小升初复习 There be句型的一般疑问句形式及回答

小升初复习  There be句型的一般疑问句形式及回答
小升初复习  There be句型的一般疑问句形式及回答

There be句型的一般疑问句形式及回答


能熟练掌握there be句型的一般疑问句形式及回答。

教学重难点:there be句型的句型改写和some与any的用法。



1.教师用There be 句型的一般疑问句形式问学生学校里有哪些东西。

Is there…in our school?

Are there…in our school?


2.T:怎么把There be句型的肯定句改为一般疑问句?(生思考)S:找出be动词,再把be移到there的前面来,如果有some的时候,把some改成any。当句子中出现第一人称物主代词 my, our 时,要把它们改为第二人称物主代词 your.如:

a. There are some trees in the street.

Are there any trees in the street?

Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

b. There is a toy car under my chair.

Is there a toy car under your chair?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.



1.There is a pen on the desk.

2.There are some apples in the basket.

3.There are some girls in our classroom.



1. ( ) _____any sandwiches on the plate?

A. Is there

B. Are there

C. There are

2. ( ) _____any water in the glass?

A. Is there

B. Are there

C. There are

3. ( ) _____there a pair of jeans on the bed?

A. Are

B. Is

C. Were

4.( ) _____a thief and two policemen in your shop just


A. Was there

B. Are there

C. Were there

5. ( ) Are there any parks near your home?

A. Yes, they are

B. Yes, there is

C. Yes, there are

D. Yes, it is

6. ( ) Are there _____ chairs in your new house?

No. There are only________.

A. many; any

B. any; any

C. many; some


1. There is an egg in the bowl.

2 There were some fruit trees last year.

3.There was a boy over there.

4. There is a piano in our Music room.

5. There are some cats on my bed.

6 There aren’t any hot dogs on the table.


1. be afaid of doing sth 害怕做某事 I am afraid of going out at night. 2. be afaid of sth 害怕某物 He is afraid of snakes. 3. be amazed to do sth 对做某事感到惊讶 He was amazed to meet the girl there. be amazed at sth 对某事感到惊讶 they were amazed at the news. 4. be busy doing/with sth 忙于做某事(常考) I was busy washing my car at that time. 那时候我正忙于清洗我的车子。 I am busy with my work. 5. be coming/going/leaving/fiying/moving/dying(某些位移动词用进行时态时表将来) the bus is coming/the dog is dying. 6. be excited to do sth 对做……感到兴奋 Jacky was excited to travel there by plane. be excited at sth Lily was excited at his words. be excited about doing sth he was excited about passing the exam without going overing books. 7. be frightened to do sth 害怕去做某事


★必备知识点: 1.be动词:am、is、are、was、were;小学阶段,be动词后只接名词,形容词或动词的ing 形式。 2.助动词:do、does、did、have、had;助动词后的动词用原形。 3.情态动词can、must、will、may、need等;情态动词+动词原形 一、肯定句、否定句定义 1.肯定句:表示肯定的意思, 即不含有否定词“不”。 例:我是一个学生I am a student. 他去上学He goes to school. 2.否定句:表示否定的意思。 例:我不是一个男孩。I am not a boy 他不去上学He does not go to school. 二、一般疑问句 (一)、什么是一般疑问句 用Yes或No作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。一般疑问句还有下列特点: 1、以be动词、助动词或情态动词开头; 例:Is your father a teacher? Does Catherine like animals? Can Jenny speak French? 2、往往读升调; 3、译成汉语,都可以带上“吗”,例如上面三句可分别译为:你父亲是老师吗?凯瑟琳喜欢动 物吗?詹妮会说法语吗? ★(二)、如何将陈述句变成一般疑问句? 要将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以遵循下列步骤: 1.看句中有没有be动词(am、is、are、was、were)、助动词(do、does、did、have、had)或情态动词(can、must、will、may等),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号即可。 例:It was rainy yesterday. →Was it rainy yesterday? T om's father can play the piano. →Can Tom's father play the piano? I have finished my homework.→Have you finished your homework? 2.如果句中没有be动词、助动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词的形式借助do的相应形式放 在句首。具体方法是:如果谓语动词是原形,则借do;如果谓语动词是一般现在时第三人称单数形式,则借does;如果谓语动词是过去式,则借did.需要注意的是,借does或did后,原句的谓语动词要变回原形。 例:They go to school by bike. →Do they go to school by bike? Bill gets up a t 6:30 every day.→Does bill get up at 6:30 every day? The students saw a film yesterday. →Did the students see a film yesterday? ★(三).陈述句变一般疑问句应注意的事项 陈述句变成一般疑问句除了遵循上述规则以外,还应注意下列几点: 1.如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时最好要变为第二人称。 例:I usually have lunch at school. →Do you usually have lunch at school? My father is playing soccer. →Is your father playing soccer? 2.如果陈述句中有some, 则变问句时往往要变成any 。 例:There is some water on the playground. →Is there any water on the playground? 3.复合句变一般疑问句通常只变主句,从句不变。 例:I know he comes from Canada. →Do you know he comes from Canada? 4.如果句中含有实义动词have且表示“有”时,除借do外,也可将其直接提到句首。 例:I have some friends in America. →Have you any friends in America?/Do you have any friends in America? (四).一般疑问句的回答 一般疑问句往往采用简短回答,共由三部分(三个单词)组成,对这三部分(三 个单词)的确定可以概括例下: 1.第一个词:不是Yes就是No。(注意:有时根据语气的不同,Yes可由Sure, Certainly, Of course等代替.No可由sorry 代替.) 2.第二个词:问谁答谁。即答语中的主语须与问句的主语一致(但必须用主格代词)。 例:Does she clean her room every day? Yes, she does. Is Anna′s father a doctor? No,he isn′t. 如果主语是this that,回答时用it 代替,如果问句中主语是these, those 回答时用they代替。 3.第三个词:用什么问,用什么答。即沿用问句中的引导词。 例:Can Jim play soccer? Yes, he can. Does Mr Bean speak English? Yes, he does. 需要注意问题: 用may 引导的问句,肯定回答用may,否定回答用can′t 或mustn′t, 用must 引导的问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn′t. 例:May I go to the park n ow? Yes, you may. /No, you mustn′t. Must I wash my clothes now? Yes, you must. /No, you needn′t. 4.用No开头作否定回答时,结尾要加上not。因为回答必须是三部分,所以否定回答必须缩写,而肯定回答不能缩写。 例:Did Thomas come here yesterday? Yes, he did./ No ,he didn′t. 三、特殊疑问句

小升初复习 现在进行时一般疑问句形式专项复习

现在进行时一般疑问句形式专项复习 一、教学目标: 通过对现在进行时语法结构的专项梳理,让学生进一步了解现在进行时的用法,达到熟练操练现在进行时的目的。 二、教学重难点: 现在进行时的句型转换。 三、教学过程: (二)Presentation 1、通过Free talk 中的有关句型板书: We have an English lesson every day. (用now改写) We are having an English lesson now. 引出:现在进行时:表示正在进行或发生的动作。与它常用的词是now. 构成:be(is am are)+动词的现在分词 注意:1)同时复习is am are 的不同用法。 可以用chant记住:我是am你是are,is用于他她它。 2)学生往往要遗忘be,提醒学生注意。 3)复习现在分词的变化规律。 1、一般加ing 2、以不发音的e结尾的,去e加ing。 3、以重读闭音节结尾的,双写末尾的辅音字母再加ing. Example: He is playing basketball now. We are making puppets. She is running on the playground. (三)Practice: 填空: 1) They_______(sweep)the floor. 2) He__________(talk) to his friends in the classroom. 3)I ___________(ride) a bike now. 2、就上面的三个句子改成一般疑问句 1)先梳理含be的句型变化规则。 含be的肯定句改为一般疑问句只要遵循“一调二改三加疑问号”的规律就行了。 2)同时注意改写时有时出现的人称代词及物主代词的变


一般疑问句 在英语的学习中,一般疑问句的转换及回答是经常碰到的问题,现在我们就来探讨一下有关一般疑问句的问题。 一、什么是一般疑问句 用Yes或No作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。一般疑问句还有下列特点:1、以be动词、助动词或情态动词开头;例:Is your father a teacher? Does Catherine like animals? Can Jenny speak French?2、往往读升调;3、译成汉语,都可以带上“吗”,例如上面三句可分别译为:你父亲是老师吗?凯瑟琳喜欢动物吗?詹妮会说法语吗?二、例何将陈述句变成一般疑问句? 要将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以遵循下列步骤: 1.看句中有没有be动词(am、is、 are、 was、 were)、助动词(do、does、 did、 have、 had)或情态动词(can、must、will、may等),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号即可。例:It was rainy yesterday. →Was it rainy yesterday? Tom's father can play the piano. →Can Tom's father play the piano? I have finished my homework. →Have you finished your homework? 2.如果句中没有be动词、助动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词的形式借助 do的相应形式放在句首。具体方法是:如果谓语动词是原形,则借do;如果谓语动词是一般现在时第三人称单数形式,则借does;如果谓语动词是过去式,则借did. 需要注意的是,借does或did后,原句的谓语动词要变回原形。例:They go to school by bike. →Do they go to school by bike? Bill gets up at 6:30 every day. →Does bill gets up at 6:30 every day? The students saw a film yesterday. →Did the students see a film yesterday? 三.陈述句变一般疑问句应注意的事项 陈述句变成一般疑问句除了遵循上述规则以外,还应注意下列几点: 1. 如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时最好要变为第二人称。例: I usually have lunch at school. →Do you usually have lunch at school? My father is playing soccer. →Is your father playing soccer? 2.如果陈述句中有some, 则变问句时往往要变成any 例 There is some water on the playground→Is there any water on the playground? 3.复合句变一般疑问句通常只变主句,从句不变。 例:I know he comes from Canada. →Do you know he comes from Canada? 4.如果句中含有实义动词have且表示“有”时,除借do外,也可将其直接提到句首。例:I have some friends in America. →Have you any friends in America?/Do you have any friends in America? 四. 一般疑问句的回答 一般疑问句往往采用简短回答,共由三部分(三个单词)组成,对这三部分(三个单词)的确定可以概括例下: 1.第一个词:不是Yes就是No。(有时根据语气的不同,Yes可由


历年小升初语文常考题型详细总结!小学考到高中!语文考题一共有五类: 汉字类、词语类、句子类 阅读类、作文类 如果基础扎实 答题技巧弄懂了 哪一类都能拿高分 汉字类考题 汉字是阅读和写作的基础。学习汉字主要是能做到读准字音,认清字形,理解字义,学会查字典。 重点可以复习以下几个内容: 1、读准字音:主要是对同音字、多音字和音近字的读音要能够辨别清楚,防止混淆。特别是多音字,我们要根据具体的语言环境和不同的词义确定读音。我们课文中有不少多音字,要注意积累,了解它们在什么样的情况下读什么音。有些汉字读音完全相同,我们称它们为同音字。同音字虽然音同,但字形和字义基本上都不同,要注意区分。 常见题型:

⑴多音字组词。 ⑵选择多音字的正确读音。 ⑶给一个音节写出3个(或若干个)以上的汉字。 2、认清字形:汉字的笔画比较复杂,要认清字的形体,掌握汉字的笔画、笔顺规则、偏旁部首以及间架结构,要注意区别形近字,做到书写正确。形近字是指形体相似、差别不大的字。有的是偏旁部首易混淆,如“日”和“目”;有的是个别部件易混淆,如“辩”和“辨”;有的是结构单位相同,位置不同,如“陪”和“部”;有的是笔形易混,如“见”和“贝”;有的是笔画多少、长短易混,如“末”和“未”。区别形近字,我们要养成一丝不苟的好习惯,从字音、字形、字义上仔细区别。 常见题型: ⑴写出汉字的笔画(或笔顺)。 ⑵按汉字的结构要求写字。 ⑶加(或换)偏旁组字再组词 ⑷选字填空。 ⑸区别形近字组词。 ⑹找出错别字并改正。 ⑺把下面繁体字的简化字写出来。 3、理解字义,会查字典:不同的汉字表达的意思不同,不少字是一字多义,同一个字在不同的语言环境中表达的意思也不同。我们要能够联系上下文来理解字义。


小学英语所有句型转换的方法 基本助动词只有三个:be, do, have, 他们没有词汇意义,只有语法作用,如协助构成进行体,完成体,被动态,否定句,疑问句等。 一、肯定句改否定句的方法——一步法 1、在be动词后加not。如:is not ,are not ,am not,was not,were not; 2、在can,等后加not。如:cannot 3、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式do not, does not. (don’t / doesn’t) 4、some 改成any。 二、肯定句改一般疑问句的方法——三步法 1、把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your 等)句点改成问号。 2、把can,等放到句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等)句点改成问号。 例如:陈述句: They are in the park. He can play the guitar.. 一般疑问句: Are they in the park? Can he play the guitar? 把下列句子变成一般疑问句 1. I am listening to music. _______________________________________ 2. Mike is a student. _______________________________________ 3. Sarah can clean the classroom.

________________________________________ 4. They are in the zoo. ________________________________________ 5. There are some flowers in the vase. ________________________________________ 6.This is my sister. _________________________________________ 7.We are sweeping the floor. __________________________________________ 3、上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does帮忙,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等)句点改成问号。 例如:陈述句: I like the ducks. He likes the dogs. 一般疑问句:Do you like the ducks? Does he like the dogs? 把下列句子改为一般疑问句。 1. We need some masks. _________________________________ 2. They like making the puppet. _________________________________ 3. Su Hai and Su Yang live in a new house. _________________________________________________ 4.I put a book on my head. _________________________________________________ 5. They sing “In the classroom”together. _________________________________________________ 6.We play basketball on Sundays. _________________________________________________ 7. Tom likes listening to music ____________________________________________ 三、肯定句改特殊疑问句的方法——四步法 1、在一般疑问句的基础上,句首添加一个疑问词即可,可根据划线部分确定是什么疑问词。 2、接着找be动词或can,等放在疑问词后面,若没有则请助动词do/does帮忙,写在疑问词后面,how many除外,必须先写物品,再



、 一般疑问句,否定句,句型转换,反义疑问句语法小知识:

1.be动词:am、is、 are、 was、 were;小学阶段,be动词后只接名词,形容词或动词的ing形式。 2.助动词:do、does、did、 have、 had;助动词后的动词用原形。 3.情态动词can、must、will、may、need等;情态动词+动词原形 一、肯定句、否定句定义 1.肯定句:表示肯定的意思, 即不含有否定词“不”。 例:我是一个学生 I am a student. 他去上学 He goes to school. 2.否定句:表示否定的意思。 例:我不是一个男孩。 I am not a boy 他不去上学 He does not go to school. 二、一般疑问句 (一)、什么是一般疑问句 用Yes或No作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。一般疑问句还有下列特点: 1、以be动词、助动词或情态动词开头; 例:Is your father a teacher Does Catherine like animals Can Jenny speak French 2、往往读升调; 3、译成汉语,都可以带上“吗”,例如上面三句可分别译为:你父亲是老师吗凯瑟琳喜欢动物吗詹妮会 说法语吗 (二)、如何将陈述句变成一般疑问句 要将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以遵循下列步骤: 1.看句中有没有be动词(am、is、 are、 was、 were)、助动词(do、does、did、 have、 had)或情 态动词(can、must、will、may等),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号即可。 例:It was rainy yesterday. →Was it rainy yesterday Tom's father can play the piano. →Can Tom's father play the piano I have finished my homework.→Have you finished your homework 2.如果句中没有be动词、助动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词的形式借助do的相应形式放在句首。具 体方法是:如果谓语动词是原形,则借do;如果谓语动词是一般现在时第三人称单数形式,则借


基本句型:一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 一般疑问句(yes-no question):用yes和no回答的问句特殊疑问句:不用yes和no回答的问句 疑问词例句例句回答疑问词例句 Yes, you can. where Where is my sharpener? Can Can I wear my shirt? No, you can’t Who Who is your math teacher? Yes, I do. How old How old is he? Do Do you like hot dog? No, I don’t. How many How many books do you have? Yes, please. How much How much is the book? Would Would you like some milk? No, thank you. What day What day is it today? Yes, I am. What colour What colour is your pencil-case? Is/am/are Are you a teacher? No, I am not. What What do you have on Mondays?

常见特殊疑问句及其回答 问句答句 Where is my seat? It’s near the window. Where are you from? I’m from China. Who is your math teacher? Mr Chen./ My math teacher is Mr chen. How old is he? He is ten./ He is ten years old. How are you? I am fine. How many people are there in your family? Six./ There are six. How much are there apples? Five yuan./ They are five yuan. What day is it today? It’s Monday. What colour is your English book? It’s blue. What do you have on Mondays? We have Chinese, English and art class. What do you have for dinner on Mondays? We have tofu and fish for dinner on Mondays. What’s your mother like? She’s tall and thin. What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is fish./ I like fish. What’s the weather like today? It’s windy. What would you like for dinner? I’d like some fish and eggplant. What can you do? I can empty the trash and do the dishes.


2019小升初英语必考知识点总结 2020小升初考试就要到来,临考前学会说呢过应该要做好知识点总结,把一些必考的知识点记熟。小编为大家力荐了2020小升初英语知识点总结,给大家作为参考,欢迎阅读! 2020小升初英语基础知识点 一、重点短语: Singer歌手 writer作家 actor男演员 actress女演员 artist画家 TV reporter电视台记者 engineer工程师accountant会计 policeman警察 Cleaner清洁工 salesperson售货员work工作 二、重点句型: 1.What does your mother do? 你妈妈是干什么的? 2.She is a TV reporter. 她是一个电视播音员。

3.Where does she work? 她在哪儿工作? 4.She works in a school. 她在学校工作。 5.How does she go to work? 她怎么去工作? 6.She goes to work by bus. 她乘公交车去工作。 三、重点语法: 1、一些由动词变化而来的职业名词: teach-teacher clean-cleaner sing-singer dance-dancer drive-driver write-writer TV report-TV reporter act-actor act-actress art-artist engine-engineerplay basketball/football/baseball- basketball/football/baseball player


期末复习-四年级英语 专项练习8-句型转换 1.IusuallygotothethemeparkonSundays.(改为一般疑问句) 2.IlikeChinese.(改为否定句) 3.I’dliketodrawapicture.(改为一般疑问句) 4.Therearesomebooksinmyschoolbag.(否定句) 5.Doyouenjoyexercise?(肯定句) 6.Marylikesswimming.Roselikesswimming,too. (用both将两句话合并成一句) 7.Ilikedrawingandpainting.(同义句) 8.CanIhelpyou?(同义句) 9.Ienjoythebigparty.(一般疑问句) 10.I wanttogototheGreatWall.(一般疑问句) 11.I’dliketotakeatripwithyou.(一般疑问句) 12.A reyouinterestedinsinginganddancing?(同义句) 13.T hereissomecoffeeinthecup.(否定句) 14.将下面句子变成复数形式 (1)I tisapeacock. (2)I sthisaturkey?

(3)T hatisacrane. (4)I thaslonglegs. (5)I amatallboy. 15.I’dliketogoonthebumpercars.(一般疑问句) 16.T hesearepeacocks.(否定句) 17.I’dliketogoontherollercoaster.(一般疑问句) 18.T hosearecolourfulturkeys.(否定句) 19.I’dliketogoshoppingwithyou.(一般疑问句) 20.D oyoulikesinginganddancing?(同义句) 21.T hereissomewaterinthemug.(否定句) 22.T herearetwoarmchairsintheroom.(单数) 23.I amgoodaticeskating.(否定句) 24.T hereisanewcar.(变复数) 25.T herearethreebedsinthebedroom.(否定句) 26.T hereissomemilkinthebottle.(一般疑问句) 27.T herearethreeEnglishclassesinaweek.(变单数) 28.A retherefourchairsintheroom?(肯定句)


肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的问题 一、be动词:am, is, are 二、肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句定义 1.肯定句:表示肯定的意思, 即不含有否定词“不”。 比如:我是一个学生 I am a student. 他去上学 He goes to school. 2.否定句:表示否定的意思。 比如:我不是一个男孩。 I am not a boy 他不去上学 He does not go to school. 3. 一般疑问句:回答为“是yes”或者“否no”的问句。 比如:你是一个学生吗? Are you a student? 你喜欢英语吗? Do you like English? 4. 特殊疑问句:回答不是“是yes”或者“否no”的问句,根据提问内容具体回答。比如:现在几点了? What’s the time? 哪一支笔是你的? Which is your pen? 三、肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的相互转换 am, is, are后面加上not,其余按顺序照抄。 am, is, are提前放到句首并大写Am, Is, Are,其余照抄。肯定句变特殊疑问句(就划线部分提问):分3步骤 第一步:先变一般疑问句 第二步:找合适的特殊疑问词代替划线部分 第三步:特殊疑问词提前放到句首,并大写,其余按顺序照抄,省略划线部分。 注意:1. 如:Li ming 's not here today. Who's not here today? 今天谁没来? 2.划线部分不能在特殊疑问句中出现。

例如: 1.肯定句、否定句和一般疑问句的互换 肯定句:This is a book. 否定句: 一般疑问句:Is this a book? 肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isn’t. 2.就划线部分提问(变特殊疑问句) This is a book. 第一步:变 一般疑问句 Is this a book? 第二步:找合适的特殊疑问词 Is this what ? 第三步:特殊疑问词提前放到句首,并大写,其余按顺序照抄,省略划线部分。What is this? do not或者does not,其余按顺序照抄动词用原形 do或者does并大写,其余照抄。注意:动词用原形肯定句变特殊疑问句(就划线部分提问):分3步骤 第一步:先变一般疑问句


疑问句句型详解 (一) 一般疑问句 一、一般疑问句的基本用法及结构 一般疑问句用于对某一情况提出疑问,通常可用yes和no来回答。其基本结构是“be / have / 助动词+主语+谓语(表语)” Is he interested in going? 他有兴趣去吗? Have you ever been to Japan? 你到过日本吗? Does she often have colds? 她常常感冒吗? Did you ask her which to buy? 你问没问她该买哪一个? 二、陈述句变一般疑问句的方法 1. 动词be的疑问式:动词be根据不同的时态和人称可以有am, is, are, was, were等不同形式,可用作连系动词(表示“是”、“在”等)和助动词(用于构成进行时态和被动语态等),但不管何种情况,构成疑问式时,一律将动词be的适当形式置于句首: 我是对的吗?_______________________________ 你今天感到好些了吗?_______________________________ 他上学迟到了吗?_______________________________ 2. 动词have的疑问式:动词have根据不同的时态和人称可以有have, has, had等形式,可以用作实意动词和助动词,分以下情况讨论: ①用作实意动词表示状态,如表示拥有、患病或用于have to表示“必须”等,可根据情况在句首使用do, does, did: 他有朋友吗?_______________________________ ②用作实意动词表示动作,如表示“吃(=eat)”、“喝(=drink)”、“拿(=take)”、“收到(=receive)”、“度过(=spend)”等,构成疑问式时不能将have提前至句首,而应在句首使用do, does, did: 他在家吃早餐吗?_______________________________ 你在晚会上玩得高兴吗?_______________________________ ③用作助动词构成完成时态,其疑问式总是将have等置于句首: 你的工作做完了吗?_______________________________ 他已经离开了吗?_______________________________ 3. 情态动词的疑问式:通常是将情态动词置于句首 你会说英语吗?_______________________________ Must I finish the work at once? _______________________________ 4. 实意动词的疑问式:一般实意动词的疑问式,通常应根据不同时态和人称在句首加助动词do, does, did等: 你每天都上学吗?_______________________________ 这男孩喜欢唱歌吗?_______________________________ 你昨晚看了这部电影吗?_______________________________ 一般疑问句一般读升调。 (二)特殊疑问句 一、特殊疑问句概述 特殊疑问句(special questions),也可称为“wh”-questions,因为它们多数都以who,where,when,which,whose,why这类词开头 Who is it on the phone?谁来的电话? How many oranges can you see in the picture?你能在图画上看到多少个橘子? Where did you last see it?你最后一次看到这东西时是在什么地方呢?


小升初语文按要求写句子重点题型训练(带解析) 1.按要求填空。 ⑴复习对学习非常重要,可有些同学根本不重视复习,我想用孔子的一句名言来对他们说:“,。” ⑵“,谦受益”告诉我们人要谦虚;“,”告诉我们应该怎样对待自己的缺点、过错。2.古诗默写。 ⑴_________________,总把新桃换旧符。王安石《元日》 ⑵__________________,千朵万朵压枝低。杜甫《江畔独步寻花》 ⑶于谦的《石灰吟》里和“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”意思相近的句子是: __________________,____________________。 ⑷古代诗歌中有很多描写春天的诗句,请你写出上下连续的两句:________________ __________,_______________________。 ⑸接天莲叶无穷碧,______________________。(杨万里《晓出净慈寺送林子方》) ⑹______________________,欲饮琵琶马上催。(王翰《凉州词》) ⑺柴门闻犬吠,______________________。(刘长卿《缝雪宿芙蓉山主人》) ⑻______________________,天下谁人不识君?(高适《别董大》) 3.美文回顾。 ⑴优秀的古诗词是我们丰富的文化营养,我们要用心品味。①诵读于谦《石灰吟》中的“__________________,_______________”能让我们感受到诗人的髙尚情操;②读着李清照《夏日绝句》中的“__________________,__________________”,能让我们感受到她强烈的爱国之情;③品读李贺《马诗》中的“__________________,__________________”,能让我们感受到他为国建功立业的情怀。 ⑵“子曰:‘学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。’”这句话中的“子”是__________________,这句话出自他和他的学生的语录集__________________,告诉我们要__________________。我还知道他的其他名言,如__________________。 4.根据句意在横线上填上适当的诗句。 ⑴在寂静的月夜,忽闻桂花飘香,你一定会情不自禁地吟诵“”。 ⑵当你寄情大自然,看到挺拔苍劲的竹子时,你会高歌“”。 ⑶当看到花蝶相戏时,你的脑海中定会浮现“”。 5.给下面的诗句和作者连线。 洛阳亲友如相问不拘一格降人才杜甫 千磨万击还坚劲自在娇莺恰恰啼王昌龄 我劝天公重抖擞一片冰心在玉壶郑燮 留连戏蝶时时舞任尔东西南北风龚自珍 6.将下列古诗句补充完整。 ⑴四海皆春春不老,___________。 ⑵人固有一死,或________________,或________________。 ⑶却看妻子愁何在,________________。 ⑷朱熹在《舰书有感》中揭示读书能使人保持知识、思想的先进的名句是:_______________ _?________________


小升初专项训练 疑问句 基础题 一、选择题 1.---Did Ann win the race yesterday? --- . A Yes,she did. B Yes, she does C No,she don’t 2.--- ? ----He is a coach . A. Who is he B. How is he C. What does he do 3.Is she young? A.She's our principal. B.No, she's old. 4.——Is she friendly? —— A. She is very young. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, she isn’t. 5.Is Zhang peng strong ? Yes, . A.she is B.he is C.her is 6.—Is there a park near here ?— A.Yes,it is B.No,there is C.Yes,there is 7.-- did you finish your piano lessons ? -- In the school.

A. Where B. What C. When 8.Are they to visit you? A. coming B. come C. came 9.did he give to his grandmother? A. When B. Where C. What 10.you go to see your grandmother this summer ? A. Did B. Do C. Does 11.---- o ften speak English at home ? -----Yes, . A.Can you ; I do B.Do you; I do C.Are you; I am 12.Can you empty the trash? ----- . A. No, I can B. Yes, I can’t C. No, I cant D. No, I can’t 13.Who's that young lady? A.She's tall and thin. B.She's our principal. 14.What day is it today? A. Friday B. Birthday 15.—Who was on duty last Friday﹖


小学英语句型转换知识点及习题训练 ——肯定句变一般疑问句 知识点介绍: 一、肯定句变一般疑问句,若原句中有be动词或情态动词,则把be动词或情态 动词提到主语前面; 例: 1、I am interested in playing basketball. Are you interested in playing basketball? 2、We can do a lot of work for this woman. Can you do a lot of work for this woman? 注:注意句中代词人称的变化 二、若原句中没有be动词和情态动词,则在句子开头加助动词do。 例: 1、We go to school early in the morning every day. Do you go to school early in the morning every day? 注:注意句中代词人称的变化 三、如果原句主语是单三形式,则加does,并把原句中的动词单三形式变为原 形。 例: 2、She goes to school early in the morning every day. Does she go to school early in the morning every day? 注:注意本句中无代词人称的变化 四、如果原句是一般过去时态,则加did,并把原句中的动词过去式变为原形。例: 3、She went to school early yesterday. Did she go to school early yesterday? 注:注意本句中无代词人称的变化 (后附训练习题)
