2022届新高考英语一轮复习 夯基提升题型三 完形填空 题组2 其他语篇类型



题组2 其他语篇类型

Cloze 13[夹叙夹议文][积极的生活态度]




鼓励 6 5 2 1 0 1 0 207 12分钟

I remember my high school English teacher telling me not to apply to Cornell University. My teacher said they wouldn’t accept me and even if they did I wouldn’t be able to 1it through the years. I almost 2but a few days later I came across Ivan Foldfarb, a former teacher, who told me 3, "You apply. You can do it." His words made all the 4. I put in my application and was 5.

Too often we think it’s our6to help make someone aware of "reality". We think we must point out how 7__the job market is as well as how bad the economy is. This world never lacks "8" and pessimists. It calls for more optimists and encouragers who say, "I believe in you. Have the 9, and you will have the power to make it happen. We may 10lots of barriers, but w e’ll get the project finished. Even if you fail, it’ll lead to something more 11." I know that every one of us loves working for and with people who 12the best in us. We love being around people who bring us 13and uplift us. 14we’ll always remember the negative people, we will always treasure those who encourage us.

So share encouragement. It15and we all need it.

1.A. get B. make C. believe D. catch

2.A. stood by B. pulled through C. drew back D. turned away

3.A. honestly B. proudly C. firmly D. delightedly

4.A. sense B. excuses C. messes D. difference

5.A. permitted B. admitted C. assisted D. approached

6.A. responsibility B. fault C. honour D. schedule

7.A. considerable B. stable C. promising D. crowded

8.A. speakers B. realists C. supporters D. guides

9.A. fondness B. effect C. optimism D. desire

10.A. overcome B. ignore C. create D. meet

11.A. worthwhile B. influential C. uncommon D. complex

12.A. bring up B. bring out C. bring in D. bring down

13.A. challenge B. opportunity C. comfort D. pleasure

14.A. When B. If C. While D. Unless

15.A. spreads B. progresses C. matters D. cares Cloze 14[说明文][科技创新]




2020年的Rube Goldberg比

6 4 2 2 1 0 0 212 12分钟

Every year, the Rube Goldberg competition considers inventions made from everyday items. They use complex systems to carry out a 1task, like opening an umbrella or watering a plant. The task for 2020 was supposed to be "turn on a light". 2, when a pandemic(流行病) happened, it was changed to "drop a piece of 3into someone’s hand".Most of those taking part in the competition are 4. In past years, they built the machines5and on teams at school. But with schools closing to slow the spread of the virus, organizers 6the rules. This year, competitors were 7to send in videos of the machines to compete. And the team can include family members. One thing 8: The machine still must complete the task in 10 to 20 steps.

One of the impressive 9was from Maryland. 11-year-old Caitlin and her 13-year-old brother Ben firstly designed their machine. After six hours and 106 10—the soap finally dropped right into Caitlin’s waiting hands — they 11it. In the video submitted, they 12the process.

Health experts say washing hands13is an important protection against diseases. Kids may be 14if they’re thinking about a dead ly virus each time they

wash their hands. So, a fun competition may help to 15good feelings about a task they must do over and over again.

1.A. challenging B. simple C. casual D. special

2.A. Therefore B. Instead C. Moreover D. However

3.A. bread B. soap C. news D. advice

4.A. volunteers B. families C. children D. professionals

5.A. in person B. in private C. in advance D. in theory

6.A. observed B. abandoned C. broke D. adjusted

7.A. recommended B. forced C. required D. preferred

8.A. changed B. improved C. remained D. appeared

9.A. images B. entries C. themes D. choices

10.A. attempts B. projects C. decisions D. models

11.A. got B. made C. took D. beat

12.A. evaluated B. monitored C. reviewed D. demonstrated

13.A. repeatedly B. immediately C. occasionally D. slowly

14.A. amused B. astonished C. afraid D. annoyed

15.A. remember B. understand C. expect D. create

Cloze 15[议论文][传递正确价值取向]




家庭传统7 5 2 1 0 0 0 191 12分钟

A family tradition is recreated year after year. It adds to the family 1, making every family more distinctive. The tradition in my family is 2in my mother’s kitchen to make various desserts for the New Year. It’s a good time with much joy.

Family traditions 3family and personal well-being. Families sharing in their traditions provide security for their members, especially children. Children love 4and consistency; a family tradition provides this. Moreover, it gives them something to 5. With traditions that are celebrated year after year, family 6 are created and strengthened.

Of course it’s 7to make some changes in the traditions to 8the family’s needs. In recent years my family has added time to make 9with our relatives who work overseas, for their jobs 10their reunion with us. This gives us all a chance to stay 11as a family, even if we can’t be together for the holiday 12.

Family traditions don’t have to be formal, or to be fancy. What 13is that you have something for all family members to expect each year. Traditions help create warm, positive 14that can be recalled fondly and 15__family members back to one another year after year.

1.A. relationship B. value C. identity D. belonging

2.A. waiting B. gathering C. playing D. eating

3.A. witness B. promote C. measure D. confirm

4.A. difference B. routine C. adventure D. challenge

5.A. look forward to B. face up to C. come up with D. step back from

6.A. communications B. achievements C. bonds D. celebrations

7.A. effective B. impossible C. simple D. reasonable

8.A. suit B. recognize C. stress D. feel

9.A. video calls B. online posts C. foreign travels D. family dinners

10.A. enable B. disappoint C. gain D. block

11.A. energetic B. connected C. optimistic D. determined

12.A. gradually B. originally C. physically D. occasionally

13.A. occurs B. counts C. varies D. remains

14.A. attitudes B. expressions C. memories D. impressions

15.A. pay B. give C. demand D. draw








Cloze 13


【词语积累】draw back后退,退缩admit v.接收(入学);承认;招供

1.B根据上文中的"My teacher said they wouldn’t accept me"可知,作者的老师认为就算这所大学录取了作者,作者也无法成功毕业。make it表示"获得成功",符合语境。get it"明白";catch it"受罚,受斥责"。

2.C由上文可知,英语老师的话让作者感到灰心,以至于作者几乎要放弃。draw back"退缩"符合语境。stand by"袖手旁观";pull through"完成,做成(十分困难的事)"。

3.C根据下文中的"You apply. You can do it" "I put in my application"可知, 作者以前的老师坚定地(firmly)说了这些话。

4.D下文提到作者最终还是提出了大学申请,由此可知,这位老师的话对作者影响很大。make all the difference"关系重大,大不相同"。



7.D根据空后的"as well as how bad the economy is"可知,经济不好,就业市场也不容乐观。crowded"拥挤的"形象地描述了就业市场竞争的激烈。considerable"相当多的,相当大的";stable"稳定的";promising"有希望的"。

8.B根据上文中的"reality"和空后的"and pessimists. It calls for more optimists and encouragers"可知,这个世界从不缺少"现实主义者(realists)"和悲观主义者。

9.D此处是鼓励者说的话,再结合后面的"have the power to make it happen"可知,desire"愿望,渴望"符合语境。

10.D根据空后的"but we’ll get the project finished"可知,此处表示我们可能会遇到(meet)很多阻碍。

11.A根据"Even if you fail"可知,此处表示就算你失败了,你也能得到更有价值的东西。worthwhile"值得的"。

12.B此处表示能够激发出我们最好的一面的人。bring out"使显现",符合语境。



15.C根据下文中的"and we all need it"可知,此处表示鼓励很重要。matter"重要,要紧",符合语境。

Cloze 14

每年,Rube Goldberg比赛的发明都由日常用品制作而成,这些发明使用复杂的系统来完成简单的任务。2020年比赛的主题让孩子们的洗手过程充满乐趣。

1.B根据下文的"like opening an umbrella or watering a plant"可知,此处表示这些发明用复杂的系统来完成简单的(simple)任务,比如打开雨伞或者浇灌植物。

2.D2020年Rube Goldberg比赛的任务原本是"turn on a light",但是由于流行病的出现,比赛任务改变了。前后句子之间是转折关系,故选However"然而,但是"。

3.B根据下文的"the soap finally dropped right into Caitlin’s waiting hands"可知,2020年比赛的任务改成了"让一块肥皂(soap)落在某人的手中"。

4.C根据下文的"at school""11-year-old Caitlin and her 13-year-old brother Ben"可知,参赛者大多是孩子(children)。

5.A根据下文的"But with schools closing... to send in videos of the machines to compete"可知,比赛规则发生改变,之前必须本人到学校制作机器。in person"亲自,本人";in private"私下地";in advance"提前";in theory"理论上,从理论上来说"。

6.D根据上文的"to slow the spread of the virus"以及下文的"In the video submitted"可知,组织者调整了(adjusted)比赛规则。


8.C根据上文的"They use complex systems...watering a plant"和下文的"The machine still must complete the task in 10 to 20 steps"可知,此处表示有一项规则继续存在(即保持不变)。remain"仍然存在,继续存在"。


10.A根据上文的"After six hours and 106"和下文的"the soap finally dropped right into Caitlin’s waiting hands"并结合选项可知,在历经6个小时,106次尝试后,他们成功了,肥皂最终恰好落到了Caitlin的手中。attempt"(为超越某事物的)尝试,努力"。

11.B参见上题解析。get it"了解,明白";make it"获得成功";take it"假定,以为";beat it"立即走开"。


13.A根据下文的"an important protection against diseases""they must do over and over again"可知,健康专家说反复洗手可以预防疾病。repeatedly"一再,多次,反复地"。

14.C根据常识和空后的"they’re thinking about a deadly virus each time they wash their hands"可知,如孩子们每次洗手都会想到致命的病毒就可能感到害怕(afraid)。


Cloze 15


1.C根据空后的"making every family more distinctive"可知,家庭传统增添了家庭特性,使每个家庭更独特。identity"(区别人或群体的)特性"。

2.B根据下文的"to make various desserts for the New Year"可知,作者家的传统是每年聚集(gathering)在母亲的厨房中做各种新年甜品。

3.B根据下文的"Families sharing in their traditions provide security""With traditions that are celebrated year after year, family 6are created and strengthened"可知,家庭传统提升(promote)家庭和个人的幸福感。

4.B根据上文的"provide security"和下文的"and consistency"可知,孩子们喜欢常规和稳定(这给他们一种安全感)。routine"常规,正常顺序"与security"安全,平安"和consistency"一致性,连贯性"语意范畴一致。

5.A根据下文的"you have something for all family members to expect each year"可知,家庭传统也让孩子们有所期待。look forward to"期待,期盼";face up to"敢于面对,勇于正视";come up with"想出,提出(主意、答案等)";step back from"跳出(某事物的)圈子看问题"。

6.C根据语境和下文的"are created and strengthened"可知,庆祝家庭传统有助于建立和增强家庭纽带。bond"纽带,联系,契合,关系"。

7.D根据下文的"has added time to make 9with our relatives who work overseas"可知,对家庭传统做一些改变来满足家人的需要也是合乎情理的。reasonable"有道理的,合情理的"。


9.A结合常识以及空后的"with our relatives who work overseas"可知,此处表示与远在海外工作的亲戚进行视频通话(video calls)。

10.D结合下文的"their reunion with us""we can’t be together"可知,这些远在海外的亲戚的工作使得他们不能回来与作者一家团聚。block"阻止,阻碍"符合语境。



13.B重要的是你有让家庭成员每年都期待的事情(即一同庆祝家庭传统)。count 表示"重要",符合语境。

14.C根据下文的"that can be recalled fondly"可知,家庭传统帮助创造温暖积极的回忆(memories)。


2022高三统考英语译林版一轮复习训练:模块二 Unit 3 语言运用题组——求精准

语言运用题组——求精准 (25mins) Ⅰ.完形填空 My daughter loved dancing until she didn’t love it.After an 1first year,I noticed her interest fading week by week.Then,one day,she slowly walked to me before class and asked if she could just 2it. My first reaction was to 3her to “finish what you start”.4,sticking with something difficult can teach perseverance (毅力),discipline and confidence.But watching my first-grader 5 herself into each ballet position,I started to question how much 6that “blanket advice” made.Is it really in my kid’s best 7,or even practical,to make her stick to every commitment through until she reaches a bitter 8?What if there are different but 9valuable qualities,which can be gained by 10the things that are not right for her? With the winter show approaching,I realised she needed to either 11her class or commit herself to it.After a few days’ consideration,she 12dance wasn’t for her—a choice I 13.Quitting is never a black-and-white issue.Sometimes,it means 14 a barrier in your way to love something else.In my daughter’s case,ending dance made space for her new hobbies,such as horseback riding and Girl Scouts.She’s into them for now,but it is okay if that 15changes. As adults,we are accustomed to 16the power of saying yes,but what about saying no?The ability to recognize when something isn’t an 17investment of our time or energy is also important.As my daughter gets older,I want her to feel confident to 18something that’s no longer meeting her needs.She shouldn’t be held back by the thought that she must 19 something at any cost 20because she has started. 1.A.annoying B.independent C.enthusiastic D.unbearable 2.A.make B.join C.skip D.try 3.A.advise B.invite C.allow D.order 4.A.In addition B.After all C.At most D.By contrast 5.A.cheer B.throw C.enjoy D.drag 6.A.time B.sense https://www.360docs.net/doc/9f19157230.html,bour D.pity 7.A.honour B.idea C.behaviour D.interest 8.A.end B.space C.side D.direction 9.A.partly B.hardly C.equally D.seemingly 10.A.letting go of B.giving way to C.making up for D.putting up with 11.A.teach B.take C.enter D.drop

2022届新高考英语一轮复习 夯基提升题型三 完形填空 题组2 其他语篇类型

第三部分高考题型突破 题型三完形填空 题组2 其他语篇类型 Cloze 13[夹叙夹议文][积极的生活态度] 主题 考点分布 词数建议时间动名形副介连代 鼓励 6 5 2 1 0 1 0 207 12分钟 I remember my high school English teacher telling me not to apply to Cornell University. My teacher said they wouldn’t accept me and even if they did I wouldn’t be able to 1it through the years. I almost 2but a few days later I came across Ivan Foldfarb, a former teacher, who told me 3, "You apply. You can do it." His words made all the 4. I put in my application and was 5. Too often we think it’s our6to help make someone aware of "reality". We think we must point out how 7__the job market is as well as how bad the economy is. This world never lacks "8" and pessimists. It calls for more optimists and encouragers who say, "I believe in you. Have the 9, and you will have the power to make it happen. We may 10lots of barriers, but w e’ll get the project finished. Even if you fail, it’ll lead to something more 11." I know that every one of us loves working for and with people who 12the best in us. We love being around people who bring us 13and uplift us. 14we’ll always remember the negative people, we will always treasure those who encourage us. So share encouragement. It15and we all need it. 1.A. get B. make C. believe D. catch 2.A. stood by B. pulled through C. drew back D. turned away 3.A. honestly B. proudly C. firmly D. delightedly 4.A. sense B. excuses C. messes D. difference 5.A. permitted B. admitted C. assisted D. approached 6.A. responsibility B. fault C. honour D. schedule

2022年高考英语二轮专题复习专题三完形填空 第二讲多法并举、瞻前顾后, 稳取句内、句组、语篇层次题

第二讲多法并举、瞻前顾后,稳取句内、句组、语篇层 次题 一、5 大方法速判句内层次题 句内层次题的解题信息分布在本句内,在读懂文意的前提下,利用本句的一些信息凭借语感即可顺利选出答案。对于此类题目,考生可以边读边填,将原文信息尽量复原。 方法1 利用习惯搭配和固定结构解题 [典例][2020·全国卷Ⅱ]It was just after sunrise on a June morning. “Nicolo,” whose real name cannot be __41__ to the public because of Italy's privacy laws, 42.finished working the whole night at a factory in Turin. 41.A.attached B.allocated C.exposed D.submitted 分析:本题可以利用习惯搭配解题。根据下文的“because of Italy's privacy laws”可知主人公的真名是隐私的、不可透露的。由此可知正确选项。 自主解答:________ 方法2 利用生活常识和文化背景解题 完形填空的语篇中往往渗透着诸如文化科学、历史地理、风俗民情等方面的知识。考生在做题时,若能积极地调动自己掌握的文化背景知识和生活常识,巧妙地加以运用,特别是注意中西文化的差异,将会大大简化复杂的分析与判断过程,节省宝贵的时间,从而轻松地做出正确判断。 [典例][2021·全国卷乙]And there you have it. To many people, __59__ lives is part of the job but styling hair is an extra and should be rewarded. 59.A.risking B.changing C.saving D.building 分析:第59题考查语境和常识推断。对许多人来说,挽救(saving)生命是医护人员工作的一部分,但是做头发是额外的(extra)事,应当得到酬谢。risk“冒险”;change“改变”;build“培养,发展”。 自主解答:________ 方法3 利用对应成分分析法解题 完形填空文章的上下文之间以及句子内部之间往往有着一定的逻辑关系,它使句子的各

超实用高考英语复习:重难点03 1完形填空之题型剖析 (教师版)

重难点03-1完形填空之题型剖析-高考英语 【热点·重点·难点】专练 (新高考专用) 距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。以下是本人从事10多年教学经验总结出的以下学习资料,希望可以帮助大家提高答题的正确率,希望对你有所帮助,有志者事竟成! 养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。做题前,要认真阅读题目要求、题干和选项,并对答案内容作出合理预测;答题时,切忌跟着感觉走,最好按照题目序号来做,不会的或存在疑问的,要做好标记,要善于发现,找到题目的题眼所在,规范答题,书写工整;答题完毕时,要认真检查,查漏补缺,纠正错误。总之,在最后的复习阶段,学生们不要加大练习量。在这个时候,学生要尽快找到适合自己的答题方式,最重要的是以平常心去面对考试。英语最后的复习要树立信心,考试的时候遇到难题要想“别人也难”,遇到容易的则要想“细心审题”。越到最后,考生越要回归基础,单词最好再梳理一遍,这样有利于提高阅读理解的效率。另附高考复习方法和考前30天冲刺复习方法。 新高考I卷完形填空文章长度220词左右,设空15个,设空平均间距为13个词左右。首句不设空; 从高考命题手段上看未来高考将继续以下两个“突出”。 一、突出词汇运用的语境化 以考查语篇内容理解为主,设题注重上下或整个篇章的理解;突出词汇在文章具体语境中的理解和 运用;选项设置以实词,如名词、动词(短语)形容词和副等为主,偶尔有介词或介词短语出现。四个选项一般都属于同一词类,而且往往都和设空后的单词形成某种搭配,这样便形成了很强的迷惑性和干扰性,增加了试题的难度; 二、突出“藕虽断,丝还连” 一篇220词左右的短文,挖出15个空格后,结果使得短文文意的残缺,即“藕断”。但完形填空设 空的精妙之处就在于“藕虽断,丝还连”。这些千丝万缕的“丝”能保证文意的疏通连贯(即留有供考生解


必修3 Module2 必修3 Module2语言运用题组——求精准 (25mins) Ⅰ.完形填空 Most of us remember our teachers.One or two might slip the 1 ,but even the most unimportant ones have some 2 on us.Then there are those who remain guides for life.For me there was Dr Wylie—his unusual ways threw new 3 on maths.And my English teacher,Dr Parry, 4 my science and maths-focused brain to the joys of literature.I didn’t realize it at the time,but th ose two 5 shaped my future. As a journalist I 6 major events,but I cared only shallowly.Now as a teacher,I communicate with just a group of teenagers,but I care 7 :those struggling to make friends,those 8 in with the wrong crowd or those doing brilliantly.I have made them 9 poems by heart and we are going to be listening to classical music.10 ,I am trying to build up their cultural capital,to broaden their eyes and to 11 them to worlds beyond their own. I’ve found that most people don’t think of teaching as being quite as 12 as writing for newspapers.Tell people you are a journalist,and at least some will 13 it interesting.14 you tell someone you are a teacher,you can see memories of their school days 15 back,and fear flash in their eye s.So teaching isn’t for the faint-hearted(胆怯的).It can be 16 work—but is there anything worthwhile in life that isn’t?Some classes can be 17 at times.But don’t believe how terrible and self-centred teenagers are.They are 18 and full of potential.It is my job—and my 19 pleasure—to help them achieve it and to give them the solid 20 that will let them blossom. 1.A.memory B.ear C.hand D.ability 2.A.expectation B.expression C.influence D.reaction 3.A.light B.doubt C.question D.blame 4.A.sent B.opened C.asked D.helped 5.A.students B.colleagues C.workers D.teachers 6.A.lived with B.dealt with C.fought with D.came with 7.A.typically B.interestingly C.deeply D.powerfully 8.A.taking B.giving C.filling D.falling 9.A.learn B.lose


课时规范练(二) 题型组合练——练准度 (完形填空+语法填空)限时:35分钟 单独成册:对应学生用书第300页 Ⅰ.完形填空 (2021·河北“五个一名校联盟”高三一诊)Many families usually take their children to travel during school breaks. But Julie and Tim Rivenbark planned a(n) 1 vacation with their two children—a one­year trip around the world. They plan to 2 30 countries in all. Right now, the four travellers are about halfway through their 3 . Mrs. Rivenbark says they are trying to see as much of the 4 as they can. Mr. Rivenbark says the family have 5 on ostriches (鸵鸟), elephants, and camels. But, he says, one of the most 6 experiences of the trip has been meeting new people. “People have been 7 friendly and welcoming and love our kids—and it's lovely to see them interacting (互动) with new people and their 8 to seeing our kids enjoying themselves in their country.” Eleven­year­old Tyler says he has enjoyed 9 about the people they have met. “I learned in Africa that people have very 10 lifestyles to those in America.” His sister Kara 11 that she liked Thai food. Mrs. Rivenbark says that the trip is 12 the children a lot more than short visits would have. “I think that the longer we travel, the more 13 it has on how they see the world. I can see them 14 more than they can see themselves,”she said. It took the family a year to 15 for the trip. They had to sell their house and cars. Mrs. Rivenbark 16 her job and her husband is using unpaid leave. They carry small bags 17 lightweight clothing and whatever else they need. Mrs. Rivenbark says she 18 being able to carry everything she needs on her back. Tyler and Kara each have iPads so they can communicate with teachers to stay 19 with their schoolwork. Tyler is also 20 a 365­day video blog. [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。大多数家庭会在学校假期带孩子出去游玩,可是Rivenbark夫妇却有一个更长的计划:带两个孩子进行为期一年的环球旅行,游玩30个国家。 1.A.shorter B.important C.complicated D.longer 解析:大多数家庭会在孩子学校放假的时候带孩子去旅游,可是这对夫妇却计划带孩子 做一个更长的(longer)的旅游——为期一年的环球旅行。 答案:D 2.A.pass B.visit C.walk D.guide 解析:他们计划总共参观(visit) 30个国家。根据前文提到的a one­year trip可知此 处应该用visit。 答案:B 3.A.destination B.experience C.trip D.voyage

2022届高考英语一轮复习第二部分高考题型组合练组合练十二完形填空 语法填空 写作含解析新人教版

组合练(十二) 完形填空+语法填空+写作 Ⅰ.完形填空 (2020·济南5月高三模拟)Luther Younger is a 99-year-old loving husband. His wife came down with cancer nine years ago, and doctors 1 she'd have just five years to live. 2 , the couple have remained strong. Over the last nine years, Luther has always taken a six-mile 3 every day to visit his wife in the hospital. He always stays by her side, encouraging her, showering her with 4 , and their daily kiss. Luther could get a ride or even take the bus, but he 5 to walk the whole journey to help clear his mind and to 6 everything about his wife. Passers-by often recognize Luther and stop to offer him a ride, but he 7 their kindness. His daily walk is the 8 of how much he loves his wife. Luther's daughter hoped he could 9 accept rides, especially on extremely hot and snowy days, but Luther 10 walking himself so she just lets him have it his way. 11 walking six miles each day in the heat and snow would be too much, when you've walked through 12 with someone, what's another six miles? Luther is always 13 to leave his love before returning home, but he knows that each tomorrow, 14 the weather, he will be on his way again. He can't bear to live a single day without 15 his wife. [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个温暖有爱的故事。无论天气怎样,一位99岁的老爷爷每天步行六英里去看望因癌症住院的妻子。 1.A.reported B.imagined C.advised D.thought 解析:根据空前的“His wife came down with cancer”可知,医生已经诊断Luther的妻子罹患癌症,故医生认为(thought)他的妻子只能活五年了。 答案:D 2.A.However B.Therefore C.Instead D.Besides 解析:根据空前后的“she'd have just five years to live”“remained strong”可知,虽然医生认为她只能活五年了,但是这对夫妇一直很坚强。上下文的内容形成对比,表示转折,故选A项。however“然而,不过,但是”。 答案:A 3.A.drive B.walk C.ride D.flight 解析:根据下文的“walk the whole journey”可知,他是每天步行(walk)去看望他的妻子。答案:B 4.A.relief B.trust C.love D.sympathy


必修① Unit 2 单元主题语篇训练 Ⅰ.完形填空 I was recently involved in a bad traffic accident.I was knocked unconscious by the impact so I don't __1__ anything about the accident.My first memory is being given oxygen as the doctors and nurses tried to __2__ me back to life. As I lay in the emergency room, I found myself __3__ my life and thanking God that I was still __4__ and that nobody else was __5__. Since that day, the physical recovery has been __6__, but not as tough as the emotional recovery.I've learned a lot about myself and about what really __7__ in this world.Things that are really important are not “things”.I'm not invincible (无敌的) and I cannot __8__ everything that happens in my life.I need to be better at __9__ the things that come my way that I didn't plan for.As someone who was always in a __10__, it taught me to slow down a little.I have learned to live each day honestly and __11__. __12__ I continue to heal physically and emotionally, I have a different opinion on __13__.When tragedy strikes, you can either let it __14__ your spirit, or use it as an opportunity to grow. I have chosen to __15__ from it. 语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者遭遇了一场车祸,苏醒之后开始思考人生。 1.A.receive B.remember C.mention D.care 解析:选B 根据空前的“I was knocked unconscious”和下一句中的“first memory”可推出作者被撞倒失去了意识,车祸过程都记不起来了。 2.A.bring B.hit C.pay D.answer 解析:选A 根据本句语境可推出医护人员在全力抢救作者。bring sb.back to life 意为“救活某人”。 3.A.sacrificing B.predicting C.analyzing D.mourning 解析:选C 根据下文作者对人生的思考可知,作者苏醒过来以后开始分析自己的人生并感谢上帝让他活着。 4.A.wealthy B.alive C.optimistic D.healthy

2022年人教版高考英语一轮考点复习 选择性必修第一册 UNIT 2 语言运用题组——求精准

选择性必修第一册UNIT2语言运用题组——求精准 (25 mins) Ⅰ.完形填空 A 70-year-old Air Force veteran (退伍军人) from Salem,Illinois is being praised as a hero for his good deed. Marshall Helm had been 1 his granddaughter to the bus stop early in the morning when the smoke and 2 arising from the house next door 3 his attention.Helm 4 to the endangered home and threw open the garage door only to find flames climbing up one of the building walls.5,at that very moment he did not 6 to charge past the flames and into the house so he could make sure his neighbors were 7. Gary and Kathy Benjamin had been 8 upstairs when they awoke to hear Helm shouting about the fire.Although they were confused by the 9 and had no time to figure out what had happened,they 10 to run into the hallway and escape with Helm through the back door just as the flames were swallowing the 11 through which he had come in only a minute before.Thanks to Helm’s quick 12,the Benjamins suffered only 13 smoke intake—and even though they lost their home in the fire,they are simply 14 to Helm for saving their lives. “Lifesaver—lifesaver is all I can say,”Mr.Benjamin said.His wife added,“Hero,he’s our 15.” 1.A.walking B.running C.observing D.approaching 2.A.winds B.flames C.smells D.dust 3.A.kept B.discovered C.drew D.appealed 4.A.came in B.ran over C.moved around D.woke up 5.A.Instead B.Otherwise C.Besides D.However 6.A.need B.agree C.hesitate D.doubt 7.A.normal B.steady C.peaceful D.safe 8.A.sleeping B.dancing C.reading D.chatting https://www.360docs.net/doc/9f19157230.html,ment B.challenge C.message D.chaos 10.A.pretended B.managed


Unit 3 单元主题语篇训练 Ⅰ.完形填空 Geraniums (天竺葵) of Love As the fifth of seven children, I went to the same public school as my three elder sisters and brother.Every year, my mother went to the same ceremony and had parent­child interviews (亲子交流会) with the same teachers.The only thing different was the child.And every child __1__ an old Geraniums school tradition —the annual plant sale (拍卖会) held in early May, just in time for __2__ Day. Third grade was the first time that I was allowed to take part in the plant sale.I wanted to surprise my mother.__3__, I didn't have any money.I went to my eldest sister and __4__ the secret, and she gave me some money.When I arrived at the plant sale, I carefully made my __5__.I agonized (苦苦思索) over that decision, __6__ each plant to ensure that I had indeed found the best geranium.The moment I had smuggled it home, with the help of my sister, I __7__ it on the upstairs neighbor's porch.I was very afraid my mother would find it before Mother's Day, but my sister assured me that she wouldn't, and __8__ she did not. When Mother's Day arrived, I was bursting with pride when I gave her that geranium.I remember how bright her eyes were, and how delighted she was with my __9__. The year I was fifteen, my younger sister reached third grade.In early May, she came to me full of wonder and secrecy and told me that there was going to be a plant sale at school and she wanted to __10__ our mother.Like my __11__ sister did for me, I gave her some money and off she went.She arrived at home full of __12__ excitement, the geranium hidden in a paper bag __13__ her sweater.“I looked at every plant,” she explained, “and I know I got the __14__ one!” I helped my little __15__ hide that geranium on the upstairs neighbor's porch, assuring that our mother wouldn't find it before Mother's Day.I was there when she gave my mother the geranium, and I watched them both bursting with pride and __16__.It was like being in a dream I had already dreamed.My mother noticed me __17__, and she gave me a soft secret smile.Shocked and puzzled, I __18__ back.I had been wondering how my mother could __19__ to be surprised at this gift from her sixth child.But as I watched her eyes light up with delight as she was __20__ with that most precious gift, I knew she was not pretending. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者回忆了自己和妹妹在母亲节那天给母亲送节日“惊

2022届高考英语一轮复习第二部分高考题型组合练组合练30完形填空 语法填空 写作含解析牛津译林版

组合练(三十) 完形填空+语法填空+写作 Ⅰ.完形填空 It had been a long drive to the Veteran's hospital. My brother and I had gone to 1 my Dad who had been 2 into the hospital days earlier, weak, sick and confused. The doctor had diagnosed him with pneumonia (肺炎) and found cancer cells in his brain. My Dad looked so 3 lying there in bed. It wasn't just the 4 that was getting to him. It was also being so 5 his family and friends. As I sat by his bed, a little woman with a big smile 6 into his room. She was at least 80 years old but seemed to have the 7 of someone 60 years young. She was a volunteer 8 handmade get-well cards from the local elementary school. Gently, she took my Dad's hand and thanked him for his service to our country. It was the first time since he had gotten sick that I saw my Dad smile. I 9 her into the hallway as she left and thanked her for lifting my Dad's 10 .“I am just sharing a little 11 , sweetie,” she said with a smile as she walked into the next patient's room to share a little more. That 80-year-old angel reminded me again of what is 12 in this life: sharing our love. When we share our love, we create 13 not only in the hearts of those 14 us, but in our own hearts as well. When we share our love, we find ourselves doing what we were always 15 to do. When we share our love, we make our souls lighter, our lives brighter and the world better. [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过讲述父亲生病时,志愿者来看望父亲的故事,告 诉我们要分享爱。 1. A.invite B.amuse C.visit D.watch 解析:invite“邀请”;amus e“娱乐,逗笑”;visit“拜访,游览”;watch“观看”。此 处指的是“我”和哥哥去看望父亲。 答案:C 2. A.refused B.admitted C.hurt D.wounded 解析:refuse“拒绝”;admit“允许进入,办理住院手续,承认”;hurt“受伤”;wound“使 受伤”。此处指的是父亲被接收住院。 答案:B 3. A.sad B.small C.bored D.calm 解析:sad“悲伤的”;bored“厌倦的”;calm“平静的”。父亲患有肺炎同时发现癌症, 所以父亲很伤心难过。 答案:A 4. A.work B.illness C.failure D.loneliness
