【重磅】公司法学习法笔记(全英)-CORPORATE MARKETS LAW-哈佛大学法学院完整版

【重磅】公司法学习法笔记(全英)-CORPORATE MARKETS LAW-哈佛大学法学院完整版
【重磅】公司法学习法笔记(全英)-CORPORATE MARKETS LAW-哈佛大学法学院完整版


Market Infrastructure Financial Directive = MIFID

Two main areas: the global financial system and the EU capital market law.

1.The global financial system – basic information

There is a problem with respect to globalisation while studying law. It is easy to talk about global market or global economy, but the world “law” is strictly connected to a single state into borders. Law system is the opposite of globalisation by its definition itself.

This is the starting point to understand why it is so difficult talking about globalisation and law together. Even in EU, where we do not have physical borders, if me, Italian citizen, buy

a car in France, that contract is governed by French law on the basis that I have signed the

contract in France. The same counts for a Frenchman that buys something in Italy.

Otherwise, take the concept of real property: our concept of property does not exist legally in the same way in UK. In England they have the concept that all immovable property belongs to the crown. Even if you buy something immovable, it has to return to the crown by a hundred of years.

In Italy you can divide property into shares. If you have full ownership of shares you can get eventual dividends. If you split and become “nudo proprietario”, you are not more entitled to the dividends. The one that takes the dividends is called “usufruttuario”. These are called “diritti reali di godimento”. But this idea is not spread abroad.

Otherwise take marriage: in Italy you cannot be bigamous.

Here you don’t have a principle called “stare decisis” if a judge in Italy makes a sentence, another judge is not bound to follow the sentence by judging another case. Following judges in Italy are not bound by precedent cases.

In UK and USA, instead, the second judge is bound to follow the decision of the first one.

All legal systems are different and valid in their state.

In Italy we have Vatican City and San Marino republic that are two different states into the state. How could we talk about globalisation in terms of law?

In globalisation the basic meaning should be “no borders”.

In Italy, before 1942 (Italian civil code enacted), when someone committed a crime, apart from throwing him in jail, there was an optio n called “confino”. Sending someone to confino meant a place, like a small village, and you were there and you couldn’t go outside.

Why cannot he be banned? Because the state has no powers outside, there should be international agreements.

International law is basically the block of relations between the states, but international law is not globalisation. International is when a state tries to enter into an agreement with another state to found rules that are enforceable for both states.

Imagine that nation and state mean the same thing. Inter + national = between + states.

International has nothing to do with globalisation: in globalisation we do not have states.

The image of globalisation is a globe without borders. International is a step away from globalisation, because international accepts the idea of borders and different nations.

A good image of globalisation is financial capital market .

In legal system we don’t have globalisation, but we have an exception: capital markets law is the only branch of law that is globalised. This happens because of:

?Language →if you’re studying Italian private law in English and you find the world “contract”, you translate in Italian like “contratto”, but this in Italian law has a

specific meaning provided by Italian civil code. In order to find out what an Italian

contratto means I have to search for the civil code. Otherwise, the world contract in

English has a different meaning because it has a different definition.

In capital markets there is the financial jargon, that is the same for everyone. It is still

English, but to be understandable, you need specific economic knowledge (like “cap-

and-floor”: speci fic financial meaning).

“Upfront” = sort of payment at the beginning of the derivative contract.

“Underline” = stocks or shares.

?Sources of law (le fonti del diritto): in the normal legal system we have the hierarchy of the sources of law. For example, in Italy we have first Italian Constitution, then

the law, then the regulations, the consuetudini (common practices). This list is in

order of importance.

This is useful when we have the problem of inconsistency between the sources of


The problem is when you have two inconsistent rules on the same level.

When one is on the same level of the other, but it is more specific, the more specific

wins and the more generic loses.

Criteria: 1) the rule of higher grade shall amend or repeal the lower grade one

2) The rule of lower rank cannot amend or repeal the higher grade one

3) Two equal rules may change according to the chronological order

4) The latest rule changes or repeals the previous one of the same grade

And if the inconsistency exists between two standards belonging to the same sources? It must be applied the “consecution”: the law enacted afterwards always prevails on the law enacted earlier.

Do all legal systems have this kind of ranking? We have first law, then regulations

and last common practices.

It would be impossible having a ranking like this into global law.

How does it work if there is not ranking in the source of law?

Which are the sources of the law?

Example: if you owns more than a certain amount of shares of a listed company, you

have to declare to the public how many shares you have (in Italy this threshold is

3%) → this disclosure rule exists in every law system in very similar terms.

How is it possible having extremely similar rules in so many different markets while

the meaning of property in Italy is different from the one in USA?

How does capital markets work? Do they work according to economic and financial

principles and hypothesis? It is a financial and economic issue, it has nothing to do

with law. Being economic and financial, it means that all capital markets into the

world would work according to financial and mathematical principles.

According to the theorem of price discovering, we have a market where we have

listed shares, and then we have the world of information. There is a strong relation

between prices and information. When the information is published, price maybe can

change. Otherwise, if the information is not published, the price does not move. How

point, we need rules about how the information must be communicated by the

companies to the market. Insider information are not yet published and should be

used for judging the price of stock.

Price discovering theory will drive all law makers in the law producing extremely

similar rules→ price discovery theory is a reference.

It is not an agreement, but a natural consequence. This is the first answer to the

problem of sources of law.

La price discovery è un meccanismo finalizzato a determinare il prezzo di uno strumento finanziario partendo dalle informazioni a disposizione di ogni soggetto partecipante allo scambio. A loro volta i fattori informativi rilevanti si riflettono nelle schede di domanda e offerta dei partecipanti. Per un corretto processo di price discovery è pertanto necessario che l'informazione sia sui valori fondamentali del bene scambiato sia sulle condizioni dello scambio fluisca liberamente. Per tale motivo, un mercato concentrato, quanto meno dal punto di vista informativo, fornisce l'ambiente più adatto per una corretta price-discovery.

I partecipanti al mercato hanno un naturale incentivo a cercare il miglior prezzo (il prezzo più basso per chi desidera acquistare e il prezzo più alto per chi desidera vendere) e ciò, in un mercato efficiente, conduce ad una unicità di prezzo mediante l’operare del meccanismo di arbitraggio.

Huge amounts of public and not public organisations into finance: we need so many

international authorities into the financial community. Example: International Swap

and Derivative Association (ISDA). All their guidelines are not binding, but they are

strongly followed by all the community. Even if they are not source of law, they are

best practice. This is why we have such a level of uniformity in terms of contracts.

F/E – ISDA used by everybody.

A taxonomy of the sources of law is expressly provided in art.1 of the Preliminary Dispositions of the Italian Civil Code. They are hierarchically ordered as follows:

?Statutes→constitutional sources: the Constitution, constitutional laws and constitutional regional statutes.

?Primary sources

?International treaties (with specific reference to antiterrorism treaties and NATO);

sources of EU law with binding force (directive and regulations) and judgments of

the European Court of Justice “declarative” of community law.

?Ordinary law (enacted by the parliament); regional statutes and regional laws;

?Acts having the force of law (in order, law decree and legislative decree) ?Secondary regulations

?Government regulations; ministerial regulations; administrative regulations;

prefectural regulations and of other local governments;

?The jurisprudence (in particular the judgements of higher courts);


This list didn’t include the C onstitution, because the Civil Code was issued in 1942, while the Constitution in 1947.

Could the global system work like our legal system? No: our legal system is strongly connected to the idea of state.

Could the principle of inconsistency exist in the global financial system? It doesn’t properly exist:

they have an heavy weight because the authorities that issued them are very technical and specialised. The entire corps of these guidelines is a sort of set of rules.

Global financial system is definitely different from an ordinary legal system for the idea of hierarchy, sources, law: completely detached from the idea of state, borders or frontiers.

a.In GFS we find FINANCIAL PRODUCTS, that are the same for all systems

(while in OLS we have contracts);

b.MARKET (exchanges): not a single global market, but several very similar

markets in each country. Rules of capital markets are identical (sort of law);

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4d17041933.html,NGUAGE: it’s the financial English (even in the same country there are

no translations, but the native nouns);

d.RULES: even if the rules in the different markets aren’t exactly the same

they are quite similar and rule the same subjects (i.e. each market has a

disclosure rule).

?Financial products: why can we talk about a global financial system in terms of law? The price discovery process (also called price discovery mechanism) is the process of determining the price of an asset in the marketplace through the interactions of buyers and sellers. The future and option markets serve all important functions of price discovery. The individuals with better information and judgement participate in these markets to take advantage of such information. When some new information arrives, perhaps some good news about the economy, for instance, the actions of speculators quickly feed their information into the derivatives market causing changes in prices of derivatives. These markets are usually the first ones to react as the transaction cost is much lower in these markets than in the spot market.

Lex mercatoria (from the Latin for "merchant law"), often referred to as "the Law Merchant" in English, is the body of commercial law used by merchants throughout Europe during the medieval period.

It evolved similar to English common law as a system of custom and best practice, which was enforced through a system of merchant courts along the main trade routes. It functioned as the international law of commerce. It emphasised contractual freedom and alienability of property, while shunning legal technicalities and deciding cases ex aequo et bono. A distinct feature was the reliance by merchants on a legal system developed and administered by them. States or local authorities seldom interfered, and did not interfere a lot in internal domestic trade. Under lex mercatoria trade flourished and states took in large amounts of taxation.

Merchant world is similar to the global market: borders are enemy, a free space is needed to trade.

2.The EU capital markets law

Italian law on capital markets is an execution of European law.

At the EU we have heart harmonisation of capital markets law.

In different states we have execution of regulations from EU.

Main directive is MIFD2, then there are regulations and technical standards (these last are very specific rules). Directives are general rules, technical standards are issued by tech.

entities and aim at giving very specific rules.

1/1/2018 if a financial firm sells financial products to the public, they need to deliver a key- information document into which they have to show a ratio on risk performance about the product they are to sell. Level 1 is low risk, level 7 is very risky level. The math model is provided by the tech. standard and it is the same for everyone.


?Financial instruments (most important)


?Master agreements

Usually the objective of the contract and the meaning of the contract are unique in the legal system. What are financial instruments? Into the markets, what is listed and exchanged is a financial instruments. There are many different kinds of financial instruments: derivative contracts, stocks, bonds…

The object of a trade is a financial instrument. All set of rules, negotiation procedures… are all focused on financial instruments. Three big families: stocks, bonds or obligations, derivatives. We might ha ve simple options, or futures, or weather derivatives…even the one of the bonds is a world by itself: clean, subordinated bonds…

The definition of financial product for the Italian law is established in “Testo Unico della Finanza” (TUF) Art.1, comma 1, let. U: “"prodotti finanziari": gli strumenti finanziari e ogni altra forma di investimento di natura finanziaria; non costituiscono prodotti finanziari i depositi bancari o postali non rappresentati da strumenti finanziari.” (financial instruments and any other form of investment with financial nature; bank or postal deposits, that are not financial instruments, do not constitute financial products).

Financial products are tradable on the market, throughout all the markets.

In terms of law, it is really interesting that the nature of financial instruments does not depend on the legal system. It doesn’t matter if a future is regulated by Italian or American law, because the nature of the future is expressed in a mathematical way, so it is the same in all the world. It doesn’t employ juridical terms. This counts for futures, swa p derivatives, options…Many financial instruments are simply exactly the same in all the world. The consequence is that, if we don’t have a legal burden on the product, it can move around the world easily.

In Civil Law countries, the law is based on typical contracts, many kind of contracts are regulated by the law.

Instead, a contract of leasing didn’t exist in Italy into the ’80 →we had to import this kind of contract from USA and UK.

Divide the contract in two big families: is it a kind of contract (tipico) already regulated by the law or for which exists something similar in the market? (like banking contract, compravendita, lo cazione…)? The first family is closed and only the lawmaker can add something to this list.

The second family is the one of contratti atipici, not provided into the civil code, but they have to complain with one main principle to be valid: if someone invents a new contract that is not provided by the law, this contract has to comply with Italian mandatory rules, so basic principles. If the contract does not satisfy basic principle of the law, the contract is illegal.

In the late ’80, we had this new contract of leasing, because some financial firms started making new business. When the parties went before the judge there was a problem: the judge must apply rules to the contract → what kind of rules will the judge apply to this new contract? There should be a matching between the type of contract and the set of rules. Otherwise, if it is a new contract, how can I find out which type of rules to apply? The judge found out that the leasing was half a contract of sale and half a rent. At the end of the period you can redeem the car by payment or give the car back. Actually, at the beginning you don’t buy the car, because its owners is the leasing company, formally. At the end, you have option to purchase the car. Do you need to apply rules for sale or

We didn’t create leasing contract: we imported it from common Law countries.

With derivatives all this mess doesn’t take place: all these legal concepts have not to be applied to derivative markets. For what concerns financial instruments, like an interest rate swap, the international regulation is the same in all the world. The core part for the interest rate swap is the mathematical formula, not the legal nature: legal features don’t give shape to the product. There are not legal barriers.

An interest rate swap is an agreement between two parties (known as counterparties) where one stream of future interest payments is exchanged for another based on a specified principal amount. Fixed amount of money is exchange for variable amount of money. An IRS is a popular and highly liquid financial derivative instrument in which two parties agree to exchange interest rate cash flows, based on a specified notional amount from a fixed rate to a floating rate (or vice versa) or from one floating rate to another. They are used for hedging and speculating.

This kind of contract was created by the financial system to allow the “money move” between banks without a physical move of the money. It is an exchange of banks’ needs and a financial transaction since the aim of the bank is speculating.

Behind the concept of IRS there are not legal conce pt implied, there is not a peculiar legal system… so it is a contract according to what? When the IRS is listed on an exchange it is no more a contract but a product: it can be bought with an offer and it is not necessary to sign a product.

We can say if a country “invented” a certain typical contract (USA, leasing), but this is impossible with derivative contracts: financial market invented them, maybe because it needed a determined type of contract.

To build a proper financial system, we’d need judges and courts. We still have many local courts. The most important courts in the financial world are London, New York and Chicago.

The Italian financial markets is capitalised as 700 billion of euros. Apple alone is worth 780 billion of euros. The financial instruments are regulated by contracts anyway: the 99% of the derivative contracts of the world are regulated by the same MASTER AGREEMENT. Then there are some attachments to it offering some specifications.

The ISDA Master Agreement is the most commonly used master service agreement for OTC derivative transactions internationally. It is part of a framework of documents, designed to enable OTC derivatives to be documented fully and flexibly. The framework consists of a master agreement, a schedule, confirmations, definition booklets, and credit support documentation. The ISDA master agreement is published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association.

The master agreement is a document agreed between two parties that sets out standard terms that apply to all the transactions entered into between those parties. Each time that a transaction is entered into, the terms of the master agreement do not need to be re-negotiated and apply automatically.

Although it is often viewed as a tool for banks and financial institutions, the Master Agreement is widely used by a wide variety of counterparties.

Distinction between applicable law and jurisdiction. Applicable law is the law the parties have decided to apply to regulate the contract. Usually, if the parties belong to the same state, they’d choose the law of the country. Otherwise, when the counterparties are from different countries, according to MASTER AGREEMENT, you can choose between English or New York state law.

There is a principle, valid for all legal system, usually set into Latin: IURA NOVIT CURIA (the court knows the law). The point is that the court knows all laws that are applicable, not just Italian, if we are in Italy… Example: the parties choose English law, but they are Italians and they have to have their judgement in front of an Italian judge. Italian judge is in this case asked to apply English law. How is it possible that an Italian judge is going to apply English law? How could the judge be aware of the foreign law?

The burden of the proof of the law is on the two parties: they have to provide the foreign law and demonstrate how it could be applied. Usually the Italian judge demands for an expert (consulente tecnico) that has to explain to him how to apply English law.

The judges technically are not part of the global system, but we have in the world many cases of financial subjects judged in very similar ways. We had the same case because the product, interest rate swap, was the same, so we can compare all these cases.

What is different? The applicable law, because Italian judge has to judge this case according to Italian applicable law… the difference is the specific rule applied by the judge, according to law traditions of the country.

We can identify certain products whose content may differ under distinct regulations. On the contrary, we do not observe this with derivatives: to understand what a derivative product is, it is sufficient to understand its financial function, since its distinctive features have an economic and not a legal nature.

Observing the use of certain financial terms in the market practices, we noted that, when a financial instrument or a transaction is mainly characterized by its financial content (rather than its regulation), such words are homogeneously used in different markets.

On the contrary, when the regulation is what characterizes the instrument or the transaction, the same terms, used in different markets, may instead refer to different phenomena and, moreover, the meaning of the terms characterized by their legal discipline is often debated also within the same jurisdiction.

Such phenomenon of alignment in derivatives, of the use of financial terms, is , in our opinion, the result of two major causes:

1-The predominance of the financial content over the legal discipline, which facilitates the use of the same terms in different countries.

2- A recurrent absence of a juridical system of origin. Indeed, such terms are generally not crafted by legislators or regulators, but come into being in the financial market praxis and activities, which often involve more than a market at a time. In this sense, we call such phenomenon the “stateless finance”, which is growing fast and it is contributing to develop a cross-border market where the players use the same language and often face the same problems.

Division between the banking system as a system for financing firms and capital markets. 80% of money allowed to companies comes from banking system in Europe; while in USA it is much more common going public: asking money to the public instead of banks. As an example, in Italy we have crowdfunding rules.

Share = scrip, equity or stocks.

Two different worlds: the real one, with products, and the markets, with financial instruments.

The focus of the capital markets is how the markets work and how is trading on financial markets. In the European Union law, the definition of financial instrument is any form of investment that has financial nature. Imagine that A purchases a house for two main reason: the first is that he just needs a house; the second is for making an investment: he is buying this house because he wants to

from the seller B. In the second option, we have the first contract by which A becomes owner of the real estate, and then we have a second contract to sell the property at a higher price. The second sale is not happening by change, but because it was thought as an investment. If we buy a house in order to resell making an investment, that’s an investment → it is not a question of change, it was thought

like this since t he very beginning. If you’re looking for a house where to live, part of the evaluation will be my personal needs and taste. In the second option, where I am looking for a house where to make an investment, my standards are different because I won’t take in to account personal taste. If a house is going to take much more value in the next six months, I’ll buy it because I’ll do a good investment: the house is an item and I do not have to like it.

This is the basic concept for doing an investment. Anyway, this is the investment on a real item: how would we turn this real investment into financial investment? To turn this operation into financial market, the object of the operation should be a financial instrument.

Imagine that there is a real estate company, whose business is investing into real estates. Imagine A buying shares of the company: the shares of the company follow the definition of financial instruments. Anyway, the object behind is always the same.

The risk we are taking is connected to the same real estate market. The financial risk A’s taking with the shares is the same due to the business of the company, linked to the real estate market. Otherwise, this is a financial investment because A’s buying shares. In both cases the estate market works as underlying.

On the other hand, there are new risks, like CFO information risks, or possibility that bad news drag down the prices of stocks. Even if the underlying of the investment is very similar, we are acquiring more risk, and at the same time we have the possibility of collecting much more money. Moreover, buying one single real estate, I bet all my money on it. If I buy a share of something, I bet just on that share of that real estate and I can diversify. If I pull together three different companies, I can constitute an investment fund and, if I buy a share of it, I am investing in three different companies.

In the market you can even find funds of funds → invest in thousands of real estate companies.


We have spotted some basic pillars in global financial system:

?Language: financial type of English (stocks, bonds, derivatives) stuff that is usually listed on financial markets. Financial instruments are the same in all the countries of the world. Think about the meaning of property: we have a definition in our civil code that is different from the one in Commonwealth.

The objects of a trade (financial instruments) are otherwise the same in all the world.

The unique exception are shares. The rights of the shareholders are different in all the countries. For example, the rights of a USA shareholder are different from the rights of a shareholder according to Italian law.

Think about a derivative contract (ex. interest rate swap): most of swap are regulated by standard contracts that are English. This is valid for options, futures, equity swap, foreign swaps, weather derivatives…

Then we have another family of financial instruments: bonds (obbligazioni).

?Sources of law: usually there is a hierarchy into the source of law:

This kind of hierarchy does not exist in the global system, because this ranking requires a state and there is not a global, supranational state with a supranational ranking of the law.

Otherwise, there are the same kinds of rules about markets, financial products and regulations in financial market → this is an unique in terms of law.

Ex. :price discovery theorem → lead how the market should work

Liquidity of the market is another example of this.

The law is the instrument (legal) to govern the market itself, because we need laws to govern the market. Rules are there to make financial theories possible →uniformity in financial theories drives uniformity into rules. In this way the market is made efficient.

?Financial instruments

?Master agreements

?Markets → Remember: If we use a financial instrument we are on financial market.

Instead of buying a real property I buy stocks of a company that buys and sells real estates on the market. The shares are a financial instrument. There is a difference between investing directly in a real estate, from investing in funds of real estates, shares, bonds and other financial products → huge diversification of the risk, but you are taking at the same time new type of financial risks that you did not have on real estate market →there is the problem of information: you can have both advantage and disadvantage.

Do we have a law definition of financial markets? We have a legal definition in the directive that is called MIFID.

Now the world is no more organised by financial markets, but by trading venues: definition by MIFID number2 directive.

Each category of trading venue will have the same transparency requirements and similar organisational and market surveillance provisions.

What MIFID directive is about?

In the ’80s in Europe there was not a specific legislation on capital or financial markets. All the financial business was pretty wild and not regulated at all.

In ’80s we had the first legislation about fondi comuni di investimento.

Then, in the 1998, in Italy, we had the Testo Unico Finanziario.

Since 1998, we really had a huge number of European regulations about financial markets.

In 2007 we had the first MIFID. It was a big innovation because it was the first step to standardisation into capital markets in EU. It will be replaced by MIFID2 in 1/1/2018.

On 14 January 2014, EU legislators reached political agreement on reforms to the Markets in Fina ncial Instruments Directive (“MIFID”) that will renovate financial services regulation in the European Union.

The changes consist of a new MiFID II and MiFIR.

MiFID I’s goal was to make EU financial markets more integrated, competitive and efficient. While the introduction of Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) had increased the competition between trading venues, it had also resulted in market fragmentation, which complicated the collection of trade data. A significant amount of bonds and derivative instruments were traded outside organised venues, obstructing price discovery and allowing risk to build up. In order to increase transparency and create a more level playing field, the new legislation states that all organised trading will now take place either on regulated trading venues (RM,MTF,OTF) or by

MiFID II and MiFIR provide an updated harmonised legal framework governing the requirements applicable to investment firms, regulated markets, data reporting services providers and third country firms providing investment services or activities in the Union.

To determine which firms are affected by MiFID and which are not, MiFID distinguishes between "investment services and activities", listed in Section A of Annex I) and "ancillary services", Listed in Section B of Annex I.

If a firm only performs ancillary services, it is not subject to MiFID.

MiFID covers almost all tradable financial products, listed in Section C of Annex I

MiFID II and MiFIR aim to enhance the efficiency, resilience and integrity of financial markets, notably by:

1.Achieving greater transparency for equities and non-equities trade regimes;

2.Bringing more trading onto regulated venues;

3.Fulfilling the Union’s G20 commitments on derivatives:

o mandatory trading of derivatives on regulated venues,

o introduction of position limits and reporting requirements for commodity derivatives,

o broadening the definition of investment firm to capture firms trading commodity derivatives;

4.Facilitating access to capital for SMEs;

5.Strengthening the protection of investors;

6.Regulating technological development: algorithmic traders and high-frequency trading;

7.Introducing provisions on non-discriminatory access to trading and post-trading services

in trading of financial instruments notably for exchange-traded derivatives;

8.Strengthening and harmonising sanctions.

As regard the second point, to bring more trading onto regulated venues, the legislation will introduce a new type of trading venue, the organised trading facility (“OTF”), to capture multilateral trading in non-equity instruments that does not currently take place on regulated markets (“RMs”) or multilateral trading facilities (“MTFs”).

The requirements for MTFs have been aligned with those of RMs so that investment firms and market operators operating an MTF will be required to have (a) systems and measures in place to manage, identify and mitigate risks, (b) effective arrangements for the efficient and timely finalisation of transactions and (c) sufficient financial resources for its orderly functioning.

Unlike RMs and MTFs, operators of OTFs will have discretion as to how to execute orders, subject to pre-transparency and best execution obligations. Moreover, RMs and MTFs are not allowed to execute client orders against proprietary capital, or to engage in matched principal trading, while it is permitted in some cases with client consent in OTFs.

We have some big areas inside the MIFID: what investment firms are? How they are regulated inside Europe? How do investment firms provide investment funds to the public? a bank is a kind of investment firm, like a financial intermediary.

Investment firms could only do business about investment services. It is a closed number of services: ex. Managing and advising about portfolios, financial advices to clients. This is a reserved area of business: to provide investment services you have to be authorized.

Investment firms provide financial services like financial instruments to the public.

MIFID is a single directive, but there are other different European regulations and technical standards (so a package of rules) that are to be executed together from 2018.

Regulated markets means a multilateral system. Multilateral system means any system in which multiple third parties buying and selling in the system are able to interact in the system. It is hard to find legal terms in this definition.

We are to trade a financial instrument at the same table. We start a negotiation and we decide the price into a contract of sale of the shares. This contract of sale is perfectly valid. Anyway, this contract of trading does not fall into the definition: it has something that is missing with respect with what happens into a financial market → in the example we do not have a financial market. In financial market you do not know who is the counterparty. When you trade on the market, you just insert your order into the system, then your offer is matched with someone and you have automatically the matching of the transaction. In the first example the matching was not automatic. The market is the system between the seller and the buyer.

A contract is an agreement between two parties, where a party makes a proposal and the other accepts. When you buy the newspaper or you buy something in the supermarket, you are executing a contract of sale with the counterparty. If you move on the financial market and you do not know your counterparty, there is a multilateral system between the two. If there is not a market there is just A and B, a proposal and an acceptance, and nothing more between them. If we are on the market, we have a computer system where

B puts his offer, that enters into the market, and because of the market, it ends to A → there is not a direct confrontation between A and B. There is a book on the system that is divided in two.

Ex.: the price of an Apple stock is 120$ per share. On the left of the book, someone sells 500 shares at the price of 121$. On the right of the book, there is a guy that wants to buy 500 shares at 119$ →here there is not market. Then there is a guy on the left that wants to sell 300 shares at 121,5$ and, on the right, someone that wants to buy 300 shares for 118,5$.

The more you continue reading the book forward the bottom, the higher the prices for the sellers (left) and the lower the price on the right (buyers). If the first guy on the right decides to accept the offer buying 500 shares for 121$, the first guy on the right and the first on the left disappears from the book and price evolves.

Liquidity is given by the number of shares and how fast the price is matched. This is the way a trader moves into a multilateral system. What is mainly traded are interests. The only exchanges are the ones happening on the top of the book.

(19) ‘multilateral system’ means any system or facility in which multiple third-party buying and selling trading interests in financial instruments are able to interact in the system;

(21) ‘regulated market’means a multilateral system operated and/or managed by a market operator, which brings together or facilitates the bringing together of multiple third-party buying and selling interests in financial instruments –in the system and in accordance with its non-discretionary rules –in a way that results in a contract, in respect of the financial instruments admitted to trading under its rules and/or systems, and which is authorised and functions regularly and in accordance with Title III of this Directive;

If the list is not moving fast, it means that there is not so much market for that stuff → if the book is reliable it contains much information. For example, I put on the left a big order of 1000 shares for

technique is a manipulation of the market to buy shares at a lower prices → to make sellers lower their price. After you cancel the order to avoid manipulation of the book→ that now is illegal. Regulated market, multilateral trading facility and organised trading facilities = three different types of trading venues.

22) ‘multilateral trading facility’or ‘MTF’ means a multilateral system, operated by an investment firm or a market operator, which brings together multiple third-party buying and selling interests in financial instruments – in the system and in accordance with non-discretionary rules – in a way that results in a contract in accordance with Title II of this Directive;

Non-discretionary rules = no man intervention.

A very simple rule is that the higher offer is the first to be listed into the book.

In a regulated market we only have market operators, whilst in 22) we can have market operators and investment firms. The difference between 21) and 22) is in rules applied in the market.

23) ‘organised trading facility’or ‘OTF’ means a multilateral system which is not a regulated market or an MTF and in which multiple third-party buying and selling interests in bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances or derivatives are able to interact in the system in

a way that results in a contract in accordance with Title II of this Directive;

39) ‘algorithmic trading’means trading in financial instruments where a computer algorithm automatically determines individual parameters of orders such as whether to initiate the order, the timing, price or quantity of the order or how to manage the order after its submission, with limited or no human intervention, and does not include any system that is only used for the purpose of routing orders to one or more trading venues or for the processing of orders involving no determination of any trading parameters or for the confirmation of orders or the post-trade processing of executed transactions;

We have computers that decide automatically to buy or to sell by an algorithm. In the last seven years, most of the trade have been made by computers. More than 60% of the trades in New York stock exchange were made by high frequency algorithmic trading.

(40) ‘high-frequency algorithmic trading technique’means an algorithmic trading technique characterised by:

(a) infrastructure intended to minimise network and other types of latencies, including at least one of the following facilities for algorithmic order entry: co-location, proximity hosting or high-speed direct electronic access; EN L 173/384 Official Journal of the European Union 12.6.2014

(b) system-determination of order initiation, generation, routing or execution without human intervention for individual trades or orders; and

(c) high message intraday rates which constitute orders, quotes or cancellations;

First of all, the ESMA estimated in his 2014 report the overall level of HFT activity in their sample, explaining which type of market participant acts as HFT.

They observe that HFT activity accounts for 24% of value traded for the HFT flag approach and 43% for the lifetime of orders approach.

The HFT flag approach provides the lowest estimates for HFT activity, while, under the lifetime of orders approach, most of the trading activity carried out by HFT firms is identified as HFT activity. Therefore, the difference between the two approaches, 19%, is mainly explained by HFT activity of investment banks. They found similar results for the number of trades and orders.

Their results also show that the level of HFT activity varies widely between trading venues and that HFT activity is linked to market capitalisation with HFT activity increasing with the market capitalisation of stocks.

We can identify certain products whose content may differ under distinct regulations.

On the contrary, we do not observe this with derivatives: to understand what a derivative product is, it is sufficient to understand its financial function, since its distinctive feature has an economic and not a legal nature.

Derivatives exist and are regulated in different ways in several judicial systems, but their financial nature and structure is exactly the same in all the judicial systems. This phenomenon is typical and exclusive of certain financial products.

What characterizes the derivative is its financial (and not its legal) content: such products may 1) easily increase in number and 2) move to different markets more easily than others and so poison more than a market, as it happened with the Residential Mortgages Back Securities.


Subjects for group work:

?Dark pools: dark pools are a particular kind of multilateral system.

Dark because they do not follow usual rules about market transparency: the trades are made without as much information as in the regulated market →so called blind trades. Quite common, even if they are dedicated only to certain types of financial products. You have to sell or to buy a fixed stake of shares.

If you go on the market and you try to buy 5% of the capitalisation of a certain company, the price of the shares will increase. It is not easy to buy a large stake of shares because of the price answer. How can you buy the same number of shares avoiding this type of market behaviour? →You can use dark pool, as in dark pools the traders do not access to the trading book. Trading book is to understand how the market will move. As the trade is blind, none can knows how many shares do you need.

?CONSOB versus STC

?Credit Default Swap: involved in financial crisis of 2008. They were one of most popularly used derivatives. If you want to obtain a sort of insurance because you have some corporate bonds in your pockets, one possibility is to buy a CDS → it acts like a hedge.

?Hedge hefting

?Product governments: new rules to be implemented in 2018. There must be a match between the product risk profile and the client risk profile.

?Regulation Market Abuse: strict rules about disclosure for price sensitive information. We have a specific Market Abuse Directive.

?Case studies: find some specific case studies of market abuses.

Definition of trading values according to MIFID2→three different types of systems: regulated markets, multilateral trading facilities and organised trading facilities. All together they are named as trading values. They all are multilateral systems, which is the definition by law of financial markets.

The core part of definition of multilateral system is that the trading occurs with no discrimination →no discretionary in matching the trading: trading made automatically without human intervention. Different from normal negotiation between two parties outside of the market.

The parties do not know each other. In the market the proposal is made to the public and not

We do not have a legal definition of interest. Whatever is connected to the market is somehow an interest.

Algorithm trading and high frequency algorithm trading machine: quite new → 2007.

Now this is the first case that we have specific rules on algorithm trading (in MIFID2).

Black Rock substitutes a trader with a robot (algorithm machines).

We might have one single stock that is listed in more than one trading value at the same time.

L et’s say Apple stock be listed in market1, market2 and market3.

Market1 can be a regulated market (at NY), market2 can be alternative trading system (not regulated market) and market3 can be a dark pool. The differences into these three markets might be substantial. In some very wild dark pool you do not have stock losses regulation.

These markets are very different in infrastructures → one can be faster than another. One can be more or less liquid than the other.

If Apple is listed at the same time into three different markets, its price could not be the same at the same time in the different markets. You might have slight differences in stock price at the same time, even if they tend to be the same, you can have a fraction of time in which it is not the same →the participants of the three markets are not the same.

Trader1 needs to buy 100 Apple at 150$ per share.

It is possible that in order to buy rapidly 100 shares, you have to split your order into all the available trading values. All 100 are not available on market1, maybe in market1 there are only 80 shares (at that price). 10 shares can be on market2 and the rest on market3.

When you send your order out, it is split in a router into three different orders.

The three orders do not reach the final destination at the same time: it depends on the location of trading values. The first market to be reached is the closer to the trader. While the first order is already arrived, the other two are still travelling, and they are intercepted by HFT machine, which is watching the market.

It understands someone is trying to buy 100 shares for 150$ each, and so they deduce that there will be some other orders to cover the demand. They know all the market in which Apple is traded. As a consequence, while orders for market2 and market3 haven’t arrived yet, HFT buys Apple shares for 150$, and when the orders finally reach the market2 and 3, it is found that HFT acquired the shares at 150$ and is going to sell them at 155$.

In the end, order2 and order3 are not matched. The trader has to send new orders now.

It is only a question of speed: front running. This is way the sped is so important on high frequency trading. This technique to manipulate the market is banned in MIFID2.

Many in the industry cite a number of advantages resulting from high frequency and algorithmic trading, such as creating greater liquidity, lowering costs for investors, increased volume, narrower spreads, reduced short-term volatility and better price formation and execution of orders for clients.

However, regulators believe that algorithmic trading has the potential to cause rapid and significant market distortion. Specifically there are concerns over the high order cancellation rate, increased risk of overloading systems, increased volatility, the ability of algorithmic traders to withdraw liquidity at any time and insufficient supervision by competent authorities. Moreover, HFT firms have information advantage due to proximity and lack of regulation could lead to manipulation of market (spoofing, quote stuffing).

Once an investment firm is authorised, certain on-going compliance requirements, such as the obligation to store, for at least 5 years, accurate and time-sequenced records of all the orders placed by the firm in an approved form and make available to the competent authority on request.

Moreover, a firm engaging in algorithmic trading will be required to have in place effective systems and risk controls to ensure that its trading systems are resilient and are subject to appropriate thresholds, which prevent sending erroneous orders.

The aim of these rules, together with the introduction of automated trading stops, the increase of minimum tick size, cancellation restrictions and enforcement minimum holding period, is to limit the HFT phenomenon, since it can have a large role in stock market crashes.

One of the first market crash, in which HFT played an important role contributing to it by demanding immediacy ahead of other market participants, is the “Flash Crash” of May 6, 2010.

Tick size rule which is the minimum offer possible to buy or to sell something? If you have 10 euros, can you offer 10,01? It depends on the rule about thick size. If the rule says that the minimum tick size is 0,50 cents, you can only offer 0,5. Higher the thick size, slower is the HFT.

A tick size is the minimum price movement of a trading instrument. If a stock has a tick size of 0,50$, and a current price of 20$; the associated price can move to 20,50$, but cannot move to 20,25$.

Collocation is one of main rules of MIFID2: fiscally all participants to the market must have the same proximity to the market servers. Anyone that wants to have a direct access must be guaranteed to have the same access as anyone else.

Two main techniques to avoid HFT excessive trading: tick prices and minimum holding period.

US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (with SEC): flash crash on the markets in 2010 because of HFT techniques.

10 pages about executive summary + chapter1 (page 9) Trading in a broad market + chapter2 Market participants and liquidity.

E-mini are a kind of derivative contracts.


What happened in 2017? Stock prices during the day of the flash crash.

NB: almost everything happened at 14:30, during 30 minutes.

During these 30 minutes we can see the collapse of the market index. This happened because of the HFT. Huge collapse of 4-5% points of D&J index occurred in few minutes.

Such a big collapse is really rare, especially in such a short time.

As quickly as the collapse it returned at the same level. Quick and wild movement in few minutes. The Down- Jones index was reflecting what happened in the E-mini market.

E-mini market is composed of derivative trading values where the HPD were trading derivatives contracts. The E-mini is called E-Mini500 because the underline of that derivative contracts are the first Down-Jones 500 stocks.

There is a connection between the trading-values, like E-mini trading-values, that are specialised in derivative contracts, and the regulated market, where we do not have derivative contracts, but only stocks.

Otherwise, if you have a derivative, you have to hedge your position by acquiring fiscally the underlying. This is the connection between the regulated market and the smaller E-mini market.

All the regulated markets are connected.

You can have a trading value specialised on some kind of derivatives, or only on some types of co mpanies… but they are all connected.

A trading machine is used to trade at the same time in more than one trading values.

The May 6, 2010, Flash Crash was a United States trillion-dollar stock market crash, which lasted for approximately 36 minutes.

The joint 2010 report by SEC (Securities and Exchanges Commission) and CFTC (Commodity Future Trading Commission) portrayed a market so fragmented and fragile that a single large trade could send stocks into a sudden spiral.

They highlighted how a large mutual fund firm selling an unusually large number of E-Mini S&P contracts first exhausted available buyers, and then how HFT started aggressively selling, accelerating the effect of the mutual fund's selling and contributing to the sharp price declines that day.

May 6 started as an unusually turbulent day for the markets.

Since the very beginning, there was unsettling political and economic news concerning European debt crisis.

At about 1pm the euro began a sharp decline against both the US dollar and the Japanese yen.

By the early afternoon broadly negative market sentiment was already affecting an increase in the price volatility of some individual securities.

Therefore, "a large fundamental trader initiated a sell program to sell a total of 75,000 E-Mini S&P contracts, valued at approximately $4.1 billion, as a hedge to an existing equity position. This large fundamental trader chose to execute this sell program via an automated execution algorithm that was programmed to feed orders into the June 2010 E-Mini market to target an execution rate set to 9% of the

trading volume calculated over the previous minute, but without regard to price or time.

A similar size sell order was executed in the E-Mini in the 12 months prior to May 6 by the same firm, but through a combination of manual trading and several automated algorithms taking into account price, time, and volume, which took 5 hours to be completed.

However, on May 6 the Sell Algorithm chosen by the large trader to only target trading volume, completing extremely rapidly in just 20 minutes.

This sell pressure was initially absorbed by high frequency traders.

High frequency traders accumulated a net long position of about 3,300 contracts.

However, between 2:41 pm and 2:44 pm, high frequency traders aggressively sold about 2000 E-mini contracts in order to reduce their temporary long position.

In the report, they described two liquidity crises: one at the broad index level in the E-Mini, the other with respect to individual stocks.

In the first one, the combined selling pressure from the sell algorithm, HFTs, and other traders drove the price of the E-Mini S&P 500and the price of SPY S&P 500 indexes, due to cross-market arbitrageurs, down approximately 3% in just four minutes.

Still lacking sufficient demand from fundamental buyers or cross market arbitrageurs, HFTs began to quickly buy and then resell contracts to each other due to insufficient demand, generating a “hot-

As prices in the futures market fell, trading on the E-Mini was paused for five seconds when the Chicago Mercantile Exchange ('CME') Stop Logic Functionality was triggered in order to prevent a cascade of further price declines.

In that short period of time, sell-side pressure in the E-Mini was partly alleviated and buy-side interest increased. When trading resumed, prices stabilized and shortly thereafter, the E-Mini began to recover, followed by the SPY.

The E-mini and SPY are the two most active stock index instruments traded in the electronic futures and equity market. Both are derivative products designed to track stocks in the S&P 500 Index, which in turn represents approximately 75% of the market capitalization of US listed equities.

The second liquidity crisis occurred in the equities markets.

Automated trading systems used by many liquidity providers temporarily paused in reaction to the sudden price declines observed during the first liquidity crisis.

Based on their respective individual risk assessments, some market makers and other liquidity providers widened their quote spreads, others reduced offered liquidity, and a significant number withdrew completely from the markets.

HFTs in the equity markets traded proportionally more as volume increased, and were overall net sellers in the rapidly declining broad market along with most other participants.

Even though prices in the E-Mini and SPY were recovering from their severe declines, sell orders placed for some individual securities and ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) found reduced buying interest, which led to further price declines in those securities.

As liquidity completely evaporated in a number of individual securities and ETFs, participants instructed to sell (or buy) at the market found no immediately available buy interest (or sell interest) resulting in trades being executed at irrational prices as low as one penny or as high as $100,000. These trades occurred as a result of so-called stub quotes, which are quotes generated by market makers at levels far away from the current market in order to fulfil continuous two-sided quoting obligations.

After a short while, as market participants had time to react and verify the integrity of their data and systems, buy-side and sell-side interest returned and an orderly price discovery process began to function, and by 3:00 p.m., most stocks had reverted back to trading at prices reflecting true consensus values. Nevertheless, between 2:40 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., over 20,000 trades were executed at prices 60% or more away from their 2:40 p.m. prices.

After the market closed, the exchanges and FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) met and jointly agreed to cancel (or break) all such trades.

Since the E-mini and SPY both track the same set of S&P 500 stocks, cross-market arbitrage between these two products kept their prices closely aligned during their rapid declines. However, in the moments before prices of the E-Mini and SPY both hit their intra-day lows, the E-Mini suffered a significant loss of liquidity during which buy-side market depth was not able to keep pace with sell-side pressure.

Four minutes later, when prices in the E-Mini and SPY were recovering, buy side market depth for SPY reached its daily low.

There does not appear to have been a fundamental liquidity event in S&P 500 stocks that preceded and drove price declines in the E-Mini and SPY.

?Under stressed market conditions, the automated execution of a large sell order can trigger extreme price movements, especially if the automated execution algorithm does not take prices into account;

?High trading volume is not necessarily a reliable indicator of market liquidity;

?Reminder of the inter-connectedness of derivatives and securities markets.

?Pausing a market can be an effective way of providing time for market participants to reassess their strategies, for algorithms to reset their parameters, and for an orderly market to be re-established.

There have been 7 spikes in less than one second. This possibility to make money could only be exploited by machines.

The events of May 6 can be separated into 5 phases:

1.During the first phase, from the open through about 2:32 pm, prices were broadly declining

across markets, with stock market index products sustaining losses of about 3%.

2.In the second phase, from about 2:32 pm through about 2:41 pm, the broad market began to

lose more ground, declining another 1-2%.

3.Between 2:41 pm and 2:45:28 pm in the third phase lasting only about four minutes or so,

volumes spiked upwards and the broad markets plummeted a further 5-6% to reach intraday lows of 9-10%.

4.In the fourth phase, from 2:45 pm to about 3:00 pm, broad market indices recovered while at

the same time many individual securities and ETFs experienced extreme price fluctuations and traded in a disorderly fashion at prices as low as 1 penny or as high as 100,000$.

5.Finally in the fifth phase starting at about 3:00 pm, prices of most individual securities

significantly recovered and trading resumed in a more orderly fashion.

Financial products into the MIFID Directive

MIFID → from 1 to 150 there are whereas (premesse) to articles.

Annexe1 is the list of services and activities.

Imagine we have client A, client B and the market.

Usually the client cannot access directly the market→he has to use an intermediary or an investment firm which is directly connected to the market. MIFID calls this intermediary investment firm: a company which is licensed to provide investment services. The system is closed for what concerns investment services.

An investment firm must fulfil various requirements, like minimum share capital (at least 2 million euros). The regulator that has to check all these requirement is in Italy bank of Italy and CONSOB. If clients are individual people, we call them retail clients, but there can be even corporations and professional clients.

Most part of MIFID is about investment firms which provide financial services to the public, the object of which is financial instruments → lots of rules about contractual relations between clients and investment firms.


1.Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments; Basic investment service: the firm is an intermediary between the client and the market and has to process a specific order to buy or sell a financial instrument that is listed on the market.

3.Dealing on own account;

This is when the bank or the firm sell you an instrument that belongs to them.

You are not trading on the market, but your counterpart is the bank.

Before (in 1 and 2) the intermediary was not your counterpart.

4.Portfolio management;

Clients give money to firm in order to manage this money

5.Investment advice;

Sort of advice provided by the firm on the financial instruments.

Investment advising is licensed: normal companies do not give advice.

It is not a question of taking or managing money. It is detached from portfolio management.

6.Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm

commitment basis;

Imagine I am a big corporation issuing bonds and I need to place my bonds on the market. Usually I engage an intermediary (as a bank) that can place them on the public.

This work of placing could be done in two different ways: the bank could place bonds with or without commitment basis.

Without commitment basis means the bank won’t have resp onsibility on how many bonds will be placed effectively. If the bank is not able to place all the bonds, with commitment basis the bank will be obliged to buy all the bonds in excess. If there is not commitment basis, bank will just have to return bonds back to the firm.

7.Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis;

8.Operation of an MTF;

Running a multilateral system is a regulated activity, for which you need to be licensed.

9.Operation of an OTF

Annexe 1, section B: ancillary services

If you can provide financial services, you can even provide ancillary services.

1.Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including

custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management and excluding maintaining securities accounts at the top tier level;

2.Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or

more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction;

3.Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and

advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings;

This is not a financial advice.

4.Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment


5.Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation

relating to transactions in financial instruments;

6.Services related to underwriting.

7.Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services of the type included under

(5), (6), (7) and (10) of Section C where these are connected to the provision of investment

or ancillary services.

Section C: financial instruments:

1.Transferable securities (valori mobiliari)

Valori mobiliari. If something is a financial instrument, we have to apply MIFID.

We can use the world “negotiation”, to mean that the transfer occurs into the market, while the world “transfer” means something that could happen even outside of the market.

In a face to face transaction, technically meaning, you do not have a negotiation, because it does not happen in the market. When it is just face to face, you can say that it is a transaction.

Security is split in Testo Unico between equity instruments (transferable) and debt instruments (transferable) → shares and bonds.

In order to distinguish between shares and bonds, we could use a proper legal view or a finance view.

All the companies have share capital.

According to which type of capital, you have different minimum level of capital required by law. When we speak about equity we are in the world of shares capital, that can be normal shares → the shareholder is entitled to receive the dividends.

The risk is given by the fact that the value of the shares is connected to the ongoing of the company business. I have two ways to obtain shares: the first is to buy the shares on the market (we are talking about listed company). The second way is to give money when new shares are issued. Otherwise, the bonds represent a credit that the subscriber holds towards the company. Convertible bond: when the investment period is going to end, the convertible bond can be converted into a share, after the life of the bond.

Italian Testo Unico Finanziario: Articlo1: definition of financial instruments (strumenti finanziari) → this definition is not in the MIFID, as in the MIFID we just have the list.

Here instead we have a definition: “gli strumenti finanziari sono prodotti finanziari e ogni altra forma di investimento di natura finanziaria” → Financial products are financial instruments and any other form of investment of financial nature.

For “valori mobiliari” we mea n types of securities which could be negotiated into a capital market. Transferable means broadly “which could be negotiated on a capital market”.

A share that is not listed, generally could be listed and negotiated, so it is transferable.

Even if a specific bond is not listed, but could be listed and negotiated, it is transferable.

Take for example a contract of sale of commodities, executed over the counter or face to face.

The contract itself is not listed, and therefore it is not transferable, according to MIFID.

The first meaning of transferability is the possibility for a given instrument to be negotiated into the market, that is the multilateral system.

What are transferable securities for Italian Testo Unico?

a)Azioni di società (company shares)

b)Bonds (obbligazioni)

c)Whatever securities negotiated


学习--- 好资料 公司法》笔记 一、公司具有法人资格 1、依法成立 2、公司必须具备必要的财产,独立享有财产权 3、能够独立承担民事责任 4、有自已的名称和组织机构以及场所 二、公司是社团法人具有社团性 社团法人是以社员为成立基础的法人,公司属于社团法人。公司的社团性主要表现为它通常要求2 个或2 个以上的股东出资设立。 三、公司的权利能力和行为能力 1、公司权利能力于公司成立之日产生,至公司终止之日消灭。公司签发营业执照日期为公司成立日期。 2、公司注销登记之日,即为公司法人资格终止之时,也就是公司权利能力丧失之时。 3、权利能力的限制 1) 性质的限制除了专属于自然人基于性别、年龄、生命、身体、亲属关系而产生的权利与义务,公司不能承受外,公司作为拟制的法人,其权利能力不再受性质的限制。公司可以享有名称权、名誉权,公司可以作为其它公司的董事,可以成为资合公司的发起人,可以成为其它公司的有限责任股东,还可以作为受遗赠人,接受被继承人的遗产。 2) 经营范围必须在公司章程中载明其经营范围,经营范围必须依法登记才产生公示效力。 3) 转投资的限制 必须以责任有限、互不连带为原则。依照公司章程的规定由董事会或者股东会、股东大会决议的,必须经过董事会或者股东会决议;公司章程对投资总额及单项投资有限额规定的,不得超过规定的限额。 4) 借贷的限制只能向银行代款,企业之间不能拆借。董事、高级管理人员不得违反公司章程规定,未经股东会、股东大会或者董事会同意,将公司资金借贷给他人。 5) 担保的限制董事、高级管理人员不得违反公司章程规定,未经股东会、股东大会或者董事会同意,以公司财产为他人(包括公司的股东、其他自然人、其他法人)提供担保的。 公司为他人提供担保的要求: A.首先,应在公司章程中作出明确规定;其次,应依公司章程的规定由董事会或者股东会、股东大会作 出决议;否则,无效。还必须遵守章程规定的限额,超过部分无效。 B.公司为股东或者实际控制人提供担保的,必须经过股东会或者股东大会决议,否则,无效。 (公司章 程不得做出相反规定) 6) 公司举债的限制发行公司债券的公司,其累计债券余额不超过公司净资产额的40% 7) 设立中的公司不得享有法人的权利能力,解散后的公司只能在清算范围内享有权利和承担义务。 四、总公司与分公司 1、分公司不具有法人资格,由总公司承担全部责任。该责任不是连带责任,因为连带意味着双方是平等主体,连带责任的前提是连带责任人之间相互独立。 2、分公司可以自已的名义独立订立合同,也可以自已的名义参加诉讼。 3、企业法人的分支机构在法人授权范围内提供的保证有效,但职能机构不可以作为保证人,以其名义出具的保证合同无效。 五、母公司与子公司 1、母公司的最根本特征不是否持有子公司的股份,而是是否参与子公司的业务经营。子公司分 学习--- 好资料 为全资子公司和控股子公司。 2、如果一个公司通过拥有另一公司的相对多数股份而能够对其加以实际控制,或通过协议实际 控制另一公司经营,则前者为母公司,后者为子公司。 3、母公司作为控股公司,一般需持有50% 以上的股份,但母公司往往无须持有半数以上的股份即可取得对该公司的实际控制权。 六、公司的股东 1、股东权利收益权、表决权、知情权、请求召股东大会权利,对股东大会、董事会的违法决议诉讼的权利等。


[资料笔记] 公司法要点精华- 06公司法考点摘要 1、我国公司两类型:有限责任公司+股份有限公司 2、公司具有独立法人资格:独立人格;独立财产;独立责任。 3、转投资的限制:对象仅限于有限责任公司和股份有限公司,且除法律规定外不能成为连带责任人 4、公司对外担保,由董事会或者股东会、股东大会决议;对内担保,由股东会或者股东大会决议 5、公司章程对投资或者担保的总额及单项投资或者担保的数额有限额规定的,不得超过规定的限额。(给公司放权,原公司法是规定比例的) 6、公司为公司股东或者实际控制人提供担保的,必须经股东会或者股东大会决议。 7、举债的限制:发行公司债券的公司,其累计债券总额不超过公司净资产(总资产-负债)额的40% 8、公司经营范围的修改,必须依照法定程序进行修改公司

章程,并经公司登记机构变更登记 9、超越经营范围的活动并非当然无效。“当事人超越经营范围订立的合同,人民法院不因此认定合同无效。但违反国家限制经营、特许经营以及法律、行政法规禁止经营规定的除外。” 10、以公司股东的责任形式划分,公司可分为无限责任公司、两合公司、股份两合公司、有限责任公司、股份有限公司。 11、通说认为,我国有限责任公司属于封闭式公司,而股份有限公司则属于开放式公司。发起设立的股份有限公司由于并不向社会募集股份,因此也具有封闭性 12、以公司信用基础为标准,公司可以分为人合公司、资合公司以及人资兼合公司。 13、本公司和分公司、母公司与子公司子公司具有独立的法人人格,在工商部门领取《企业法人营业执照》,有自己的公司名称和章程,以自己名义开展经营活动;分公司不具有独立的法人人格,但可以作为民事诉讼的当事人,具有诉讼资格,另外分公司也具有独立的缔约能力。 14、在本国注册的本国公司,在外国注册的为外国公司 15、一个标准的公司名称中应当包括四方面的内容:①公司类型;②公司注册机关的行政级别;③公司的行业和经营特点;


写在前面: 公司法考试:15本为+?侣是有两个老师说过■■■■■■■■■耍注意: 】、12.8号的笔记还是要看一下.VIP级别的重要- 2、第九训的,)⑵非货币财代出资未办理财舟权转移乒续,老师讲到这个部分的时 M是必考的知识点一最晚一审法院开庭质证完成以前. 3.12.15号的第十四讲三.四部分是重点?(一、二不考〉 书本上的第13、16、17、18. 19、20、21、23 (最后两节) 名词解释:5个,4分 堵定条件.法院在这种情况卜,如何处理,7分.两题论述:实践问题 可能会考的简 2、中外合资的案予 2011-11-3 FROM 韩莉 第八讲公司和公司法 上次课国有企业: 老师:参与国有企业财产均分全体国民的项目: 1、改革开放以来注重的是经济效率,刺激私人投资,允许一部分人先富。利用911,埋头发財。-切以GDP为|:|标,把我们的发展作为很重要的目标。 2、但是近儿年更多.通过分配的方式开始保障改革和发展的财富让全国人民共享,切入点在分配这里,如医疗改革等,理由如卜: 1)但是没有从国有企业这方面者手。 2)这也可能对人口统计带来经济上的效应。 3)从国际话语权公共舆论主流价值观方而,政治体制改革不能动,牵?发?而动全身,那么我们可以做-些温和的举动° 4)为胡锦涛做出些冇业绩的挙动。国家财富枳累了那么多。国有财富监管不到位还不如分给国民。 注意:对这些领域应该有所保留:涉及国安方面的.如军工行业,可以保留国有企业, 其他都应该退出。但是,对国家安全不能扩大解释。 一、公司制企业产生的时代和社会根源 ()罗马时代对于法人现象的社会承认 (■欧洲中世纪晚期的商业发展模式: 已经出现公司的迹象: 1、康门达组织,意大利,船主和业主签订协议.业主提供实务或资金,分配利润。互相信任。如果发生可损,如海难事故,业主只以投资为限负责,船主则是无限责任。 类似隐名合伙.只是当事人之间的协议。 2、后来转移到陆地,成了陆地上的康明达,有了等级.变成了隐名合伙的等级和西合组织。 3、1856年英国合股公司法,承认民间私有投资则享受冇限资任的保护。 4、1600年出现了东印度公司,180多个股东,儿万磅的股份。经过英国女王批准,在海外做贸易。东印度公司的股东冇限资任,呈家特区。


一、名词解释 1.企业法律形式:指企业依据不同的法律标准和条件所形成的组织形式。企业的法律形式决定企业内部的组织结构和企业的法律地位,表彰企业的信用基础,决定投资人的风险责任范围和并决定国家的立法体系。 2.股东派生诉讼:也称代表诉讼,指当公司的董事、监事、高管人员或者其他人的行为损害了公司的权益,而公司怠于通过诉讼方式追究其责任以恢复公司的利益时,由公司股东基于与公司的利益连接,径行代表公司对侵权方或者违约方发起的诉讼。主要功能:防止董事对公司有侵权行为或者决策、管理过失,给公司造成利益损失,而其他董事可能碍于情面或者因其他理由放弃诉讼使公司不得不蒙受损失的情况发生。 3.公司债:公司债是由企业发行的公司债券,具体是指公司依据法定程序发行的、约定在一定期限内还本付息的有价证券。 4. 债权人委员会:人民法院审理企业破产期间的临时组织。债权人会议可以决定设立债权人委员会。债权人委员会由债权人会议选任的债权人代表和一名债务人的职工代表或者工会代表组成。债权人委员会成员不得超过九人。债权人委员会成员应当经人民法院书面决定认可。 5.国有独资公司:国有独资公司是指国家单独出资、由国务院或者地方人民政府授权本级人民政府国有资产监督管理机构履行出资人职责的有限责任公司。国有独资公司是一种特殊的有限责任公司,其特殊表现为该有限责任公司的股东只有一个——国家。 6. 商业判断规则:是由美国法院在处理针对董事的诉讼中发展起来的用以免除董事因经营判断失误承担责任的一项法律制度。其前提是该业务属于公司权力和管理者的权限范围之内,并且有合理的根据表明该业务是以善意方式为之。 7. 资本公积金:也称为资本储备金,是指因法律规定,在公司的生产经营之外由资本及与资本有关的资产项目所产生的应作为资本储备的股东利益收入。 8. 新设合并:新设合并,是指两个或两个以上的公司合并后,成立一个新的公司,参与合并的原有各公司均归于消灭、原有的权利义务均由新公司继承的的公司合并。 9. 公司:依照法定程序设立,以盈利为目的,股东以其出资额为限对公司负责,公司以其全部财产对外承担民事责任的具备法人资格的经济组织。 10. 外国公司:有两种法律上的含义:其一,从普通法律意义上讲,一切依据外国法在外国设计的公司针对本国而言均是外国公司;其二,从公司法意义上讲,外国公司是指依据外国法在外国成立,但依据本国法在本国设立分公司的该外国公司,我国《公司法》称之为“外国公司的分支机构”。 (往年真题) 1.法人 具有民事权利能力和民事行为能力,依法独立享有民事权利和承担民事义务的组织。我国《民法通则》条件:依法成立、有必要的财产和经费、有自己的名称组织机构和场所、能够独立承担民事责任。 2.公司章程 社团法人和财团法人均具备的关于其组织和活动的规则性文件,制定章程是公司设立的必要条件之一。其


《公司法》学习笔记 《公司法》是一部大法,与证券法一起构成了资本市场的法律基石。所有与证券相关的从业者都应该学习并能加以熟练运用。 《公司法》看似文辞浅白,实则深奥无比。 本文试图从投行的角度来分享关于《公司法》的学习心得。 一、引子:关于浅白与深奥的举例 例一:股东大会召开必须至少提前15日发出会议通知,那么,在网络通讯如此发达的现代社会,如何不能更短更有效率? 我的理解是,除去众所周知的理由外还应基于以下考虑:1、给予不赞同提案却又无力改变投票结局的中小股东较为充分的卖出时间;2、防止舞弊,即利用股东无法获知会议通知或无法参会的时间差来左右投票结果。 例二:股份公司董事会成员数量为何规定5-19而非其他数字? 我的理解是,这个问题应该结合股东单位长期投资的会计政策进行理解。 可见,读懂《公司法》并非易事,需要较多的知识经验储备,《公司法》借鉴了西方国家近三百年来的管理运作实践经验,可谓是智慧的结晶,对于看似浅白的条文都应该细致揣摩方能深入理解。 二、抓住有限责任的核心 《公司法》的核心是有限责任,而承担无限责任的合伙企业和个人独资企业则由其他法律进行规定,股东承担何种责任是划分企业类型的标志。 有限责任是现代企业制度的核心,理解这个概念是阅读理解《公司法》的基础。 三、对比法学习 《公司法》并非孤立存在,其与《民法》、《证券法》、《会计法》等等渊源深厚且相互印证,所以阅读时需要打好其他法律的基础。 《公司法》所调整的两类对象有限公司和股份公司,其实质是人与资合的区别,所以最有效的阅读方法是对比法,即详细比较两类公司的各种差异以深入理解法条的意义,以下通过改制实例来阐述对比学习方法。 四、找出所有微妙变化 改制时国内企业A股IPO历程的必经之路(新设公司除外),在《公司法》颁布后,绝大多数改制行为都是由有限公司整体变更为股份公司的过程。那么,改制前后股东权利义务会发生哪些微妙变化? 1、限制了部分权利 有限公司自然人股东死亡后其合法继承人可以继承股东资格,而股份公司无相应规定。 有限公司连续五年盈利却不分红、营业期限届满而决议继续存续,股东有权要求回购,股份公司无相应规定。 公司管理层违法法律或章程造成损失的,有限公司股东可向法院提起诉讼,而股份公司股东则有连续持股180日且比例1%以上的限制条件。


公司法学习心得体会范文2016 公司法是规定各类公司的设立、活动、解散及其他对外关系的 法律规范的总称,是市场的主体法。下面是为大家整理的学习心得体会范文,欢迎阅读! 【范文一】 通过一周紧张而有秩序的学习,聆听老师深入浅出的授课,使 自己的思维豁然开朗,受益非浅。下面结合公司的发展实际,浅谈一下在“现代企业制度与公司治理”方面的体会。 一、法人治理结构是现代企业制度的核心。 公司通过切实履行股东会、董事会、监事会和经理层的职权、 职责,形成了各司其职、协调运转和有效制衡的公司法人治理结构; 通过建立、完善公司制度,约束和规范了员工的行为。 1、以股东会、董事会、监事会、执行机构(经理层)作为法人治理结构确立了所有者、公司法人和经营者之间的权力、责任和利益关系,并在不断发展中建立完善了300多项管理制度,做到了每项经营活动、每个工作环节员工的行为规范有规可循,每个岗位的职责、义务、奖惩都有明确的规定,制度的执行情况严格与奖惩、升迁等挂钩。 2、经营中的重大问题由董事会充分讨论民主决策;经理层由股 东组成,确保了投资者的利益;监事会列席董事会,从不同角度审查、监督董事会的各项决策活动和对经理层的经营活动,形成了各负其责、协调运转、有效制衡的法人治理结构。并通过管理创新,使各项制度得到了不断完善和提高。

3、通过保证投资者(股东)的投资回报,重视企业内各利益集团的关系协调,包括对经理层与员工的激励以及对高层管理者的制约,避免了因高管决策失误给企业造成的不利影响。 二、管理创新、激励作用是企业长盛不衰的法宝。 现代的竞争,资源不是优势,钱不是优势,企业的核心竞争力是组织结构、企业的文化和价值观念,公司制胜必须发挥激励的作用。 1、没有创新的工作是没有成效的工作,缺乏创新精神的干部不是优秀的干部。公司从实际出发制定了管理创新奖励实施办法,把“超越自我、创新求优”确定为公司核心价值观。 2、以提高经济效益为中心,提高工作效率为目标,围绕主价值链再造,进行了机构改革,人员精简。把“做强做大,打造一流企业”确立为公司的共同愿景。 3、将“严格自律表里如一,身体力行争当表率,关心厚爱严暖结合,全员同心共创佳绩”作为领导干部的行为准则,将“设计师、仆人、教练”作为领导者的角色。企业领导者成为企业文化的代表。 4、将薪酬、目标、培训、工作设计、职业生涯、员工参与等作为重要的激励因素,通过实施绩效考核,促进了工作质量的提高。 总之,作为企业管理的实践者,在经济体制转轨和世界经济一体化的进程中必须体察到企业改革和管理创新的脉搏,了解国际管理发展趋势,找到现实差距与当代管理“接口”的途径,把握管理创新可行和适度的进程,努力创造推进管理创新的必要条件,使企业管理“更上一层楼”。


第一章 总则 ? 第六条 公司登记:公众可查询公司登记事项 ? 第七条 营业执照:执照签发日期=公司成立日期 ? 第八条 公司名字:公司名需标明公司类型(有限/股份) 预先核准的文件:1)全体股东或发起人签署的申请书 2)指定代表和委托代理人的证明 3)工商管理局要求的其他文件 预先核准的名字保留期为6个月 行政区划+字号+行业+公司形式 ? 第九条 公司形式变更: 需满足相应条件,并继承变更前的债券、债务 ? 第十一条 公司章程: 高级管理人员包括 经理、副经理、财务负责人、上市公司董秘 ? 第十二条 经营范围: 经营范围的变更需经批准并登记;投资人可根据经营范围预测投资风险 ? 第十三条 法定代表人: 由董事长、执行董事或经理担任 ? 第十四条 分公司与子公司 ? 第十五条 转投资:对所投企业的债务不承担连带责任 ? 第十六条 公司担保:依照公司章程,有股东会或董事会决议;为股东或实控人担保,需由其他股东过半数表决通过 ? 第二十条 股东禁止行为:股东如损害公司权益,对公司债务承担连带责任 ? 第二十二条 公司决议的无效或被撤销; 违反法律法规或公司章程,自决议起60天内可请求法院撤销 第二章 有限责任公司的设立和组织机构 ? 第二十五条 公司章程内容:1)名称和住所 2)经营范围 3)注册资本 4)股东名 5)股东出资方式、出资额、出资时间 6)公司的机构及其产生办法、职权、议事规则 7)法定代表人 8)其他事项 ? 第二十九条 设立登记:股东认足出资后,由代表或代理人向登记机关报送申请书、章程等文件 ? ? 第三十一条 出资证明书:1)公司名称 2)成立日期 3)注册资本 4)股东名册、缴纳出资额、出资日期 5)出自证明书编号和核发日期 ? 第三十二条 股东名册:1)股东名称和住所、股东出资额 3)出资证明书编号


张海峡新公司法140考点归纳 1、我国公司两类型:有限责任公司+股份有限公司 2、公司具有独立法人资格:独立人格;独立财产;独立责任。 3、转投资的限制:对象仅限于有限责任公司和股份有限公司,且除法律规定外不能成为连带责任人 4、公司对外担保,由董事会或者股东会、股东大会决议;对内担保,由股东会或者股东大会决议 5、公司章程对投资或者担保的总额及单项投资或者担保的数额有限额规定的,不得超过规定的限额。(给公司放权,原公司法是规定比例的) 6、公司为公司股东或者实际控制人提供担保的,必须经股东会或者股东大会决议。 7、举债的限制:发行公司债券的公司,其累计债券总额不超过公司净资产(总资产-负债)额的40% 8、公司经营范围的修改,必须依照法定程序进行修改公司章程,并经公司登记机构变更登记 9、超越经营范围的活动并非当然无效。“当事人超越经营范围订立的合同,人民法院不因此认定合同无效。但违反国家限制经营、特许经营以及法律、行政法规禁止经营规定的除外。” 10、以公司股东的责任形式划分,公司可分为无限责任公司、两合公司、股份两合公司、有限责任公司、股份有限公司。 11、通说认为,我国有限责任公司属于封闭式公司,而股份有限公司则属于开放式公司。发起设立的股份有限公司由于并不向社会募集股份,因此也具有封闭性 12、以公司信用基础为标准,公司可以分为人合公司、资合公司以及人资兼合公司。 13、本公司和分公司、母公司与子公司子公司具有独立的法人人格,在工商部门领取《企业法人营业执照》,有自己的公司名称和章程,以自己名义开展经营活动;分公司不具有独立的法人人格,但可以作为民事诉讼的当事人,具有诉讼资格,另外分公司也具有独立的缔约能力。 14、在本国注册的本国公司,在外国注册的为外国公司 15、一个标准的公司名称中应当包括四方面的内容:①公司类型;②公司注册机关的行政级别;③公司的行业和经营特点;④商号。 16、公司章程是由股份有限公司的发起人或有限责任公司的设立人全体共同制定。无需登记就生效。 17、公司章程对公司、股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员具有约束力。注意,公司章程对公司员工和公司债权人、债务人并不具有约束力。 18、公司资本涵义:(1)注册资本(2)发行资本(仅存于股份公司)(3)认购资本(4)实缴资本 19、公司资本三原则: (1)(非严格)资本确定原则; (2)资本维持原则; 我国《公司法》中,体现资本维持原则的规定有:有限责任公司的初始股东对现金之外的出资负担保责任;发起人不得抽逃出资;股票不得折价发行;除法定情形外,公司不得回购本公司股票;在弥补亏损、提取法定公积金之前不得向股东分配利润等。 (3)资本不变原则。非经法定程序,公司的注册资本不能任意改变。 20、公司债券的种类债券是借贷合同的格式化 21、债券发行人:可以是任意的股份或有限公司 22、公司债券的转让应当在依法设立的证券交易场所进行 23、记名债券的转让由债券持有人以背书方式或法律、行政法规规定的其他方式转让,但是未在公司登记债券存根薄变更登记者不得对抗公司。 24、发行可转换公司债券的公司应当按照其转换方法向债券持有人换发股票,但是对转换股票与否的选择权主体是债券持有人而非公司。可转换公司债券发行主体限定在上市的股份公司上。 25、公司财务会计报告:公司应当依照法律、行政法规和国务院财政部门的规定建立本公司的财务、会计制度。公司应当在每一会计年度终了时编制财务会计报告,并依法经会计师事务所审计。(上市公司一年两次财务会计报告) 26、有限责任公司应当依照公司章程规定的期限将财务会计报告送交各股东。 股份有限公司的财务会计报告应当在召开股东大会年会的二十日前置备于本公司,供股东查阅;公开发行股票的股份有限公司必须公告其财务会计报告。 27、公司分配当年税后利润时,应当提取利润的百分之十列入公司法定公积金。公司法定公积金累计额为


新《公司法》培训笔记 《公司法》至今共修订了三次,第一次修订是1999年,主要在两方面进行了修订:一是在国有独资公司中设立监事,二是提高无形资产在股份公司中的出资比例;第二次修订是在2004年,只是删除了131条第2款的规定,即溢价发行股份不再需要证监会的批准;第三次修订就是2005年的修订。 与前两次相比,本次修订对《公司法》进行了大幅度的修改,仅保留原有条款20条,另外删除29条,合并修改171条;新《公司法》还增加了“第三章有限责任公司的股权转让”和“第六章公司董事、监事、高级管理人员的资格和义务”等规定,并增设“第二章第三节一人有限责任公司的特别规定”。对于“上市公司”,新《公司法》只着重组织机构的规定,股票发行全部移至《证券法》中,新《公司法》不再对其进行规定;关于企业改制等方面的规定,也从新《公司法》中删除。 现将新《公司法》的主要修改内容归纳如下: 一、有限责任公司的注册资本大幅降低,且可分期缴纳。 根据新《公司法》第二十六条规定,有限责任公司注册

资本最低限额降至3万元,股东出资可以分期缴纳,但全体股东的首次出资额不得低于注册资本的20%,且全体股东的首次出资额不得低于3万元,其余部分的出资,由股东自公司成立之日起2年内缴足。这是本次修改公司法的重点内容之一。 二、扩大了股东的出资方式。 除可以用货币出资外,还可用实物、知识产权、土地使用权等可以用货币估价并可依法转让的非货币财产作价出资。例如:债权和股权等。同时取消了对非货币形式出资的比例限制,仅规定货币出资金额不低于注册资本的30%即可。 三、分红和责任承担。 由于新《公司法》规定了股东出资可分期缴纳,故对股东的分红与责任承担,也做了相应的修改。新《公司法》第三十五条规定,股东按实缴的出资比例分取红利;第三条第二款规定,股东以认缴的出资额为限对公司承担责任。 四、一人公司的特别规定 新《公司法》首次引进了一人公司的概念,即一个自然人股东或一个法人股东设立的有限责任公司。一人有限责任


《公司法》笔记 一、公司具有法人资格 1、依法成立 2、公司必须具备必要的财产,独立享有财产权 3、能够独立承担民事责任 4、有自已的名称和组织机构以及场所 二、公司是社团法人具有社团性 社团法人是以社员为成立基础的法人,公司属于社团法人。公司的社团性主要表现为它通常要求2个或2个以上的股东出资设立。 三、公司的权利能力和行为能力 1、公司权利能力于公司成立之日产生,至公司终止之日消灭。公司签发营业执照日期为公司 成立日期。 2、公司注销登记之日,即为公司法人资格终止之时,也就是公司权利能力丧失之时。 3、权利能力的限制 1)性质的限制 除了专属于自然人基于性别、年龄、生命、身体、亲属关系而产生的权利与义务,公司不能承受外,公司作为拟制的法人,其权利能力不再受性质的限制。公司可以享有名称权、名誉权,公司可以作为其它公司的董事,可以成为资合公司的发起人,可以成为其它公司的有限责任股东,还可以作为受遗赠人,接受被继承人的遗产。 2)经营范围 必须在公司章程中载明其经营范围,经营范围必须依法登记才产生公示效力。 3)转投资的限制 必须以责任有限、互不连带为原则。依照公司章程的规定由董事会或者股东会、股东大会决议的,必须经过董事会或者股东会决议;公司章程对投资总额及单项投资有限额规定的,不得超过规定的限额。 4)借贷的限制 只能向银行代款,企业之间不能拆借。董事、高级管理人员不得违反公司章程规定,未经股东会、股东大会或者董事会同意,将公司资金借贷给他人。 5)担保的限制 董事、高级管理人员不得违反公司章程规定,未经股东会、股东大会或者董事会同意,以公司财产为他人(包括公司的股东、其他自然人、其他法人)提供担保的。 公司为他人提供担保的要求: A.首先,应在公司章程中作出明确规定;其次,应依公司章程的规定由董事会或者股东会、 股东大会作出决议;否则,无效。还必须遵守章程规定的限额,超过部分无效。 B.公司为股东或者实际控制人提供担保的,必须经过股东会或者股东大会决议,否则,无效。 (公司章程不得做出相反规定) 6)公司举债的限制 发行公司债券的公司,其累计债券余额不超过公司净资产额的40% 7)设立中的公司不得享有法人的权利能力,解散后的公司只能在清算范围内享有权利和承担 义务。 四、总公司与分公司 1、分公司不具有法人资格,由总公司承担全部责任。该责任不是连带责任,因为连带意味着双方是平等主体,连带责任的前提是连带责任人之间相互独立。 2、分公司可以自已的名义独立订立合同,也可以自已的名义参加诉讼。 3、企业法人的分支机构在法人授权范围内提供的保证有效,但职能机构不可以作为保证人,以其名义出具的保证合同无效。 五、母公司与子公司 1、母公司的最根本特征不是否持有子公司的股份,而是是否参与子公司的业务经营。子公司分


00227公司法 笔记依据目录 总论 第一章公司法概述 第一节公司法的定义、性质和精髓 第二节公司的定义与法律特征 第三节公司的分类 第四节公司法的基本原则 第五节公司法的体例与结构 第二章公司法简史 第一节英美法系公司法的产生与发展第二节大陆法系公司法发展史 第三节我国公司法发展史 第三章公司设立 第一节公司设立概述 第二节公司设立的条件和程序 第三节公司发起人 第四节公司章程 第五节公司设立登记 第四章公司资本 第一节公司资本制度概述 第二节公司资本的具体形式 第三节公司资本的增减 第五章股东与股权 第一节股东 第二节股权 第六章董事、监事、高级管理人员的资格、义务与责任 第一节董事、监事、高级管理人员的任职资格 第二节董事、监事、高级管理人员的义务 第三节董事、监事、高级管理人员的责任 第七章公司债 第一节公司债概述 第二节公司债的发行 第三节公司债的转让 第八章公司财务会计制度 第一节公司财务会计制度概述 第二节公积金制度 第三节公司分配 第九章公司合并、分立与公司形式变更 第一节公司合并 第二节公司分立 第三节公司形式变更 第十章公司清算 第一节公司清算概述 第二节普通清算 第三节特别清算 第十一章公司破产 第一节公司破产概述 第二节破产界限 第三节破产管理人 第四节破产债权 第五节破产财产 第六节破产程序 第七节破产法律责任 分论 第十二章有限责任公司(一) 第一节有限责任公司的定义与特征 第二节有限责任公司的设立 第三节有限责任公司的股东及股东出资 第四节有限责任公司的组织机构 第五节转让出资和增减资本 第六节一人有限公司 第十三章有限责任公司(二) 第一节国有独资公司概述 第二节国有独资公司的国有资产运行第三节国有独资公司的组织机构第十四章有限责任公司(三) 第一节中外合资有限责任公司概述 第二节中外合资有限责任公司的设立 第三节中外合资有限责任公司的组织 机构 第四节中外合资有限责任公司的资本 制度 第五节中外合资有限责任公司的经营 管理 第十五章股价有限公司(一) 第一节股份有限公司概述 第二节股份有限公司的设立 第三节股份有限公司的股份与股票 第四节股份有限公司的组织机构 第五节上市公司 第十章股份有限公司(二) 第一节中外合资股份有限公司概述 第二节发行境内上市外资股的股份有 限公司 第三节到境外上市的股份有限公司 第十七章外国公司分支机构 第一节外国公司分支机构概述 第二节外国公司分支机构的设立 第三节外国公司分支机构的撤销与清 算 第十八章公司集团 第一节公司集团概述 第二节对公司集团的法律规制 第一章公司法概述 第一节公司法的定义.性质和精髓 一.公司法的定义 公司法:是规定各种公司的设立.组织活 动和解散以及其他与公司组织有关的 对内外关系的法律规范的总称. 公司法有形式意义上的公司法和实质 意义上的公司法之分.形式意义上的公 司法仅指冠以“公司法”之名的一部法 律.实质意义上的公司法包括一切有关 公司的法律.行政法规.规章以及最高司 法机关的司法解释等.公司法理论研究 的对象通常是广义的公司法. 二.公司法的性质 公司法的性质可以从以下几个方面认 识:(一)公司法兼具组织法和活动法的 双重性质,以组织法为主;(二)公司法兼 具实体法和程序法的双重性质,以实体 法为主;(三)公司法兼具强制法和任意 法的双重性质,以强制法为主;(四)公司 法兼具国内法和国际法的双重性质,以 国内法为主; 三.公司法的精髓 公司法最具有价值也是最核心的内容 是: (一)确认股东财产和公司财产分离,使 公司具有独立的财产权利;(二)确认股 东承担有限责任;(三)确认公司具有法 律上的独立人格. 这种独立的人格表现为:公司以其全部 法人财产,依法自主经营,自负盈亏.作为 人格的独立性,公司还表现为独立于自 己的股东和其他(包括自然人和法人), 也表现为独立于政府. 第二节公司的定义与法律特征 一.公司的定义公司:是依照公司法律规 定组织.成立和从事活动的,以营利为的 且兼顾社会利益的,具有法人资格的企 业. 二.公司的法律特征 由主述定义分析,公司应具有以下三个 重要的法律特征: (一)合法性:公司必须依照公司法律规 定的条件并依照法律规定的程序设立; 在公司成立后,公司也必须严格依照有 关法律规定进行管理,从事经营活动. 公司构成的基本要素: 1.资本:公司的资本是投资者即股东投 入公司作为经营基础的资金.公司章程 上必须明确记载全部股东出资构成的 财产总额. 2.章程:公司的章程是记载公司组织及 行动的基本原则的文件.它向社会公众 公开申明公司的宗旨.资本数额.权利以 及一系列为公众了解所必需的内容. 3.机关:公司的机关是能就公司事务对 外代表公司的法人管理机构.它代表公 司享有的权利.承担义务.参加诉讼.在大 多数情况下,董事会是公司的机关.公司 机关还须对内执行业务.它的职权是由 法律或公司章程授予的. (二)营利性公司作为一种企业,应当通 过自己的生产.经营.服务等活动取得实 际的经济利益,并将这种利益依法分配 给公司的投资者. 强调公司以营利为目的,并不否定公司 的社会责任. (三)独立性公司是具有法人资格的企业, 也就是说,法律赋予公司完全独立的人 格,公司就像自然人一样,享有权利,承担 义务和责任,公司不仅独立于其他社会 经济组织,而且还独立于自己的投资者 股东. 1.权利能力公司的权利能力,受到法律 的严格限制,这些限制包括: a.经营范围的限制 b.转投资的限制 c.作 保证人的限制 2.行为能力 3.侵权行为能力 构成公司侵权行为应具有以下几个条 件: a.这种行为须是公司负责人所为,而非 未经授权的公司职工所为b.负责人的行 为须是执行职务时实施的,而非基于其 个人资格实施的 c.这种负责人的行为, 须具备民法上侵权行为的要件 三.公司与其他企业的区别 (一)公司与个人独资企业(自然人企业) 的区别是:1.对出资人的规定不同;2.法 律地位不同;个人独资企业没有法人资 格.3.出资人享有的权利不同;4.出资人 承担的风险不同;个人独资企业的企业 主负无限连带责任 (二)公司与合伙企业的区别是:1.成立基 础不同;公司成立的基础是公司章程,合 伙企业成立的基础是合伙人之间签订 的合伙协议.2.法律地位不同;合伙企业 没有法人资料.3.法律性质不同;公司是 资本的联合,合伙企业是强调人的联合 4.出资人承担的风险不同;合伙人负无 限连带责任 (三)公司与集团企业比较而言,公司企 业是单体企业,功能通常也比较单一.集 团企业是多法人的联合体,功能强大而 且多元化.现代公司在发展过程中,往往 成为某一集团的成员,以增强自身抗风 险的能力. 第三节公司的分类 一.现行法律上的分类 公司依不同的标准可分为不同的种类. 从我国《公司法》来看,主要有以下几种 分类: (一)按公司是否发行股份和参与投资人 数的多少,可将公司分为股份有限公司. 有限责任公司和独资公司. (二)按公司与公司之间的控制依附关系, 可将公司分为母公司和子公司. 1.分公司与公司相比具有以下特征: a.不具有独立的民事主要资格 b.可以以 自己的名义开展营业活动,其法律后果 由总公司承受c.分公司并无董事会等公 司机关,只设分公司经理,其地位相当于 业务部门负责人d.分公司无自己独立的 财产,其占有的财产归总公司所有,列入 总公司的资产负债表e.分公司的经营收 益纳入总公司的收益中,由总公司缴纳 企业所得税f.分公司的债务由总公司负 责清偿 2.分公司与子公司两者的区别主要在 于: a.分公司不具有法人资格,无独立的财 产.名称和章程,不能独立对外承担责任. 而子公司则完全相反.b.分公司与子公 司虽然都具有诉讼主体的资格,但是由 于分公司不具有对外独立承担责任的 能力,因此凡是以分公司为被告的诉讼 案件必须以本公司为共同被告;而以子 公司为被告的诉讼案件则无须以母公 司为共同被告. (三)按公司除受《公司法》调整外是否 还受其他法律调整,可将公司分为一般 法上的公司和特别法上的公司. (四)按公司的股票是否上市流通,将公 司分为上市公司和非上市公司. (五)按公司的国籍,可将公司分为本国 公司和外国公司. 二.理论上的分类 除了被立法所采纳的分类,主要还有以 下几种理论分类: (一)有限公司与无限公司;(依据股东对 公司责任形式而定)(二)公开公司与封 闭公司;(公司股东构成和股份的转让方 式作为划分标准)(三)人合公司.资合公 司与劳合公司;(以公司的信用基础作出 划分标准) 第四节公司法的基本原则 一.公司自治原则公司自治的约束: 1.外部约束,是国家的法律法规和一整 套管理制度和监管机制 2.内部约束,以 公司章程和规章制度为核心的动作机 制 二.股权保护原则股权的体现:1.投票权 2.分红权 3.转让股份的权利 4.认股权 5. 知情权 三.管理科学原则公司治理结构是公司 制的核心,具体表现为公司的组织制度 和管理制度.组织制度包括股东(大)会. 董事会.监事会和经理层各自的分工与 职责,建立各负其责.协调运转.有效制衡 的运行机制.管理制度包括公司基本管 理制度和具体规章,是保证公司法人财 产始终处于高效有序运营状态的主要 手段;也是保证公司各负其责.协调运转. 有效制衡的基础. 我国《公司法》按照决策.执行.监督三 种职能分设股东会(进行决策).董事会 (负责业务执行)和监事会(从事监督),明 确分工,职责分明,互相制约.(即新三会) 但注意与党委会.职代会和工会(即老三 会)的关系.党委会这样的党组织是政治 组织,按党章办事;工会是群团组织;公司 法上的组织是经营管理机构.党组织和 工会的存在与公司法并不矛盾.我国公 司法吸纳职工代表进入监事会;在国有 公司,还吸纳职工代表进入董事会;还规 定了公司在讨论决定经营管理事务时 应听取职工的意见等. 科学管理原则还应从公司组织机构的


x 一、公司与公司法概述 (一)法律特征 1.依照公司法的规定而设立 2.以营利为目的 3.企业法人(什么是非法人企业?) 1)独立法人财产 2)有限责任公司股东:以全部财产承担责任 3)股份有限公司股东:以认购股份为限承担责任 (二)公司分类 1.人合公司/资合公司——信用基础 1)人合: A.以股东个人信用作为信用基础 B.Eg. 无限责任公司 2)资合: A.以资本额作为信用基础 B.典型EG. 股份有限公司 2.母公司/子公司——根据控制和依附的关系 1)通过股份持有达到实际控制 2) 3.总公司/分公司——根据公司的组织系统 1)分公司不具备独立法人资格,只是分支机构 2)分公司能独立从事法律行为,但无法承担责任 (三)有限责任公司 1.特征 1)人数:<50人 2)承担有限责任 3)股东出资的非股份性 4)公司资本的封闭性:不能公开募集,转让受限 5)设立手续、组织架构简单 A.小公司可不设股东会,有一名股东即可 可不设董事会,有一名执行董事即可 可不设监事会,有一名监事即可 2.法律地位 1) 1 3.一人有限责任公司 1)一个自然人或一个法人股东,须标注自然人独资或法人独资 2)自然人只能投资一家该类型公司 3)不能证明公司与个人财产独立的,应对公司债务承担连带责任 4.股份有限公司 1)人数:2-200人,半数须在中国有住所 2)可向社会募集资本,股份可转让 二、公司设立

(一)设立原则 1.自由设立主义 2.特许主义——须经专门法令特别许可 3.核准主义——法定标准+行政批准 4.准则主义——法定标准 1)我国一般用准则主义,特殊公司采取核准 (二)设立方式 1.发起设立 1)资本发起人须全部认购,不能向外招募股份 2.募集设立——只适用于股份有限公司 1)发起人认购一部分股份,其余股份向外募集 2)我国规定,发起人认购至少35%股份 (三)设立条件 1.发起人要件 1)【股份公司】住所要求:半数以上在中国境内 2)发起人责任 A.公司不能成立时,连带责任 B.设立过程中,发起人有过失,承担赔偿责任 (四)设立程序——有限责任公司 1.签订发起人协议 2.订立公司章程 3.报经主管部门审批 4.认缴出资 5.确立公司机关——对内管理公司,对外代表公司 6.申请登记 (五)设立程序——股份有限公司 1.发起设立 1) 2.募集设立 1)发起人认足法定比例的股份——35%以上 2)制作招股说明书 3)报送国家证券监督管理机构审批 4)公告和招募股份 5)召开创立大会 A.股款缴足日起30日内召开 B.大会前15日通知认股人或公告 C.须有代表股份过半数的出席;决议也需半数通过 D.审议发起人关于公司筹办情况的报告 E.通过公司章程 F.选举董事会成员 G.选举监事会成员 H.对公司设立的费用进行审核 I.对发起人入股的财产作价进行审核 J.不可抗力、重大变化时,可以作出不设立公司的决议

【重磅】公司法学习法笔记(全英)-CORPORATE MARKETS LAW-哈佛大学法学院完整版

ADVANCED CORPORATE MARKETS LAW Market Infrastructure Financial Directive = MIFID Two main areas: the global financial system and the EU capital market law. 1.The global financial system – basic information There is a problem with respect to globalisation while studying law. It is easy to talk about global market or global economy, but the world “law” is strictly connected to a single state into borders. Law system is the opposite of globalisation by its definition itself. This is the starting point to understand why it is so difficult talking about globalisation and law together. Even in EU, where we do not have physical borders, if me, Italian citizen, buy a car in France, that contract is governed by French law on the basis that I have signed the contract in France. The same counts for a Frenchman that buys something in Italy. Otherwise, take the concept of real property: our concept of property does not exist legally in the same way in UK. In England they have the concept that all immovable property belongs to the crown. Even if you buy something immovable, it has to return to the crown by a hundred of years. In Italy you can divide property into shares. If you have full ownership of shares you can get eventual dividends. If you split and become “nudo proprietario”, you are not more entitled to the dividends. The one that takes the dividends is called “usufruttuario”. These are called “diritti reali di godimento”. But this idea is not spread abroad. Otherwise take marriage: in Italy you cannot be bigamous. Here you don’t have a principle called “stare decisis” if a judge in Italy makes a sentence, another judge is not bound to follow the sentence by judging another case. Following judges in Italy are not bound by precedent cases. In UK and USA, instead, the second judge is bound to follow the decision of the first one. All legal systems are different and valid in their state. In Italy we have Vatican City and San Marino republic that are two different states into the state. How could we talk about globalisation in terms of law? In globalisation the basic meaning should be “no borders”. In Italy, before 1942 (Italian civil code enacted), when someone committed a crime, apart from throwing him in jail, there was an optio n called “confino”. Sending someone to confino meant a place, like a small village, and you were there and you couldn’t go outside. Why cannot he be banned? Because the state has no powers outside, there should be international agreements. International law is basically the block of relations between the states, but international law is not globalisation. International is when a state tries to enter into an agreement with another state to found rules that are enforceable for both states. Imagine that nation and state mean the same thing. Inter + national = between + states. International has nothing to do with globalisation: in globalisation we do not have states. The image of globalisation is a globe without borders. International is a step away from globalisation, because international accepts the idea of borders and different nations. A good image of globalisation is financial capital market .
