不竭。 ___________________________________________________________ 4.我们是新雇员,得注意自己的一举一动。 ___________________________________________________________ 5.人民军队离不开人民,就像鱼儿离不开水一样。 ___________________________________________________________ 6.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 ___________________________________________________________ ⅢTranslate the following passages into English(10point*2=20point) 1)当前最重要的任务是发展国民经济,提高人民生活水平。为了实现这一目标,我们必须改革旧的经济体制,进一步解放生产水平;我们应当向世界敞开大门,学习其他国家的先进的科学和技术。只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成强大的社会主义国家。 __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2)秋天,无论在什么地方的秋天,总是好的;可是啊,北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得悲凉。我的不远千里,要从杭州赶上青岛,更要从青岛赶上北平来的理由,也不过想饱尝一尝这“秋”,这故都的秋味。 __________________________________________________________


成人学位英语考试英汉互译冲刺练习及答案一Wearing a seat belt saves lives;it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half. 译文:系好安全带能够挽救性命,它能将丧生和重伤的概率减少一半以上。 All this imposes a constant pressure and strain of work,but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs. 译文:所有这些给学生们施加了很大的压力,尽管如此,学生们还是积极参加学生活动。 Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean,and which cycle each member of the family has. 译文:当丈夫们和妻子们认识到这种能量圈的意思以及各个家庭成员所处的圈之后,许多家庭争吵就结束了。 Whenever possible,do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours. 译文:只要可能,在下午做那些程序化的工作,把需要能量的工作留到你效率的时候去做。 For every course that he follows a student is given a grade,which is recorded,and the record is available for the student to show to prospective employers. 译文:学生们所学的每一门课程都有分数,而且要被记录存档,


期末复习 现给大家厘清一下复习思路: 考试卷面分:60 分 考试题型:五种 I 选择更好的译文(10×1’) (备课组长说有可能是两选一,也可能是三选一) 例如讲义上的第1页 It may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in Southern Britain, the whole country-side visible from the windows of room, in which I write, was in what is called “the state of nature.” A.我们可以有把握地设想,二千年前,在凯撒到达不列颠南 部之前,从我正在写作的这间屋子的窗口,可以看到整个原野都是处于所谓“自然状态”之中。 B.赫胥黎独处一室之中,在英伦之南,背山而面野,槛外诸 境,历历如在几下。乃悬想二千年前,当罗马大将恺彻未到时,此间有何景物。 II翻译评析(15分) 翻译评析评分标准:从翻译的标准(5分)、翻译的方法和策略(5分),以及翻译的技巧(5分)三方面谈。 请复习讲义pp2-4、pp14-29 翻译的标准有传统的:信达(忠实和通顺),有现代奈达的:

从形式对等—到动态对等—最后到功能对等 翻译的基本方法:直译与意译 翻译的基本策略(这是组长这样分的,其实都是翻译的方法):归化与异化 翻译的技巧:词的技巧—词义的确立、词类转换译法、增加、省略、延伸、正反反正译法 句子的技巧—三大从句的译法 III 长句的翻译(3×5’) 两个英语句子,一个汉语句子。 例如1: Ther e is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone to a lot of trouble or expense than to have her guest so interested in talking politics or business with her husband that he fails to notice the flavor of the coffee, the lightness of the cake, or the attractiveness of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride. 最令女主人失望的是,她花了许多心思或费用来招待客人,可是这位客人只顾津津有味地与她的丈夫谈政治、谈生意,却没注意到香喷喷的咖啡,松软的糕点,或房间内讲究的陈设,而这些却可能是她感到兴趣并引以自豪的主要所在。 例如2:
