


As a reader, I recently read "Little Red Riding Hood" in English. This classic children's tale tells the story of a young girl who travels through the woods to visit her sick grandmother, but is waylaid by a cunning wolf. I was struck by the vivid imagery and timeless morals of the story. The timeless themes of the dangers of wandering alone in the woods and the importance of listening to your elders are still just as relevant today as they were centuries ago. Overall, I found "Little Red Riding Hood" to be an engaging and thought-provoking read that would appeal to both children and adults alike.




英语故事短文带翻译-小红帽 There once was a cute little girl, who met with like, but her favorite was her grandmother, and there was nothing she wanted to give her something. Once she gave her a velvet, Little Red Riding Hood, worn on her head just right. Since then, the girl no longer willing to wear any other hat, so always called her “Little Red Riding Hood.” One day her mother Little Red Riding Hood, said: “Come, Little Red Riding Hood, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine to your grandmother, she is ill, weak, and they will do better now take advantage of the day yet. heat, and quickly leave it in a good way to go, do not run, do not leave the path, or you may fall, so the grandmother could not get anything on. to grandma’s house, do not forget to say ‘good morning’, also Do entered the room look east look west. “ “I’ll be careful.” Little Red Riding Hood to her mother, and gave her hand on it. Grandma lived in the village outside the forest, Little Red Riding Hood from the house there is a long way. Little Red Riding Hood had just entered the wood, a wolf met her. Little Red Riding Hood did not know the wolf is the bad guy, so is not afraid of him. “Hello, Little Red Riding Hood,” Wolf said. “Thank you, Mr. Wolf.” “Little Red Riding Hood, Whither away so early?” “I’m going to grandma’s house.” “What have you got in your apron?” “Cake and wine. Yesterday was baked some cakes, poor sick grandmother, eat some good things in order to recover.”


[英语作文]精选关于小红帽的英语读后感范文精选关于小红帽的英语读后感范文 Evening, a few days ago I sat on the bed is always don't want to sleep, so I picked up a book to look at, the book is not very big, is already very old, I think: should be so old, how do I haven't throw? Must have a lot of plot to forget! See also just as well! So I wiped to wipe the dust out of the book, vaguely saw several colorful eye-catching Chinese characters - little red riding hood, so this is my childhood very to hear mother's story "little red riding hood," ah! So I open the book looks. One day, little red riding hood went to give my grandmother treats and red wine... Is the Wolf rhetoric cheat into the belly, the grandmother also follow into the Wolf's belly, at this time, a hunter came to the little red riding hood's grandmother home, saw the Wolf, then, the hunter killed the Wolf, little red riding hood was pulled out of the grandmother and little red riding hood. I read the story in a few minutes later, the in the mind think: little red riding hood this experience is a risk! If not the hunter saved the little red riding hood and her grandmother in a timely manner, they can do, little red riding hood don't pay attention to the grandmother's voice and nails, if the hunters didn't come to save her, consequence is unimaginable. So, we don't want to play, also don't careless, otherwise, the Wolf would succeed, taken advantage of the bad for us, this is life aphorism ah, you can want to remember! 几天前的晚上,我坐在床上总是不想睡,于是,我拿起一本书来看着玩儿,那本书不 是很大,却已经很旧了,我想:竟然这么旧了,我怎么还没扔呢?想必有很多情节都忘记 了吧!看看也无妨啊!于是,我把书上的灰尘擦了擦,隐隐约约看见了几个彩色的醒目大字�D�D小红帽,原来这是我小时侯很爱听妈妈讲的故事《小红帽》啊!于是,我打开书看 起来了。 一天,小红帽去给外婆送点心和红酒……被大灰狼的花言巧语骗进了肚子里,外婆也 跟着进了大灰狼的肚皮,这时,一位狩猎者来到小红帽的外婆家里,看见了大灰狼,于是,这位狩猎者就杀死了大灰狼,救出了小红帽和小红帽的外婆。



童话英语故事带翻译:小红帽 Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl. Everyone who saw her liked her, but most of all her grandmother, who did not know what to give the child next. Once she gave her a little cap made of red velvet. Because it suited her so well, and she wanted to wear it all the time, she came to be known as Little Red Cap. One day her mother said to her, "Come Little Red Cap. Here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Take them to your grandmother. She is sick and weak, and they will do her well. Mind your manners and give her my greetings. Behave yourself on the way, and do not leave the path, or you might fall down and break the glass, and then there will be nothing for your grandmother. And when you enter her parlor, don't forget to say 'Good morning,' and don't peer into all the corners first." "I'll do everything just right," said Little Red Cap, shaking her mother's hand. The grandmother lived out in the woods, a half hour from the village. When Little Red Cap entered the woods a wolf came up to her. She did not know what a wicked animal he was, and was not afraid of him. "Good day to you, Little Red Cap." "Thank you, wolf." "Where are you going so early, Little Red Cap?" "To grandmother's." "And what are you carrying under your apron?" "Grandmother is sick and weak, and I am taking her some cake and wine. We baked yesterday, and they should be good for her and give her strength." "Little Red Cap, just where does your grandmother live?" "Her house is good quarter hour from here in the woods, under the three large oak trees. There's a hedge of hazel bushes there. You must know the place," said Little Red Cap. The wolf thought to himself, "Now that sweet young thing is a tasty bite for me. She will taste even better than the old woman. You must be sly, and you can catch them both." He walked along a little while with Little Red Cap, then he said, "Little Red Cap, just look at the beautiful flowers that are all around us. Why don't you go and take a look? And I don't believe you can hear how beautifully the birds are singing. You are walking along as though you were on your way to school. It is very beautiful in the woods." Little Red Cap opened her eyes and when she saw the sunbeams dancing to and fro through the trees and how the ground was covered with beautiful flowers, she thought, "If a take a fresh bouquet to grandmother, she will be very pleased. Anyway, it is still early, and I'll be home on time." And she ran off the path into the woods looking for flowers. Each time


小红帽英语读后感50字带翻译 英文 As a reader, I recently read "Little Red Riding Hood" in English. This classic children's tale tells the story of a young girl who travels through the woods to visit her sick grandmother, but is waylaid by a cunning wolf. I was struck by the vivid imagery and timeless morals of the story. The timeless themes of the dangers of wandering alone in the woods and the importance of listening to your elders are still just as relevant today as they were centuries ago. Overall, I found "Little Red Riding Hood" to be an engaging and thought-provoking read that would appeal to both children and adults alike. 中文 作为读者,我最近读了英语版的《小红帽》。这个经典的儿童故事讲述了一个年轻的女孩穿越森林去看望生病的祖母,但却被狡猾的狼所悍然劫持。我被故事中生动的意象和永恒的道德感所打动。漫步寂静的森林并且听取你的长辈的话语,对于未来仍具有重要教益。总的来说,《小红帽》是一个引人入胜并能激发思考的读物,在成年人和儿童中都会受到欢迎。


童话英语故事带翻译:小红帽 Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl. Everyone who saw her liked her, but most of all her grandmother, who did not know what to give the child next. Once she gave her a little cap made of red velvet. Because it suited her so well, and she wanted to wear it all the time, she came to be known as Little Red Cap. One day her mother said to her, “Come Little Red Cap. Here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Take them to your grandmother. She is sick and weak, and they will do her well. Mind your manners and give her my greetings. Behave yourself on the way, and do not leave the path, or you might fall down and break the glass, and then there will be nothing for your grandmother. And when you enter her parlor, don’t forget to say ‘Good morning,’ and don’t peer into all the corners first.” “I’ll do everything just right,” said Little Red Cap, shaking her mother’s hand. The grandmother lived out in the woods, a half hour from the village. When Little Red Cap entered the woods a wolf came up to her. She did not know what a wicked animal he was, and was not afraid of him. “Good day to you, Little Red Cap.” “Thank you, wolf.” “Where are you going so early, Little Red Cap?” “To grandmother’s.” “And what are you carrying under your apron?” “Grandmother is sick and weak, and I am taking her some cake and wine. We baked yesterday, and they should be good for her and give her strength.” “Little Red Cap, just where does your grandmother live?” “Her house i s good quarter hour from here in the woods, under the three large oak


[英语作文]描写小红帽的优秀英语读后感 描写小红帽的优秀英语读后感 I like reading, especially in the fairy tale. This few days I have been holding Grimm look. The story of "little red riding hood," attracted me deeply. The story interesting, let me see it again and again, now I have been able to content the story to back out. Story about a cute girl, her name is little red riding hood. Once she went to see my grandmother, was a Wolf. Wolves use rhetoric has achieved the trust of the little red riding hood, little red riding hood to pick flowers in the woods nearby, then ate the first little red riding hood's grandmother, and ate little red riding hood. Thanks to the hunter to deliver, just saved their lives, and killed the Wolf. Once again later, little red riding hood to grandma's home, met a Wolf again, this time little red riding hood did not deceived, because had the first lesson, she and her grandmother with intelligence will kill the Wolf. Mama said, this is called fall into the pit, a gain in your wit, after a loss is eat, remember, can't make the same mistake again. Little red riding hood because there is no awareness of the cunning Wolf cruel nature, and so will be cheated. Now the society has some nice on the surface, actually rotten to the core, is a Wolf in sheep's clothing! So we associate with a person must be clear about this man, if you don't trust people, or you will, pound-foolish. My parents and teachers always tell us to learn to protect themselves, so I won't when deceived the little red riding hood. Later, little red riding hood chastened, have the experience of the first, second, there is no repeat, also smart to get rid of the evil Wolf. The little red riding hood I like it. Actually the same mistake I will make little red riding hood, homework don't know what to check, for example, the results will do a lot of wrong, was criticized by the teacher and my mother, then, remember to carefully check after I finish my homework, homework is less wrong. This let me understand, know is wrong, will be timely correction. 我喜欢看书,特别是童话故事。这几天我一直捧着《格林童话》看个不停。《小红帽》的故事深深地吸引了我。这个故事生动有趣,让我看了一遍又一遍,现在我已经能把故事 内容背出来了。


小红帽英文读后感 "Little Red Riding Hood" is a classic fairy tale that tells the adventure of a young girl and a wicked wolf. This story taught me a lot about the importance of courage and wit. In the story, Little Red Riding Hood is a clever and kind-hearted girl who is told to visit her grandmother and not to leave the path. However, she encounters a wolf in the forest who takes advantage of her innocence and intends to harm her and her grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood displays great courage and wit in the face of danger. She does not back down out of fear but comes up with a clever plan to protect herself and her grandmother. Using her intelligence and agility, she successfully evades the wolf's pursuit. This story taught me an important lesson, that courage and wit are key to overcoming difficulties and dangers. Little Red Riding Hood did not let fear overwhelm her, and she used her intelligence and determination to protect herself and her loved ones. This story also taught me to be vigilant and avoid easily trusting strangers. Little Red Riding Hood's courageous actions inspired me. No matter what difficulties we face, as long as we bravely confront them and use our wit, we can overcome challenges and protect ourselves. In conclusion, the story of Little Red Riding Hood taught me about the importance of courage and wit. Through the example of Little Red Riding Hood, I understand that only by facing difficulties bravely and utilizing our intelligence can we protect ourselves and those we cherish. This story has filled me with great inspiration and confidence to confront the challenges of life. 《小红帽》是一本经典的童话故事,它讲述了一个年幼的女孩和一只邪恶的狼之间的冒险故事。这个故事教会了我很多关于勇气和机智的重要性。 故事中的小红帽是一个机智而善良的女孩,她被告知去看望奶奶并且不要离开遮蔽物。然而,她在森林里遇到了一只狼,这只狼利用了她天真无邪的心灵并想要伤害她和她的奶奶。 小红帽在面对这个危险时展现了出色的勇气和机智。她没有因为恐惧而退缩,而是想出了一个聪明的计划来保护自己和奶奶。她利用了她的智慧和灵活性,成功地躲过了狼的追捕。 这个故事告诉了我一个重要的道理,那就是勇气和机智是克服困难和危险的关键。小红帽没有被恐惧所淹没,她用她的智慧和决心保护了自己和她的家人。这个故事也教会了我要时刻警惕,避免轻易相信陌生人的话。 小红帽的英勇行为让我深受鼓舞。无论遇到什么困难,只要我们勇敢面对并运用聪明才智,我们就能够克服困难并保护自己。


小红帽是德国语言学家雅可布・格林和威廉・格林兄弟收集、整理、加工完成的德国民间文学――《格林童话》中《小红帽》一篇的主人公。以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.《小红帽》英语读后感 I like reading books, especially fairy tales. I've been holding little red riding hood these days. The story is vivid and interesting. I've seen it again and again. Now I can recite the content of the story. The story tells of a lovely little girl named Little Red Riding Hood. Once she went to visit her grandmother and was watched by a wolf. The wolf won Little Red Riding Hood's trust with sweet words, tricked little red riding hood into picking flowers in the nearby forest, and then ate little Red Riding Hood's grandmother first and then little red riding hood. Thanks to the rescue of the hunter, he saved his life and killed the wolf. Later, when Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother's house again, she met a wolf again. This time Little Red Riding Hood was not deceived. Because of the first lesson, she and her grandmother killed the wolf with intelligence. Mother said that this is called "eati ng a moa t an d learning a wisdom", that i s, after a loss, we should remember that we can't make the same mistake again. Little Red Riding Hood was cheated because she didn't realize the cunning and ferocious nature of the wolf. Now there are some people in society who are seemingly kind but actually bad, that is, the "wolf in sheep's clothing"! Therefore, when we associate with a person, we must recognize this person and don't believe others' words, otherwise we will suffer great losses. Teachers and parents have always told us that we should learn to protect ourselves, so I won't be fooled by little red riding hood. Later, Little Red Riding Hood learned to behave well. After the first experience, she did not commit a repeat crime the second time, and cleverly got rid of the wolf. I like this little red riding hood. In fact, I also make the same mistakes as little red riding hood. For example, when I finish my homework, I don't know to check it. As a result, I will make a lot of mistakes. I was criticized by my teacher and mother. Later, I remember to check carefully after I finish my homework, and there are fewer mistakes in my homework. This made me understand that if I knew I was wrong, I should correct it in time. I like extracurricular books, especially fairy tales. During the national day, my mother bought me a green fairy tale, which contains many wonderful and interesting stories, including one called Little Red Riding Hood. My mother told me this story when I was very young, and I was particularly impressed. The story is mainly about a lovely little girl named Little Red Riding Hood a long time ago. One day, her mother asked her to visit her sick grandmother. On the way, Little Red Riding Hood met a hateful big gray wolf. The big gray wolf tricked little red riding hood into saying, if you go and pick some flowers for grandma, grandma will like you more. Little Red Riding Hood believed the wolf's words and unknowingly went to the depths of the forest. At this time, the wolf took the opportunity to go to grandma's house, ate grandma and lay in bed pretending to be grandma. When Little Red Riding Hood came to grandma's bed with flowers, the big gray


英语故事带翻译:小红帽 Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood. Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma. In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, "Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma's house." The wolf comes to grandma's house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma's glasses and clothes, and in her bed. After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma's bed. To her surprise, grandma's mouth is very big. So she asks: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" "I eat little girls with this mouth." And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood. "Help! Help!" The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out. 小红帽 小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小 红帽。 她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。小红帽的妈妈非常忙, 所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。"瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子能够吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。"


[英语作文]小红帽优秀英语读后感范文 小红帽优秀英语读后感范文 When I was a kid (probably 2 to 3 years old), I remember my mother told me the story of "little red riding hood,", but I can't remember, during the winter vacation, I finally read the story of "little red riding hood," in person, the story is about a little girl often wore a red hat is called "little red riding hood," one day, little red riding hood to grandma to send wine in the mountains, halfway met the Wolf, the Wolf to sound sb out of little red riding hood to defraud she'll go to see my grandmother information, a little red riding hood went to another way. Read here, my heart really worry about little red riding hood, remember mom had told me not to trust strangers easily, can't even tell a stranger in the house. Straight to grandma's home, cunning Wolf ate my grandma. I'm so sad ah! For little red riding hood's grandmother sad. Worse is yet to come: the Wolf pretend grandma lie on the bed. By this time my heart is pumping, little red riding hood, little red riding hood! You don't come on! Brave filial little red riding hood, however, cheerfully grandma came to the bed, was about to send wine has been eaten by the Wolf, I am so sad. Continue to look down, then to a hunter, saw the Wolf, cut open a sleeping Wolf belly, saved grandmother and little red riding hood and the hunter put the big rocks into the Wolf's belly, bad Wolf fled when has fallen into the well and was drowned. Ha ha! I'm so happy, really amazing, grandmother and little red riding hood from the Wolf belly inside come out alive, that's one good turn deserves another what goes around comes around. I learned a lot through this story, I want to learn little red riding hood filial piety and brave, and don't believe the stranger easily, especially don't believe the bad guys. 在我小的时候(大概2-3岁吧),记得妈妈给我讲了《小红帽》的故事,可已经记不清了,寒假期间,我终于亲自读了《小红帽》的故事,故事讲的是一个经常戴着一顶红帽子的小姑娘名字叫“小红帽”,有一天,小红帽给远在山里的外婆送葡萄酒,半路上遇到了大灰狼,大灰狼套问小红帽骗取了她要去看外婆的信息,支哄小红帽走到另外一条路。 读到这里,我心里真为小红帽担心,记得妈妈从小就给我说过不要轻易相信陌生人说话,更不能把家里的情况告诉陌生人。狡猾的大灰狼直奔外婆家,吃了外婆。我好伤心呀!为小红帽的外婆伤心。更可恶的还在后面:大灰狼装做外婆躺在床上。这时候我的心在砰
