


The following phrases are used to participate in a meeting. These phrases are useful for expressing your ideas and giving input to a meeting. Getting the Chairperson's Attention 引起会议主席的注意

(Mister/Madam) chairman.

May I have a word?

If I may, I think...

Excuse me for interrupting.

May I come in here?

Giving Opinions 表达意见

I'm positive that...

I (really) feel that...

In my opinion...

The way I see things...

If you ask me,... I tend to think that...

Asking for Opinions 询问意见

Are you positive that...

Do you (really) think that...

(name of participant) can we get your input?

How do you feel about...?

Commenting 做出评论

That's interesting .

I never thought about it that way before.

Good point!

I get your point.

I see what you mean.

Agreeing 表示同意

I totally agree with you.


That's (exactly) the way I feel.

I have to agree with (name of participant).

Disagreeing 表示异议

Unfortunately, I see it differently.

Up to a point I agree with you, but...

(I'm afraid) I can't agree

Advising and Suggesting 提出建议


We should...

Why don't you....

How/What about...

I suggest/recommend that...

Clarifying 澄清

Let me spell out...

Have I made that clear?

Do you see what I'm getting at?

Let me put this another way...

I'd just like to repeat that...

Requesting Information 请求信息

Please, could you...

I'd like you to...

Would you mind...

I wonder if you could...

Asking for Repetition 请求重复

I'm afraid I didn't understand that. Could you repeat what you just said?

I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that, please?

I missed that. Could you say it again, please?

Could you run that by me one more time?

Asking for Clarification 要求澄清

I don't quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?

I'm afraid I don't quite understand what your are getting at.

Could you explain to me how that is going to work?

I don't see what you mean. Could we have some more details, please? Asking for Verification 请求确认

You did say next week, didn't you? ('did' is stressed)

Do you mean that...?

Is it true that...?

Asking for Spelling 请求拼写

Could you spell that, please?

Would you mind spelling that for me, please?

Asking for Contributions 请求赐教

We haven't heard from you yet, (name of participant).

What do you think about this proposal?

Would you like to add anything, (name of participant)?

Has anyone else got anything to contribute?

Are there any more comments?

Correcting Information 更正

Sorry, I think you misunderstood what I said.

Sorry, that's not quite right.

I'm afraid you don't understand what I'm saying.

That's not quite what I had in mind.

That's not what I meant.

Keeping the Meeting On Target (time, relevance, decisions) 转入正题

We're running short of time.

Well, that seems to be all the time we have today.

Please be brief.

I'm afraid we've run out of time.

I'm afraid that's outside the scope of this meeting.

Let's get back on track, why don't we?

That's not really why we're here today.

Why don't we return to the main focus of today's meeting.

We'll have to leave that to another time.

We're beginning to lose sight of the main point.

Keep to the point, please.

I think we'd better leave that for another meeting.

Are we ready to make a decision?







说到商务会议,是不是立刻想到一群西装革履的白领们坐在一个大会议桌周围,表情严肃地讨论各种文件?确实,商务会议是个严肃的场合,这种会议上的用词非常礼貌,给人的感觉就是“公事公式”。我们来看看在会议上该如何礼貌地引起会议主持的注意、询问和表达意见以及怎样做评论吧! Getting the Chairperson's Attention 引起会议主持的注意 May I have a word? If I may, I think... Excuse me for interrupting. May I come in? Giving Opinions 表达意见 I'm positive that... I (really) feel that... In my opinion... The way I see things... If you ask me ... I tend to think that... Asking for Opinions 询问意见 Are you positive that... Do you (really) think that... (name of participant), can we get your input? How do you feel about...? Commenting 做出评论 That's interesting. I never thought about it that way before. Good point!

商务会议常用英语(二) [ 2006-05-29 10:30 ] 英语中一词多义的现象很普遍。很多词在不同的领域有不同的意思。因此难免造成歧义和误解。当你不明白的时候,你需要别人澄清,当你讲到一个可能产生很多歧义的问题时,你也需要为听众说明。下面是一些商务会议上常用的要求澄清和澄清时要用的“业务”语言,看看你用得上不? Asking for Clarification 要求澄清 I don't quite follow you. What exactly do you mean? 我不太明白你的意思。你到底想说什么呢? I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you are getting at. 好像我没太明白你的看法。 Could you explain to me how that is going to work? 你能给我解释一下这个是怎么用的吗? I don't see what you mean. Could we have some more details, please? 我不明白你的意思。你能说得再详细一点吗? Clarifying 澄清 Let me spell it out... 让我解释一下…… Have I made that clear? 明白了吗? Do you see what I'm getting at? 你明白我的意思吗? Let me put this another way... 让我换种方式说明…… I'd just like to repeat that... 我愿意重申一下……商务会议常用英语(三) [ 2006-05-30 10:38 ] 如果你对会议上正在讨论的东西不太不了解,你就得请别人给你提供一些详细的信息。自己不确定是否明白了对方的意思时,就要确认一下。如果别人误会了你的意思,你就要赶快更正。看看下面这些关于请求、确认、和更正的表达,是不是能帮上你的忙呢?


商务英语常用术语 airway bill/(A/B) 空运提单 abstract of title 产权说明书,产权证据摘要acceptance bank 承兑银行 acceptance credit 承兑信贷 accident insurance 意外险,事故保险 account paid 已付款,帐款已付 account payable 应付帐款 account sales(A/S) 承兑帐,寄信销售清单 account transfer memo 转帐通知单 accounting firm 会计事务所 actual market 现货交易 adaption of budget 核定预算 advance freight 预付运费 advance payment 预付货款 affilianted company 联营公司,附属公司 against all risks (A.A.R) 保一切险 allotment advice 拨款通知 arbitrated par 股票交易比例定价,股票票面公断定价arrival notice 到货通知,抵港通知 bank check 银行支票 bank draft 银行汇票 bank reference 银行征信,银行资信证明书 bearer check 无记名支票 bearer share (stock) 无记名股票 bilateral trade 双边贸易 bill broker 票据经纪人,证券经纪人 bill of exchange 汇票 bill of lading 提单,提货单 blue chip 热门股票 board of directors 董事会, board of directors 理事会 bonded area 保税区 bottom price 最低价格 business forecasting 商情预测 buying rate 买入汇率 capital turnover 资本周转 cargo marking 货物标志 cash against documents 凭单付现 cash with order 定货付现 certificate of origin 原产地证书 civil debt 民事债务 clean bill 光票


怎样开一个英文会议 ——商务英语会议 A:B,最近晚上去跑步了吗? Are you running in the evening recently, SZF? B:有,天天跑,对身体好 Yes, everyday it’s benefit to our body. C:我也去了 I also want to go A:瞎扯的吧我都没见过你们 I haven’t seen you. D:B身体不错啊 Good body. B:还好还好,多谢夸奖 Thank you! just so-so E:你们在聊什么?跑步?我也好想 What are you talking? Running? I also want to. D:周末,一起去健身吧 How about going to the gym on the weekend? B:好啊 Ok A:可以吧 Good idea. E:好了大家都在时间也到了开始开会吧 It looks like everyone's here,time is over,Shall we begin ? C:我OK啦 I’m ok. B:好啊 Ok D:好 Ok A:恩 En E:带了手机调静音或关机 If you have mobile phone, could you please turn in off? B:好的 Yeah C:好的,搞定 Ok D:嗯

En E:(发材料)这是我们的会议流程大家看看 Ok, This is our meeting process, have a look. E:上次会议我们做了一个BOBO知名度市场调研报告表明BOBO还是很受欢迎的,但是公司还没有没有开发很多关于BOBO的一些产品 Last meeting we did a market research report visibility BOBO. It’s suggested that BOBO are popular to young children. Our company doesn’t have many products about BOBO. So the purpose of the meeting is to researching and developing 4 new products for children. E:这次会议主要目的就是研发出4种产品 The purpose of the meeting is to researching and developing 4 new products for children. E:OK 看一下会议流程 SZF 说下你的产品 Ok, look at the agenda,First let Mr. Szf talk about his product B:在我看来,我们可以生产一种bobo的拼图 In my view, we can develop a kind of bobo puzzle. E:拼图?有什么意义吗?能说具体一点吗? Puzzle? What is the significance of your product? Could you speak specific please? B:你知道,拼图不仅有益智的效果,而且。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。You know, the puzzle, not only develop intelligence, but kids can find pleasure from it. After a hard work of puzzle, looking the BOBO pattern at the puzzle, I think the children and adults will have a deep impression in our products. E:你们三个人对他的产品有什么看法?YYC首先来 Do you have any question about his product? YYC first. C:我提个问题哈,这个拼图有很多种,你能具体介绍下吗?怎么把伯伯这个形象融入进去 Sorry, could I ask a question, please? The puzzle have many kinds, so what’s kind of puzzle? Could you speak specific please? And how integrate this image into puzzle? B:是这样的,拼图的图案就是BOBO的形象,这样也可以起到宣传的效果 Oh, the puzzle’s pattern is BOBO image, if we can do it, it will play the effect of publicity. D:但这一点都不实用,我不喜欢你这个方案 But that is not practical; I do not like this program of you. B:如果你想要更实用的话,我们可以把拼图做的大一些。。。。。。。。。一举三得啊 If you want a more practical,the puzzle can make some bigger, thicker, softer, so customers can spread the puzzle on the ground and sit down. If we can do it, the funny of play puzzle, the practicability, and the effect of publicity, it is shooting two birds with one stone. A:我认为这是一个不错的想法,我认同你


商务会议开场英语表达 商务会议开场英语表达: Tokickoff Definition:Togetstarted. 含义:开始 Example:“Let’skickoffbyreviewingtheresultsofourlastcam paign.” 例句:首先从回顾我们上次活动的成果开始。 Totaketheminutes Definition:Totakenotesoneverythingthatwassaidandagreedon inthatmeeting. 含义:记录在会议上说过、同意的事。 Example:“It’smyturntotaketheminutes,sopleaseletmeknowi fthere’sanythingspecialyouwantmetomakeanoteof.” 例句:轮到我来做记录了。如果你有特别想让我记录的,请告诉我。 Tohelprememberthesephrases,trywritinganintroductiontoame etingusingallofthem.Imagineyouareinaweeklymeetingwithyourco lleagues.Howmanyoftheseexpressionscouldyouuse? Togettheballrolling Definition:Togetthemeetingordiscussionstarted. 含义:让会议/讨论开始

Example:“OK,everyone.Let’https://www.360docs.net/doc/a26152062.html,eandsit downandwe’llstartthemeeting.” 例句:好了各位,我们开始吧。来,请坐,会议要开始了。 Toopenwith Definition:Tobeginbytalkingaboutacertaintopic. 含义:开始谈论某一特定的话题 Example:“Let’sopenwithasummaryofwhateachofyouhasachiev edthisweek.” Tohandoverto Definition:Tointroduceanotherspeaker. 含义:介绍另外一位演讲人 Example:“I’dliketohandovertoDavetoexplainourplansforth enextquarter.” 例句:我想接下来15分钟由戴夫来解释我们的计划。 Ontheagenda Definition:Somethingontheplantobediscussed. 含义:计划讨论某事 Example:“Today,thefirstitemontheagendaistodecideonanews upplier.” Togetdowntobusiness Definition:Totalkaboutthemostimportantissues. 含义:讨论最重要的议题


常用会议英语 Part A 出席会议常用句(会议前P1,会议中P1-P5,会议后P5) Part B 对话(提出建议P6 请求补充说明P6 表示同意P6 表示反对P7 说明自己的见解P7)Part C 会议常见职位职务英文译名P8 Part A 出席会议常用句 会议前 Greetings ['gri:ti?z] Long time no see. How's business? How's everything? How's it going? How are things? How've you been? Do you have a good trip in China?会议中 Agreeing I think so. I agree. That's it! I agree with you on this point. I think you are right. That’s what I feel. I'm with you. Disagreeing I don't agree. I don't think so. I doubt it. I can't agree. 见面时的寒暄 好久不见。 生意如何? 近来如何? 近来可好? 一切都好吗? 近来还好吧? 中国旅途愉快吧? 会议中表示同意 我也是这样想的。 我赞同。 就是这样! 在这一点,我同意你的意见。 我认为你是对的。 那正是我想说的。 我和你想的一样 表示异议 我不同意 我不这么认为。 我表示怀疑 我不同意. (语气比I don't agree.客气)

I don't agree on this point. I disagree with you. It ’s impossible. Neutrality [nju:'tr ?liti] I have no opinion about that. I see your point, but there ’s a better way. I see that, but is may cause trouble. I understand what you said, but things are not so easy. That ’s true, but don ’t you think it ’s too late? Commenting ['k ?menti ?] That's interesting. Good point! Good thinking. I see what you mean. I get your point. I ’ve never thought that before. Giving Opinions I think …. In my opinion, …… In my view …. Honestly … Personally,… Asking for Opinions What do you think of the idea? 在这一点上我们意见分歧 我不同意你的意见。 那是不可能的. 表示中立 我对此没有任何意见。 我明白的你观点,不过还有更好的办法。 我明白这一点,不过它可能会招来麻烦。 你说的我了解,但事情并非那么简单。 这是真的,但你不觉得太迟了吗? 做出评论 很有意思。 有道理! 好想法。 我知道你的意思了。 我明白你的意思了。 我还从没那样想过。 表达个人意见 我认为…. 依我之见 在我看来, 坦诚地说,… 我个人认为…… 征求他人意见 你认为这个主意怎样? 关于这个报告,你觉得如何?


商务英语课堂:如何举办商务会议 尽管大家都知道开展商务会议很重要,但具体落实下来,让人走神和超时的会议还是“比比皆是”。不管参加会议的对象是谁,以下十条都值得谨记,有助于帮你开展一次成功的商务沟通会议。 对商务英语感兴趣的童鞋,分享你们点视频课堂。: 听课地址:https://www.360docs.net/doc/a26152062.html,/sessionhalll.html?uid=sophie 里面有一些商务课,老师是外教,内容关于高效商务沟通、战略员工管理、实战市场管理、办公室英语等等,相信对你们有帮助。注册账号后可免费听3节。近期想报班提高商务英语水平的,也可以了解下这家培训机构:乐知英语,学员中有很多企业和商务人士。 言归正传,如何办好商务会议,以下是会议流程以及一些值得注意的事情。 1、决定会议目标(Determine the objective)并作好相应准备 一个清晰的目标会给会议定好方向和基调(set the tone and determine the direction properly)。这个目标是具体的(specific)也是可测的(measurable)——最好是可量化的。与此同时提前通知与会者(attendees)作好准备:如果你期望与他们来场头脑风暴(brainstorm),就得至少让他们知道要带着想法参会;你期望是一次学习型会议,至少通知他们会议时间并叮嘱带好纸笔。

2、决定是否有必要面对面开会 Ask yourself if a meeting is really necessary. 会议成本是很昂贵的,不光是支付员工工资上的花费,还包括因此而产生的机会成本——与会者可能因为你的安排而打乱半天的工作计划。有些会议完全可以通过邮件、电话,Skype 等方式替代——不一定非要把大家都聚在一起讨论一些无关痛痒的小事情。 3、邀请一些能作决定的人(invite decision-makers) 总有一个人或部门是会议目标落实的监督人(monitor)——把TA邀请进来。如果实在不行,TA的下属(subordinate)也可以:作为上级(supervisor)的代表或者至少作好会议笔记(take notes)并在之后向上级汇报(report)。 4、按例会的方式处理例会 诸如跟下属碰碰头(touch base with employees)或者交流一下进度报告(status report)的会议一般就控制在15分钟以内。 5、安排好会议作息(Schedule strategically) 避免周一早晨(或者任何工作时段的开始)、周五下午(或者任何工作时段的结束)开会——让自己和同事都舒服一点的安排总是更合适的。 6、设定与会时间长度and stick to it: 超时的会议总是让与会者失去耐心和关注重点(to cause attendees to lose patience and focus)。最有产出的会议总是开始和结束都很准时(start on time and end on time)的会议。 7、制定好会议议程(prioritize the agenda): 别把最重要的说在最后面,也别说些无关紧要的话题。你要考虑到因为工作关系有些人是可能提前离会的——Make sure you have accomplished your goals related to them before they leave(在他们离场前确保已经交待清楚了与他们相关的会议目标)。 8、遵守会议议程(stick to the agenda): 开会前给确认与会的每人发一张agenda,里边有例行的程序包括从apologies到action,哪些人因有事缺席到规划下次会议前应完成的事项,程序完整且按其严格执行。虽然人是灵活的、可以对一些特殊情况随机应变,但提前制定会议议程的目的就是为了第一防止所有情况都成为特殊情况,第二使会议内容更有条理、也方便日后回顾并整理成档案查询。当然我们可能也都确实遇到过有些同事喜欢岔开话题(sometimes just for atmospheric relaxation)的情况,这时候会议组织者要做的就是适时地step in and suggest that they talk after the meeting or schedule a separate discussion。 9、用讲故事的方式传递概念(Deliver concepts through stories):特别是对一些难理解的模型(especially models that are difficult to understand)最好采用此方式。 10、有一个清晰的结尾(to wrap it up clearly):“重申“会议决定、截止日期(reiterate decisions and deadlines),阐明所须的后续行动(clarify follow-up actions required)。


A:we need to discuss our work plan for next year. Miss Tang, did you prepare a list of action items? B: yes. Does everyone have a copy? It ’ s only a draft, so I would appreciate any feedback before I forward it to the other departments. A: I see that expanding our product line tops the list of priorities. Although product development is important, I also think we need to find ways of upgrading our distribution network. B: I ’ ve asked the marketing department to follow up on that. I intend to incorporate some of their suggestions into the work plan before we submit the final report A: we should also brainstorm with folks in advertising to make sure that our target audience is getting the message. B:we ’ll have to be careful about how we present our ideas. Those creative types can be awfully sensitive! A: I ’ ll speak with the assistant director advertising department.We have a good in the working


【外贸必备】外贸术语中英对照 在国际贸易过程中,我们会遇到很多相关行业术语,英文不太好的小伙伴们总是傻傻搞不清,今天我帮大家整理了一些外贸术语中英文介绍,英文不好也不用怕了。美国海关申报费 AMS fee 海运燃油附加费 BAF Bunker Adjustment Fee 并单费combinaton bill of lading fee 出口报关费export customs declaration fee 订舱费booking fee 包干费all in charges 保险费insurance premium 保证金deposit 仓储超期费warehouse overdue fee 仓储费warehouse storage fee 产地证certificate of original 卡车费frucking fee 冲港费special wharf charge

出口操作费export handing charges 重签费reseal fee 拆箱费devanning fee 查验费customs inspection fee 操作费handing charges 超重费over weight charges 堆存费overtime strage charges 目的港手续费destination delivery charges 代垫费用other charges 电放费surrender charges 到付佣金collect commission 地面服务费ground agent service fee 文件费document fee 待时费waiting fee 倒箱费exchange container fee 附加费additional charges


商务英语中的电话会议该怎么说,把实用句 式记住了! 打电话前先做好准备。 如果你是新手,不怎么熟悉电话工具,打电话前一定要充分学习电话软件的特点,各个功能键的用法,做个test call, 防止正式电话会议中出洋相。 拟好agenda列表,事前模拟。 如果你是职场新人,打conference call前一定要打好草稿,列出预期要讲的bulletin points,并学会设想对方可能问到的问题,提前在脑子里过一遍。 如果是audio conference call, 当你不发言的时候,记得按mute键,这样显得更专业,并且让你专注于听别人正在讲什么。 如果是video conference call,请保持职场仪态。认真倾听,

适当点头,显示你有认真参与其中。 使用商务语言,简洁明了。电话会议最重要的目的是交流工作,所以要切忌使用深奥、复杂的词汇和句型。 电话会议起承转合、流程介绍 1.Introduction 开头寒暄 首先就是介绍自己,以及一起参与电话会议的人员。当然啦,如果还有其他对方不熟悉的人员也在电话会议中,也要介绍。比如: Hi Marty. This is Larry from Microdot Technology. I'm calling in with Jimmy Wayne, Susan Francis, and Lou Denver. [Pause to allow them to greet]. We also have the Chief Financial Officer, James Fitzpatrick, calling in from LA.


欢迎各位员工及家属参与。 All staff and their family members are welcome. 董事会将于8月4号星期五下午3点在1131室召开会议。 The board of directors will be conducting a meeting at 3 p.m on Friday ,august 4 in room 1131 我们的门诊政策有所变动,希望大家注意。 There has been a change in our clinic sercice policy which we would like to bring to your attention. This Wednesday’s regular meeting announced the establishment of Research and Development Department. 这个周三的公司例会宣布成立公司研发部。 Call zhang wen at 2397884 for more detailed information. 有关详情请联系张文,电话2397884 We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for being coopertive. 借此机会感谢大家的配合。 We very much hope that you will be able to attend our wedding ceremony and look forward to meeting you on 22 november. 我们非常希望你能参加我们的结婚典礼,希望能在11月22号那天见到你。 Mr .and mrs michael garwood request the honor of your presence at an gardon party to celebrate their daughter’s graduation from college。michael garwood 夫妇很荣幸能邀请您参加庆祝他们女儿大学毕业的花园聚会。 You and your family members are cordially invited to attend the pwc annual ball. 盛情邀请您和家人参加pwc的周年舞会 希望您能接受邀请,并在7月23日之前回复. l hope you will accept the invitation and reply before 23rd july. 晚宴开始前在209室会有茶点,欢迎前往。 Tea and cakes will be served before the evening dinner in room 209.welcome to join us. Please remit payment withhin ten days so that you can maintain your credit rating 请于10天内汇款,以维持你的信用等级。 Althought abc company has reserved the clubhouse for saturay ,we can instead offer you our conference room,which seats 60. 虽然ABC公司已预订在星期六使用会所,但是我们仍能为您提够60人的会议室。 You will be glad to know that your request for reimbursement for travel expense is granted. 您要求报销差旅费的请求已被批准,相信您一定很高兴得知这一消息。 Customers will be provided with the best service owing to our long experience in the catering business. 凭借在饮食业的丰富经验,我们能为顾客提供最好的服务。 We have noticed in your letter that the damages to five chairs in shipment were found. 从您的来信得知,已发现5把椅子在装运过程中受到损坏。 我们希望本月底以前收到您应付的金额。 We hope to receive the amount due by the end of this month. 我们希望你们能对货物满意,并期待收到你们更多的订单。 We hope you are satisfied with our goods,and look forward to receiving your future orders. 对于任何不便之处我们再次表示感谢。 We apologize again for any inconvenience.


a.我们从……获知贵公司的名称,不知贵公司对这一系列的产品是否有兴趣。your name has been given by…and we like to inquire whether you are interested in these lines. b.我们新研制的……已推出上市,特此奉告。we are pleased to inform you that we have just marketed our newly-developed…. c.我们盼望能成为贵公司的……供应商。we are pleased to get in touch with you for the supply of…. d.我们的新产品刚刚推出上市,相信您乐于知道。you will be interested to hear that we have just marketed our new product. e.相认您对本公司新出品的……会感兴趣。you will be interested in our new product……. a.请容我们自我介绍,我们是……首屈一指的贸易公司。let us introduce ourselves as a leading trading firm in… b.本公司经营这项业务已多年,并享有很高的国际信

誉。our company has been in this line of business for many years and enjoys highinternational prestige. c.我们的产品质量一流,我们的客户一直把本公司视为最可信赖的公司。our products are of very good quality and our firm is always regarded by our customers as the most reliable one. 如何推销新产品? Introduction of New Products We think you will be interested in the new formula soap powder we have just introduced to the market. Half dozen samples of both have been shipped to you by UPS. The product are the result of years of research, and are likely to revolutionize all the chemical methods in use at present. A trial will convince you of their merits. And we send them to you for your test and criticism. Enclosed is a copy of our latest catalog with price list. We hope that you’ll take this opportunity to try it.


会议商务英语汇总 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了会议商务的内容,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 会议商务英语课堂(1) We will have to leave that for another time. 我们得将其留到其他时候再说了。 会议进行到讨论阶段时,常常有些议题迟迟得不出结论,考虑到会议的时间限制,主持人可以建议在下一次会议上再讨论这些议题。推迟作出议案的决定 Why don’t we postpone that decision? 我们为什么不推迟决定此事呢? Could we leave this until another meeting? 这个问题我们能留到下次开会再谈吗? Let me summarize what we have agreed on. 让我总结一下之前我们商议好的结论。

如果已得出结论,那么主持人应该在会议结束前对结论进行概括和总结。除了名词从句what we haveagreed on之外,还可以使用our agreements。概括结论 Let me just go over the decisions we have reached. 让我再回头看看我们之前作出的决定。 Let me just recap the key points. 让我重述一下要点。 Let me recapitulate the essential points. 让我来概括一下要点。 会议商务英语课堂(2) Is there any other business? 还有其他要讨论的问题吗? 会议结束前,主持人有必要询问一下与会者是否有遗漏的事项没有讨论。请看下面的表述:确定是否还有其他需讨论的事项 Is there anything more to discuss? 还有其他要讨论的问题吗?


A = Acc. AA = automatic approval A-1 = a number-one A. A. R.= against all risks Abbr. = abbreviation Abs. = abstract statement a/c = account A/C = account current A.D. =Anno Domini Ad. = advertisement a/d = after date ad val. = ad valorem (=at value) adv. = advice AFL-CIO = American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organization a. m. = ante meridiem ans. = answer, answered A/P =⑴additional premium ⑵account paid ⑶authority to purchase A.R. = all risks Arr. = arrival, arrived Assmt. = assignment Asst. =assistant Auct. = auction A/V = average A/W = actual weight B/= ①bag ②bale Bal. = balance Bank'cy = bankruptcy B.B. = bill book B.C. = before Christ B/D = bank draft B/E= bill of exchange b.f. = Bona fide B/F = brought forward B.K. = bank B/L = bill of lading B/O = bought over BOFT/MOEA = Board of Foreign Trade,Ministry of Economic Affairs B/P = bill of payment B. P. B. = bank post bill B. R. = bills receivable Brkge. = brokerage 承诺,承兑汇票 自动承认制 优等品质,一流的 投保全险 省略字,缩写字 摘要说明书 帐户,计算 来往帐 公元,西历 广告 发票后 从价 通知 美国劳工联盟 --- --- 上午,午前 回答,已答 追加保费 已付帐 采购授权书 保全险 到达,已到 转让,配给 助理 拍卖 海损,平均 实际重量 ①袋②包 余额 破产 支票簿 公元前,西历纪元前 银行汇票 商业汇票,进港报表 善意的 转下页 银行帐薄,篮子 提单 多买 经济部国际贸易局 --- 付款支票 银行邮政汇票


商务英语写作 商务会议常用英语表达 1. Are we all set? 我们完事儿了吗? A: Are we all set? B: I have one more question. A: 我们完事儿了吗? B: 我还有一个问题。 2. Get involved and contribute 积极参与和贡献 A: Everyone needs to get involved and contribute during the discussion. B: We will try our best. A: 大家在讨论过程中要积极参与啊。 B: 我们将会尽最大努力。 3. Get started 开始开会 A: Okay. Now we got everybody. Let 's get started. B: Let ' s start with the agenda. A:好了,大家都到齐了,我们开始开会吧。

B: 那就先讨论一下议程。

4. Jump in 插入、插话 A: If you have any questions, jump right in. B: I will. A: 有问题的话, 尽管插进来。 B: 我会的。 5. Kick off 启动 A: This meeting was to kick off the program. B: How did the meeting go? A: Pretty well. I think we got a good start. A: 这是个项目启动的会议。 B: 会议开得怎么样? A: 挺好, 我想我们有个不错的开始。 1.Round up everyone 召集大家 A: Do we have everybody? B: No, we ' re still missing a few guys. A: Go and round them up. B: Okay. A: 大家都到齐了吗? B: 还没有, 还缺几个人。 A: 去把他们叫来吧。 B: 好的。 2.Short notice 晚接到通知
