

Going International

Richard. E. Caves

Management and Administration, Macmillan Press Ltd., 2005

Business enterprises have become increasingly international but most of them go international by a process of creeping "incremental-ism" rather than by strategy choice. Some firms are first attracted to foreign markets by unsolicited export orders and, after discovering new opportunities, move through a series of stages to the establishment of foreign production facilities. Other firms initiate international activities in response to threats to an oligopoly position. Still others respond to specific opportunities for developing supplies of resources, acquiring foreign technology, or achieving greater production efficiency through foreign operations. And at some stage of becoming a global enterprise, many firms could be best characterized as a portfolio of diverse and separate country companies tied together by a network of ad hoc relationships.

Rarely are these early moves part of a comprehensive global strategy. But as pressures arise from competition in an international scale and from country control programs, and as firms become increasingly aware of synergistic benefits, more and more are building global strategies and adopting global planning procedures. A global strategy is a plan expressing an enterprise's strategy for maximizing its chosen objectives through geographical allocation of its limited resources, taking into account competition from whatever geographical source and the geographical opportunities and constraints.

A global strategy encompasses the planning, timing, and location of a firm's activities and resources as well as its strategies for how it will enter new markets, what it will own, and how it will manage the global operation. The construction of a global strategy on a rational basis requires a careful assessment of the global alternatives and the risks involved for each. To build a global strategy, the decision

maker must be free of any national blinders and consider world markets and world resource locations and now simply the markets or resources of a particular country in isolation. A global strategy aims at maximizing results on a multinational basis rather than treating international activities as a portfolio of separate country business.

The basic reasons for having a global strategy are that most product and factor markets extend beyond the boundaries of a single country and the competition that ultimately determines performance is not constrained to individual locations and country markets. To remain competitive, or to become competitive, the strategy horizon for most firms must, therefore, encompass threats and opportunities of both domestic and foreign origin. If its domestic competitors extend their horizons to include a broader scale base, the firm could find itself unable to maintain the same pace of research or product development given its smaller scales base. Even where domestic competition is not moving rapidly to other markets, foreign firms may be developing strategies that pose a threat. European and U. S. firms in a number of industries were largely unprepared for the competitive challenge when the Japanese firms broke into their traditional markets x>n a significant scale. Automotive firms that had failed to build global coverage in the price segments the Japanese attacked were at an intermediate cost disadvantage. In the motorcycle industry the effects of leaving rapidly growing markets to Japanese competitors were even more dramatic. Many well-known firms disappeared completely.

Many U. S. firms did not need in the past to think globally at the early stages of a product's life because leadership coincided with achievement in the U. S. market. With its large population, high-wage rates, high discretionary spending power, and high propensity to innovate, the U-S. market was for many years the leader in adoption and growth rates for many products. Conversely, firms outside the United States had more need to plan globally from the beginning of any product development.

A U. K. firm introducing a technological advance was likely to find that U. S. demand grew more rapidly than U. K. demand. If U. K. demand was left to U. S. competitors, the sales and experience of U. S. competitors soon outpaced that of the U. K. firm. Now that U. S. wage rates and per capita GNP no longer have such a lead over Europe,

perhaps, U. S. firms in their turn should be designing products against European markets that might lead the United States in adoption of those products.

Absence of global thinking also shows up where firms have been left behind in the competitive race because they failed to tap the cheapest sources of supply. In still other cases, firms may have achieved global market share and cheapest supplies, but at the expense of their financial strength or flexibility relative to foreign competitors. Assisted by a fluctuation in demand or technological changes, smaller competitors have been able to overtake them.

Since there are so many countries in the world, the multinational firm must establish priorities for selecting those markets against which it will make this strategic evaluation and choice of its business mission. It must decide whether strategic evaluation is carried out against one major single market, many single markets, or some segments of many markets. It must also decide how it is going to organize the responsibility for carrying through this strategic assessment. Will it be done by central headquarters, by multinational committees, or by national units?

In the major single market, or central market, approach, the firm selects its mission based on one national market and establishes a marketing mix, and later expands to other national markets. This approach reduces decision problems and can bring high profits because of the low marginal cost of geographic extensions. But which central market should the firm choose? Normally, the firm begins with its home market, but this may not be the best choice. Some Japanese and European firms have selected the high-income, sophisticated U. S. market for selected product lines. The sizes of the U. S. market have both advantages and disadvantages. Many Europeans see the cost of communications and coordination efforts in such a large market as a deterrent to producing products first in the United States as part of their world product strategy.

The multiple market approach implies a high degree of decentralization. It may be the best strategy in situations where special local conditions require particular products, such as fertilizers and pesticides, where economies of large-scale production are not important, and where the firm's competitive advantage depends upon

capabilities other than advanced product design. In the case of an industrial product such as aluminum ingots, for example, the market characteristics such as product usage patterns, customer attitudes, and target customer groups may be quite similar for many countries, and the best strategy may be to focus on developing a more economical production process to bring a competitive cost advantage.

In the market segment approach, the firm identifies segments of national markets that could profitably be given separate treatment across national boundaries. Small market segments in individual countries may be insufficient for any one country unit to justify development of an appropriate product or to make the necessary investment in market development. World-wide or for a number of countries, however, such a segment may readily justify the expense.

In the last analysis, developing a global strategy depends upon the way executives think about doing business around the world. The design and implementation of a global strategy require that managers in both headquarters and subsidiaries follow a worldwide approach which considers subsidiaries as neither satellites nor independent city-states but as parts of a whole, the focus of which is on worldwide as well as local objectives. And each part of the system makes its unique contribution with its unique competence. This approach, which has been popularized as "egocentrism", involves collaboration between subsidiaries and headquarters to establish universal standards and permissible local variations on the basis of which key decisions are made. However, egocentrism requires a reward system for subsidiary a manager that motivates them to work for worldwide goals and not just to defend country objectives.

In international enterprises, there are three general types of headquarters' orientation toward subsidiaries; ethnocentric (home-country oriented), polycentric (or host-country oriented) , and geocentric (world oriented).

The ethnocentric attitude can be characterized as: "We, the home-country nationals, are superior to, more trustworthy than, and more reliable than any foreigners in headquarters or the subsidiaries.” In such firms, performance criteria and decision rules are generally based on home-country standards. Ethnocentrism works against a global strategy because of a lack of good feed back and because the

experience and views of managers familiar with local conditions in the areas of operation do not carry appropriate weight in decision making.

Polycentric firms go to the other extreme by assuming that local people always know what is best for them and that the unit of the multinational enterprise located in a host country should be as local in identity and behavior as possible. A polycentric firm is more akin to a confederation of quasi-independent subsidiaries. A polycentric management philosophy is likely to sacrifice most of the unification and synergistic benefits of multinational operation. The costs of polycentrism are the waste due to duplication of effort and inefficient use of home-country experience. The approach has the advantage of making intensive use of local resources and personnel but at the cost of global growth and efficiency.

Egocentrism also has costs, largely-related to communication and travel expense, time spent in decision making because of the desire to educate personnel about global objectives and to secure consensus, and the expense of a relatively large headquarters bureaucracy. But the payoffs are a more objective total enterprise performance, worldwide utilization of resources, improvement of local company management, a greater sense of commitment to worldwide goals, and, last but not least, more profit. A globally oriented enterprise, of course, depends on having an adequate supply of managers who are globally oriented.



作者:Richard. E. Caves 选自: Management and Administration, Macmillan Press Ltd., 2005



















An Analysis of Working Capital Management Results Across Industries Greg Filbeck. Schweser Study Program Thomas M. Krueger. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Abstract Firms are able to reduce financing costs and/or increase the funds available for expansion by minimizing the amount of funds tied up in current assets. We provide insights into the performance of surveyed firms across key components of working capital management by using the CFO magazine’s annual Working Capital Management Survey. We discover that significant differences exist between industries in working capital measures across time. In addition. we discover that these measures for working capital change significantly within industries across time. Introduction The importance of efficient working capital management is indisputable. Working capital is the difference between resources in cash or readily convertible into cash (Current Assets) and organizational commitments for which cash will soon be required (Current Liabilities). The objective of working capital management is to maintain the optimum balance of each of the working capital components. Business viability relies on the ability to effectively manage receivables. inventory. and payables. Firms are able to reduce financing costs and/or increase the funds available for expansion by minimizing the amount of funds tied up in current assets. Much managerial effort is expended in bringing non-optimal levels of current assets and liabilities back toward optimal levels. An optimal level would be one in which a balance is achieved between risk and efficiency. A recent example of business attempting to maximize working capital management is the recurrent attention being given to the application of Six Sigma? methodology. Six Sigma? methodologies help companies measure and ensure quality in all areas of the enterprise. When used to identify and rectify discrepancies. inefficiencies and erroneous transactions in the financial supply chain. Six Sigma? reduces Days Sales Outstanding (DSO). accelerates the payment cycle. improves customer satisfaction and reduces the necessary amount and cost of working capital needs. There appear to be many success stories. including Jennifer Towne’s (2002) report of a 15 percent decrease in days that sales are outstanding. resulting in an increased cash flow of approximately $2 million at Thibodaux Regional Medical Center. Furthermore. bad debts declined from $3.4 million to $600.000. However. Waxer’s (2003) study of multiple firms employing Six Sigma? finds that it is really a “get rich slow” technique with a rate of return hovering in the 1.2 – 4.5 percent range. Even in a business using Six Sigma? methodology. an “optimal” level of working capital management needs to be identified. Even in a business using Six Sigma? methodology. an “optimal” level of working capital management needs to be identified. Industry factors may impact firm


①It is universally acknowledged that the sharing economy means that people sell or purchase the unoccupied resources via online transaction. Having been a new trend, the sharing economy is playing a more and more crucial part in our modern life. ②There is no doubt that a large number of people benefit a lot from the sharing economy. Above all, it contributes to making good use of the resources. People, who own available stuff and don’t use it for the moment, can sell or rent it to others who need it. Thus, it’s beneficial for both of them, for not only the seller or renter can make money but the purchaser can save money. Moreover, it can make sure that things can be used as many times as possible instead of being abandoned. In addition, it helps to build up trust between each other. ③However, the rise of the sharing economy leads to the difficult management. For instance, the sharing bikes bring convenience for people, but people place the bikes at random and even occupy the room of the sidewalk. Therefore, how to manage the sharing things is worth considering 众所周知,共享经济意味着人们通过在线交易出售或购买未被占用的资源。在现代生活中,分享经济是一种新的趋势,它正在发挥着越来越重要的作用。 毫无疑问,许多人从分享经济中获益良多。最重要的是,它有助于充

经济管理类专业英语翻译 (管理原则)

期末论文 院系 专业班级 学号 学生姓名 成绩评定

管理原则 也许在那些关于管理者这门学科的书中有许多关于管理的定义。许多定义是相对扼要和简单化的。一位早期的学者将它定义为“清楚地知道你想让人们去做什么,然后看着他们以最好最廉价的方式去完成它”。管理实际上是一个非常复杂的过程——远远比那些定义让我们知道的要复杂得多。因此,我们要建立一种管理的定义,从而能更好地了解这过程的实质。 管理是在一定的环境条件下通过对人员技术和资金等资源的利用和协调去设立和完成某一个组织目标的过程。这个过程有若干个核心包括计划和决策,组织,人员,领导,管理和控制。所有从事于这些工作的负责人在更大或更小的程度上都依赖于他们所承担的特殊的责任。当谈论管理的定义时,我们不应该忽略管理的原则。 管理的最基本原则在文明诞生时就存在了。当人们第一次开始群居生活和首次提高他们的生活质量时它就存在了。2500年前,巴比伦国王尼布甲尼撒二世决定把他的沙漠王国变成绿洲去取悦他的妻子。在公元前6世纪,尼布甲尼撒二世耗尽了国家财政部的金钱,雇佣劳动者和技术人员利用有限的资源建造一个宫殿,建造了完善的管网系统,把当地河流的水输送到皇宫里。当工程完成后,他在平台上种植漂亮稀有的花草树木。巴比伦的空中花园改变了这座城市。 尼布甲尼撒二世制定了一个目标。他要把沙漠中的主要城市变成绿洲。他利用和协调人员,技术和金钱去完成这一目标。他从王室金库中获得的资金去雇佣民工和技师并从附近地区购买材料。他在这种只能提供原始水管装置,建筑技术以及只能从茫茫沙漠中取得有限的材料的环境下完成了目标。最终,每个人在这个工程商所付出的努力创造了世界七大奇观之一。 2500年前,人们完成某项巨大的任务所运用的管理过程与如今运用的基本原理相似,管理者在执行这个过程是将它分成了5个部分。 这篇文章的主旨在于表达有关管理过程的一些观点和如何将它运用到我们所面临的不同的情况中去。你们所要学习的管理原则是指指导管理者的宗旨,原则或者是组织规范。他们会提供一个行动框架,为了有效的使用他们,一个人必须培养和使用技能的决策。理智决策是识别某个问题或机会,找到可行的方法去处理它并选择最好的方法的过程。因此,决策是最重要的管理活动。管理者必须决定去实施管理的每个功能以及每种情况所需要采取的相应的原则。 在这一点上,我们对于管理必须有两点最基本的理解。首先,在特定的环境下运用各种资源设立完成目标。第二,为了确保组织的成功,组织者必须满足他的技术要求,行政要求和责任制度。尽管这听起来很简单,但这两个原则却经过了几个世纪的发展才形成的。之后将要提到的所有原则都是随着时间的推移从各种来源中汲取的。一些原则来源于各人的直觉,然而其他的则反映了组织中那些成功企业家,著名商业巨子或者是富有创新精神的工作者的经验。直到十九世纪,直觉和经验仍是管理原则的基本来源 尽管本能和直觉曾经是商业管理的基础,但现在创业者创立新的企业经常以他们的直觉进行管理。在十九世纪70年代至80年代的电脑产业中,对技术很精通,但对管理知之甚少的企业家成立了数以百计的硬件和软件公司,一些存活下来,更多的则不是。许多公司开始发展得好是得益于创


第一章 一、旅游经济学是以经济学的一般理论为指导,研究旅游经济活动中各种经济现象,经济关系和经济规律的学科。 二、经济学是研究人类社会在各种发展阶段上的各种经济活动、经济关系和经济规律的学科总称。 三、旅游学是以世界为整体,研究旅游活动产生、发展及其运行规律的学科,目的是揭示旅游活动的内在性质、特点及发展趋势。 四、旅游经济学特征:旅游经济学是一门应用学科,旅游经济学是一门产业经济学,旅游经济学是一门基础学科,旅游经济学是一门新兴的边缘学科。 五、旅游经济学研究的对象是旅游经济活动中旅游产品的需求与供给的矛盾。 旅游经济学的研究任务:第一,揭示影响和作用于旅游经济活动的基本经济因素和经济关系。第二,在研究旅游经济活动的基础上,寻觅和获取旅游业发展的最佳经济效益和社会效益的途径。第三,为制定旅游业发展方针、政策和法国提供理论基础。 六、旅游经济学研究的内容:1.旅游经济的形成及产业标志。2.旅游产品的开发及供求关系。3.旅游产品的市场开拓及销售。4.旅游产品的消费及合理化。5.旅游产品的经营成本及效益。6.旅游经济结构及发展。 七、旅游经济学的研究方法:1.理论与实际相结合的方法。2.定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法。3.静态分析与动态分析相结合的方法。

4.微观分析与宏观分析相结合的方法。 八、旅游经济学与其他学科的关系:1.旅游经济学与经济学的关系:旅游经济学是一门经济类的应用学科,经济学理论在旅游经济学中也是适用的。旅游经济学规律与一般的经济规律是高兴与共性的关系。 2.旅游经济学与旅游学的关系:旅游经济学是旅游学的一部分,它与旅游学的关系是特殊与一般的关系。旅游经济学是从经济这个角度研究旅游活动中所反映的诸关系中的经济关系,从经济学的角度加深对旅游学的研究。 3.旅游经济学与其他旅游学科的关系:第一类是与旅游经济学成平行关系的学科,旅游活动是它们相互联系的纽带。第二类是与旅游经济学成纵向关系的学科,旅游经济学同这些学科的关系是抽象与具体的关系,它们都是旅游经济学的基本理论在各具体领域中的应用和具体化。 第二章 一、旅游经济是社会生产力发展到一定阶段的产物,是视频生产发展的结果,是国民经济的重要组成部分。 二、旅行社是指依法成立并具有法人资格,在旅游经济活动中从事招徕、接待旅游者,组织旅游活动,获取经济收入,实行独立核算、自负盈亏的旅游企业。 三、旅游饭店是为旅游者提供住宿、餐饮、娱乐和其他服务的旅游企业。 四、旅游交通是旅游业的重要组成部分,没有发达的现代交通运输业,就不可能有发达的现代旅游业。


文献信息: 文献标题:Putting the sharing economy into perspective(透视共享经济) 国外作者:Koen Frenken,Juliet Schor 文献出处:《Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions》, 2017, 23:3-10 字数统计:英文3345单词,18027字符;中文5823汉字 外文文献: Putting the sharing economy into perspective Abstract We develop a conceptual framework that allows us to define the sharing economy and its close cousins and we understand its sudden rise from an economic-historic perspective. We then assess the sharing economy platforms in terms of the economic, social and environmental impacts. We end with reflections on current regulations and future alternatives, and suggest a number of future research questions. Keywords:Sharing; Platform; Sustainability; Reverse technology assessment; Regulation 1.Introduction In the Spring of 2014, the sharing economy held an unusual gathering in San Francisco, a sort of “coming out” party. Entitled “SHARE,” the conference included not only founders, funders and fans of the sharing economy, but also harsh critics. Politically progressive insiders and outsiders raised questions about access, exclusion and the distribution of value in the sector. They discussed their vision of a fairer, lower-carbon, more transparent, participatory and socially-connected economy, and whether those goals are consistent with the actions of the large, moneyed players—the successful platforms and the venture capitalists who are backing them with vast sums


A FIELD STUDY:SMALL MANUFACTURING COMPANIES In this section, the implementation of the proposed Integrated ABC-EVA System at two small manufacturing companies is presented. The managers of the companies wished for their company names to remain anonymous. T herefore, they will be referred to as “Company X” and “Company Y” from here on. Prior to the field study, both companies were using traditional costing systems. The overhead was allocated to product lines based on direct labor hours. In both companies, managers felt that their traditional costing systems were not able to provide reliable cost information. 1 Company X Company X, located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was a small manufacturing company with approximately 30 employees. Company X’s main products l ines were Overlays、Membranes、Laser、Roll Labels and N’Caps. In the mid 1990’s, a group of investors purchased the company from the previous owner-manager who had retired. At the time of the study, the company was managed by its former vice-president, who was supported by a three-person management group. Investors were primarily concerned with financial performance rather than daily decision-making. The management group was very eager to participate in the field study for two reasons. First, the management was under pressure from their new investors who were not satisfied with the current return from existing product lines; Second, management was trying to identify the most lucrative product line in order to initiate a marketing campaign with the biggest impact on overall profits. 2 Company Y Company Y, also located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was owned and managed by three owner-managers who bought the company from a large corporation in the mid 1990’s, Company Y employed approximately 40 people. The majority of this compa ny’s business was in the area of manufacturing electrical devices and their main product lines were Motors and Motor Parts、Breakers、and Control Parts. Company Y sold its products in the domestic market as well as abroad. A portion of the company’s output was sold directly to end-users, while the remainder was sold with the help of independent distributors. The management of Company Y was


第一章 一、 二、四、旅游经济学特征:旅游经济学是一门应 用学科,旅游经济学是一门产业经济学,旅游经济学是一门基础学科,旅游经济学是一门新兴的边缘学科。 三、五、旅游经济学研究的对象是旅游经济活动中 旅游产品的需求与供给的矛盾。 四、旅游经济学的研究任务:第一,揭示影响和作 用于旅游经济活动的基本经济因素和经济关系。第二,在研究旅游经济活动的基础上,寻觅和获取旅游业发展的最佳经济效益和社会效益的途径。第三,为制定旅游业发展方针、政策和法国提供理论基础。 五、六、旅游经济学研究的内容:1.旅游经济的形 成及产业标志。2.旅游产品的开发及供求关系。3.旅游产品的市场开拓及销售。4.旅游产品的消费及合理化。5.旅游产品的经营成本及效益。6.旅游经济结构及发展。

六、七、旅游经济学的研究方法:1.理论与实际相 结合的方法。2.定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法。3.静态分析与动态分析相结合的方法。4. 微观分析与宏观分析相结合的方法。 七、八、旅游经济学与其他学科的关系:1.旅游经 济学与经济学的关系:旅游经济学是一门经济类的应用学科,经济学理论在旅游经济学中也是适用的。旅游经济学规律与一般的经济规律是高兴与共性的关系。2.旅游经济学与旅游学的关系:旅游经济学是旅游学的一部分,它与旅游学的关系是特殊与一般的关系。旅游经济学是从经济这个角度研究旅游活动中所反映的诸关系中的经济关系,从经济学的角度加深对旅游学的研究。3.旅游经济学与其他旅游学科的关系:第一类是与旅游经济学成平行关系的学科,旅游活动是它们相互联系的纽带。第二类是与旅游经济学成纵向关系的学科,旅游经济学同这些学科的关系是抽象与具体的关系,它们都是旅游经济学的基本理论在各具体领域中的应用和具体化。


第二章考试试题 2012年1月 1.旅游需求的指向性包括旅游需求的________和________。 单选:1.旅游产品价格不变,而影响旅游需求的其他因素发生变化时,旅游需求曲线会发生移动,以下因素会导致需求曲线向右方移动的是( ) A.客源地政府放宽居民出境旅游所携外汇限制 B.目的地国家通货膨胀率大大高于客源地国家 C.客源地国家提高出境税收 D.客源地国家货币相对目的地国家货币贬值 2.旅游需求缺乏弹性的产品,当其价格下降的时候,需求与价格之间的变动方向以及销售总收入与价格之间的变动方向分别是( ) A.正方向;正方向 B.正方向;反方向 C.反方向;正方向 D.反方向;反方向 3.以下各项测量旅游需求的指标中,能反映一定时期内一个国家或地区产生外出旅游需求能力的指标是( ) A.旅游支出 B.游客人均支出 C.出游频率 D.出游率 多选:1.下列旅游需求预测方法中,属于定性分析方法的有( ) A.趋势分析法 B.专家意见法 C.经理评判意见法 D.营销人员意见法 E.旅游意向调查法 名词解释:1.有效旅游需求 2.旅游需求相互制约弹性 计算题:七、计算题(本大题10分) 2006年我国某航空公司由x国飞往我国的机票为400美元,年乘客为60000人,我国某旅行社为x国旅游者制定的包价旅游产品每人每天80美元,年接待x国旅游者65000人;2007年因燃油价格上涨,该航空公司将机票提高到430美元,年乘客降至50000人,由于航空机票价格上调,该旅行社也将其包价旅游产品提高至每人每天85美元,年接待x国旅游人次减至62000人,求该航空公司机票提价10%,则对该旅行社产品需求的影响程度。(运用点弹性公式计算) 2011年10月 1.旅游需求预测按照预测方法分为___ _____和__ _______。 单选:1.在其他因素不变的前提下,人们在一定时期内对旅游产品的需求量会随着旅游产品价格的升降而呈现怎样的变化?() A.同向 B.反向 C.螺旋式 D.随机性 2.一般来说,在其他因素不变的情况下,人们的可自由支配收入同旅游需求量之间的变化关系是()


The Contractor's Role in Building Cost Reduction After Design Author:Waddle,Todd W. Nationality:UK Derivation:Cost Engineering; Feb2008, Vol. 50 Issue 2, p14-21 It has become evident from recent news articles that inflationary pressures and increased construction activity are causing many building projects to come in well over owner's budgets. This trend has increased dramatically over the past few years, as much of the construction industry has been impacted by an unprecedented increase in the cost of construction. The historical rate of increase in construction cost has been under five percent per year, as reported by the Engineering News Record. Over the last few years, the industry has seen a significant increase from historical escalation rates, up to 10-15 percent per year in many regions of the US. These increases have been caused by a variety of factors, including the following. ? Shortage of steel resulting from rapid growth in China. ? Demand for materials in the US resulting from increased hur ricane damage. ? Rising oil prices leading to higher manufacturing and transportation cost. ? Rising labor cost because of increased construction activity . To be successful in having over budget projects awarded, the building contractor has had to take a proactive role in working with owners and design teams to reduce project cost to amounts that owners are able to award. This cost reduction is normally accomplished through the following methods. ? value engineering; ? scope reduction; Value Engineering Value engineering (VE) has been defined as a systematic method to improve the value of goods and services by using an examination of function. Value, as defined, is the ratio of function to cost. Value can therefore be increased by either improving the function or reducing the cost.


一、不定项选择10*1 二、填空10*2 三、作图10*2 四、简答5*3 五、计算10*2 六、论述15*1 第一章 1、什么是旅游经济学 是经济学概念在旅游方面的延伸,即以经济学的一般理论为指导,研究 旅游经济活动中各种经济现象、经济关系、经济规律及其应用的科学。 2、旅游经济学学科特点、属性 学科特点:新兴学科、应用学科、产业经济学科、边缘性学科 学科属性:应用型、部门性、边缘性、基础性 3、与其他学科间关系 4、什么是旅游、旅游活动、旅游经济活动 旅游:非定居者的旅行和暂时逗留而引起的现象和关系的总和。这些人不会导致长期定居且不牵涉任何赚钱活动。 旅游活动:狭义的旅游活动指游人以游览为主要目的所从事的“游览”型活动;广义的旅游既包括游览活动,又包括旅游开发活动、旅游 经营活动、旅游管理活动、旅游教育活动等,即指与旅游直接相关的各 种活动的总称。 旅游经济活动:是旅游活动的一个重要方面,是旅游需求者和旅游供给者之间通过市场交换形式所形成的各种经济现象和经济关系的总 和。 5、旅游经济活动的影响 在国民经济中的地位和作用:增加外汇收入;加快货币回笼;带动相关产业;积累建设资金;促进贫困地区脱贫 对社会的作用及影响:促进人类社会进步;促进接待国或地区社会

环境的改善;促进社会和平 对文化的作用及影响:加速各民族文化的交流和融合;促使民族优秀的文化传统得到发掘、振兴和光大;促使民族文化的个性更加突出; 促进整个人类精神文明的进步 对生态环境的作用及影响:环境是开展旅游活动的重要条件;旅游活动促使人们对环境进行美化和保护;旅游开发促使人们加强对环境的 保护 第二章 ※1、什么是旅游产品(旅游者、生产者、市场三个角度) 从旅游市场角度看:是指旅游者和旅游经营者在市场上交换的、主要用于旅游活动中所消费的各种物质产品和服务的总和。可分为:单项产品、组合产品、整体产品。 从旅游需求角度看:是指旅游者花费一定时间、精力和金钱所得到的一段旅游经历和感受。要求旅游产品具有:内容上的丰富性、组合上的配套性、质量上的均等性。 从旅游供给角度看:是指旅游经营者凭借一定的旅游资源、旅游设施和其他相关媒介,向旅游者提供其在旅游活动中各种需要的诸多产品和服务的总和。要求具有:综合性、有偿性、动态性。 ※2、旅游产品基本特征(区别于一般的工农业产品) 综合性:品种构成复杂、涉及的产业与部门众多、属性的综合性 无形性:取决于服务性 时空同一性:产地消费性 依赖性:旅游产品生产的共有资源依赖性;旅游产品生产的公共物品依赖性;旅游产品生产的社会依赖性 空间固定性 风险性(脆弱性):旅游产品自身生产出现问题(如结构失衡);国际经济、政治方面的变化(如贸易壁垒、汇率变化);各种自然条件与自然环境的变化地区差异性


第五章习题答案 1、与一般产品相比,旅游价格有何不同之处? 旅游价格是旅游产品价值的货币表现,因此旅游价格应该反映产品的特性。由于旅游产品具有不同于一般产品的特殊性,因而决定了旅游价格也具有其自身的特点,这些特点概括起来有以下三点: (1)旅游价格的综合性 产品的综合性必然使价格也带有综合性的特点。同时由于旅游产品的供给方分属不同的行业和部门,旅游价格的综合性还反映出必须把各种要素有机组合起来,使之相互协调、合理组合成可供销售和消费的旅游产品,这样旅游价格还具有协调和组织各有关部门的产品要素的功能。 (2)旅游价格的季节性 旅游产品与一般商品不同,它的主体内容是旅游服务,旅游产品的“生产”和消费过程无法分离,既不能运输,也无法贮存。由于旅游活动具有较明显的季节性,在不同的旅游季节里,旅游者的消费数量有着较大的差异,存在淡季和旺季的不同。为了提高旅游产品的销售量,旅游经营者往往采取营销的手段来刺激旅游消费,吸引旅游者,价格是最为常用的调节手段。这就导致旅游价格不可避免地带有季节性的特点。 (3)旅游价格的垄断性 由于文物、古迹、名胜、风景、风情、民俗等不同于一般商品,其价值是很难用投入的劳动量的大小来衡量的,不仅不会因为磨损而丧失,相反,随着时间的流逝反而越来越高。这是因为创造这种价值的古代劳动,既不可能再产生,又不可能用现代劳动创造出无法弥补的历史价值,因而在价格上表现为一种垄断。 2、简述旅游价格制定的理论基础。 (1)旅游产品的价值量决定供给价格 (2)旅游产品供求关系决定需求价格 (3)旅游市场竞争状况决定市场成交价格 3、影响旅游产品价格的因素有哪些? (1)旅游价格形成的可控因素 1)旅游产品成本 2)旅游产品特色 3)旅游产品的定价目标 4)旅游企业的推销能力 (2)旅游价格形成的不可控因素 1)旅游市场供求因素 2)旅游市场竞争因素 3)汇率因素 4)通货膨胀 5)旅游目的地国的政策 6)旅游替代品价格 4、旅游产品的价格体系是怎样构成的?


外文原文 The green barrier to free trade C. P. Chandrasekhar Jayati Ghosh As the March 31 deadline for completing the "modalities" stage of the proposed new round of negotiations on global agricultural trade nears, hopes of an agreement are increasingly waning. In this edition of Macroscan, C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh examine the factors and the players constraining the realisation of such an agreement. AT THE END of the latest round of meetings of the agricultural negotiations committee of the WTO, the optimism that negotiators would meet the March 31 deadline for working out numerical targets, formulas and other "modalities" through which countries can frame their liberalisation commitments in a new full-fledged round of trade negotiations has almost disappeared. That target was important for two reasons. First, it is now becoming clear, that even more than was true during the Uruguay Round, forging an agreement in the agricultural area is bound to prove extremely difficult. Progress in the agricultural negotiations was key to persuading the unconvinced that a new 'Doha Round' of trade n egotiatio ns is useful and feasible. Second, the Doha declarati on made agricultural n egotiati ons one part of a 'si ngle undertaking' to be completed by January 1, 2005. That is, in a take 'all-or-nothing' scheme, countries had to arrive at, and be bound by, agreements in all areas in which negotiations were to be initiated in the new round. This means that if agreement is not worked out with regard to agriculture, there would be no change in the multilateral trade regime governing industry, services or related areas and no progress in new areas, such as competition policy, foreign investment and public procurement, all of which are crucial to the economic agenda of the developed countries. The factors making agriculture the sticking point on this occasion are numerous. As in the last Round, there is little agreement among the developed countries themselves on the appropriate shape of the global agricultural trade regime. There are substantial differences in the agenda of the US, the EU and the developed countries within the Cairns group of agricultural exporters. When the rich


外文翻译 原文 THE ECONOMICS OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Material Source: economic Policy, 2005Author: Ari Koko The attitude towards inward foreign direct investment (FDI) has changed considerably over the last couple of decades, as most countries have liberalized their policies to attract investments from foreign multinational corporations (MNCS). On the expectation that foreign MNCS will raise employment, exports, or tax revenue, or that some of the knowledge brought by the foreign companies may spill over to the host country’s domestic firms, governments across the world have lowered various entry barriers and opened up new sectors to foreign investment. An increasing number of host governments also provide various forms of investment incentives to encourage foreign owned companies to invest in their jurisdiction. 1. These include fiscal incentives such as tax holidays and lower taxes for foreign investors, financial incentives such as grants and preferential loans to MNCS. 2. As well as measures like market preferences, infrastructure, and sometimes even monopoly rights. Many multinational enterprise itself business growth slowed, operating pressure sharply, profitability reduce, overseas expansion plans only temporarily put to one side, long view. Add the credit crunch, many potential investment or merger projects into the financing difficulties and financing costs rose trapped habitat. In addition, many private fund or national sovereign funds capital capability by different process degrees shrink, cross-border capital investment, merger willingness and ability are reduced. From the paper that foreign capital very nervous, they will be very in investing cautious. Although some FDI promotion efforts are probably motivated by temporary economic problems such as low growth rates and rising unemployment, there are also more fundamental explanations for the increasing emphasis on investment promotion in recent years. In particular, it appears that the globalization and regionalization of the international economy have made FDI incentives more interesting and important for national governments. Trade liberalization that it
